Mission complete.

Started by Radek, 11-10-2010

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(This is not a Log or anything that happened on the server, this is Purely ic that will explain it self later on.)

Inside a dim office, somewhere in Ukraine sits an older Military General behind a large oak desk Slowly Puffing on a large pipe and a glass off whiskey in front of him.

The room is almost foggy because of the pipe smoke but it doesn't seem to bother the man.
A knock is heard on the door in the far end of the room, the General looks up at the door.
"Yes..?" He sighed sipping a little on his whiskey.
A female voice answered the Generals question
"General, it's here" She answered, With the strict tone only the military uses.
The Old General noded slowly and called her in, in to the room the Female officer entered, holding a large brown envelope.
She was dressed like all Female officers not in their field gear, The standard Military uniform and a long skirt, She looked confident enough the Old General thought for himself.
The Officer left the Envelope on the desk then left the room as the General waved her away.

The old General slowly opened the Envelope and removed the object from with in.
The object was a small Usb memory stick.
As he put the Memory stick in to his computer and loaded the video file inside it.

On the screen a long corridor reveals it self with two doors in the far end, the white and green colors suggest it's a hospital.
** The Two doors suddenly swing open as a group of Soldiers and Doctors rush in.
The Doctors are pushing a man on a stretcher and other pieces of technology while the soldiers don't seem to care about the man on the stretcher but something else..
The Soldiers can be heard talking as the doctors move on under silence
"How could we miss him?"
"What are you talking about that fucker came out of no where we didn't stand a chance."

Suddenly one of the many windows on the side "blow" open and man in a long trencoat "Flys" in.
Almost straight away two of the Soldiers go down and before the thrid get's his rifle up the Man in the trencoat moves up and slits his throat with a large knife.
"There he is take him down!" One of the soldiers can be heard screaming through the chaos.
The soldiers rifles can be heard and the screen starts flashing as the old security camera that recorded the event has trouble taking it all in, Several bullets can clearly be seen hitting the Man in the trench coat but
it doesn't seem to stop him, he runs straight for the first soldier and Spins around sending the knife in to his neck as he swings around a crowbar at the Sergeant standing next to him.
The First soldier Falls down, still holding in the trigger that sprays out the final bullets in to the panicking doctors that desperately tried to escape, as the Final soldier turns and runs the Camera suddenly cuts out, leaving only sound..
The cry of the wounded men can be heard, and how they are suddenly ended.

As the video changes to another camera and shows again the corridor that is now covered in blood.. The Massacred corpses of the soldiers and doctors lay scattered around the stretcher and the man in the trench coat slowly walks towards the stretcher, now only carrying the crowbar.

He stops infront of the stretcher and looks down on the man lying motion less on it.
As he slowly shakes his head he raises the crowbar and is about to strike, ending the mans life.
Just as he brings it down the Man lying down moves like lighting and Stabs his attacker in the neck, The Trench coat man stumbles back, dropping the crowbar and grabbing what appears to be a syringe

As the wounded man stands up he looks at The trench coat wearing man.
"You of all people should know it's never as it seems, but don't worry.. We have a plan for you."
The last thing that the video shows is how the the trench coat wearing man collapses and soldiers rush in to the corridor to secure the man.

The General leans back in his large leather chair still smoking his pipe.
He Shuts the computer down and presses a button on a small two way radio.
"Make sure he is ready.. I want to talk to my son before we start.."

The people involved with my characters will know who I'm talking about and Goose, you'll definitely know what's going to happen next.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


// Oh great more ninja characters that are invincible to bullets, just what the server needs.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 11-10-2010
// Oh great more ninja characters that are invincible to bullets, just what the server needs.
Exactly what I was thinking


Quote from: Paintcheck on 11-10-2010
// Oh great more ninja characters that are invincible to bullets, just what the server needs.
Quote from: Alucard on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Paintcheck on 11-10-2010
// Oh great more ninja characters that are invincible to bullets, just what the server needs.
Exactly what I was thinking



Quote from: Alucard on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Paintcheck on 11-10-2010
// Oh great more ninja characters that are invincible to bullets, just what the server needs.
Me too
Exactly what I was thinking
Don't make Bourne's god damn it.
Or his son. You can't rush into a BMP/BTR/BRDM (sorry I didn't read or see any movie, just heard) and kill everybody inside.
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Quote from: lolKieck on 12-10-2010
Or his son. You can't rush into a BMP/BTR/BRDM (sorry I didn't read or see any movie, just heard) and kill everybody inside.

In radek's case, the soldiers had downs syndrome.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 12-10-2010
Quote from: lolKieck on 12-10-2010
Or his son. You can't rush into a BMP/BTR/BRDM (sorry I didn't read or see any movie, just heard) and kill everybody inside.

In radek's case, the soldiers had downs syndrome.

I lol'd. Still nobody's gonna be better or equal than Bourne.
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This couldn't have happened. . . First off. I got in a fight on my bloody in the server, I tried to get a neck attack, but he said they all carry neck-guards, That are very strong.. So you couldn't have slit his throat. Also, Everyone of their soldiers have it, EVen the low ranks.

All this was provided by a military soldier I spoke with.

You going to have to void and re-roleplay all of this, since that detail was forgotten.


// Paint your a tard from time to time, you jump to conclusions. Oh because someone looked wounded on a screen he must have mysterious super powers, It couldn't possible be a man Pretending to be wounded?
The soldiers rushing in at the end didn't give the feeling of a trap?
And What character of mine can take a few hits and still go On.. Hmm.. Blaze? And Who hasnt seen me rp on someone named Dukarov Stovsky.. You might remember the Name From Vladimir Stovsky Aka Blaze. Dukarov has been talking to a lot of people about a plan to Capture Vlad.

You people are so fast to judge, And Paint And Dug you two shouldnt say anything about Ninja chars.
Paint you got a char that can fucking Shape shift in to what ever it wants and Dug your Sucker seems to be immune to teargas and Flashbangs.

The people that know Blaze knows he has a father that is a General IN the Ukrainian Military. So if you have any more retarded things to say before you actually think, please be so kind and blow it out your ass.
Oh and Plunger Gtfo
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Quote from: Radek on 13-10-2010
// Paint your a tard from time to time, you jump to conclusions. Oh because someone looked wounded on a screen he must have mysterious super powers, It couldn't possible be a man Pretending to be wounded?
The soldiers rushing in at the end didn't give the feeling of a trap?
And What character of mine can take a few hits and still go On.. Hmm.. Blaze? And Who hasnt seen me rp on someone named Dukarov Stovsky.. You might remember the Name From Vladimir Stovsky Aka Blaze. Dukarov has been talking to a lot of people about a plan to Capture Vlad.

You people are so fast to judge, And Paint And Dug you two shouldnt say anything about Ninja chars.
Paint you got a char that can fucking Shape shift in to what ever it wants and Dug your Sucker seems to be immune to teargas and Flashbangs.

The people that know Blaze knows he has a father that is a General IN the Ukrainian Military. So if you have any more retarded things to say before you actually think, please be so kind and blow it out your ass.
Oh and Plunger Gtfo

Blaze's father must be very old, as it takes around 20-30 years to get a rank of general.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


// Uh the issue isn't the "looking wounded" part it's the "Ninja killing 3 trained soldiers with a knife while they all have guns and shrugging off being shot at close range" part. And I like how you were polite about the rebuttal-oh wait no you weren't you called me a retard. So fuck you, too.

And no one has ever complained about Sphynx because I don't use that char with people who will bitch and moan about it (there's like 4 people who Sphynx hangs out with and that's it so as not to have to worry about powergaming). Whereas you have used Blaze/some of those other chars to beat up on Freedom/other people and they do not appreciate it. That's why I get to complain about your char.


// Sure i overreacted And for that i am sorry, but you guys came in and just started bitching right away. Not one of you had anything to say about the story it self, only how you hated to see an event that hasn't even happened on the server being powergamed, It pissed me off.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Quote from: Radek on 13-10-2010
I've Nerfd blaze incredibly he is pretty much like anyone else now.

What an achievement
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Jake, Just go away.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


I ran into Military base, and did /me instantly the militaries throat, like Radek did. But apparently they all have impervious neck guards in RP.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Alucard on 13-10-2010
I ran into Military base, and did /me instantly the militaries throat, like Radek did. But apparently they all have impervious neck guards in RP.

Since when did you become strelok?

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 13-10-2010
Quote from: Alucard on 13-10-2010
I ran into Military base, and did /me instantly the militaries throat, like Radek did. But apparently they all have impervious neck guards in RP.

Since when did you become strelok?
When haven't I been.