Military/Duty arrangement

Started by Turkey, 16-11-2010

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What should their relation be?

Allies:They should continue to be allies. Letting each other in each others bases.
Enemy's:Duty protects stalkers, Military kills them. Seriously. Your enemy's
Other: Post the comment in BOLD teal letters
Neutral: They should stay out of each others base, and business, And act less like butt buddy's


In my opinion, Duty and Military should be neutral to each other. Well, sure it's nice to have the Military come help you, if you find yourself overhelmed by the enemy. But they don't do so in the games. In the games, they stay out of each other's way, avoiding each other actually. The most wierd/fucked up thing about this Duty/Military arrangement, is that, whenever the Military decides to hang around the Duty base, normal Stalker's suddenly ain't afraid of the them. I have even seen Stalker's walk up to the Military and talk to them! If I were a Stalker, I would avoid the Military at all times, even if they're in the Duty base. The Military have even tried to kill Stalker's in the Duty base, because they "insulted" them.

Seriously, this needs to stop. The Military shouldn't come to the Duty base and vice versa.


Fuck are they making up another stupid "We're allies so we can buttfuck Freedom together" pact? That shit was gay the first time it happened like 7 months ago.

They should be neutral, bordering on hostile since Duty is made up of either military deserters/survivors stranded in the Zone from previous military expeditions or STALKERs, neither of which the military should be taking all too kindly too. I am tired of seeing these factions behave as if they are butt buddies and sharing bases and actively helping each other accomplish goals. That is not how it works. Neutral does not mean "best friend" it means "We won't shoot you on sight." Stop acting like you are long lost brothers.

And no neutral does not mean "If we need help bad enough military will rescue us." Neutral means "We have NOTHING to do with each other ever." If I see combined Military/Duty operations against anyone I will ban every single member of both those factions online.


We haven't even helped each other at all nor agreed upon anything similiar, I don't even know where that is coming from.
This discussion began how they enter our base and evolved into crap that isn't happening, at least not when I'm around.


Quote from: Dug on 17-11-2010
We haven't even helped each other at all nor agreed upon anything similiar, I don't even know where that is coming from.
This discussion began how they enter our base and evolved into crap that isn't happening, at least not when I'm around.

What Dug said. Last time I was ever in Duty country on a military character was official business with Doom, or there for the Arena. Shit is obviously happening when there's no leaders to regulate it. So, instead of pulling shit like this why don't you actually take names, and report them to Dug/Doom/Headcrabs/Alex/or me. These threads serve no purpose but to allow people to start shit and flame up the place.

And on my vote, it's neutral. Military attends the Arena, just because you saw ONE fight featuring military as a game mechanic does not mean it doesn't happen more then that one time. Rumors: Spetz have been seen speaking with people wearing suits that resemble the Duty colors and uniform. Another rumor: When Duty abandoned that military base for their current one in ShoC, they left a bunch of documents there for the military that moved in to occupy it to find. This obviously shows the two factions will help each other under CERTAIN situations. I don't mean for us to start going to the bar together and have vodka, but some of you need to calm the fuck down instead of screaming how the factions should be murdering each other.

Steven :D

DUTY: Who ya gonna call. MILITARY!
*military shows up with tons of soldiers and helicopters, decimating any opposing forces*
DUTY: <3
Military: <3

No. Just NO. They should be enemies I mean really.


Quote from: Steven :D on 17-11-2010
DUTY: Who ya gonna call. MILITARY!
*military shows up with tons of soldiers and helicopters, decimating any opposing forces*
DUTY: <3
Military: <3

No. Just NO. They should be enemies I mean really.
It HAPPENED before, it was non-sense.
The thing you are all screaming about Duty vs. Military is that you DON'T see fights (there are) Freedom vs. Duty.
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