Merc suits

Started by Zarrick, 13-10-2009

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Who gives a crap if people are wearing merc suits? Its not actually doing any harm in any way at all.


Its not.

Look, I'm just saying that there is a stupidly big buildup of Merc suits on the server, people that I like to call "Lolmercs", a Lolmerc is somone that isnt a merc, and wears the Merc suit thinking there "Mercs", that run around like loners doing jobs, were as a proper merc would be smart, and use another way of obtaining the box.

I'm just saying, that a Merc suit is TO EASY TO OBTAIN.

To be honest, it shouldnt be worn by anyone but a merc that IS a merc, instead of some being a "Lolmerc



lol , true


What about my predicament? I wear a merc suit and call myself a merc :P I cant get the flags because its donater only but have been thinking of starting a merc group.


I would definitely support giving the Stalker suit armor,  because I would much rather spend more money to get the Bandit coat and the Stalker suit than being part of the majority just wearing the Merc suit for the armor.


Give it the same amount of armour as a merc suit and I'd agree


Megamaff, you ARE a donator >_>



Am I now?
Not a penny leaves my wallet. Lies, I say!


It seems you don't want people walking in Merc Suits to me Zarrick.

Last time I was on, Saw you telling a guy "YOUR NO REAL MERC, YOUR GAY!, NO MERC SUIT FOR YOU WANNABE!"

Or am I just hearing things?


Quote from: Poxkillerd on 14-10-2009
It seems you don't want people walking in Merc Suits to me Zarrick.

Last time I was on, Saw you telling a guy "YOUR NO REAL MERC, YOUR GAY!, NO MERC SUIT FOR YOU WANNABE!"

Or am I just hearing things?
I've also seen him on the server pulling this shit and I must says it childish.

Don't yell at people for wearing the mercenary suit and calling themselves a mercenary.


GG @ Poxs exagerating, I said it IC, on my character that considers "Lolmercs" wannabes.

I'm just saying, every trader automatically has access to a Merc suit, also, we wouldnt be having this problem with the Sunrise suit was fixed and balanced.



I'm wearing a merc suit and I'm not pretending to be a merc. Just an everyday loner trying to get by. Is that okay?

Oh, silly me, of course it is not. Let's raise the prices and make it purchaseable only to people with merc flags, and merc flags only! Hooray! This way we will force anyone who wants decent protection to buy overpriced and mostly useless rags!

On a more serious note, I worked weeks for the suit, and I finally got it. I really don't want to give it up, nor I am pretending to be a merc. It offers the best protection you can ask in the beginning for a relatively reasonable amount of money.

If you seriously loathe seeing that many merc suits around, give us something else. I wanted the Sunrise but it offers no protection, unless you warm your house with hundred dollar bills or and buy the donator flags. So, us who don't have that much money to throw around are technically getting forced to not go around with a decent suit unless in a faction.


Dora Trajavna - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Alive


Ok you've made the best point so far, come to think of it, my very first char never got any armour at all, I guess once you've made a char and you've gotten the weps and armour, you know how to do it and you can make a new char alot faster and get more gear alot quicker than you did first time playing.

True, you can join a faction and get all the gear really quickly.

But that last part about working for the Merc suit and using it for armour, actually made me change my opinion, because normally its just a group of three guys all save up to get one suit, and they suit whore it, but no, I've forgotten how hard it was at the start, so forgive me for saying such about merc suits.

I think what I was getting at is more the /title "Lol I r a merc" part, not the suits.

Anyways, final comment, Dora is not only the explorer, but shes the talker to :V

PS Fix Sunrise suit.



Hooray for Dora!!!!!


Quote from: Zarrick on 14-10-2009
Megamaff, you ARE a donator >_>
Actually anyone notice 5 other people seem to be donators today? They weren't donators earlier, and its suspicious for all of them to donate at the same day.


Not long just noticed it, its probably just some fault in the forum or somthing.



so they want to be mercs let them if why dose it matter if they're donating thats a good thing.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Quote from: Goose on 15-10-2009
so they want to be mercs let them if why dose it matter if they're donating thats a good thing.

Hell yeah! The man cant break us! We can be mercs if we want to be!


We just jumped from Merc suits, to mass Donations, to Goose commenting, to Pox being a rebel..

Achievement Unlocked:
Thomas Creed is back



Wait what about pox being a reble ?? lol
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


DOWN WITH ZARRICK! We should be allowed! FREEDOM!

P.S: Ok, back to the Topic, Really.. You said that shit IC, to me, I saw your OCC name in front, then the words OOC then you saying Your not a real merc, wannabe.

Correct me if Im wrong...Zarrick      /me gets in front of him, staring, giving him the serious face.


mmmmmhmmmm ok then well pox you want to be a merc thenbe a merc honestly i think people should be alloud to have mercs so long as they can afford a decen weapon and he suit
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Obviously noone is agreeing with me upon the fact that Merc suits are far to common, but oh well.

And I said it IC Pawx, infact I cant even remember who I said it to, because i've been calling people wannabe mercs ICly all week, as thats what Psycho calls "Lolmercs"



Pox's merc is in Black Rain Zarrick...


Merc suits are to common i saw an army of like 6 walking around it was creepy but they should just increas the price or yea have one person that sell them
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"