Logs of an old-timer, Stanislav Yakov.

Started by KillSlim, 10-09-2010

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Log 1

So, I decided to make a log for when the time comes, maybe someone will remember me after all I have done when they pry this PDA from my corpse. If only I had started one months ago, there would have been some entertaining entries.
Recently I have stopped serving the Military after an entire years' service. It's about time really, all work and no play will make Stan a dull boy. The quartermaster kindly gave me a prototype grunt suit as a way of saying thanks, it's the urban-camouflage version which was specifically made for the occupation of Pripyat; I guess they never got round to doing that eh.

Well, it's time to find another employer.


Log 2

I just saw Stovsky, now known and feared as 'Blaze', massacre everyone in the Red Village with the help of some well-equipped Mercs and a Military grunt. I still need to pay the bastard back for the bullet he gave me in the shoulder, this thing still stings. Fucking shitty Military BDU's, I don't know if I trust this new suit the quarter master gave me.
Maybe I can track the guy down and talk to him, it sounds suicidal but maybe friendship can save me (If he remembers ofcourse).

Still no work as of yet, my wallet is getting thinner and thinner. I really don't want to turn to those new wanna-be Merc groups. Well, I guess I need to keep searching.


Log 3

Well, I'm now working for the newest Freedom Leader, Seth Gecko, and the Ecologists. This was my last chance for work and it's going well, I never thought I'd be in this position. The Ecologists still owe me payment for hauling in a bloodsucker corpse and a few samples from Kranzer, 6 and a half big ones total. Not really much, but it's money. It buys food and ammunition.

Had a close encounter in the center facility, Seth thought that Schelk was in the underground. We waited there for around an hour. The Monolith finally showed up, shot me in the chest (Fortunately I was wearing my new Eco-Sunrise suit), and forced Seth, Goose and I to scatter. Long story short, managed to evade a Monolith Sniper, ran away from a Monolith in an Exo, and didn't get payed.

"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

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