|KZRI| Ecologist Bunker News Channel

Started by Blake.H, 26-07-2010

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This part of the KZRI servers will be brought back soon.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


**The screen fades in to reveal a young, attractive girl sat at what seems to be a news desk, her long blonde hair reflects some of the colours of the Kiev Zone Research Backdrop behind her. As she begins to speak her voice is calm but bold

"Our Researchers Return"
Was what one scientist in Kiev told us.
Two days ago our noble and brave ecologist were flown into The Zone of Alienation.
They are there to research happenings with in the zone. They are also there find a greater understanding of why it is there and how it could effect the greater population of Ukraine, even the world.
The Chief Administrator of the Kiev Zone Research Institute gave us this information:

**The Screen fades into a camera looking opon a very rough looking, smartly dressed man, speaking directly into the camera with his smooth, un-Ukrainian Accent**

"The Researchers inside the 'Zone' are doing pioneering research for the greater of mankind. For instance; what we have done for cancer research in the last six years has surpassed what the rest of the world has done in the last thirty years. We have managed to get a stable cure for this devastating condition which requires no radiotherapy which means no hair and weight loss.
That is just one of many things that our zone researchers have discovered in the last six years."

**The Screen fades back to the girl at the news desk**

That is all from here today. Thanks for listening.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


**The screen fades in to reveal the same female behind the news desk**

Professor Star in a Critical But Stable Condition.
Was what the doctors informed the press.
Yesterday, Our legendary Researcher Professor David Star, was shot in the head whilst walking the streets of Kiev on his way to the Research Institute. He is currently in one of Kiev's Top hospital and was flown there via his own personal pilot and a Kiev Paramedic. It is unclear what exactly happened but sources indicate members of gang tried to mug Professor Star, and then shot him when he tried to escape.
His condition is critical but stable, it is unclear if he will will come out of his coma and most of all if he will be left brain damaged.
Our Thoughts go out to Professor Star, his Fiancée, and his Eighteen year old son.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Changes In The KZRI.
Carla Arsov Steps down.
Carla Arsov, leader of the Research and Development has stepped down today on accounts of Stress. Professor Marko Kiel Drubich has been appointed new leader. We wish him the best of luck leading our famous researchers inside the zone.

In similar news The Kiev Zone Research Institute CEO has appointed a new Zone Operations Officer, Adrik Zaitsev has 20 years worth of company management under his belt and is thriving to excel his department above and beyond its current standings.

In other news we have an unconfirmed report that Professor David Star has gone missing from his Hospital bed in Kiev,  no news as of yet to his current location.

That is all for today and thanks for watching.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"