Just putting this up there.

Started by whyku, 10-12-2010

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uplicator undone
[ADMIN] [6'1|Muscular|Gasmask|...]: Gnight folks.
(-) |HGN-STTO| Rebel has disconnected from the server.
[ADMIN] [Masked | Hooded | Col...]: nigger
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Nykovich: I was literally walking by myself when a soldier saw me. He forced me on my knees and executed me right dere. No provocativ
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Nykovich: *provocative behaviour.
** Vladsir Mossin nods with a Hallo
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: Hello
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Privyet."
Vladsir Mossin says "Hello, friend anything I can help you with-"
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Not really."
[ADMIN] [Masked | Hooded | Col...]: You think that's bad? I had a character who was a completely defenseless girl. A military officer tied her to a chair, sho
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Actually, do you have any 5.45 ammunition, comrade?"
Vladsir Mossin says "Um, ok I didn't mean too."
** Vladsir Mossin rubs the back of his head
[ADMIN] [Masked | Hooded | Col...]: shot her in the knee, and told her to crawl out the base. When she got to the entrance of the room, he shot her in the hea
[ADMIN] [Masked | Hooded | Col...]: head*
Vladsir Mossin says "Um, well sorry I don't have any I can give away."
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "I can buy some."
[ADMIN] [Masked | Hooded | Col...]: Person who just mingejumped the military fence, Fear RP.
(o) [OOC] Dmitri Nykovich: Military can attack at random times, which sort of pisses me off.
(+) Yorty has connected to the server.
Vladsir Mossin says "Well, to be truthful I don't have any that is not in use."
Vladsir Mossin says "Sorry"
** [|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] nods.
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Alright."
Vladsir Mossin says "Good Day."
** Vladsir Mossin nods and walks away
** [|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] raises his rifle.
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] yells "Hey!"
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Turn around."
(+) |HGN STSR| Tom has connected to the server.
Vladsir Mossin says "Yes?"
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Aims it at him."
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Turn the fuck around."
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Or I shoot."
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Five."
** Vladsir Mossin looks around
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Four."
(o) [OOC] Artjom Sergej: Is the Fallout Rp server out now ?
Vladsir Mossin says "Wait wait, what do you want?"
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Three."
[ADMIN] [Female | Violin Case ...]: No.
(/) [OOC] Sgt.Yaroslav Lobanov: LOL
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Turn around."
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "Two."
Vladsir Mossin says "I have ammo in my safebox."
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] says "One."
** Vladsir Mossin jumps behiden the tree
** [|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] fires.
** Vladsir Mossin brings up gun
(/) [OOC] Sgt.Yaroslav Lobanov: I really want to post this RP log on the military forum. Put a example out to those monoli- Military i mean
** The bullet hits the man's leg.
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: Let me type please
[ADMIN] [Female | Violin Case ...]: Do it.
[|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] yells "Drop it!"
[ADMIN] [Female | Violin Case ...]: Please.
** Vladsir Mossin shoots at him
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: rp shoot
** Vladsir Mossin trys to get in cover
** [|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] slams his back on the tree, barely avoiding being shot, although grazed.
** Vladsir Mossin limps
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: ok fuck it
** Vladsir Mossin shoots some more
** [|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] leans over, attempting to shoot the man's hand to disarm him.
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: /roll?
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: /me thinks
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: I had my rp first
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: We can do /roll to see if I hit.
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: Well what about my rp
(/) [OOC] Sgt.Yaroslav Lobanov: Time to go on my banditmerc ga
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: I was here shooting
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: I tried to fire at your hand.
(/) [OOC] Sgt.Yaroslav Lobanov: gaI*
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: When I leaned over
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: Just /roll
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: And I fired at you from right here
** Dmitri Nykovich has rolled 18 out of 100.
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: ok
** Vladsir Mossin has rolled 77 out of 100.
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: I win
(/) [OOC] Terrier: hawt.
** [|5'9''|M|PTSD|Early 2...] misses, getting into cover.
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: Fuck no
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: Point blank range
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: This is why I don't Rp shoot much
(/) [OOC] 'Asshole': xD
(/) Doctor Kostya Pozvizd set his name to Kostya Pozvizd.
(/) [OOC] Kostya Pozvizd: M.D.
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: your dead point blank range you can't move faster then a bullet
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: I was at point blank range too, yet we rolled and I missed.
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: You need to roll
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: I rolled to see if I hit
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: No, we rolled to see if I hit you
(-) |HGN| bto has disconnected from the server.
(/) Kostya Pozvizd set his name to Mr.Kostya Pozvizd M.D.
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: fine no more Rp shooting?
(/) [OOC] Mr.Kostya Pozvizd M.D: o yaaw
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: CSS
(/) Mr.Kostya Pozvizd M.D set his name to Kostya Pozvizd.
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: Wait
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: Yes or no?
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: Gear return, stk?
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: Nope
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: FUCK
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: DAMMIT, I G2G
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: yes or no
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: NOOO
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: No, I g2g
[LOOC] Dmitri Nykovich: Shit, sorry mate
[LOOC] Vladsir Mossin: No I get to kill you then
(-) |ToXXic"|Solidus"| has disconnected from the server.
[ADVERT] [Wearing ecologist gea...]: STALKERS! The KRZI has a job for you. Only one shall be selected based upon experince and rank
(/) [OOC] Vladsir Mossin: Admin he Rp avoided
(/) [OOC] Kostya Pozvizd: Rookies mainly. I wont give the 'exo gai' a job
(/) [OOC] Kostya Pozvizd: Admin? No one in this game is named admin. LEARN THEIR NAMES
(/) [OOC] Strevon: But Kimo!...
(/) [OOC] Kostya Pozvizd: lol
(/) [OOC] Kostya Pozvizd: "SEVA MAN"
(/) [OOC] Strevon: Atleast if you shove me off a crane this time, we both will die...

Could not find a good place for this



Please stop making all these new threads. Stop.


I'm not sure what I'm looking at.


He has a compliant that someone RP avoided.

Apparently since /roll wasn't helping the situation, they started to talk about simply going 'CSS' as he puts it.

Whyku then said no Gear Return and then the guy said he needed to leave. And then he did.


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 10-12-2010
Please stop making all these new threads. Stop.

This, It annoys me...


[ADMIN] [6'1|Muscular|Gasmask|...]: Gnight folks.
(-) |HGN-STTO| Rebel has disconnected from the server.
[ADMIN] [Masked | Hooded | Col...]: nigger

Funny how i've got done discussing how Im going to be disciplining people for making racist remarks and this person up and acts like an ass. Gotta love the immaturity levels. Pathetic. (off topic, sorry.)

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Quote from: Rebel6609 on 10-12-2010
[ADMIN] [6'1|Muscular|Gasmask|...]: Gnight folks.
(-) |HGN-STTO| Rebel has disconnected from the server.
[ADMIN] [Masked | Hooded | Col...]: nigger

Funny how i've got done discussing how Im going to be disciplining people for making racist remarks and this person up and acts like an ass. Gotta love the immaturity levels. Pathetic. (off topic, sorry.)

That's your call, BRAH.

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.


People say Nig to me all the time?
For Freedom


Quote from: Legit|Brandon on 10-12-2010
People say Nig to me all the time?
True dat Brandon.


Hey, Whyku.



Quote from: Nargotah on 10-12-2010
Hey, Whyku.


Tru dat Nargo

And to be honest.. Racism is not a big issue here. Why do you care about one little word, More then you care about people abusing other players with other insults.


Turkey,your bandit sux >:(


Whyku, for gods sake, REMOVE UNNECESSARY OOC.
I don't want to read "lol my penis is 30 cm long" OOC, and read the ACTUAL thing what happened.
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Steven :D

[ADMIN] [Masked | Hooded | Col...]: nigger
What the fuck

Silver Knight

  • Killabreu gains a point against his admin.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Its not really a big deal in my mind since everyone who went against him basicly are hypocrits since everyone fucking says it in HGN. I think it should be just a slap on the wrist and it isnt like anyone really gets offended by it. We arent fucking christian gaming are we? Plus it is the internet cant handle it GTFO.

Plus I dont think we have any Black players really, Also he didnt mean it in a hateful racist.


Quote from: Ravanger on 11-12-2010
Its not really a big deal in my mind since everyone who went against him basicly are hypocrits since everyone fucking says it in HGN. I think it should be just a slap on the wrist and it isnt like anyone really gets offended by it. We arent fucking christian gaming are we? Plus it is the internet cant handle it GTFO.

This nigga speek da troof.

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.


I mean it isnt like Killabreu is handing out exoskeletons for christ sake or banning everyone so it isnt really a big deal.

We might as well remove the fucking Gay vamp Castle considering it may offend people if you people care about racism that much. If we break the boundries of this crap then maybe stuff wouldnt be racist....

It is the god dam internet it isnt like everyone is mature and if you call some imature or say your overly better than them or something like that you are just being a dick and most likely a hypocrit... HGN and all of us dont want to turn into a bunch of elitest dick skum that bans for little things like this..

Then when we make a big deal of something like this, then the real drama and problems start...

The only reason I think you guys try to punish Killabreu is to make yourselves feel better about saying it and act like you dont do it at all.




Its fine Whyku you didnt really do nothing wrong I just find this whole subject silly is all...


I didn't post it about the Nigger thing that was a thing that didn't mean to copy and paste....... Letting you know!


Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Ravanger on 11-12-2010
Its not really a big deal in my mind since everyone who went against him basicly are hypocrits since everyone fucking says it in HGN. I think it should be just a slap on the wrist and it isnt like anyone really gets offended by it. We arent fucking christian gaming are we? Plus it is the internet cant handle it GTFO.

Plus I dont think we have any Black players really, Also he didnt mean it in a hateful racist.

Just because its the internet and we might not have any black players its still pathetic and childish. When you have someone yelling nigger all the time it makes the whole look like a bunch of white ass no life kids. God forbid if I try to keep the server respectful by dealing with racism.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.