Just a Rookie.

Started by Anatoly, 07-03-2010

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Anatoliy Fyodorovich looks around him, just having split from the group with which he entered the Zone...He feels the soft breeze of the wind and hears the vague howling of a pack of Pseudodogs. He slowly walks down the path with heavy steps, his heart beating in a repititive manner, and grabs in his left pocket for his PDA. He pushes some buttons and before writing something in his Diary, grunts because he's forced to write it in English. "March 7th, 2012. (OOC: Or whatever date it is) I just entered the Zone....It is very quiet..Almost too quiet. It feels as if someone...Or something is watching me."
Anatoliy puts his PDA away, turns left and runs uphill. He frowns and stares into the distance, there seems to be a bridge..And there is some sort of campfire underneath the bridge. Sliding down the hill he gets up and walks towards the bridge, tightening his grip on the combat knife that's hidden in the pocket on the back of his trousers. Once Anatoliy arrives at the bridge without any harm, he steps closer to the campfire and looks down. There seems to be a backpack lying on the ground, he crouches and examines it. Suddenly, a stranger walks up behind him, "Privet", Anatoliy stands up and turns around. "Hello," he says..."Who are you?". The stranger ignores the question, "If you need supplies or a place to stay, go to the tunnel behind the Duty base.", Anatoliy raises an eyebrow and asks: "The...Duty base...Where is that?". The stranger lets out a loud laugh, "You new here, huh? Well, I'm heading there right now so if you want you can just come with me."
Anatoliy shrugs, "Well, alrigh-"
Suddenly, there's a big explosion not far from where they are. "Shit! Come with me rookie, we gotta hurry for cover. There's an emission coming."
Anatoliy and the stranger run for their lives towards the Duty base.
The ground is shaking heavily and the sky has turned red, Anatoliy nearly gets hit by a bolt of lightning striking into a tree. Two long minutes later they arrive at the tunnel, panting heavily as they enter a bar.
There are three people sitting around a table while the Barman seems to be cleaning an empty bottle.

Anatoliy sighs and sits down on the ground, "Nice welcome..."
