|IC| A Shipment of Weaponry

Started by Steven :D, 26-09-2010

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Steven :D

        Greetings, Freedomers. You  may know me as that trader Stefan that usually is around your headquarters. Today I wanted to offer all of you a large part of my stock. I have three AKS74u's for sale. And I wanted to sell them all to you for a rather decent price of 1,500 each. If you do want to make this deal, contact my PDA and leave me a message. I've also been getting more shipments of medical supplies and ammo in. I'm pretty sure I'm also close to making friends with a black market contractor. So if you would like for me to continue giving you these "Discounts" on my wares, you should buy most of what I offer you.

PDA ID: 91055

If your not in freedom, you dont know my PDA info.
Oh and this link.