I think the server hates me

Started by Warden, 26-09-2010

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The first time I get on the STALKER roleplay server, and these 2 bandits come in and steal me starter money, perfect....


Quote from: Warden on 26-09-2010
The first time I get on the STALKER roleplay server, and these 2 bandits come in and steal me starter money, perfect....

Shit happens.


Quote from: Warden on 26-09-2010
The first time I get on the STALKER roleplay server, and these 2 bandits come in and steal me starter money, perfect....

Exctally How I was welcomed to SRP on my first day, you get over it after everyone in the Community suddenly blames you for Robbing Newbie's...

Welcome to HGN...


Quote from: Warden on 26-09-2010
The first time I get on the STALKER roleplay server, and these 2 bandits come in and steal me starter money, perfect....

Join the military, you get to shoot stalkers for fun.


Well long time ago I worked hard and got a Groza about 5 grand and a and bunch of crap. Some bandit robed me of the money and took my gun, then killed me.


Stole me berill... :*(


Quote from: Warden on 26-09-2010
The first time I get on the STALKER roleplay server, and these 2 bandits come in and steal me starter money, perfect....

Shit happens, I got the same hard time. Well, try to hang out with my loner clan, maybe you won't get shot at/robbed/raped/eaten by bloodsucker.
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My first day one SRP, I got owned by a Mili choppa.


Quote from: Aresty on 27-09-2010
My first day one SRP, I got owned by a Mili choppa.

You didn't lose a thing I think then. Be happy it was not a bandit.
Also, if they robbed you at spawn, or outside spawn, report 'em.
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Lost an exo, 70k, groza, VSS, desert eagle, back in the old days. Shit happens, wipe hates me.


Quote from: Dug on 27-09-2010
Lost an exo, 70k, groza, VSS, desert eagle, back in the old days. Shit happens, wipe hates me.

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I got raped by a squad of monolithians. Then five minutes later got robbed/gang beat by ten mercs.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


this wipe made me loose two exo's an FN 20k two G36's 1 VSS butt load of ammo pdas and more, made me sad, oh vell der goes freedoms armoury.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"

emperor bobby

I told a Girl to Shoot herself. I don't remeber if she did.


Quote from: N3gativezero on 27-09-2010
I got raped by a squad of monolithians.
Good times.


Quote from: emperor bobby on 27-09-2010
I told a Girl to Shoot herself. I don't remeber if she did.

I seem to recall she did because she got pissed at me when I tried to explain to her how shooting yourself in the head is invariably fatal.