I need help with stalker svn

Started by motorhead98, 18-03-2012

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Hey, i just now noticed a huge update and a new svn so i dont have to download so much shit ^^, any way how do i download it, Could you give me a tutorial on how to get svn and how to svn it to gmod or something?


I've already replied to the question you posted before, but here we go again -

Quote from: Paralyzed on 18-03-2012
Download instructions for STALKER files SVN:
1) Download & Install TortoiseSVN - http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html (Either 32bit, or 64bit)

2) Once you've successfully installed TortoiseSVN, go to your '/steam/steamapps/youracc/garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/' folder.

3) Create a folder, named: hgnstalker (Name doesn't really matter).

4) Right click that folder, and hit 'SVN Checkout' - Now copy paste the SVN url from Dark Dolina:
https://hgnstalker.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/hgnstalker/ and hit OK.

5) Wait till it's done, and ENJOY.

Download instructions for Dark Dolina map:
1) Download the map from here: http://filesmelt.com/dl/Dark_dolina_hgn_map_repack.zip

2) Once the download has finished, move the entire 'Dark dolina Map' folder to your 'steam/steamapps/youracc/garrysmod/garrysmod/addons/' folder. And you're SET.

PS. If you don't have EP2 you might be missing some models, not such an issue.

Original post can be found here: http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/the-cordon/problems-with-dark-dolina/msg154238/#msg154238
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