How Can We Improve Your Stalker Roleplay Experience?

Started by Silver Knight, 02-03-2009

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That would work Hotstarr, same for Exp Stalker flags. Because donating for flags is hurrdurrf. And you could re-skin the seva with a Eco skin and make it the eco suit, this blue one looks horrid.


A lot of bandits attacking rooks, i dont know if this should keep happening but i joined this server about 1 week ago and when i was the rookie I got robbed 3 times, 2 times from the same person and had no money left.



Quote from: Dark Angel on 08-02-2010
Never been robbed.
But you have observe mode. Also, I always see you with a huge weapon, and your usually a bandit.
I get robbed all the time on Loners.



Quote from: Dark Angel on 09-02-2010
I'm peacful!:'S

Lol, everything you say spikes such great irony, it's really funny, you know?


We need some fucking jobs there is nothing to do since the wipe all you can do is walk around and get robbed which I can't even roleplay because I have nothing to be robbed of.


Quote from: DigitalySane on 10-02-2010
We need some fucking jobs there is nothing to do since the wipe all you can do is walk around and get robbed which I can't even roleplay because I have nothing to be robbed of.

We understand, Well I do... Im Poor :D!


No more gay relation ship with monolith and mutants, I had a monolith and a blood sucker kill me plus no more barricading buildings that were empty but suddenly alot of props just spawn out of no where.


Make a new map, I think dead sector is gonna be nice. Other than that, I don't think you can improve my roleplay experience, its already to good =D.


More jobs for poor stalkers like me! Perhaps give a bit of funding to the major factions?


Roll The Dice

I am a man who has been playing your server for about 3 days now, something that has caught my attention is the dice roll. Who ever gets the bigger number wins, now what if we have added effects for major differences? Like a 50+ dice roll...

Regular scenario:

A attempts to trip B by kicking him in the knee.
A rolls 94
B rolls 13
A trips B

My scenario:

A attempts to trip B by kicking him in the knee.
A rolls 94
B rolls 13
A trips B and breaks B's knee.

Now still regular effect would take place if it is closer, like 59 to 83... But for some of the more major differences there should be added effects.


Just an idea, but some of the new players coming in are just awful, and i think you should put a password or somthing on the server so only forum member can join and know the password.


Hello, I am fairly new to this server. The community is good and the in-game experience is more than fair to say the least. I tried to create my own little place somewhere in the middle of nowhere only to be informed that I had to acquire Tool-Trust to gain access to spawn any sort of props.
I was hoping that there could be a Applying Thread sort of thing somewhere on the main forums thing where all the main links are. I would like to gain Tool-Trust to be a better roleplayer and yada yada, but I can't find the thread to go there.
If I am mistaken about having to apply for T.T., or I am just missing it somewhere, please inform me! Thank you.


Miscellaneous section of STALKER Roleplay.


I think we need some more things to wear than just suits. Maybe make helmets for Head protection? I just being able to put a jacket over your suit but keep the suit pants.

Something like this perhaps:
Moss--it has the charm of a creeping tune~Even in darkness it still grows.

Why do I love Moss?

I have been asked this question many times. Unfortunately, their is not one easy answer that I can give you.


This is going to sound bad on my part.

More help for people who are just starting out in the help menu

(i.e)short explanation of how to buy from traders and chat commands.


unban this cause it was banned for "LOL PERMABANNED :D" STEAM_0:0:29152112

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


Quote from: komish on 14-02-2010
This is going to sound bad on my part.

More help for people who are just starting out in the help menu

(i.e)short explanation of how to buy from traders and chat commands.

There are many roleplay guides on the forums here.

Although that unfortunately isn't available to the new player's who join without a forum account.


Quote from: andrewhatesyou on 14-02-2010
unban this cause it was banned for "LOL PERMABANNED :D" STEAM_0:0:29152112
Locke said you won't get unbanned.
And you posted it in the wrong place.
It should go in the Banland.


the ability to delete characters that we failed i have like 2 that I failed.



Yea, i may have like five chars that I dont really used, and messed up on. If i could delete them it would be awesome. Nice idea.