How Can We Improve Your Stalker Roleplay Experience?

Started by Silver Knight, 02-03-2009

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That is what I meant to type... eh draw.

Excuse the fail spelling.


Yes, way to delete characters please

Fredjrik Biletnikoff: Spy creepin' around here



I third the notion at being able to delete characters.


Inventing a way to allow a person from far away to see your /me's. That would eliminate people having to say they're /me's over OOC or an advert or such.

Example... /me and the other freedomers wave towards duty from the hill.
Might be said over ooc if the Freedom squad and a Duty person standing outside meet eye contact or are staring at each other.  I'm not quite sure if thats at all possible though, so feel free to completely ignore this.


Quote from: Zyroke on 23-01-2010
Inventing a way to allow a person from far away to see your /me's. That would eliminate people having to say they're /me's over OOC or an advert or such.

Example... /me and the other freedomers wave towards duty from the hill.
Might be said over ooc if the Freedom squad and a Duty person standing outside meet eye contact or are staring at each other.  I'm not quite sure if thats at all possible though, so feel free to completely ignore this.

Everyone's /me will have a huge distance, and could flood chat if you're in the same range as different groups of people.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Thats what I figured. Hmm, I wonder if there was a way to avoid that though. Prob not. /end.idea


Vasily Ivanov - MIA


Adding a RPG or some sort of anti-helicopter weapon. Cause right now the military has a weapon/strategy that can not be countered.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: OccAZNion on 24-01-2010
An actual economy..

Do you have any idea how hard it would be to script a true economy? There is a player made economy, it just takes a while get started.


Quote from: ㅎㅎLocke on 26-01-2010
Do you have any idea how hard it would be to script a true economy? There is a player made economy, it just takes a while get started.

Depends how difficult it is to have anomalies spawn without admins? Since Artifacts seem to be only closest thing to a passive economy. Other than that relying on the traders to provide jobs is very unlikely.

Or perhaps provide salvaging. Since finding an Occasional Radio does bring in a steady cash flow. Hell even finding a piece of bread does
Vasily Ivanov - MIA


I want that melee,pistols and some rifles would actually save.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


I agree on a counter weapon to the Military hele. God right now nothing can really take one down, and if you try the pilot just negates any attempts because his hele is 'uber awsome bullet-proof!'. But gawd I could see the minging taking place with a working RPG >_> "Hey bandits!" "huh?" *SHWOOMBOOM*


I think random salvage would help improve the economy like weapons, ammo common artifacts?


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 29-01-2010
I agree on a counter weapon to the Military hele. God right now nothing can really take one down, and if you try the pilot just negates any attempts because his hele is 'uber awsome bullet-proof!'. But gawd I could see the minging taking place with a working RPG >_> "Hey bandits!" "huh?" *SHWOOMBOOM*
Already is an RPG. Nobody uses it, though..


No there is not an RPG, it was removed.


Quote from: Jake on 27-01-2010
I want that melee,pistols and some rifles would actually save.

This really should be fixed, this and the fact that it is hard to make money make it quite difficult to get started.


ya we should fix the guns. Anouther cool idea would be to have a Central "Mercenary" faction. Cause I have heard storys of were a faction hires some mercs to help them fight another faction and then suddenly, The opposing faction "Knows" the merc somehow and end up messaging him somehow saying "Lolz you fight 4 us we pay you moar!" and then the merc turns around and shoots at their first employers. Plus too in the game STALKER I cant say that i remeber seeing like 20 mercenary groups with at least 5 "Mercs" in each one. Implementing the "Merc" faction as a Minor faction would have many benefits Like, Being Cannon, Limiting the sheer number of "Mercs", Making it easier for mercs to find work, Less cases of random backstabbings of employers, and more. So it might be a really good idea, then again it might end up like TU.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22



Varied Models...New weapon skins, new weapons...e.g: Mosin Nagant, simple weapons for Rookies.



Quote from: Zarrick on 05-02-2010
Varied Models...New weapon skins, new weapons...e.g: Mosin Nagant, simple weapons for Rookies.
I agree 100% on new weapons for rookies. I've realized how hard it would seem for a newcomer to get a decent gun. The Mak is shit, at least add the double barrel or something.


Yes, the break-action-sawn-off double barrel, yeeeeess. Please, we shall grovel for it.

Dark Angel

Yeah both double-barrels would be sweet. Miss them :S and the one Clear Sky uses alot would be also nice.


Here is a suggestion:Allow people who have been on SRP for at least three months to apply for a mercenary flag, while preventing everyone else from being a mercenary, unless they're in a mercenary group with a leader that has the flag. That being said, all currently existing merc factions without a leader using the merc flag must be disbanded.

It'd allow experienced roleplayers to get the flag, while it decreases the number of lolmercs, and removes some of the several merc groups.

I also reccommend that small things like junk such as bread and flash drives, as well as pistols like fort 12s and makarovs(ammo boxes as well) randomly spawn in the map every half hour or so. This ensures that people don't have to completely rely on a trader, while preventing them from being able to arm an entire group for some stupid raid or something.

Another suggestion is that whenever a trader gives people a mission, admins give the traders enough money to pay for successful jobs, as well as giving the trader some small profit(like say the trader gets 100ru for giving someone a job).