How Can We Improve Your Stalker Roleplay Experience?

Started by Silver Knight, 02-03-2009

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Refunds, refunds and more refunds for items munched by the inventory.

Dora Trajavna - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Alive



Refunds? Why not just fix the problem?  No lost weapons or anythign would be really nice. Such as if you have a weapon in your weapon slots and if you log or crash, you lose it. :(


...You seriously think they aren't working on a fix and are just going to continue to let the inventory rape players? Wow. :facepalm:

They are working on fixing the inventory. That will take time. In the mean time, take screenshots of your inventory and most admins will refund you.


Most admins, that are rarely seen. And some who could, don't. Not telling any names, but the ones who don't help us in our hour of need will feel a stitch in their heart.

Dora Trajavna - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Alive


A way I think you guys can improve on not me specifically but newbies is if possible, to implement some kind of "mentor" system. Now I have been RPing on Gmod for a while, so I know whats what in terms of /me's all that jazz, but for the completly new people its different.

Like maybe make a list of people that have proven themselves to be nice, and decent RPers, and some how make it so when a person that has never logged on to the server before is automatically reccomended to find sed person and ask any questions, concers, comments or whatever. I started a few days ago, and I suppose it was just a lucky break that I happened to run into a guy that was willing to teach me.



Quote from: mcjamesv on 28-09-2009
A way I think you guys can improve on not me specifically but newbies is if possible, to implement some kind of "mentor" system. Now I have been RPing on Gmod for a while, so I know whats what in terms of /me's all that jazz, but for the completly new people its different.

Like maybe make a list of people that have proven themselves to be nice, and decent RPers, and some how make it so when a person that has never logged on to the server before is automatically reccomended to find sed person and ask any questions, concers, comments or whatever. I started a few days ago, and I suppose it was just a lucky break that I happened to run into a guy that was willing to teach me.


A While ago I suggested that a roleplaying guide was created / found and placed into the 'HELP' menu of the F1 section.
Oh and, Silver please add download links into that HELP section, it just tells you to ask for someone ....
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Quote from: mcjamesv on 28-09-2009
A way I think you guys can improve on not me specifically but newbies is if possible, to implement some kind of "mentor" system. Now I have been RPing on Gmod for a while, so I know whats what in terms of /me's all that jazz, but for the completly new people its different.

Like maybe make a list of people that have proven themselves to be nice, and decent RPers, and some how make it so when a person that has never logged on to the server before is automatically reccomended to find sed person and ask any questions, concers, comments or whatever. I started a few days ago, and I suppose it was just a lucky break that I happened to run into a guy that was willing to teach me.


I don't suppose you met someone called Dora Trajavna/[LiF] Cpt.Moottorimarkka? :3
If you did, that was me, and you're most welcome. I'll gladly help people who aren't complete dummies.

Dora Trajavna - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Alive


Quote from: Lucidius on 21-09-2009
Quote from: CrazyCloneTrooper on 21-09-2009

3) Using sounds files from the game or something.
Already have it, i'de suggest using the SEARCH BUTTON for rp_voice but there is none



Maybe a video tutorial on how to get started?


see most the time all we need is good players willing to help like me/whoever else, ill help as long as there not complete dicks and have somewhat of an attention span to listen to me tell them what to do but ive helped out quite a few people.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Quote from: mcjamesv on 28-09-2009
A way I think you guys can improve on not me specifically but newbies is if possible, to implement some kind of "mentor" system. Now I have been RPing on Gmod for a while, so I know whats what in terms of /me's all that jazz, but for the completly new people its different.

Like maybe make a list of people that have proven themselves to be nice, and decent RPers, and some how make it so when a person that has never logged on to the server before is automatically reccomended to find sed person and ask any questions, concers, comments or whatever. I started a few days ago, and I suppose it was just a lucky break that I happened to run into a guy that was willing to teach me.


Like Furcadia's system.


Somekind of machinegun, A heavy machinegun.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


I think we should add a weapon Upgrade System to enlarge clip sizes and damage. Traders could charge people for weapon upgrades!And turn our weapons into awesome killing machines  ;D
Jason Thompson-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-Alive
Dimitri Sokolov-DUTY-Injured Arm


Implement an actual economy.

How? Simple scripting.

In order for one to get money, this person need to either provide services (like what most STALKER's do) or sell something (such as artifacts). Now, in the server for your average player who joins, both of these are opportunities are extremely difficult to obtain. Not because they aren't presented, just that it's too far and few between to consistantly make some sort of profit or substainable existance. Being a "Rookie Loner" is a near worthless experience here because most of the roleplay that is created is within factions.

And factions tend to privatize things.

So what does one do?

Well, in the actual games, you'd go forage for objects or do missions. So why not make some sort of "automated" system that takes what really limits opportunities, which are people, out of the picture and lets loners make some sort of exisitance. I'm saying create this... system where it has a set quota of artifacts.. let us say fifteen, just for referance, that have thirty points, perhaps even more, where they can spawn (just to keep things interesting) and a random variable to what they can be (though most likely the majority would be low end). It would replenish the quota of items every... hour or two, thus providing an influx of items for the general populace a.k.a. loners to thrive on.

But how would they make money? Well, that'd be up to whether they'd want to sell it to the "outside market" directly or to a trader. Selling it "directly" via menu (one with unlimited resources) would get them a heavily reduced fraction of what selling it to an actual player might (say 40%-50% difference), therefore encouraging people to interact with traders, but not making it necessary since even traders log-off the net.

In this, you'd accomplish a system, although rudimentary, that constantly provides the opportunity for profit for the average loner who is generally stuck with nothing to do until some other player feels the need to generate roleplay (which, should I remind you, is not constant). Think of the GMS gamemode, and how you can gather mundane items by collecting them from around you. This basic instance is one of the fundemental building blocks of society and necessary for any form of sophisticated government.

Taking raw materials and turning them into a sort of profit is what built the world as we know today, and still keeps it in existance. Now, we don't really have to go to the extremes of a system like that, but take it into consideration; basic exchanges of goods is the foundation of an economy itself. Only after realising this will you then start to see the picture of how important this influx of currency is.

People argue that this isn't necessary, because these said goods can be roleplayed and so can this influx of currency.

If that is so, then why have the systems put in place at all? Why even have a credit system, or more importantly, a script in the first place? This idea of an automated system is half finished with the current scripts out there, just a little more work would set this idea in place and take a bit of work off the administrators who have to go out and put cash in the traders' hands and put items out there for loners to profit, and do what they should be doing, administrating the roleplay.

Thank you for reading this.


Inactive factions should become active again.
As in if the current leaders aren't willing to do their job then get someone else to do it.
No I'm not giving any names.


Fix the inventory bugs asap! I hate losing the majority of my stuff and then either no admin being on, or if there is one on they either they dont believe me and ask for proof (as if I expected this to happen and prepared myself >.>), or they can't be arsed, (or in some rare cases "Hate doing refunds therefore dont do them at all for anyone ever).

Silver Knight

Quote from: Megamaff on 11-10-2009
Fix the inventory bugs asap! I hate losing the majority of my stuff and then either no admin being on, or if there is one on they either they dont believe me and ask for proof (as if I expected this to happen and prepared myself >.>), or they can't be arsed, (or in some rare cases "Hate doing refunds therefore dont do them at all for anyone ever).

In RAD2, it's fixed.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Silver Knight on 11-10-2009
Quote from: Megamaff on 11-10-2009
Fix the inventory bugs asap! I hate losing the majority of my stuff and then either no admin being on, or if there is one on they either they dont believe me and ask for proof (as if I expected this to happen and prepared myself >.>), or they can't be arsed, (or in some rare cases "Hate doing refunds therefore dont do them at all for anyone ever).

In RAD2, it's fixed.

When is this being implemented on the server? Looking at the thread on how its going, it would seem to be a while from now.


Yeah looks like it's gonna be a while.


Quote from: Megamaff on 11-10-2009
Fix the inventory bugs asap! I hate losing the majority of my stuff and then either no admin being on, or if there is one on they either they dont believe me and ask for proof (as if I expected this to happen and prepared myself >.>), or they can't be arsed, (or in some rare cases "Hate doing refunds therefore dont do them at all for anyone ever).

Don't blame admins for you not having proof. Fucking get screens the second you get something valuable in your inventory.


But some times when you have a weapon out and you get a error crash yuo can't take screen


Quote from: Combine on 24-10-2009
But some times when you have a weapon out and you get a error crash yuo can't take screen

If you get the red "Auto Disconnect" text when the server crashes and you have something equipped, you can scroll through that and take a screen of it in your inventory.

And yes it is an imperfect system, but there's just no way the admins can refund everything on faith alone. I have had players try to lie to me.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 20-10-2009
Quote from: Megamaff on 11-10-2009
Fix the inventory bugs asap! I hate losing the majority of my stuff and then either no admin being on, or if there is one on they either they dont believe me and ask for proof (as if I expected this to happen and prepared myself >.>), or they can't be arsed, (or in some rare cases "Hate doing refunds therefore dont do them at all for anyone ever).

Don't blame admins for you not having proof. Fucking get screens the second you get something valuable in your inventory.

What a stupid way of thinking. You shouldn't tell people to get proof when they shouldn't have to. What a ridiculous comment that is. Why should people have to even WORRY ABOUT IT.

Dark Angel

Well i'm not asking for proof if i'm sure about the person and it really pisses me off when

"LOL I need refund i've proof!" <----- Like if i would care about proof , you can fake your damn proof in paint!