How Can We Improve Your Stalker Roleplay Experience?

Started by Silver Knight, 02-03-2009

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Dark Angel

Quote from: KillSlim on 02-07-2009
How to improve the Stalker experience.
Well, the S.t.a.l.k.e.r. games are famous for their atmosphere.
The camp fires are awesome, everyone knows it; just a couple of guys sharing stories, talking and playing the guitar. It's such an unexpected situation in a post-apocalyptic scenario.

I'm suggesting that we add an entity with a guitar model. When you press 'E' on it, it begins to play music from Stalker (It's available for download on youtube. Stalker Guitar Songs)
About Camp fire. I've send SK a perfect fire which would auto ignite when someone is close to it and extinguish if nobody is around like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R but SK was soo evil and didn't even check that message ='(


If in game we could have a little help menu to tell us commands. Because I only know the OOC chat one.
Peace and love,


"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Silver Knight

Quote from: RiotGuard on 11-07-2009
If in game we could have a little help menu to tell us commands. Because I only know the OOC chat one.

Something we are planning to do in the future.

Quote from: KillSlim on 12-07-2009

Maybe something we can cook up, besides it's not very scary to wonder around with nightvision, flashlights are great !

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Is it possible currently to use a flashlight and hold a pistol in the other hand? If not it should be something to consider, it would make pistols a lot more useful.
- Stefan Kozlov - |Alive|
- Dmitri Kozlov - |Alive|


I was thinking that nightvision would be expensive if made into an entity, or just built-in for high ranking flags.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


For guitar, it's easy. Find the guitar model, do the code taht puts it on your body.

Then, do all the normal crap, but make infinite ammo (-1)

On SWEP.PrimaryFire, do the Math shit that makes it play a random sound.
Like... (Not sure about the syntax below, but it's close.)

  [1]emit.sound ( "<filepath>" )
(Continue for all the guitar sounds.)

Or, for just one song, do

emit.sound  ( "<filepath>" )



If you know how to do it then why just not do it.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Quote from: KillSlim on 15-07-2009
If you know how to do it then why just not do it.

Because i dont have the sounds, dummy.


I would like to see a slight increase in Bloodsucker running speed, although with the new stat system coming I guess suckers could all have high agility to keep them running longer. It is very annoying to sneak up on someone, have them see your player name as they look at you while cloaked, and then bolt when you try to /me or whatever. I've had to chase some people for a good 3-5 minutes just around in circles on my sucker, looking ridiculous and also being obnoxious. When I go through the trouble of trying to /me and the victim runs because he's the same speed as me it makes me want to shoot someone.. If suckers were just a tad faster so you couldn't just run forever in a straight line away from one they'd probably be scarier. Or maybe if they could attack while running (because currently you can't sprint and attack) it would make them scarier since you couldn't put your back to one without getting pwnt 1 hit.

Yes I realize being a sucker isn't just about killing but if someone isn't going to RP with me with /mes and whatnot then I would like to be able to kill them because that's the kind of person I am lol.


Land Vehicals, and a area in the map for just those vehicals to get from sector to sector.
Quote from: Paintcheck on 20-07-2009
I would like to see a slight increase in Bloodsucker running speed, although with the new stat system coming I guess suckers could all have high agility to keep them running longer. It is very annoying to sneak up on someone, have them see your player name as they look at you while cloaked, and then bolt when you try to /me or whatever. I've had to chase some people for a good 3-5 minutes just around in circles on my sucker, looking ridiculous and also being obnoxious. When I go through the trouble of trying to /me and the victim runs because he's the same speed as me it makes me want to shoot someone.. If suckers were just a tad faster so you couldn't just run forever in a straight line away from one they'd probably be scarier. Or maybe if they could attack while running (because currently you can't sprint and attack) it would make them scarier since you couldn't put your back to one without getting pwnt 1 hit.

Yes I realize being a sucker isn't just about killing but if someone isn't going to RP with me with /mes and whatnot then I would like to be able to kill them because that's the kind of person I am lol.

How often does that happen by the way?



It happens a lot. Many people have seen me chasing loners for minutes at a time because they refuse to RP. After a while I usually just give up and find someone else.


Normally I just wait there, but like a animal if you approach a threatening way I will look around cautiously and "hear" things ICly. I didn't know it happened so often


Maybe locks on the vehicles. I wasn't even near the helicopter but somehow my guy hopped in it. Then I hopped out, i didn't even mean to take it, but after getting out, I was DM'ed and they were trying to justify it by their being military and my taking their vehicle.
Peace and love,


That has happened to me, only when the vehical fell over on its side, I tried to fix it and got shot when I got out, I say we need locks on vehicals also.

Gareth G.

The ability to put guns straight into your inventory instead of having to drop them and risk some tard stealing them.


We shoot people that steal the chopper course we have to we have no other way of protecting it.. We have warned you guys plenty of times not even to get close to the damned thing but you keep running up to it. So i say locks on the chopper would be a good thing.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


No. Donator. Bullshittery.

Weaponry. *Cough* IL-86 (L85 / SA80) *Cough*
Possibly some customization-able gear.


Quote from: Crimzon_Reaper on 29-07-2009
No. Donator. Bullshittery.

Weaponry. *Cough* IL-86 (L85 / SA80) *Cough*
Possibly some customization-able gear.

1.) Server goes down from lack of money.
2.) Get the model.
3.) No vehicles in stalker.
4.) There already is customizable gear.
5.) It's RP not DM.


Quote from: Plunger on 29-07-2009
Quote from: Crimzon_Reaper on 29-07-2009
No. Donator. Bullshittery.

Weaponry. *Cough* IL-86 (L85 / SA80) *Cough*
Possibly some customization-able gear.

1.) Server goes down from lack of money.
2.) Get the model.
3.) No vehicles in stalker.
4.) There already is customizable gear.
5.) It's RP not DM.
Quote from: Plunger on 29-07-2009
Quote from: Crimzon_Reaper on 29-07-2009
No. Donator. Bullshittery.

Weaponry. *Cough* IL-86 (L85 / SA80) *Cough*
Possibly some customization-able gear.

1.) Server goes down from lack of money.
2.) Get the model.
3.) No vehicles in stalker.
4.) There already is customizable gear.
5.) It's RP not DM.

I) You can still donate for shit, just make things available to good/trusted RPers.
II) Model =/= Mechanics.
III) Really?
IV) Yuh huh . . .
V) Precisely why this feature needs to be added. There. Is. Too. Much. DM.


More traders.

I've not really been here for very long but in my.. say.. combined two weeks of playing here, I only ever saw a trader once.

And even though Ecos give missions to loners too, it's not often so more traders or more missions given out by Ecos or both would be great to get more Loners on to the RPing scene.
Bird - Master Merc.


Vehicles that you can use to move around


Vehicles would be no good, map is too small, and people could DM


Quote from: Locke on 06-08-2009
Vehicles would be no good, map is too small, and people could DM
You have a point