How Can We Improve Your Stalker Roleplay Experience?

Started by Silver Knight, 02-03-2009

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Quote from: Darklight Ammo Items, Maybe even special ammo, like AP bullets.

Ability to change frequency on radio.

Better PDA gui layout.

Better Anomaly effect, the effect we have atm is seen through walls, and it's almost impossible to notice when it slowly comes back to full view.

Forced skin over-ride zombie NPCs to be different monsters.
EX. Fast Zombie over-ridden by the big dog thing, i think it's called Flesh.
Normal Zombie over-ridden by mutants.
Zombine over-ridden by blood suckers. [considering the Zombine NPC can limp run. looks very nice.]

Cargo Cache SENT. Able to have some sort of code for props such as chests, pipes, bags, etc. To become a storage deposit.

Admin Done:
Laid artifacts around places, maybe a very nicely placed artifact surrounded by anomalies.
ARENA styled Roleplay. Like how it was in the Duty camp. Kill the other enemy for money, depending on skill and etc.

I like this guy's suggestions
If I kill you, it means your my friend. :) *Cue for manic laughter*

----Stalker RP Characters-----
Renlen Deadeye-LonerlBritishlGoodMarksman


we need to get more players in there we have max players at 11-1 then it all slows down to a mere 6 player but yea i know 6 players is a alright rp


Quote from: stray we need to get more players in there we have max players at 11-1 then it all slows down to a mere 6 player but yea i know 6 players is a alright rp

We need something to draw in the crowds.... chicken!
If I kill you, it means your my friend. :) *Cue for manic laughter*

----Stalker RP Characters-----
Renlen Deadeye-LonerlBritishlGoodMarksman


There should be a menu to choose vehicles to buy, instead of need to spawn it.
Tolik Brome: Loner- Alive
Smith Walin: Loner - Alive
Andrei Grovinski:  Loner - Alive


Quote from: Caylob There should be a menu to choose vehicles to buy, instead of need to spawn it.

That would be a cool thing to have for trader or maybe just for factions.

I think I said this before but...
Experiment table/desktop for Ecos. Collect artifacts, plonk one on the table, activate that table, choose to inspect or research. Inspect tells you what the artifact is, what effects it causes are etc. Research allows you to create performance drugs, special weapons for eco only or armor/suit upgrades from artifacts.
Gives a little extra something for the ecos to do with the artifacts.
If I kill you, it means your my friend. :) *Cue for manic laughter*

----Stalker RP Characters-----
Renlen Deadeye-LonerlBritishlGoodMarksman

Silver Knight

Quote from: Caylob There should be a menu to choose vehicles to buy, instead of need to spawn it.

That's a ok idea, but im not really sure how to register that the helicoptor crashed and/or how to respawn it/ store it so the player can respawn it.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Dark Angel

Quote from: †Silver Knight†
Quote from: Caylob There should be a menu to choose vehicles to buy, instead of need to spawn it.

That's a ok idea, but im not really sure how to register that the helicoptor crashed and/or how to respawn it/ store it so the player can respawn it.

Invintory? Like for example if you buy it... it will stay there perm and if it will IC aka RPly Crash then player have to remove it or admin will remove it.


So many admins and players dont follow the Shot to miss rule :( they just fire their a** FN2000's at you from 300 feet away trough the fog and dude... There should be a more very strict rule for combat in SRP :((((


can we get a Drag system that lets you drag other players around I.E

Military raids a town and a soldier gets injured another soldier comes up and drags him to safety

I don't know if this is possible it would be bad ass if there were things like that or something that allowed you to walk with someone helping them walk. Walking and occasionly pressing shift to simulate limping or something


Make more melee weapons , maybe a shovel , machete , Baseball bat , Axe
And then make them priced somewhat low for newbies.

Random Spawning Stashes! We got the thing where you can search some props. well make it like that and it spawns a box with any random item in it.

Some Mutant NPC's like those Boar things or something like that , it wouldnt be hard to make a Snork either , just skin a Fast zombie

Get a Zombie NPC , they have all the movements of combine but have different noises and Model

Be able to actually drop money , just make a prop that looks like a small bag , and then if its over 20,000 Ru make it a big sack , anywhere over 60,000 Ru use a Suitcase. This could also make it so when people are killed you can loot some of there Ru , And also remove the Giving Ru part , make it so its like a balance system in your Inventory.

More guns! It would cool to have a bigger variety of guns.

An Hunger mod system , Instead of when its low it just slows you down and makes you move slower and slower gradually over time after being starving. and make the Percentage go down slowly like only 1% per 40 Seconds.

If you dont want the Hunger mod system then make foods do things more than heal you , say you drink coffee , it makes you fast , Maybe like candy would make your gun rate faster.

Have trainable ability's, run a long time then your endurance level goes up , taken a certain ammount of damage then your health goes up , use your knife often? your strength goes up , use sights often? you accuracy goes up , reload often? your reload time goes up. Allow them to use up 40 talent points at the creation of there character.

Change the Anomaly look , and instead of it hurting you when you get near it make your rads go up , the more the rads the faster your health goes down , sorta like in the game. wed also need a Rad meter and anti radiation drugs.

Thats about all i have...
Moss--it has the charm of a creeping tune~Even in darkness it still grows.

Why do I love Moss?

I have been asked this question many times. Unfortunately, their is not one easy answer that I can give you.


More armor variations, perhaps simply model hacking using exist textures for the current models to keep file size smaller.

Addition of a stamina meter, so people sprint to get away from things and not to get around.

Addition of hot zones that would actually increase a "radiation bar" that could cause distortion effects (blurred vision, painfully sharp contrast, wobbly camera while moving) and maxing the bar would result in death.

Some way to make ammo necessary, so that people don't just spend the ammo, drop it back in their inventory, and pull it back out or get off and get back on later with a nice little ammo niche magically back in their pockets.

More anomalies, the sector where you spawn in is generally populated, however you get outside that zone and they drop off sharply. If feels like your heading out of the zone rather than deeper in when you go outside the spawning sector.

Admin created "raids" where players could check out a area populated with large amounts of anomalies/NPCs and find rubbles, ammo, artifacts, and occasional weapons

Randomly spawning low grade/cheap artifacts (Such as blood stones)


Melee weapons just don't agree with Source games.


Slow moving vehicles, that you could find abandoned or buy from somewhere. Knife fix for bloodsucker (looks a bit random). Some premade stuff like camps and fires ect that you don't need TT to spawn so more people can set up camp in the wilderness. A damage bar so like if you jump off a frigging building to escape you don't just loose 10 hp and run off, but that you can only walk really slowly until you use a medpack or die. Someone jumped off a building after pissing off me and ran off, I had to shoot him and put his body at the bottom of the building to stop the fabric of roleplay time and space breaking and causing tones of build players to leak into the server and gmod permanently crashing...


Silver Knight

Quote from: ISPYUDIE on 20-06-2009
Slow moving vehicles, that you could find abandoned or buy from somewhere. Knife fix for bloodsucker (looks a bit random). Some premade stuff like camps and fires ect that you don't need TT to spawn so more people can set up camp in the wilderness. A damage bar so like if you jump off a frigging building to escape you don't just loose 10 hp and run off, but that you can only walk really slowly until you use a medpack or die. Someone jumped off a building after pissing off me and ran off, I had to shoot him and put his body at the bottom of the building to stop the fabric of roleplay time and space breaking and causing tones of build players to leak into the server and gmod permanently crashing...

No vehicles other than the heli, the terrain is not built for Cars. Knife Penis bug is on my agender, thanks for reminding me, Worked on something like that along time ago, didn't work out well, damage bar already appears if you get hurt, and theres a setting in gmod to allow that, but garry broke it...

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Gembock4 on 17-06-2009
An Hunger mod system , Instead of when its low it just slows you down and makes you move slower and slower gradually over time after being starving. and make the Percentage go down slowly like only 1% per 40 Seconds.

The problem with the hunger mod is that fact that Traders aren't usually on to get you what you need.
Plus, some people (like me) don't have enough money to keep buying food and every job i get
doombuger sends me to my death with blood suckers :(

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Oh and for another map we could use, gm_atomic. its basicly a giant wasteland but it has no anomyles. but its still a great map
to use for stalker RP.


<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Quote from: Rebel6609 on 24-06-2009
Oh and for another map we could use, gm_atomic. its basicly a giant wasteland but it has no anomyles. but its still a great map
to use for S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP.


That has nothing to do with stalker rp, stalker is based in ukraine, that is the usa in the year 20XX

Silver Knight

Quote from: Locke on 24-06-2009
Quote from: Rebel6609 on 24-06-2009
Oh and for another map we could use, gm_atomic. its basicly a giant wasteland but it has no anomyles. but its still a great map
to use for S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP.


That has nothing to do with S.T.A.L.K.E.R rp, S.T.A.L.K.E.R is based in ukraine, that is the usa in the year 20XX

Actually fallout is in the 1960's

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period



Deet like in other posts mutli factions is just asking for really bad metagaming from many player, unexperianced or not. Being in both means your gonna get information from one factions, and change to the other and prep against any actions the enemy faction is going to take. Many people wont even realise they are doing it till the damage is done.

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How to improve the Stalker experience.
Well, the S.t.a.l.k.e.r. games are famous for their atmosphere.
The camp fires are awesome, everyone knows it; just a couple of guys sharing stories, talking and playing the guitar. It's such an unexpected situation in a post-apocalyptic scenario.

I'm suggesting that we add an entity with a guitar model. When you press 'E' on it, it begins to play music from Stalker (It's available for download on youtube. Stalker Guitar Songs)

"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Silver Knight

Quote from: KillSlim on 02-07-2009
How to improve the S.T.A.L.K.E.R experience.
Well, the S.t.a.l.k.e.r. games are famous for their atmosphere.
The camp fires are awesome, everyone knows it; just a couple of guys sharing stories, talking and playing the guitar. It's such an unexpected situation in a post-apocalyptic scenario.

I'm suggesting that we add an entity with a guitar model. When you press 'E' on it, it begins to play music from S.T.A.L.K.E.R (It's available for download on youtube. S.T.A.L.K.E.R Guitar Songs)

The guitar sound is already in the pack, but making that work is near dam impossible, and has been suggested many time.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period
