How Can We Improve Your Stalker Roleplay Experience?

Started by Silver Knight, 02-03-2009

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Quote from: †Silver Knight†
Quote from: Snaggy It's pretty sad that you guys still haven't fixed your radios. I'll post a snippet from my script later for you, it's a radio item in witch you can set a frequency consisting of both numerals and letters, or just one or the other.  Probably tomorrow morning/afternoon.


Don't bash me if someone has already fixed the radio thing. I'm heading off in a few minutes, and I don't feel like reading 5 pages of complaints and suggestions.

Im working on external radio's, ill see about putting them in later.
If you can get them working like the ones on the HL2 server that would be great.


I'll post the code if you finish the radios, I'm updating in animations in my script, right now when you fire a weapon it's the whole "duck and fire" thing currently in lemonade script.


Get NPC's like other RP servers do. They help a lot and they have this flashing talk icon above their head. Press E and it shows options like "Hey, what are you selling?" or "No, im fine, I dont need this yet."
It shouldn't lag at all.
Rusty - Returned to the Zone


Quote from: SicKNeSS Get NPC's like other RP servers do. They help a lot and they have this flashing talk icon above their head. Press E and it shows options like "Hey, what are you selling?" or "No, im fine, I dont need this yet."
It shouldn't lag at all.

I agree with Sickness. NPCs would be awesome, and helpful.

Something that would'a been awesome too, was to make a scripts that allows you to loot corpses, and not just containers.


Oh, and yeah.. hungermod would be great too.


I think hunger mod would be a waste. On a TSRP server I play on they have it and all it does is ruin RP. Nothing is more irritating when you're in a long RP and the person you're RPing with either

A). Drops dead from hunger
B). Has to leave, get food, eat, come back

The gain is minimal to nonexistant. Maybe have some food items that you could use when sitting around a camp fire or something but do not make eating mandatory.


I don't know how you would do it with LUA, but I know how to help get it started.

In our maps (Hostel and I) we could put trigger_hurts in certain areas that hurt everything besides a filter.

filter_name with a filter like "antiradsuit", and then apply the filter to the trigger_hurt.

Should be relatively easy on your end in LUA to make players not affected by it with those specifics.


something to make the noobs feel special xD

character -Walker Banks
fraction -looking to be in one
how long have you been on our servers
-about 2 weeks
what is your friends name -  '-TFO-' (SCA)  The Iron Player


Not sure if this is added but to my knowledge it is not but add random anomaly's that spawn across the map that could fetch some RU's make them like 3-4 of them spawn within an hour all over the map.

Also a help menu with all the rp commands you might need to know cause the differ from other servers.


Random artifact spawning would be nice, it would give people some form of making money if no one is currently offering jobs.


Here's an idea for traders.

A thread that all the traders would make, listing all availiable missions. The simpler missions that only require one person or two people to do can be repeatable to a certain amount of times, and the more complicated missions would either be less repeatable, or not possible to do again.

Each mission could follow this template:

Mission name:
Mission creator:
Max hired:
Mission can be carried out: () time(s)

There can be the optional thing where traders can make missions exclusive to only himself, but that should be for long and complicated missions only.

This thread will make traders have more time on their hands, since there will be an extensive list of missions for people to do. Not only that, but this allows people to easily decide what missions they wanna do, other than just wait for a mission to eventually come up.

The only requirement is that a trader needs to be around to hire the mission-goers, and be around to pay them if they finished the job.


Quote from: Hotstarr Here's an idea for traders.

A thread that all the traders would make, listing all availiable missions. The simpler missions that only require one person or two people to do can be repeatable to a certain amount of times, and the more complicated missions would either be less repeatable, or not possible to do again.

Each mission could follow this template:

Mission name:
Mission creator:
Max hired:
Mission can be carried out: () time(s)

There can be the optional thing where traders can make missions exclusive to only himself, but that should be for long and complicated missions only.

This thread will make traders have more time on their hands, since there will be an extensive list of missions for people to do.  Not only that, but this allows people to easily decide what missions they wanna do, other than just wait for a mission to eventually come up.

The only requirement is that a trader needs to be around to hire the mission-goers, and be around to pay them if they finished the job.

I think this sounds like a good idea but how would the thread be able to work ingame? (I don't mean the thread actually being in the game) I mean...

1. The trader would have to be on the server at the time for the mission to work.

2.If the trader is offline then how do they know if people coming up to them saying they have done that particular mission are telling the truth without any solid proof?

3.If the missions can only be carried out a set number of times for one person then how would you record who has done what mission so many times without getting confused? and what about group efforts? people who want to do missions in a group? if someone can only do a mission once then they won't want to do it again with others.

and 4. If missions like spying/intelligence gathering/hunting/wars/collections are to work then a trader needs permission from factions involved for conflictand spying and intelligence gathering missions e.g. Mission:Learn about the AU's relationships with other factions/Take down two specific duty recruits/etc/etc and there would need to be preperatiton for hunting and collection missions.
If I kill you, it means your my friend. :) *Cue for manic laughter*

----Stalker RP Characters-----
Renlen Deadeye-LonerlBritishlGoodMarksman


Dex Vach - Psychotic Cannibal
Mich Dimeron - Big ol' Barkeep - Co-leader Trader Union
Charig Vesgar - Science Freak
Cricket - Chirp Chirp.


So basicly like a mission set up thread.


Dex Vach - Psychotic Cannibal
Mich Dimeron - Big ol' Barkeep - Co-leader Trader Union
Charig Vesgar - Science Freak
Cricket - Chirp Chirp.



Quote from: Ness Tea Get rid of the Bad RPers.

That suggestion doesn't really work without a list now does it, Ness Tea? (Nastie)
If I kill you, it means your my friend. :) *Cue for manic laughter*

----Stalker RP Characters-----
Renlen Deadeye-LonerlBritishlGoodMarksman


Dark Angel

1. More animations.
2. Lower ping , for me standart ping is 187-227 (140 sometimes) . I guess server is far away from me.
3. Get more Europeans.
4. Server more active.
5. Less elitism from factions as i see how sometimes they act like gods.
6. Stop this NLR breaking , yesterday i saw like 4 newbies running back after they died just to get guns and money (Won't post the names)
7. More /me's and RP? People are really low on /me's .
8. More RPing as human? I mean like people act there like they are cold killers or damn physically changed humans who can survive everything.


-Easier access to low-grade weapons. I mean, every mission the Eco's give look pretty kamikaze if you don't possess a weapon, and with all these bandits creeping around your money, lack of traders, it makes it hard to get even just a Makarov.
So, either easier that, or more traders, I really don't see them on often.
Bird - Master Merc.


Quote from: Snurf -Easier access to low-grade weapons. I mean, every mission the Eco's give look pretty kamikaze if you don't possess a weapon, and with all these bandits creeping around your money, lack of traders, it makes it hard to get even just a Makarov.
So, either easier that, or more traders, I really don't see them on often.

Its a good thing there are less guns floating around, i'm working on a decent trader app so i should be around soon hopefully.


Oh, not too many guns around is quite fine in my opinion, but in my opinion, knives or Makarov's (especially knives) should be QUITE easy to get.. and how come a knife is costier than a Makarov?
Bird - Master Merc.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Snurf Oh, not too many guns around is quite fine in my opinion, but in my opinion, knives or Makarov's (especially knives) should be QUITE easy to get.. and how come a knife is costier than a Makarov?

Well, it's a combat knife, and Makarovs... well pretty much everyone has that gun..

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Dark Angel

I don't have Makarov >:D I'v
Quote from: †Silver Knight†
Quote from: Snurf Oh, not too many guns around is quite fine in my opinion, but in my opinion, knives or Makarov's (especially knives) should be QUITE easy to get.. and how come a knife is costier than a Makarov?

Well, it's a combat knife, and Makarovs... well pretty much everyone has that gun..
Quote from: †Silver Knight†
Quote from: Snurf Oh, not too many guns around is quite fine in my opinion, but in my opinion, knives or Makarov's (especially knives) should be QUITE easy to get.. and how come a knife is costier than a Makarov?

Well, it's a combat knife, and Makarovs... well pretty much everyone has that gun..
e AK74U , AK74 , Gadjuka aka MP5 SubMachine Gun and Sig P220 >:D


Ammo Items, Maybe even special ammo, like AP bullets.

Ability to change frequency on radio.

Better PDA gui layout.

Better Anomaly effect, the effect we have atm is seen through walls, and it's almost impossible to notice when it slowly comes back to full view.

Forced skin over-ride zombie NPCs to be different monsters.
EX. Fast Zombie over-ridden by the big dog thing, i think it's called Flesh.
Normal Zombie over-ridden by mutants.
Zombine over-ridden by blood suckers. [considering the Zombine NPC can limp run. looks very nice.]

Cargo Cache SENT. Able to have some sort of code for props such as chests, pipes, bags, etc. To become a storage deposit.

Admin Done:
Laid artifacts around places, maybe a very nicely placed artifact surrounded by anomalies.
ARENA styled Roleplay. Like how it was in the Duty camp. Kill the other enemy for money, depending on skill and etc.


Some incentive for people to play as Loners would be nice. It's almost impossible to be a Loner the way things are without either
1. Donating to get the Vet flag and therefore spawn with guns
2. Minging the fuck out of people to steal their equipment.

More traders for missions/easier gear purchasing would probably fix this problem, which I realize isn't really a development thing.

EDIT: Please fix the inventory bug. I've lost so many fucking suits from it (yes I drop the suit, use it from the ground, then pick it up in my inventory, but that never seems to work).