How Can We Improve Your Stalker Roleplay Experience?

Started by Silver Knight, 02-03-2009

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Yeahhhh-- no. That's not an option. There are tools we don't want people using.


Iv not read any of the Above post... I really cant be arsed;
Im loosing interest in STALKERP...
Its constant crashing, half the people dont know how to RP, you got admins that are minges.
When there is RP its normaly very poor.

Look to the point.
I'm just generally pissed off with it, its boring. I mean I dont know. Its hard to explain. STALKERRP has lost its.... X-Factor.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


There needs to be more drama in the RP. More romance. More loss, more betrayal, more love, more hate. All I see is bland, shallow characters will no real depth or backstory. The only depth I've seen was with Konstantin and Rohok, and their sort of forbidden friendship, and Tyler Jackson's conflict with his IC brother, and Shannon's relationship with a bandit.

I think if we get more people to put some real nice depth to their RP, things will improve. People don't seem to make stories, they just get on and do robotic tasks.


Quote from: Rohok There needs to be more drama in the RP. More romance. More loss, more betrayal, more love, more hate. All I see is bland, shallow characters will no real depth or backstory. The only depth I've seen was with Konstantin and Rohok, and their sort of forbidden friendship, and Tyler Jackson's conflict with his IC brother, and Shannon's relationship with a bandit.

I think if we get more people to put some real nice depth to their RP, things will improve. People don't seem to make stories, they just get on and do robotic tasks.

I think you hit the nail on the head Rohok.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


The problem is, it's a lot easier to just roleplay an apathetic character.

That, and when you note everyone is being to pessimistic and apathetic in the server, you just get told to shut up and stop whining.

It's not hard to justify roleplaying a bland character either, seeing as ShoC didn't have a lot in the way of emotional characters.

If you start getting too deep into your own characters storyline, you stop paying as much attention to other people's, and that doesn't help anyone.

On that note, that's one of the only problems with HL2RP, none of the small communities grow quickly because everyone is so involved in what they're doing, they never do anything for every player in the server.

The polar opposite can be said about StalkerRP, as the series its based off "requires" factions, so you have a step in the right direction, with constant events, whether they be firefights, mutant attacks, whatever.

Silver Knight

We need a new map... it's taking the piss.. people spend hours building ugly bases which lag and kill the server.. we need a new map... so goddam bad,,,,

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


It'll get done when it gets done.

Which might be never, as I haven't actually started yet.


Quote from: †Silver Knight† We need a new map... it's taking the piss.. people spend hours building ugly bases which lag and kill the server.. we need a new map... so goddam bad,,,,

Well, you've got a Perfectly Able Mapper, minus the Displacements, but still... ;)
_________________________________________________Edit: 09-03-2009_________________________________________________
Quote from: Rohok There needs to be more drama in the RP. More romance. More loss, more betrayal, more love, more hate. All I see is bland, shallow characters will no real depth or backstory. The only depth I've seen was with Konstantin and Rohok, and their sort of forbidden friendship, and Tyler Jackson's conflict with his IC brother, and Shannon's relationship with a bandit.

I think if we get more people to put some real nice depth to their RP, things will improve. People don't seem to make stories, they just get on and do robotic tasks.

And this all starts to happen after the revokation of Monolith...
I'm starting to regret my descision, as little to no good has come of it, and I'm still waiting for that Opening in Military, which I sorely doubt.
Time for another Long-Lost Ecologist to make his way back through the Zone, and stirr something up.
Follow my Twitter HERE!


I think I like what Raidenator is saying, too. But we need a balance between the two. We need people developing their characters, making mini-events with their friends to progress their story (Tyler Jackson, Rencamo) has been doing this with his whole bandit brother drama. Someone is probably going to die, but that only makes the story greater. You see, Jackson is really progressing his character. I think I've seen only (Seen. It means that's it all I've seen, and not what really goes on. I don't see everything.) him make a real effort to dive into his backstory, and bring up his history and share it with other people. You see, you don't always just focus on your own character and isolate yourself. You NEED other people to progress.

Now, another thing people have been telling me to do is PKs. I really, really, really, hate PKs as I was PK'ed 7 times on TnB on the same character, and managed to get out of it each time (legitly), and it was because I really loved the character I was using, and people were just PKing me for the reason: YOU'RE A ROGUE CP. I wanted to keep RP'ing my character, and my definition of RP doesn't include forcing other people into crap.. I don't believe in making people follow a rule that I myself won't follow, but if enough people want them, we'll do them. Just lemme know your thoughts on the matter, and I'll see what I can do about. If the people want PKs, we'll have PKs, with some real comprehensive rules and requirements for the PKs including an SA having to be there to watch. We'll see, lemme know your thoughts on PKs.

My arguments for/against PKs:


Creates IC drama/emotion

Stops people acting so badass and unstoppable

Stops people from doing shit that would get them killed (Makes people think out their issues, and find other ways around them that won't get themselves kills in the end)


Creates OOC drama


If we did PKs, it would still require an authorization from two SA's, and one SA would need to be present during the PK. Right now, the way it works is that the player in question (the one that someone wants to PK) has to be causing a lot of BS with DMing, and the works. Pissing off other characters too much, or too many factions. Kind of like what happened to Vityaz and Connor, when we PK'ed them for becoming enemies with EVERY faction.


Quote from: Rohok I think I like what Raidenator is saying, too. But we need a balance between the two. We need people developing their characters, making mini-events with their friends to progress their story (Tyler Jackson, Rencamo) has been doing this with his whole bandit brother drama. Someone is probably going to die, but that only makes the story greater. You see, Jackson is really progressing his character. I think I've seen only (Seen. It means that's it all I've seen, and not what really goes on. I don't see everything.) him make a real effort to dive into his backstory, and bring up his history and share it with other people. You see, you don't always just focus on your own character and isolate yourself. You NEED other people to progress.

Now, another thing people have been telling me to do is PKs. I really, really, really, hate PKs as I was PK'ed 7 times on TnB on the same character, and managed to get out of it each time. I don't believe in making people follow a rule that I myself won't follow, but if enough people want them, we'll do them. Just lemme know your thoughts on the matter, and I'll see what I can do about. If the people want PKs, we'll have PKs, with some real comprehensive rules and requirements for the PKs including an SA having to be there to watch. We'll see, lemme know your thoughts on PKs.

My arguments for/against PKs:


Creates IC drama/emotion

Stops people acting so badass and unstoppable

Stops people from doing shit that would get them killed (Makes people think out their issues, and find other ways around them that won't get themselves kills in the end)


Creates OOC drama


If we did PKs, it would still require an authorization from two SA's, and one SA would need to be present during the PK. Right now, the way it works is that the player in question (the one that someone wants to PK) has to be causing a lot of BS with DMing, and the works. Pissing off other characters too much, or too many factions. Kind of like what happened to Vityaz and Connor, when we PK'ed them for becoming enemies with EVERY faction.

I plan on trying to make Rugger more in depth, She's been too much of an enigma for too long. I'm considering pk'ing her as well. If I /DO/ Pk her it'll be soon. But we need more IC drama IMO just more things to make the story of it fun.



Quote from: Rohok There's no reason to PK Rugger. <.<

She's a nut. She's bordering sane >.> Hell She'd rip out your heart to drink your blood. You just say that cause you want her~ <.<



Consider this Rohok; If killed legitimatley by a Anomaly, that's it, your PK'd, make a new char and make a new life.
Would stop people fucking about soo much. And give me a reason not to attempt to omnomnom the Anomanoms.

Also: Consider taking Tk's more into aspect, so say you were in a typical Freedum vs DUTY, you die from gunfir ein the Conflict, your TK'd for say.. A day?
And Faction Leaders would be TK'd for a Week.
Follow my Twitter HERE!


Yeah, I can see that. But I don't think people should die that quickly. Especially since anomalies are easier to avoid in the actual game, than in the gamemode. In fact, they're really shitty in the gamemode.

The damage anomalies are easy as hell to see and avoid. At least for me they are. I don't think anomalies should kill anyone. Legitimate RP'ed kills with authorizations and observations should be the only things that can PK others. Also, since there's always two SA's around somewhere (Except maybe after 12:00 AM Mountain time), it would be easy to get auths for things. And PKs could be appealed, and screenshots must be taken. If something wasn't RP'ed to our standards, the PK would be automatically appealed upon review. Though, we'd have to badger Silver about making us a PK appeal forum, and you know how hard that is to get from him. -.-

Anyway, a good example of a PK slash me after a long time of RP:

 ./me puts the barrel of his P99 to the STALKER's head and mutters a quiet prayer before squeezing the trigger; Sending a lead, 9mm bullet out of the chamber, through the barrel, and into the STALKER's soft brain.

Now also, I don't like the idea of anything really happening to Faction Leaders like that. They need to be able to lead our factions, and get things done both IC and OOC. This was something the folks on Ventrilo suggested: Faction leaders shouldn't be PKed/TKed/PIed unless the faction leader himself agrees to it.

Although, the TKs for dying in combat sounds nice. Maybe they are restricted from logging onto their characters for a few hours? I like that idea, and I might force that upon my faction regardless of what's decided about PKs. I want my guys to start using cover more often, and stop running a gunning. Maybe if they were actually AFRAID of the bullets, battles would play out more realistically, and maybe I would stop leading my men in death charges. Considering, of course, if they all die, I won't have any minions to command for a couple hours. Hehe.
_________________________________________________Edit: 09-03-2009_________________________________________________
Also, I've decided to fight in less battles. I think it would be better if I could hover in observe, give orders to my men, and make sure everybody Role Plays, or at least plays by the rules. I would suggest the other faction leaders to do this as well. The occasional fighting alongside your men is okay, but doing it all the time would create complications. If you're able to observe the battlefield while the battle takes place, you can make sure the RP'ers in your faction are playing like they should:

Using cover.

Stopping and shooting.

Fearing bullets.

I honestly want to be able to see if my guys break the rules, so I can ban their asses. I hate it when I see people run around trees and spray about 50 bullets into the enemy. Firefights would go much better if people stayed in cover, and blind fired more. Laid down suppressing fire... Covered each other... Using stealth and the element of surprise to take down a foe... God it would be beautiful to see. I might require all my men to watch more war movies, LOL. Like Black Hawk Down. Good example to watch. =P That's how I want to see my guys behaving. How fucking sweet would that be?


Duty , Mili & Freedom should have training , drills & war games in faction. You don't do what we do in the real world. You need to stay sharp & hone your skills.


So basically your saying "If you dont believe in my religion, im gonna kick your ass!" >.>


Me? I'm saying we don't stand around all day and than go blitz a base.


Yeah, I need to write up some guides for Duty, detailing out tactical exercises and things. I gotta show them how to fight. Without guides, trainings would be chaotic.


Quote from: Rohok Yeah, I need to write up some guides for Duty, detailing out tactical exercises and things. I gotta show them how to fight. Without guides, trainings would be chaotic.

I'lll get Mil into the same shape once I takeover, if i ever do, until then, I'll just be a typical Legendary STALKER wandering around. Joining in whereever possible.
Follow my Twitter HERE!


Ive just taken the role of recruitment officer in military, don't worry about training. MattyK talk to me with stuff about training so we can get all that settled, as well as anything else. I have lots of ideas.

Military Recruitment Officer // Christofer Brock
Trader // Maksym Smirnovoych Ctol
CCA.C18-UNION.75160 // Jakob Turman

Silver Knight

It's all about a balance of Passive and Non- Passive Roleplay

Alot of new players rely on non - Passive Roleplay, and require fancy huds, sounds and special effects to get them in the mood.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


It's pretty sad that you guys still haven't fixed your radios. I'll post a snippet from my script later for you, it's a radio item in witch you can set a frequency consisting of both numerals and letters, or just one or the other.  Probably tomorrow morning/afternoon.


Don't bash me if someone has already fixed the radio thing. I'm heading off in a few minutes, and I don't feel like reading 5 pages of complaints and suggestions.


Radios are fixed, only the faction can hear the radio chat from there faction.

Duty can only hear Duty
Freedom can only hear Freedom
Loner can only hear Loner

(I'm sure it can be improved it your code, :3)

Silver Knight

Quote from: Snaggy It's pretty sad that you guys still haven't fixed your radios. I'll post a snippet from my script later for you, it's a radio item in witch you can set a frequency consisting of both numerals and letters, or just one or the other.  Probably tomorrow morning/afternoon.


Don't bash me if someone has already fixed the radio thing. I'm heading off in a few minutes, and I don't feel like reading 5 pages of complaints and suggestions.

Im working on external radio's, ill see about putting them in later.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period