How Can We Improve Your Stalker Roleplay Experience?

Started by Silver Knight, 02-03-2009

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Because the Monolith doesn't do anything but sit in their factory and shoot people who come in. It's scarier when you guys are out and about kidnapping and brainwashing people.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 16-09-2010
Because the Monolith doesn't do anything but sit in their factory and shoot people who come in. It's scarier when you guys are out and about kidnapping and brainwashing people.
Actually people sometimes attack us. Which is kind of irrational, since Monolith is the most feared faction.
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That's what I'm saying, sitting around and shooting people who raid you isn't scary. Yes you win every fight but respawning to do it again doesn't make anyone afraid. Being brainwashed/ritually sacrificed and PK'd does frighten people. You see what I am saying?

And it kills me how factions get so defensive if anyone has criticism. The topic is called "How can we imporve STALKER" so you are going to get criticized. Don't call me names, it's a valid point. Grow up.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 16-09-2010
That's what I'm saying, sitting around and shooting people who raid you isn't scary. Yes you win every fight but respawning to do it again doesn't make anyone afraid. Being brainwashed/ritually sacrificed and PK'd does frighten people. You see what I am saying?

And it kills me how factions get so defensive if anyone has criticism. The topic is called "How can we imporve STALKER" so you are going to get criticized. Don't call me names, it's a valid point. Grow up.

Misunderstanding, I was calling some player here in SRP, not you mate.
And yup, I think we should start making people afraid.
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Maybe have it like, if a player or group attacks a faction they can be PKed. Not the factioners, just the ones raiding.

It would give you a reason to stay away and only attack if really necessary.


We need FEWER negatives to attacking shit, not more.  Right now no one attacks anyone ever.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 17-09-2010
We need FEWER negatives to attacking shit, not more.  Right now no one attacks anyone ever.

This. The only ones that really attacked were A: People that didn't have to worry about losing a few months work due to flags, or B: Were already strapped in Exo suits and brandishing the RapeCanon F2000. No one wanted to attack before because losing shit was a huge setback, what's coming up with MORE negatives going to do besides make people sit in bases all day and not even DARE stick their head out? Oh wait...that already happens.


Just before the script change Monolith were pretty fierce, we were leaving our base cruising the Zone, attacking Stalkers and the like.


How can you improve my Stalker roleplay experience?

Make it possible to buy and play guitar

EDIT: And maybe add this too:
Thought it looked interesting


Quote from: Nova on 19-09-2010
How can you improve my Stalker roleplay experience?

Make it possible to buy and play guitar




For one, it would be nice if one could just download a map with the pack-ratted materials instead of a heap of custom content , but aside from that love the mod, keep up the good work! ;D

Silver Knight

Quote from: bizzclaw on 03-10-2010
For one, it would be nice if one could just download a map with the pack-ratted materials instead of a heap of custom content , but aside from that love the mod, keep up the good work! ;D

Our content in total is just over 1 gig, thats why you do not download it on the server. You need all that content to play.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Yes I did Sort of lie when I said I loved the mod, but not when I said keep up the god work, I think you have a good idea of what you want, but your taking it in the wrong direction. Try looking at the script of Radioactive sandbox for some ideas, Radioactive Sandbox has events like emission, or "Fallout storms"  and Anomalies randomly spawn  and shift in the map. it also has a spawn system where it automatically spawns the amount of loot and AIs based on the number of players on the servers, heres the Facepunch thread:
Not trying to make this sound like a server ad, but if you want to try the game-mode on my server, feel free to join:

Now for the constructive criticism. If you can't take constructive criticism well, that you don't have to read this.

Firstly, custom content, there is far to much custom content that simple half life 2 models and textures can handle, why is it that the map uses textures ripped, from S.T.A.L.K.E.R, When you could easily use a file form the Source engine? Speaking of the map are you aware you can Pack rat the files? Pack Ratting is where content is saved with the map map file, so you don't have to go and download 1.8 gigabytes of textures.

Secondly Gameplay. I thought you were aiming for the feel of S.T.A.L.K.E.R, obviously I was wrong. When I spawned I wandered the map aimlessly not knowing what to do and I felt like i was uninterestingly exploring the map. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R I couldn't go more than five minutes without getting attacked by mutants or almost wading into an anomaly, however none of that happened on your server more than once, where an admin (who was for some reason a mutant) starting phys-gunning me and making weird noises. Not knowing what to do I ran, seconds later I was met with a big fat kicked screen. No prior warning was given and there is no explanation for getting kicked in the role-play guide.  ???

On the note of Players being mutants, i'm going to state how much sense that makes, which is zip, none. Firstly anyone over 10 is probably smarter than a mutant, Players a much to intelligent to take on a role of an animal,  who's brain has been made into a fried egg by radiation. If this is true, then why would a player, rathar than an NPC fill the role of a mutant?  The map is AI Noded, and there are stalker mutant SNPCs in dans mega NPC Pack that even I could implement into your gamemode. and don't say mutants can't roleplay, because in real life (assuming mutants even can exist,) a mutant would kill you no matter what, in a gamemode based on a game, that is based on real life, the same applies, therefore the mutants are brainless idiots which will stop at nothing to tear your face off, and an NPC can very easily fill that role.


The whole content pack is separated download is, I believe, to keep the server stress down. It isn't hard to come here to download it.

Quote from: bizzclaw
Secondly Gameplay. I thought you were aiming for the feel of S.T.A.L.K.E.R, obviously I was wrong. When I spawned I wandered the map aimlessly not knowing what to do and I felt like i was uninterestingly exploring the map. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R I couldn't go more than five minutes without getting attacked by mutants or almost wading into an anomaly, however none of that happened on your server more than once, where an admin (who was for some reason a mutant) starting phys-gunning me and making weird noises. Not knowing what to do I ran, seconds later I was met with a big fat kicked screen. No prior warning was given and there is no explanation for getting kicked in the role-play guide.  ???

SRP is trying to aim for the Stalker Universe, but we have some issues with the whole Canon and Non-Cannon thing.
Also, I've played SRP were it was unsafe to be outside due to bandits and mutants, but we had a script change and it isn't finished yet.
We had blowouts before, but it was removed(?) We have anomalies, but I think they require an Admin to place them on this map. The last map had them generated, while there was some sort of equation to get them to spawn artifacts. We also have scraps that spawn. But most people do missions or join Factions to get any where. As for the NPC spawn, Exile asked the community for our opinion's. It's up to him to decide to add or not.

And I think the mutant/admin was trying to Roleplay with you, but you may have avoided it and he kicked you.

Quote from: bizzclaw
On the note of Players being mutants, i'm going to state how much sense that makes, which is zip, none. Firstly anyone over 10 is probably smarter than a mutant, Players a much to intelligent to take on a role of an animal,  who's brain has been made into a fried egg by radiation. If this is true, then why would a player, rathar than an NPC fill the role of a mutant?  The map is AI Noded, and there are stalker mutant SNPCs in dans mega NPC Pack that even I could implement into your gamemode. and don't say mutants can't roleplay, because in real life (assuming mutants even can exist,) a mutant would kill you no matter what, in a gamemode based on a game, that is based on real life, the same applies, therefore the mutants are brainless idiots which will stop at nothing to tear your face off, and an NPC can very easily fill that role. 

Reason why we have player mutants is to create Fear RP and Regular Roleplay. It takes intelligence to be able to act as a mutant. The mutants as players are provided to add more roleplay to the server, and make it less of a Shoot-Everything-Gamemode. Mutants do only wish to kill you if you invade their area/they are hungry/or you hurt them.
Mutant Players tend to only go for single loners, usually for food or territory needs. Never attacking groups(Unless they are stupid and want to die). NPCs would attack anything marked as an enemy.

If they were NPCs, people would grind them for any items they could drop. Also, the mutants, such as controllers and Suckers have more then enough intelligence to do things. Having NPCs could cause issues such as they can spot you from far away and tend to chase you until they die.

SRP is also based on a fictional game which is based off a fictional book, based off an actual location. So it is not based on real life at all. The Actual Zone does not contain anomalies and mutants like the game. Nor does it have artifacts or Factions fighting in the Zone. As far as I know, the Zone is a closed off area to the Public, with maybe some people going in to steal things they can sell. But nothing even close to being like Artifacts.


Anomolies used to spawn randomly and there used to be blowouts. Players hated blowouts because they were obnoxious as fuck and there were no places to hide from them in the map they were on. Since Sector 42 has more places to hide it would probably work a little better.

I think anomoly spawning will be brought back eventually.

NPC mutants would be stupid since new players don't have guns or ammo or anyway to defend themselves if some asshole pulled a mutant into the spawn teleporter things would be bad.

Mutants are all player controlled because like Khorn said it is scarier when a human sucker is tracking you and cloaking in and out than some mindless NPC bull charging you. Mutants are smarter than you think, yeah dogs and snorks are pretty brainless but suckers and controllers in the games and books have been shown to be pretty intelligent. Plus the mutant flags give donators rewards that keep the server up.


Quote from: Wings on 30-10-2010

Oh.. Ok.. Wow wings. ur a bish


Quote from: Turkey on 30-10-2010
Quote from: Wings on 30-10-2010

Oh.. Ok.. Wow wings. ur a bish

Why are you feeding a failtroll?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Mutant pounce swep. Takes all stamina or soemthing


Freedom all day BITCHES!



Iv noticed how while playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC Everyone has a gun (Unless there mutants, or a NPC with no life), I would suggest that Rookies get a weak pistol (Of course, they have to be trusted after the admin watches them at the rookie camp)
I haven't been on the server for 1 month, and that was before I got SoC. I understand if you disagree with me, just don't flame me for " BUT MINGES MAN" 



I Think that their should be a Rookie Camp like in Stalker Soc and Stalker Clear sky for All the new players (rookies). When they get their, there should be a few Mercs Armed Well to protect it ( Because knowing some people would think "lets lolraid it"). A leader of the camp (Well someone like 'Wolf')should be their to help them out a little. Weak pistols should be given to  them.  It would give new players to learn and make better RP (Well if they Rp in their). Jobs could be handed out and other stuff. A fews day later they will have to leave the camp. Only the people (Rookies) should be able to do the jobs in their and Get cheaper stuff from a trader. 

I don't know how it would turn out but hey. This is ever a Really bad idear or a Really good idear

PS: sorry if there are spelling Errors.


It's a good idea, although we'd need few gurus, from other timezones and very active ones.
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Quote from: GoKiller on 06-11-2010
I Think that their should be a Rookie Camp like in Stalker Soc and Stalker Clear sky for All the new players (rookies). When they get their, there should be a few Mercs Armed Well to protect it ( Because knowing some people would think "lets lolraid it"). A leader of the camp (Well someone like 'Wolf')should be their to help them out a little. Weak pistols should be given to  them.  It would give new players to learn and make better RP (Well if they Rp in their). Jobs could be handed out and other stuff. A fews day later they will have to leave the camp. Only the people (Rookies) should be able to do the jobs in their and Get cheaper stuff from a trader. 

I don't know how it would turn out but hey. This is ever a Really bad idear or a Really good idear

PS: sorry if there are spelling Errors.

See the Sanctioned, they are a player org that does that...kind of. When they aren't stash whoring. Not sure if they are still around, I think they are since Dug wants his forums back.

Traders can't really lower prices on low end gear due to it all coming in shipments which is why no one wants to sell low end gear. Because if 1 person needs a makarov and a trader has to buy 5 he either takes a loss by selling that one makarov at a reasonable price (and being stuck with 4 other unsellable makarovs that no one wants because they suck) or he has to charge the rookie more to cover the shipment cost so he can sell the 1 makarov and make money by cashing the other 4.