Hold the line!

Started by Dug, 22-03-2011

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Hold the line!


** Everyones PDA in the zone lights up, to those who allow to recieve any and all incoming messages , "Incoming message."

The Sanctioned calls upon all like minded stalkers to help hold the line against incoming waves of mutants in the cordon. We must stand together brothers against the invading mutants. This is where we all started, this is where we all came from. Help protect the source of all men in the zone! It is our duty to do so!

** Loudspeakers in the cordon crackle to life. "The Sanctioned is calling upon all like minded stalkers to help hold the line against the invading hordes of mutants, the cordon MUST BE SECURED! INCOMING! HOLD THE LINE!" Gunfire and mutant screams are heard trough out the cordon along with yells of killed men. After some time the loudspeakers crackle to life again repeating the message and then adding "Humanity will not be defeated! We will stand tall!"

The Story...

The Sanctioned is led by Valentin Dragonov who currently is in charge of the cordons defenses and the line being held. He has sent a runner to the area around chernobyl to invite The Outcast mercenaries , despite The Sanctioneds hate for mercenaries. A lot of Sanctioned members can be seen in the cordon, setting up defenses, arming them selves, tending to the wounded and other incoming stalkers. After a while he has decided to invite an old friend to help. The 85th Batalion of Duty. The Sanctioned became friends with Duty after the heroic rescue from the jaws of The Ukranian Military, if it were not for them, The Sanctioned wouldn't have lived to defend the cordon.

Originally they came to the garbage to wipe it clean from the bandit threat they have been hearing of. However after the last blowout, mutant attacks have became restless. Attacking day and night. No matter how many holes they seal and how many they kill, more always come. Spikes, traps, guns everywhere, pointed in every direction. The men determined to hold the area.

However the runner returned claiming the leader of the outcasts is missing and that they can not act without his authorization and that most of the men are out there looking for him. This was ill news to Valentin as he cursed the mercs for not helping even if they didn't come because of their leader was missing. However the help of such group would be very valued as they are known for the long time in the zone they have spent , their skill and professionalism.(Event: The Deep Sleep)

The 85th Batalion decided to come to the cordon and help defend it. However it will take time for them to prepare. Captain Ivan Viktorsky was indeed glad to have his men prove their worth to the zone. And accepted the challenge of holding the mutants back.


It is said that The Outcasts do not have a good history with Duty. However they do reside in the same sector keeping neutrality. Will the presence of both in the same territory raise conflict? Will they rather kill each other before killing the mutants and standing together as brothers?

The rumor has it, The Outcasts won a war against The Monolith which wiped them both out for three years, rendering the area around chernobyl monolith free. Will their presence in the garbage attract The Monolith? Or will they appear as honorable mercs as some call them, and prove their worth along with the rest of the men there? Their bravery? Skill?

It remains to be seen as very little is known about them and they rarely tell people anything about their group.

Note: This event and the deep sleep are all connected. They will all depend on your choices and the way people do things. Example if the people from event deep sleep fail, outcasts won't join the fight.


** Stone walks in and turns to Ranger. "Tell Valentin he can count on The Outcasts."

The mercenaries walk in, settling down. Making proper defenses , in utter silence.
Stone positions some of his men to patrol and overwatch.

After an hour Captain Ivan Viktorsky himself has led the 85th batalion to the cordon to help.
They along with The Outcasts began preperations and planing.


(( Can we get fewer threads with fucking autoplaying music that can't be paused/stopped? /rage Otherwise, nice event. When is it to take place, and who can join?

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.


((When will this even occur, Cause lion wants to prove his worth to the sanctioned and help protect his place at the cordon aswell.))
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


The music makes it epic so no.
And the event will take place when a lot of people will be on.
It will be a long lasting event.
Won't be just one day.


At least make the pause/unpase visible.

For various reasons, I'm not at HGN much any more.
I'll see you all around, though, some time...


Might I say, it'd be cool to have multiple battles going on at different faction bases. Wait, are factions allowed in this one?

Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.