Gear Return Rule

Started by Smirnoff, 31-05-2011

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That's surprising considering several months ago we discussed this same thing in this topic:


Jake, I must say, that is a good argument.

Now mind telling me what would be better? Something to quell the complaints about STK and No GR. How people fear lose of their gear and not actually portray any fear RP?


Useful post as always Jake  ::)


I have little time.

It can be easily exploited if you just get two average stalkers. One of them decides to kill another and repeat the process until billions are made and then share the fairly earned rubles.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Well I suggested a death timer to make it farmers annoyed by attempting to go that way.

Of course a death timer would cause other problems.

We just don't have a system that creates character fear, but only item fear.


Wait your saying a "Death Timer" For when you die, you have wait say10 minutes before respawn. Ten Mins would be good, any longer then the server would just die.


I can't even begin to count how many Mobile Radio's and AK74u's I lost due to that rule. Seriously, it has to be at least 20 each. I completely agree with you, and I think gear return should be un-outlawed.


DuranBlackraven's tips on how to not lose gear in SRP:

Tip 1: Don't go out alone. Going out alone BEGS for you to get robbed.


Yea, but see, people go out in groups due to fear of losing gear.

Most don't fear for their lives anymore.