Freelancer Chronicles.

Started by Son0fgrim, 31-07-2010

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(OOC) I decided to do a web comic about the Freelancers and some of the other colorful Characters in the RP. I hope you like it, feel free to see me in game if you want to be in it!
EDIT: added bio's for background info.

Ch1: Meet The team!

Jay Keys: team leader.
Amarican born, Honerible, belives heavilyn in the Freelancers code. He came to the zone to help evac people but stayed to make money when he found his first artifact, and Maria. Is somewhat of a cowboy, throwing himself into firefights with no reguard for his own safety and always coming out as the victor. He is seeking the Tulip and the Black sun. he and Maria are lovers.

Maria Barret: Team Sniper
Candian- amarican, she came to the zone to find her fortune and found love instead,even if she does treaet Jay with hostility. Has a passion for Muisic and keeps group moral up with song's. she was a hunter befor coming to the zone and served six years in the US mareines befor she came to the zone. ona intresting note, she really hates birds.

Jak Ralsh: CQC/Stealth. (me)
Russain born man who has forgotten most of his past due to having survied all 3 emmissions in the zone, as he lived there befor the CPP insident. He severd in the millitary for a number of years befor he retired. during the first emission he lost his left arm, along with most, if not all of his major organs (heart, liver, right lung, and a kidney) Anglia was the one who replaced all of his organs with prototype artificail ones, along with his arm. He is freindly and kind to others, but it should be noted he was in the U.C.K.I project, wich makes him extremly dangerous if his code word is said. Jay and Anglia both know it.

Anglia: team medic
worked on a bionics project for C Con proir to the first emision. she has extensive medical training and has saved all the Freelancers lives at one point . she is brave and  will not waver in her quest to help Jak, who's life she tore apart. she is an amuture with all fire arms , but can hold her own in a firefight. Has a large stash of life water (that she bought from bandits) for emegency's that she keeps hidden from everybody else in th team.

They are the Freelancers!

more comming soon, hopefully.
Jak Ralsh: Freelance STALKER


The posing looks like 5 minute work.
Needs fingerposing.
Who holds a guitar like that anyways?
And why is he cutting himself with a machete while holding a remington, is he An Hero?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


This took 30 minutes.
Stalker models can't be posed.
My girlfriend plays Guitar like that.
He is not cutting himself, hes roasting marshmallows. the Remington is my favort weapon in the Rp.
Jak Ralsh: Freelance STALKER


Jak's a cool guy, It's good work, were all new once jake


Outside of metal gear solid no one calls it "CQC"

But I like the posing.


OK, new panels from next Chapter.

our Mercs, return from a job.

to find that they're friends have bin butchered!
Jak Ralsh: Freelance STALKER


I don't even. Apparently we've got a mechanic who worked for the C-Consciousness, a medic with a large stock of extremely rare and deadly artifacts, a person that somehow survived through all three emissions, even though that's not possible...I'm 12 and what is this?

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.



Edit: To clarify my message, if you're from America, at least try to finish words and use proper syllabicates or at least pretend you know what you're doing.

In short, your browser probably has a Spellchecker. I know mine does. Use it.

Edit2: To tack on something of significance, this is a FORUM. There is no reason to rush, no reason to use the wrong YOUR YOU'RE YORE or THEIR THERE THEY'RE; On a forum, you have the luxury of time and patience. No one gives a shit if you take an hour to post, you've got that whole hour to make your post look 'effing amazing. Use the most of your time, damnit. This is a rush job; Forums are not the place for rush jobs. Give time and effort. 30 minutes in posing is a waste of time; from what I can tell, you took 2 minutes writing all of these posts.

Edit3: You call yourself an American? You better have dyslexia.

Edit4: Google Chrome sucks. Firefox is meh. Internet Explorer is just Google Chrome. Ergo, sucks.

Edit5: I wonder if anyone's reading my edits?

Edit6: Do a barrel roll.


Quote from: Ragolution on 09-08-2010

Edit: To clarify my message, if you're from America, at least try to finish words and use proper syllabicates or at least pretend you know what you're doing.

In short, your browser probably has a Spellchecker. I know mine does. Use it.

Edit2: To tack on something of significance, this is a FORUM. There is no reason to rush, no reason to use the wrong YOUR YOU'RE YORE or THEIR THERE THEY'RE; On a forum, you have the luxury of time and patience. No one gives a shit if you take an hour to post, you've got that whole hour to make your post look 'effing amazing. Use the most of your time, damnit. This is a rush job; Forums are not the place for rush jobs. Give time and effort. 30 minutes in posing is a waste of time; from what I can tell, you took 2 minutes writing all of these posts.

Edit3: You call yourself an American? You better have dyslexia.

Edit4: Google Chrome sucks. Firefox is meh. Internet Explorer is just Google Chrome. Ergo, sucks.

Edit5: I wonder if anyone's reading my edits?

Edit6: Do a barrel roll.

Oh wow, And I thought your avatar gave it away! :P


Quote from: Alexander Degtyarev on 09-08-2010
Quote from: Ragolution on 09-08-2010

Edit: To clarify my message, if you're from America, at least try to finish words and use proper syllabicates or at least pretend you know what you're doing.

In short, your browser probably has a Spellchecker. I know mine does. Use it.

Edit2: To tack on something of significance, this is a FORUM. There is no reason to rush, no reason to use the wrong YOUR YOU'RE YORE or THEIR THERE THEY'RE; On a forum, you have the luxury of time and patience. No one gives a shit if you take an hour to post, you've got that whole hour to make your post look 'effing amazing. Use the most of your time, damnit. This is a rush job; Forums are not the place for rush jobs. Give time and effort. 30 minutes in posing is a waste of time; from what I can tell, you took 2 minutes writing all of these posts.

Edit3: You call yourself an American? You better have dyslexia.

Edit4: Google Chrome sucks. Firefox is meh. Internet Explorer is just Google Chrome. Ergo, sucks.

Edit5: I wonder if anyone's reading my edits?

Edit6: Do a barrel roll.

Oh wow, And I thought your avatar gave it away! :P

I love you too.


Stop spamming. The OP has been permabanned from everything because he's an 11 year old rage monkey.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 09-08-2010
Stop spamming. The OP has been permabanned from everything because he's an 11 year old rage monkey.

Srs bznz? What did he do?



Why is this shiz still unlocked?
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Because no one mods the forums like I do.

And he got banned for threatening to hack the server and being a little cunt after getting killed by a Controller ICly.


Thats fail, though I can understand raging OVER controllers in general.


Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.