Freedom Needs a new lead. . . Again

Started by Tom, 21-01-2011

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Have fun Negative, I'm going to lynch you if you'll go inactive !
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Quote from: Dug on 22-01-2011

At the end of the day, I don't care, my faction is doing fine and there's no need what so ever for me to even post here at all. The only reason I got involved is because of shit that's thrown at Duty that Duty hasn't done at all.

So you say I have no merit and then your last sentence is exactly the attitude that has led to this. There has been more than 1 fight between Duty and Freedom since you've been leader. Freedom has gone on the offensive a few times against Duty because I have SEEN it happen before I got tired of the shit state of all this. Yes it is hard to blame a faction for defending itself when attacked and winning, I agree but at the same time it is because of mili and duty begging Freedom to STK with them that Freedom feels obligated to get into these STK battles in which they lose thousands of rubles in gear and lots of players who get tired of losing day in and day out while all the other factioneers and leaders continue to think "it's just freedom being shitty." Freedom has had these problems since before anyone in this thread was even on the server (and I hate to throw my join date around like that but I also hate people claiming "I have no idea what I'm talking about"). If it really was just a bad leader than this would be the first time this argument came up. It isn't because the issue goes deeper than just leader problems this past month. If it didn't then we wouldn't be seeing this issue every other month for two years like we have.

And Dug the reason I stay here is because I put a lot of work into this server when it didn't suck and I feel like I have some misguided obligation to attempt to fix it. Plus I enjoy seeing you rage at anything even remotely criticizing because I find it hypocritical and funny. You see fit to complain about Freedom like you are when a post Turkey made in Duty's thread (that I supported) about how Duty sits on its ass all day (back when Freedom had some muscle left) got deleted by you twice and everyone supporting it got told to "fuck off you don't know what you're talking about." No one is "absorbing what I say", what I've posted has been true (and has been an issue for close to two years when I first came here). You just don't want to see it/haven't seen it since your timezone doesn't match up with what most of Freedom had to work with.


May I ask, were you droped on your head when you were born?
We don't beg anyone. We wait for you to be stupid enough to attack.
Slaughter you and call it a day and do some training / events.

Also you are never or on the server. So you don't know what's going and you keep repeating the same story.

I can't be bothered with your attitude of all knowing so do your self a favor. Get on the server. See what we are actually doing, before you begin mentioning duty here at all.


Okay... Honestly this was a leader suggesstion board not the bitch and complain about how you think X faction is better then Y faction, Shut the -hell- up and take i to the damn complants/suggestions boards but you know what? theres no point in me posting this because most-all of you are to full of yourselves to know when to shut the fuck up and stop bitching or take it else where, Honestly this is no motivation for me to even attempt to come back even though i was thinking about it that thought just shot itself in the face with a fucking twelve gauge, No all of you fuck off and get back onto topic there is no point in locking this as 90% of th bitching posts here come from admins who can post in locked fourms anyway.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


I'm gonna lynch or crucify Negative if he will go inactive.
Also Goose, epic signature. And shouldn't this thread be Locked when you guys got a leader (I think, I'm confused if Negative is the leader or not) ?
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This is fucking stupid as fuck. Oh and Dug, While you where not on your dutiers would attack us every fucking day before I would go to bed. Mili, would seem to attack us weekly. And yes cannonly would hunt bandits down, and that "Stupid Rule" was put into place cause we would have factions go "Oh hey I have 10 guys can I butt fuck your 2?"

So really Dug YOU are fucking CLUELESS about what your men do when your offline.

And as for "Sheltering out enemies" WHO?! might I ask, has freedom "Sheltered" that is a military enemy. If I recall correctly, Everytime Duty/Mili would go to attack US, it would be for reason "Lol I R BORED" Don't you fuckers even deny it either, you BOTH act as though everyone is lieing and NOTHING could POSSIBLY be your fault at all, cause your factions are Perfectly perfect and there shit don't stink at all, and what the hell, Why should we care about other people's fun? I mean we should TOTALY not care about generating fun at all for anyone, I mean that would be fucking retarded, I mean I totally go onto SRP to become incredibly enraged when People BITCH at me for having an inactive faction when we can barely hold down members due to IDK Duty and Mili swallowing up evry single hobo from under the bridge, and Duty and Mili always attacking, I mean, don't be silly, we all play video games to become pissed, Wait. . . No we don't.

Seriously though Dug/Doom We have had problems with getting stomped, quite litterally weekly(Mili) and Daily(Duty), And saying "Oh its not our fault that bandit groups can never get strong, I mean we only rofl stomp them at first notice." is the reason why No one bandits, its also the reason why BoP became inactive, due to people constantly spying on us and going  "Woa Holy fuck we should amass the entire server with no proof cause they have the bandit flags guis"

On that note, Please for the fucking love of fucking god post anouther thread.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Then if you two got your heads out of your arses you would give me some names.


What I see here is that the leaders of Freedom are complaining they're getting "roflstomped".
This means your leadership skills are extremely low and I really MEAN it.
If you would think about the possibilities of avoiding this, you wouldn't be whining.
Duty didn't make a single attack on Freedom when I become allied with Duty, you had a lot of time to gather strength by now.

What are you on about the bandit part?
I've robbed +20 loners since I came back from my inactivity ( This was a month or so ago ) and I didn't get a single warning from anyone.
Want to know why?
I act rationally.

Get your shit together.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Moving this thread to the dumpster
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22