Freedom Needs a new lead. . . Again

Started by Tom, 21-01-2011

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Quote from: Rebel6609 on 21-01-2011
I really don't have any vote, but I do have a suggestion on what you should be looking for in leadership. Although activity is key to a faction being good, It also has to have a good strong leader. Although tasker was active, and freedom was active with it, it was mainly just chill out in bars and drama and shit. Tasker did as far as getting people active. Never saw much more than that PERSONALLY.

Im unsure of negative zero's roleplay capabilities, but if he not only has a strong knowledge of what freedom is, and is willing to take the time and effort to work on the faction then he should get it. This would involve editing the forums, taking opinions from members, knowing when to put your foot down when the need arises and maintaining your factions war-effort ICly and OOCly. Although we would like it to be how it was normally, Freedom needs a kick in the ass to get it going again. Because as far as I see, stalkers and mercenaries work against freedom the majority of the time. I was in it for a total of 2 weeks and I was ratted out, bombed and ambushed by stalkers that would normally be my allies.

The new leader would need to establish connections with stalkers, and make it pleasant for them. Military right now I would say has more respect with stalkers than freedom.

I hope this will help you realize what is needed in a leader.

We probably wouldn't have to play musical leaders every other month if Military and Duty stopped acting like buttbuddies and actually engaged Freedom in fair fights instead of teaming up and stomping on them. (And yes, using Fail Platoon to stomp on Freedom is the same thing since that shitty little faction is made up entirely of Duty and Mili alts).

Freedom's inactivity is as much the other factions' faults as it is their own. Doom's insistence on keeping mili's apps open as well as Duty and Mili's constant bloodlust (you yell at Freedom for sitting around passiving in bars all day but have you stopped to consider what constantly losing STK fights feels like?) makes being in Freedom no fun. Hence we have no freedomers and the STALKER server is super boring.

And if you're going to take the Doomburger approach to that argument and say "well learn to STK better" that is hard to do when Silver gave Duty and Mili BD 6s and PKMs and refused to let Freedom have either of those. (Which may have changed, I haven't been on the server in ages). So you have advantages in active players, huge advantages in equipment, and are/were actively using a fail "3rd" party (Orion Platoon) to grief Freedom even further, and now people are wondering why Freedom doesn't want to play any more? The reason for inactivity isn't due to poor leaders, it's due to being buttfucked by everyone else in the server including SK himself.


You know paint, as much as I love you bashing military and duty, along with Orion platoon this isn't really about that. How about, instead of complaining make ideas that don't involve saying fail platoon! I like that idea. And if you train your guys, you would win a bit more. The gear is evened out, though you do need tactics to win these battles. I don't personally agree with teaming 5 on 10, but you can always retreat. I did a 6 on like 7 freedom and a few stalkers and we won because we used tactics. A fair Mili vs freedom + stalker fight.

Honestly, if you can't seem to stand to fight, then you really aren't Major faction material. Seeing as this is a factions war, you should be able to fight or die trying. Although losing is morale lowering, a good leader can fix this. With a active, tactical leader anything can be done. Also, its important to have advisors, both combat and politcal. All this comes with being a leader of a faction. The blood lust can go away if you take the offensive, and show them your not a force to be reckoned with, but that won't come from sunshine and rainbows.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Quote from: Rebel6609 on 21-01-2011
You know paint, as much as I love you bashing military and duty, along with Orion platoon this isn't really about that. How about, instead of complaining make ideas that don't involve saying fail platoon! I like that idea. And if you train your guys, you would win a bit more. The gear is evened out, though you do need tactics to win these battles. I don't personally agree with teaming 5 on 10, but you can always retreat. I did a 6 on like 7 freedom and a few stalkers and we won because we used tactics. A fair Mili vs freedom + stalker fight.

Honestly, if you can't seem to stand to fight, then you really aren't Major faction material. Seeing as this is a factions war, you should be able to fight or die trying. Although losing is morale lowering, a good leader can fix this. With a active, tactical leader anything can be done. Also, its important to have advisors, both combat and politcal. All this comes with being a leader of a faction. The blood lust can go away if you take the offensive, and show them your not a force to be reckoned with, but that won't come from sunshine and rainbows.
I think you left out how much it has to do with gear as well. We don't have very good gear because of lack of money, which is caused by our inactivity. Then we're back where we started.


Then get active. The lack of money due to inactivity is on you and the leader. You have to take the initiative to set time off and get people on and going. No one wants to hang around without a leader. Its pretty obvious. When dugs not on, duty isn't on. Usually when theres no CO in in military, were all offline. Freedom doesn't come on much because no boss to tell em when to smoke and when to shoot.

Besides, its not like we attack every day every hour. Usually about every 2 weeks or somthing like that. Also, were armed with AK's for the mainstream soldier. Our CO's get the better gear, with SVD's, VSS's and grozas. I personally use a abakan because its a very reliable weapon and cheap.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Quote from: Rebel6609 on 21-01-2011
You know paint, as much as I love you bashing military and duty, along with Orion platoon this isn't really about that. How about, instead of complaining make ideas that don't involve saying fail platoon! I like that idea. And if you train your guys, you would win a bit more. The gear is evened out, though you do need tactics to win these battles. I don't personally agree with teaming 5 on 10, but you can always retreat. I did a 6 on like 7 freedom and a few stalkers and we won because we used tactics. A fair Mili vs freedom + stalker fight.

Honestly, if you can't seem to stand to fight, then you really aren't Major faction material. Seeing as this is a factions war, you should be able to fight or die trying. Although losing is morale lowering, a good leader can fix this. With a active, tactical leader anything can be done. Also, its important to have advisors, both combat and politcal. All this comes with being a leader of a faction. The blood lust can go away if you take the offensive, and show them your not a force to be reckoned with, but that won't come from sunshine and rainbows.

Tom tried to take the offensive iirc when he first got leader but got buttfucked because Mili has all the heavy artillery (ie the PKMs and BD6s). I know mili is very fond of the taste of their own dicks but let's take a look at the faction history for a moment.

Mili has had 3 leaders in the 2 years I've been here that I can remember (possibly one more I forgot): Radek, Killabreu (he lasted like a week iirc), Radek (again), and now Doomburger
Duty has also had very few leader: (there might have been one more before Nitro) Nitro, Welshy, Cutch (for like a week), Nitro, and now Dug.
Freedom has had far more than either of the two: Locke, Cobra, Tundruff, Celtic, Tasker, Goose, Tom, and now I guess Negativezero (sorry got confused)

Freedom has consistently been the most stomped on faction my whole time here. As much as you and Doom and Dug and everyone else likes to say "Oh it's because we're just better" well maybe there is an element of skill to that but mostly it is because playing as Freedom isn't fun and Freedomers have mili and Duty's relentless "WE MUST STK RAWR RAWR RAWR" every single day. Tom was saying in Teamspeak earlier how he hated getting on because he'd get bombarded with "Hey let's STK" over and over and over and got tired and frustrated of constantly losing fights. Saying "Get better, take the offensive" sounds nice so you can think you're all the "bestest" ever isn't helpful. If it's not fun to fight, then Freedom isn't going to fight. Period. If Freedom is constantly getting ganked by Mili, Duty, Fail Platoon, then they don't have a reason to get on any more. You can even compare the rosters of the major factions, Duty and Mili have stayed pretty similar even over 2 years. Freedomers come and go in the span of weeks. I can look at Duty and Mili and find names I have seen on SRP for months and names that have been in those factions for that long too. I look at Freedom's roster and go "Who the fuck are these people?" because they come, get smashed, hate it, and leave Freedom/the server forever. Again, maybe mili and Duty are better trained (I doubt it, I think it's more the gear advantage they have and the better "chemistry" they have from not having to redo their rosters every month) but at the same time if you guys are going to complain about Freedom's inactivity then give them some incentive to be active.

No one wants to show up just to get stomped on. As for the "Oh the playing field gearwise is even" no it isn't. Freedom has so many people coming and going that they can't afford the higher end shit. Mili has like 5 skats last time I was on the server (which, like I said, was a while ago so if these numbers aren't correct any more I don't give a fuck), VSS's and VALs and Grozas and PKMs and BD6s, Duty has an Exo and a good amount of high end rifles themselves as well as a PKM (and I think a BD6 as well). Freedom has one Exo (although Cutch doesn't play SRP any more so unless it got passed to someone else it's pretty much gone) and a bunch of LR300s and G36s. Before people go "G36s are godlike Freedom just sucks" (which is what Exile was fond of saying in TS when Tom would try and talk to him about evening the odds a bit) if that were true Freedom wouldn't get raped by 1 soldier with a BD6 (which happened last time I saw Freedom and mili have an STK fight. Doomburger spammed the fuck out of them with the BD6 and killed them all before anyone knew what was happening).

So no, better combat won't come from Freedom passiving hard. But it also won't come from increasing STK fights.

And since I got ninja'posted I'll continue this wall of text: Rebel you aren't listening. Freedom has no incentive to get active not because of not having a leader but because playing as a Freedomer isn't fun when for some reason all the STALKERs hate you and mili and duty are constantly wanting to have pissing contests with Freedom. "Oh the gear advantage will disappear when you get active." Well no one is going to get active and weather being raped by mili and duty for weeks so they can start to afford competitive gear. Especially when Freedom wastes a lot of money equipping new recruits who then get bored/tired of getting shit on day in and day out and never come back.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 21-01-2011
Freedom has had far more than either of the two: Locke, Cobra, Tundruff, Celtic, Tasker, Goose, Tom, and now I guess NEGATIVE ZERO.
Sorry, had to fix that before I even read your whole post. I'd never accept the position of leader.


So, in all honesty paintcheck. What do you suppose happens? We can't just completely cut off factions from each other. They are meant to be fighting. Im all for duty and military fighting each other or just completely ignoring each other, but I have no say in that. When i was in freedom, I remember kicking dutys ass, and getting our asses kicked. It was fun with the raids. Military hasn't been messed with in a long time, except for these punisher guys. They never lost gear and are basicly turtling there shit now.

Obviously im not getting what your trying to say, so I do want to know what you want to happen with freedom and the other factions. Also, do me a favor and stop saying fail platoon. It gives me a headache.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Fail Platoon Fail Platoon Fail Platoon.

No you can't just cut the factions off but Freedom needs to get back on its feet and it might help give Duty something to do if mili and it fought each other instead of everyone sitting on their ass waiting for a few Freedomers to get on so they can stomp on them. I'd imagine server activity as a whole would go up if people had to deal with other antagonists (ie Monolith, some faction OTHER than Freedom so no one constantly feels like they are getting shit on). It doesn't help that Duty stomped all the bandits out of existence 2 months ago because an organized and well equipped bandit group could have fixed this problem (or at least alleviated it by giving Freedom an ally and Duty an enemy that wasn't Freedom).

I think right now everything is beyond fucked frankly since Freedom is in the shitter in terms of gear and members since Doomburger refused to close the apps like a month ago because he hates listening to logic and reason and considering the feelings of people other than himself. So yeah I guess I don't have an answer for that except that a new enemy needs to be introduced that can take the attention off Freedom so they get buttfucked every time more than 4 of them are online. Or mili and Duty should fight each other for a while.


Hi, Can you guys add a tl;dr at the end of those post. It's hard for my tiny mind to read all that info


tl;dr: I argue about stuff I really shouldn't care about (because I have no desire to ever set foot on SRP again unless a lot of things change) rather persuasively based on nearly 2 years of experience on the server and in Freedom.


Want another enemy? Get Last Exile to allow Rav and I bring Monolith back like we've been planning to do for almost a month. All we need is a yes from him and we'll take care of EVERYTHING else. As for my inactivity in Freedom, it's been a combination of EVERYONE going inactive right when I joined, trying to get monolith reallowed, and picking my nose in Fallout New Vegas being more fun then standing around waiting for Mili/duty to come around to attack.

EDIT: I don't vote for anyone, really. I don't want it, I want Monolith. I have my problems with Negative Zero but if enough people want him as it we'll see if he can do the job, and the people I'd think of voteing for have jump the train before it crashed.


Alright, everyone who has read this post has read some truth and doesn't have to read a wall of text which includes Paintchecks never ending bitching and his opinion that god him self put him in HGN.

Honestly Paintcheck if you don't like how things go on around here. Then leave.

DUTY, in total! Has attacked Freedom! Once! (during my time as lead)
Once! Because you insisted on attacking us.
We have even began to feel sorry for you guys.

In total, how many times has Freedom attacked Duty?
Numerous. How many times was it GR? Always.
And we, won 90% if not more of the fights.

Paintcheck, you should keep quiet about things you don't have a fucking clue about.
DUTY doesn't have a PKM. Since I'm not that retarded to buy a gun that's 90k and take the risk of losing it. BD6 is already taking it over the top.

We have an Exo, two SEVAs, a couple of sniper rifles and grozas, rest are armed with standard suits and abakans. You ask how? We are organized and don't spend our time bitching around. We work hard for our guns, suits and money. We plan, we make trainings, we correct mistakes, we kick out those who aren't good enough for Duty.

Bandits? I don't care about them, if stalkers tip us off there are bandits, we will slaughter them in worst way possible(as long as it's a fair fight - an other stupid rule that was put in because of constant bitching). Why? Because it's our job as major faction. Every bandit group that tried working out, had poor leaders and poor tacticians.  We might even pay stalkers to kill them.
And stop mentioning Orion Platoon, they are long gone. And there is NO NEED for you to mention them! Pointlessly.

Freedom lead you ask? Celtic and Midnight. Golden age of Freedom. They know what Freedom should be like. Rest are clueless.

EDIT: The only reason I didn't attack freedom at all during all this time is because I waited for it to recover. And even that once, was GR so go figure. It's your leadership. Not DUTY, and I really doubt it is military either. Though I can't vouch on their end. We use the same guns as you do because some guns(high grade - For your information AS-VAL IS SHIT) in my opinion aren't worth buying at all.


"In total, how many times has Freedom attacked Duty?
Numerous. How many times was it GR? Always.
And we, won 90% if not more of the fights."
Never in the time I've been here, has Freedom attacked Duty.
I've been attacked by Duty three times. Two fights were undecided, the other was a small 3v3, and we lost due to the SVD. No idea what you're talking about.

"We have an Exo, two SEVAs, a couple of sniper rifles and grozas."
Let's look that over. A /couple/ of sniper rifles. Freedom is the sniper faction, and we have one.

We're outmanned, outgunned, and out of our minds. Literally.


Quote from: Yorty on 22-01-2011
"In total, how many times has Freedom attacked Duty?
Numerous. How many times was it GR? Always.
And we, won 90% if not more of the fights."
Never in the time I've been here, has Freedom attacked Duty.
I've been attacked by Duty three times. Two fights were undecided, the other was a small 3v3, and we lost due to the SVD. No idea what you're talking about.

"We have an Exo, two SEVAs, a couple of sniper rifles and grozas."
Let's look that over. A /couple/ of sniper rifles. Freedom is the sniper faction, and we have one.

Because your leaders aren't capable of being leaders.
We have one VSS and a sniper team of two men who have SVDs.
All minor conflicts I don't look at them as attacks. During Tasker as lead is what I'm talking about.


Quote from: Dug on 22-01-2011
Because your leaders aren't capable of being leaders.
Have you read the thread title?

Quote from: Dug on 22-01-2011
All minor conflicts I don't look at them as attacks. During Tasker as lead is what I'm talking about.
Just like Orion Platoon, that was long[er] ago. Doesn't apply.


Quote from: Yorty on 22-01-2011
Quote from: Dug on 22-01-2011
Because your leaders aren't capable of being leaders.
Have you read the thread title?

Quote from: Dug on 22-01-2011
All minor conflicts I don't look at them as attacks. During Tasker as lead is what I'm talking about.
Just like Orion Platoon, that was long[er] ago. Doesn't apply.

If you took the time to read your own posts you would know I'm answering to your post to "How come we have one sniper rifle?"

Your questions was answered.
If there's an attack on Freedom it's led by me and no one else.

At the end of the day, I don't care, my faction is doing fine and there's no need what so ever for me to even post here at all. The only reason I got involved is because of shit that's thrown at Duty that Duty hasn't done at all.


Quote from: Dug on 22-01-2011
I don't care, my faction is doing fine and there's no need what so ever for me to even post here at all.
And this is some of the stuff that creates the problem.


Well, hopefuly I can correct and learn from these flaws which have been becoming increasingly noticeable over time. I don't know what I'll do about them yet, but it will probably be a slow and painful prosess of digging our shattered moral out of the landfill of Freedom bodies, stacked by by the 2 VS 1 faction war. Its no wodner we're losing when we're fighting two factions at the same time.

I dont recall Duty and the Military being butt-buddies in the games, or in any canon, infact, I recall them fighting eachother. At least when Monolith was around, and Duty and the Military where teamed up, there was more than one faction for them to curb stomp. But now they have all thier effort focussed on ONE tiny, under-maned, under-equipped and pitifuly poor faction, which loses more money than it gains due to people joining, getting fucking MASSACRED then leaving with 15k of gear. Poof. Down one man and 15k. That sure was effective.

To sum things up, I've got nothing to lose here, the faction is a rock-bottom and we're broke. So don't be surprised if you find some unusual and somewhat retarded tactics being put into play. I'm going to try anything and everything to get the playing field level.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


During my time as a lead, Duty and Military never cooperated in attacks on Freedom.
It will stay that way.

Duty and Military aren't in best of relations and you shouldn't think of them as butt buddies.
It seems like you all sucked up what Paintcheck told you without even processing it.

Duty and Military currents relations are : You stay out of my way, I'll stay out of your way.
Slight conflict would mean war. So please, don't talk about things you don't know anything about.

I don't even know about what masscares you are talking about. We never done such a thing.
You truly are potheads.


Perhaps its time I bring myself back to Freedom, too my lesser judgment. Its RP, its a game. Maturity reigns overs impatience. I can, and have, suffered attacks from the Military after my desertion months back and it didnt bother me to shoot right back at the guys I had been working with the day before, because in essence, they wernt my IC pals any longer. If you people want someone that can work against Duty to "get them off Freedom's hindside" then start talking to me to plan something out rather than sitting in a topic, bitching about it, when this topic was not setup for the bitch-fest that it became. I may not be an admin, but Im going to say this once before I call in support to halt any future bitching in this particular topic. Make a thred in the proper section, bitch it out there, move your quotes from this there and keep Tom's thread to what he made it for, a Freedom Leader vote. If you wish to discuss a potential PBG to give Duty some fun, without being pissy about your gear, then Pm me here on the website, or find me on SF.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


You see, that attitude you're showing right now is the whole reason behind us slaughtering you with every given occasion. Instead of trying to stop the aggression, you insist on resisting, you insist on getting in our way and you insist on sheltering our enemy. It seems Tasker was the only leader who had the bright idea of requesting a bloody ceasefire, which ended pretty well for Freedom.

Onto the "Duty issue". We don't even see eachother anymore, let alone WORK together. Hell, we went to war a while ago, but the issue was resolved before any damage was dealt to either of us.

And as for the purpose of this topic, I support Tasker. He did a fine enough job when he led Freedom.


I suggested a cease-fire with Duty multiple times, as we really had no reason to fight them besides the "ideals."
The Military is a different matter. But Paint is 100% percent correct on one point. Every time five plus Freedomers were on, (Which hasn't been very often as of late, as you can see) the Military would ask for a STK fight around 80% of the time, which is stupid. Hell, we usually don't even have a reason to just go off and fight the Military, besides the fact that people "are bored and want to shoot."


Take it too suggestions and complaints of the Freedom sub-forum. Get back on topic here and continue solely with Leader discussion, no more, no less.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Negative's leader, for now.
Could someone get him forum mod here? Shit needs cleaning.


Negative I wish you luck in leading your faction. And hope that you won't negelect it as others did.