Faction Location Rearranges

Started by Torch, 09-10-2009

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Move location from borderline doomfort checkpoint to the military base in S3. No one fucking uses S3 because people are cheap and don't feel like paying the 50RU to get through or are too scared to approach the military for fear of losing limbs or life.

Y'all got this pretty little base inside S3 that you can rent out a little surface building to the Ecos. Fuck it's even got a damn jail cell inside of it for all those prisoners  y'all are always taking.


Okay, yeah, its the Bar area. Not the shores of Normandy during D-Day, you don't need all those fucking spike traps, cement barricades and fences at the gate. You already block off one entrance with "Debris" so you don't need to fucking fortify the other one.

Those cement barricades generally are moved into position with machinery which you don't really have in the Zone. They had the sheet metal shields and sandbags for their barricades, you don't need all those shit tons of props.

Okay, yeah, you get anally fucked on a regular basis. I really don't have any complaints with it because it looks old, ragged and semi-believable even though walls like that wouldn't exist around a town like that.


I have no appropriate comments

Your government, you should be close by the Military or at least Duty. Fuck in SoC y'all called in HINDs, that's a nice connection right there.

Y'all have your own little places already.

There's this badass little place in S3 across from the military base, that as well as the Freedom and Duty areas should be your main hangouts.


Garbage and that little abandoned 2 story house outside of the S2/3 tunnel is pretty tight. The Warehouse/Flea Market should be like y'alls 'home base' so to speak and needs a little population.

Fuck, find someone, kick their asses out, take it for your own.

I will give a cookie to whoever makes the connection I'm leading on here.

Wazer Wifle

Our military base doesn't need to be moved, I am quite happy with its current location.


The spikes are used ICly to keep out dogs and Mutants, Play Stalker more :/



Quote from: Poxkillerd on 09-10-2009
The spikes are used ICly to keep out dogs and Mutants, Play Stalker more :/

Make your traps out of wood then pls, and not like 5 feet from the entrance. Also you still don't need all the fences.

And we can all be friends later after we finish beating the verbal shit out of each other.


Oh yes, Wooden spikes, that will keep away the Mutants...beware the Splinters..

Yeah no...I can aggre with the two feet in front of the entrance thing, I can fix that, Wooden Spikes, no.


I want the military base moved simply because im getting bored in the checkpoint.
But freedom having those walls... Well number 1 in SoC they have them around their base (military warehouses
And in Clear sky they do too (Dark Valley) i have no issue with that.


Quote from: Wazer Wifle on 09-10-2009
Our military base doesn't need to be moved, I am quite happy with its current location.
The Checkpoint IS the base. That's not a fucking checkpoint, it's a Stronghold, and the main base.

^ That is a checkpoint. Sandbag bunker, concrete barricades, a few armed guards, NOT AN ENTIRE BRIGADE THAT EAT AND SLEEP IN IT FFS
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


True dat the old checkpoint they had was fine with the sand bags but this is going a bit to far you guys basicly made the tunnel your base and cut S3 out for every one else i know you say oh pay 50 ru and go through lmao right never in hell when i wasnt in freedom i got yelled at for approaching without a gun go back to the base you have ... get out of the tunnel
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Please get out of that pretty tunnel?


Torch, you trying to make the server more close to canon?

I agree with alot of the said, the spikes do keep dogs out though.
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Quote from: Lucidius on 11-10-2009
Torch, you trying to make the server more close to canon?

I agree with alot of the said, the spikes do keep dogs out though.

No I'm trying to make the server make a little bit more of logical sense. You don't really have the equipment in the zone or the raw materials to make some of this shit.

It also peeves me that a 1/3 of the map isn't used because the milibase in in a tunnel.


Military get out of the tunnel and go to that base you say you have but never use, duty get ride of the spikes where the hell would you get those in the zone, freedom get ride of the walls and use maerials that you would have in your area, ecos go use the little bunker in S3 so your with the mili close by if you need help, bandits take the scrap yard its more belivable because in CS and SoC you controlled the garbage

Do i get a cookie :D
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Meh, Mili should fall back from their doom fort :3


They have their base , not the whole sector and that's how it's suppose to be.
Also they can get in their base it's huge I've played it on single player and lots of things can be put in.
They are cutting off for every other player a sector.
I don't see the spikes as a problem at the entrance of Duty base.


I Believe Freedom's new base is around the scrapyard now taking the old one got blown up?
Text Cyric the Archmage.

Dark Angel

Bandit base - Warehouse
Military base - S3 not S2/S3 tunnel it's abit fucked then :V S3 is always dead and empty.
Freedom - Town is fine more or less.
Duty - Stays where it is.
Loners - Loners are everywhere because canonly loners had alot of camps around the zone.
Merc - Mercs have small camps no bases.
Mono - Mono deeply in Argropom not at the fucking entrance.



Quote from: Dark Angel on 13-10-2009
Bandit base - Warehouse
Military base - S3 not S2/S3 tunnel it's abit fucked then :V S3 is always dead and empty.
Freedom - Town is fine more or less.
Duty - Stays where it is.
Loners - Loners are everywhere because canonly loners had alot of camps around the zone.
Merc - Mercs have small camps no bases.
Mono - Mono deeply in Argropom not at the fucking entrance.

Agreed, Im military and i even think we should move, it would open up RP opertunities in S3.
Also any movments should be RP'd.



It would be great, exspecialy when we have alot of military on...
It gets cramped


Quote from: the jackal on 13-10-2009
It would be great, exspecialy when we have alot of military on...
It gets cramped

I think we should still have a small checkpoint to see if freedom are coming to get raped before they reach us


now i dont agree with that^ we do fine when you dont have the damn outpost that thing is inpenitrable :P
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Quote from: Goose on 13-10-2009
now i dont agree with that^ we do fine when you dont have the damn outpost that thing is inpenitrable :P

Today the military had a outpost that was a few sandbags and a fire with a small tent. THATS the kinda checkpoint it should be. I'm not saying they should have NO checkpoint, I'm saying that it shouldn't BE THEIR BASE. Also I support them switching up their checkpoints every now and then to serveral little choke points around the map.