Everything completely dark?

Started by Kina, 16-07-2010

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I tried joining today after finally getting all the files together, however I couldn't really play since EVERYTHING was completely dark. Anyone know why? There wasn't even the flashlight function to use, I managed to make it to the town which for whatever reason made everything light up but as soon as I tried leaving it got dark again to the point where I can't even see, I got to the town by sheer luck. Also, I couldn't figure out how to OOC.


Read that, and read around the forums...
Quote/ooc - Sends a global out of character message (Most RP servers have this)

And its dark caused by the weather settings(I think...). You need to buy/get a flashlight to be able to use the flashlight. And I don't know what you're talking about, its not so dark, I could see in it. (And I have glasses.)


Actually no, Flashlights don't work well at the Night and Day System. Best to use Night Vision Goggles, find a Trader and buy one.


Usally I let it stay dark for awhile then I set it back too day since it gets pretty dark.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Kina on 16-07-2010
I tried joining today after finally getting all the files together, however I couldn't really play since EVERYTHING was completely dark. Anyone know why? There wasn't even the flashlight function to use, I managed to make it to the town which for whatever reason made everything light up but as soon as I tried leaving it got dark again to the point where I can't even see, I got to the town by sheer luck. Also, I couldn't figure out how to OOC.

If it's too dark for you, up your brightness.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period