-=DUTY=- Suggestions & Complaints

Started by Dug, 10-11-2010

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I'd suggest a bar in our base, it would give Stalkers and Dutiers likewise something to do, wich would make it more fun to rp with us (look at freedom for that)


Change up the ranks, having four officer ranks (Not including leader) and two 'regular' ranks (Not including trainee) doesn't make sense. Slapping people up as officers right off the bat doesn't really work either, and while I'm not questioning your decision making skills, ranks hard-earned mean all the more.


Quote from: Yorty on 07-06-2011
Change up the ranks, having four officer ranks (Not including leader) and two 'regular' ranks (Not including trainee) doesn't make sense. Slapping people up as officers right off the bat doesn't really work either, and while I'm not questioning your decision making skills, ranks hard-earned mean all the more.

If you have any idea's, i'd love to hear them.
We received absurd amounts of criticism when switching to anything else but the ukrainen army rank system, and in said system, the only non officer ranks are soldier and senior soldier.

I suggest you get some knowledge before you post as well, we're certainly not making people officer's right off the bat, and anyone in duty know's this, the officer rank takes time and devotion to earn.

Quote from: Astarathia on 07-06-2011
I'd suggest a bar in our base, it would give Stalkers and Dutiers likewise something to do, wich would make it more fun to rp with us (look at freedom for that)

That's a good idea that won't take that much work to implent either, we just need someone who's good at building to build a proper bar for us at a proper spot, and a trader to inherit it.
We could make some ad's for traders that the spot is open as well.
"|HGN| G-Man: Dont know what loli is, but i'd lie if I said I havn't seen some of that hentai stuff."


I'm only going on what I see in the application thread, and that's what it tells me.
And so what? Duty itself doesn't follow that system if you look at their ranks in the game, but again that has to do with translations.


Quote from: Yorty on 07-06-2011
I'm only going on what I see in the application thread, and that's what it tells me.
And so what? Duty itself doesn't follow that system if you look at their ranks in the game, but again that has to do with translations.

If you by any chance is referring to an application with the note "Reinstated as Sergeant", its exactly what it means.
Previous officer's within duty has left the faction and gone for a break, and are now returning to the faction, and thus being reinstated to their previous rank.

To answer your second statement, yes they do.
"|HGN| G-Man: Dont know what loli is, but i'd lie if I said I havn't seen some of that hentai stuff."


The ranks will remain the same as they have always been. The end.


How about making General or something lower and make people start out as Sergeants, since the whole battalion is elite iirc.
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[sarcasm]That's a great idea! And why don't we make you the General?![/sarcasm]

Elite Battalion? Doubtful. No offense, but half of all the people is (IC) complete idiots, disrespecting higher ranked people, as well as not taking the initiative to do certain things. And we can't make "General" an actual rank anyway. There is only one, ONE, General in Duty, and he is certainly not stationed on the front line.

So unless someone can persuade Exile to making 85'th Battalion a Elite Battalion, then no.


Quote from: Nova on 07-06-2011
[sarcasm]That's a great idea! And why don't we make you the General?![/sarcasm]

Elite Battalion? Doubtful. No offense, but half of all the people is (IC) complete idiots, disrespecting higher ranked people, as well as not taking the initiative to do certain things. And we can't make "General" an actual rank anyway. There is only one, ONE, General in Duty, and he is certainly not stationed on the front line.

So unless someone can persuade Exile to making 85'th Battalion a Elite Battalion, then no.

As said before, get a freaking bar in DUTY. If you already answered this with a "NO" then i'm sorry that i'm asking it again. Is there even a quartermaster, that can be your barman. You will attract way more people to DUTY. And when you said most of your people are IC idiots, how about you fix that and don't complain about it?
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Well, how about YOU stop telling the faction leader how to do his own job and let him and his officers settle the issue of disrespect on their own time. In the meantime, no, we don't have a QM, no, we don't have a bar, yet stalkers swarm our elevators every day annoying the piss out of us, looking for work. I think we're set mate, but thanks for the opinion.


You're clearly not following this (GeneralGold). I said no to a Elite Battalion. I never said no to a bar. A bar would actually be nice. And as Bucky said, leave the disrespect part to me and the Officers.


The bar idea is good. On the sidenote, elite battalion is a no.
Giving more jobs to the stalkers will improve your standing with them.

I might drag Sanctioned into Duty base.


Quote from: Dug on 07-06-2011
The bar idea is good. On the sidenote, elite battalion is a no.
Giving more jobs to the stalkers will improve your standing with them.

I might drag Sanctioned into Duty base.

Speaking of that note, I went to the DUTY mechanic for some stuff. Guess you guys aren't that closed to 'stalkers'
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Can we perhaps get a Warrant Officer ranking in between sergeant and Lieutenant. Sergeant to lieutenant is skipping a bunch of ranks and it is a real ranking in S.T.A.L.K.E.R (in SoC the guy who leads the dutiers gaurding the gate name is just Warrant Officer)



Quote from: meetdadoom on 08-06-2011
Can we perhaps get a Warrant Officer ranking in between sergeant and Lieutenant. Sergeant to lieutenant is skipping a bunch of ranks and it is a real ranking in S.T.A.L.K.E.R (in SoC the guy who leads the dutiers gaurding the gate name is just Warrant Officer)

No. Already talked with the others about this, and they didn't like the idea. I don't really like either.


I think it would be neat'o to have the insignia in the Charphysdesc instead of the name. . . makes promotions easier on everyone
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


The roster... An update is needed.


Indeed it is members who arent on it need to PM me.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Duty really needs to make events like training and things like that to make people interested in the faction. For now we mostly just guard which makes Duty look like dull gate guarding simulator. Thus leading to lack of recruits. (We just can't go outside the base with Freedom staring at us and waiting for a moment to stomp our balls out of existance.)


Quote from: Gonztah on 18-02-2012
Duty really needs to make events like training and things like that to make people interested in the faction. For now we mostly just guard which makes Duty look like dull gate guarding simulator. Thus leading to lack of recruits. (We just can't go outside the base with Freedom staring at us and waiting for a moment to stomp our balls out of existance.)

Plans to make events like this have long since been thought up, we've simply been attempting to find the right moments to put them into action.


First off, I don't mean to question the current integrity of Duty or the speed at which we are attempting to repair it's damaged state. But we, the regular members of the faction. Aren't included in the administrative decisions made concerning the faction. Now, before I continue, just know that I realize these issues take time and can't be resolved in a matter of days or even weeks, but we've received no updates on the matter since the date Ace took control of the faction and that was nearly ten days ago. All I'm saying is that we could use a little update now and then, just to know that we still have a place in this faction or if it's even going to return at all in the near future. I assume the latter isn't an issue, if it was, a new leader would not have been appointed, however it's still a possibility. And like I said, we don't get included in the inner workings of the faction, so if nothing is happening at the moment, please say so, if it's going to stay like that for a while, at least offer us the ability to temporarily detach ourselves from the faction to seek roleplay opportunities elsewhere, like in Freedom the UKM or with a Minor faction / P.B.G. I may just be an impatient arrogant bastard, but I'm just concerned for the faction. I love Duty and all, but it's becoming one of the most comatose factions in SRP and it probably already is. TL;DR, give us an update please Ace, or someone.


Don't even bother reviewing applications without biographies because it's against the application format. Public applications guarantee that there's no corruption or favoritism involved so please stop going against traditions and common sense. I'd also like to see the backstory of this character posted, as it's missing the biography completely:

Saw it now, thank you.
The reminder still remains: secrecy isn't the way to handle matters like application management.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


That particular case was discussed with Lent and he didn't feel like making his backstory public. In the end as the faction leader it's my decision if I accept such applications or not. However I would prefer if they'd post the background on the forums instead of PMing it to me. Some people don't want to post it and they'll talk with me about it.

Steven :D

If you need any help with GFX (for medals, ranks, etc.) send me a PM and I'll help you out like I did with the freedom roster.


I suggest that we should probably get some proper training going to teach new members the ways of duty an how we operate, especially before they are promoted to solider. My wasn't trained before he became solider but luckily he has served duty in the past.