-=DUTY=- New Objective

Started by Commissar Nitro, 28-07-2010

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Commissar Nitro

With the path to Sector 42 now open the 85th Cloaked Daggers under comand of Alexia Daygan have been ordered north to secure a base of operations.

You are orderd to then begin recon and cleansing sweeps of this area in preparation for a potencial asault on the heart of the zone.

*Daygan's adress to the soldiers while enroute north*

"Men and women of the 85th! We will be the first Duty forces to move this far north, we dont know what to exspect we are under supplyed and under equipped but we have been for mounths this is nothing new to us. We were chosen because of our dicipline and resolve we will not fail in our task. We have all lost somthing to the Zone its time to take somthing back, If we sucseed we will be poised to carve out the heart of this wretched place. And i promise you this WE WILL SUCSEED! WE ARE THE CLEANSERS, WE DO NOT FORGIVE!"
Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of War.