-=DUTY=- Faction Relations

Started by Commissar Nitro, 28-07-2010

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Commissar Nitro

    Bandits: Hostile
     └ Birds of Prey: N/A
    Duty: N/A
    Ecologists: Allied
    Freedom: Hostile
    Loners: Friendly
     ├ OUN: Neutral
     ├ The Sanctioned: N/A
     ├ Smilodons: N/A
     ├ Shepherd's: N/A
     └ The Haven: Hostile
    Mercenary: Unfriendly
     ├ Ghost Devision: N/A
     └ Wolf Company: Neutral
    Military: Neutral
    Monolith: Hostile

N/A - Not Applicable, who knows what they are?
Allied - Allied, If you're in trouble call these people to help. Treat them like you would treat your mother.
Friendly - Friendly, these people are friends, respect them accordingly, they may even help you if you're in trouble.
Neutral - Neutral, take an odd glance at these, but nothing over the top.
Unfriendly - Keep a close eye on these people, have your weapon close.
Hostile - Hostile, these are hostile. You should try to stay away from these and not openly engage them.
Feared - Hostile and feared, always try to run away or stay clear of these.

Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of War.