-=DUTY=- Aplications : Open

Started by Commissar Nitro, 21-04-2010

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Commissar Nitro

Copy the below code.

[center][color=red][size=15pt][b]Out-Of-Character Information[/b][/size][/center]

[color=red][size=8pt]Steam Friends Name:[/color]

[color=red]STEAM ID:[/color]


[color=red]How long have you been roleplaying?:[/color]

[color=red]How long have you played on the server?:[/color]

[color=red]Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:[/color]

[color=red]Do you have any IRL military knowladge?:[/color]

[color=red]Can you follow orders?:[/color]


[center][color=green][size=15pt][b]In-Character Information[/b][/size][/color][/center]


[color=green]Skill set:[/color]



[center][size=15pt][b]Faction Related Information[/b][/size][/center]

[size=8pt]What is Duty?:

Why do you wish to join Duty?:

Who is the DUTY leader?:[/size]

[center][size=15pt][b]Roleplay Knowladge[/b][/size][/center]

[size=8pt]Describe Injury RP:

What is Metagaming:

What is Metaspeak:

Describe RDM:

What is the difference between RDM and STK:

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:[/size]
Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of War.


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:S.W.A.T.[RUS]

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:16953681

Timezone:+3 gmt

How long have you been roleplaying?:in garrys mod more then 2 years

How long have you played on the server?:erm...i played one year then i left (Exams,college) now i am back

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: all of them

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?:Playing strikeball IRL,MVD shooting tests passed.

Can you follow orders?:Yes


In-Character Information

Name: Maksim 'Wolf' Shuhtar

Age: 39

Skill set: Storm Trooper,Ex-Sniper squad commander

Secret case # 136...
Wolf Shuhtar .
Born-Russia, Moscow,1977.
        After high school was sent in the 'hot point' in chechnya,in 1996.Was shoted.3 weeks in the hospital,then he was sent back to the cordon in chechnya.
In 1996 war in Chechnya ends.Maksim Shuhtar was the FirstLiutenant class.From 2000 - 2006 was trained in "omon" group.After second explosion was sent to the Zone # 1 .Sector 16-53 (Red Forest).
        THE ZONE:
Sector 16-54,time : 20:00.
The radio kept silence.Wolf wasnt alone.3 guys behind him were in Black Army Suits for special operations with Abakans in hands.
Wolf turns around and looks behind the guys with hard feeling about danger.He points on the Tree then points on one of the soldiers.The soldier fast moves to the tree and starts to climp up.
Other two just steps closer to wolf ,cocking their guns ,and aiming on the place,where Wolf was pointed.
Some thing gone wrong.....Some rats just ran near them.Then the light.......alot of light....

Sector N/A , time : 00:35.
Wolf wakes up not fast.He touches his head and slowly starts to move his legs.After some retries he stands up.
He starts to searching his self to find radio and other ammunition.Nothing.Eve knife...
The title on the wall under his head was : "Duty"


6 years in duty....not much,huh?I must leave not for long,but....i must leave.Alot of friends now are dead.Ill be back,duty,i will.

Our days..
Wolf Stops near the Duty bar and looks on it. He smiles and just steps in....he is back,he is ready to be in that family

Faction Related Information
[if what,sorry i am Russian and i can have some mistakes]

What Are Duty?:

Why do you wish to join Duty?:I just wanna come back.I know that its the strongest Faction

Who is the DUTY Leader?:Alexia Daygan / CommisarNitro

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP:Image that you hited and try to do like in real,like screaming,limping etc.

What is Metagaming:Playing Icly with Oocly knowledge

What isMetaspeak:using smiles,short words

Describe RDM:Random killing player with out Icly reasons

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K:When you rdming you will be punished,but when you and other side of the 'War' agree with s2k(shoot to kill) you can play like in shooters and didnt get punished.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Sure.

Pending You are an Ex Duty member so contct me via forum PM for your probation details
Maksim 'Wolf' Shuhtar - Dutier-Sniper
Paul 'Kalash' Ivanov - Loner


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Lt.Liger - The Only Liger

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:19699532

Timezone: Mountain Time

How long have you been roleplaying?: 1 year

How long have you played on the server?: 3 Maybe 4 days

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I have played all of the stalker games and own all of them.

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Not very much, but I know what im doing.

Can you follow orders?: Yes I can follow orders very well.


In-Character Information

Name: James 'Bloody' Petrovick

Age: 25

Skill set: Long range Specialty, Stealthy and Fast

Backstory: : They are brother tired of other people pushing them around. They decied to walk in there fathers footsteps and join duty to hunt and kill freedom the bandits and the scum of the zone and the zone its self.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: They are a group of Ex military stalkers, Who try to band togther and "kill" the zone

Why do you wish to join Duty?: To help the fight and kill the zone

Who is the DUTY Leader?: Alexia Daygan  

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: When someone need first aid from being shot or stabbed.

What is Metagaming: It's when you use out of character for In character talk.

What is Metaspeak: Telling IC info in OOC Talk.

Describe RDM: When someone is killed without a Roleplay reason.

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K:  RDM is when a player is killed without RP, S2K is when a player needs to shoot to kill another player

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes I can.

Gonna have to slap a denied on this one Contact me Via forum PM and ill explain why.
Lt.White Tiger: This is worse then the app i made.
Ace: What is?
Lt.White Tiger: Hrm?
Lt.White Tiger: My nut sack...
Ace: What's worse than the app you ma- LOL.


Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: WTF BOOM
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:21039608
Timezone: GMT
How long have you been roleplaying?: On Garrysmod For 1 and half years
How long have you played on the server?: For A while quite for some course for a while but rejoined
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: 2 of them
Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: A little but i know what i am doing
Can you follow orders?: Yes, I am good at following orders

In-Character Information
Name: Jeremo Bilindo
Age: 18
Skill set: Short range, Steathly and Quick

He was born in 1992 in Russia and lived with his parents. They Were English and his sister was German. There family were very poor and couldnt afford much. They had a little bussiness selling leather but that didnt make alot of cash for the family. They made just enough money to feed the family but his parents were having another child so they wouldnt be able to survive with a new family member. The family sent him off to a new place so they could afford  the new family member.

The next day the family sent him off to a new place near by. He managed to get 300 RU before he left to keep him going for a while. He knew the money wouldnt last forever. He went to the nearest place near his town. The Zone.

The First thing he did when he reached The Zone was  to greet the guards. He realised this was a bad idea as the guards did not like members walking around. He hid from the guards for Weeks and days. He worked out that there were four major factions. He was interested in the DUTY the most. He  started to beliieve there ways and started to become more like them.

Faction Related Information
What Are Duty?:
Why do you wish to join Duty?: I want to join DUTY because i know there the best and strongest and i feel thats the way i should take.
Who is the DUTY Leader?: CommisarNitro / Alexia Daygan
Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is were you act out your injury. For Example "Someone blasts rounds into your leg" You would type "/me Falls to the floor in pain. Which is showing that you are acting out you injury.
What is Metagaming: Metagaming is were you play Icly with Oocly Knowledge
What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is were you use smiley faces (emotes) and short words.
Describe RDM: RDM stands for Random Death Match. It is when someone frequenlty runs around killing people without rping it.
What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: In RDM you get punished for your actions but in S2K ( Shoot 2 Kill) you dont as you have agree a WAR with some other team and do not get punished.
Can you take responsibility for your actions?: No Problems

Fuck it acepted purly on persistance so your on thin ice rember if in doubt about somthing ask an admin.


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: [GRS] General Rommel [Once 2power]

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:19945720

Timezone: GMT

How long have you been roleplaying?: For 6 years now, 3 years in Gmod RPs and 3 years with The Specialist  Roleplay

How long have you played on the server?:2 years now

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:I have played and beaten all of the stalker games

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: I know that stealth and careful actions win wars, and i have some skills with weapons IRL

Can you follow orders?: Yes i am very obedient

Recomendations:None im afraid but I have been in duty before, And i have alot of knowledge of the faction-Pimpmaster J is grounded but we are good friends and would  f gotten me a rec  

In-Character Information

Name:Balinski Wind Balitoya


Skill set: CQC, Long Range, Skilled with repair and automatic weapons

9 Years ago Balinski Entered the zone with nothing but a few Rubble's to his name. All his life was a great disappointment, His father tried to shoot him, He was Almost killed by military, He lost his job in duty due to his hard drinking, His bandit group was wiped out by monolith. He has lost his Traders license and kicked out of TU. All he faced was a lonely life, trying making it through the day. He was a drifter now. His once great days in duty was over.... Or so he thought.

  In the blank mist Emerges a hooded man with a frown to his face, he crosses through the empty high way leading into the seemingly empty city known as Pripyat. As he enters he unslings his Vintorez Sniper rifle. The city falls silent, only the mans foot steps can be heard. The man pushes back his hood and says to him self "Land of riches my ass.."

      Balinski walks into an empty apartment complex and gathers wood and old newspapers And starts a fire. As the fire is lit foot steps from behind is heard. It was a man in a duty exo, a particularly familiar exo... "Who are you?" asked Balinski The man in the duty suit stood there with a a kabar in his hand. The man in the exo made a grunt and starts to walk toward Balinski Balitoya. Balinski jumped up and pulls out his VSS. The Man in the exo was clearly zombified so Balinski Shot him in the legs and arms. With a loud thump the zombie fell to the ground mumbling and grunting. Wind pulled off his mask and found who this zombie was.... it was his Old Major from duty. Balinski Slowly takes out his kabar and shoves it into the zombified dutiers neck. Wind takes the Exo on  major and walks out the apartment complex. Wind sits around thinking what he should do with his new trophy, He then decided to see what duty would offer him for it.

                                                  Two days later....

       Wind Walks up to the duty base with the exo, a dutier walks up to the gate and talks to wind. "Whats your business here bandit" Asked the dutier "I am here to speak with the current major" Said wind. As the gates opened, a man with a large  PKM machine gun escorts Balinski to a bunker and shoves him in. As wind enters the dark room a man with no helmet talks "Hello, why have you come, Balinski... "How do you know me?" asked balinski "Well, we keep records of all our former dutiers, and i ask again, why have you come?" " I have brought back some thing for you" Balinski tosses the lost majors Exo Helmet and papers. The current major reads over the papers and examines the exo helmet. "Where did you get this?" " Well, I found the major in pripyat but... he was zombified and i had no choice but to kill him" "Hmmm, Interesting" So what do you want for this incredible findings?" " Id like my position back in duty, I have changed during these past few years..." Said Balinski As he takes a seat on a near by stool. "Balinski we know what you have done, you were kicked out of duty for your heavy drinking addiction, and we have heard of your crimes as a bandit, It would be hard for me to let you in duty again." " I have changed major, i have changed.." "So be it Balinski, I will let you back but be warned.. Much has changed since you were in duty..."  

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: A group of crusaders cleansing the zone of the abominations called mutants Also they are "Ex military"

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Because they are the best, The only, And the Strongest choice of faction that is in the zone

Who is the DUTY Leader?:
Alexia Daygan

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: When you are shot or injured you must act that you are for example: You get shot in the leg by a SVD, You must fall and act as so.

What is Metagaming: When you use OOC information as IC, i see this all the time on RP servers some by confusion and some by pure stupidity

What isMetaspeak: lol,Rolf,ZOMG,Omg,Hurf, These are all examples of this

Describe RDM: When you kill someone for no reason, you kill some one for the hell of it or you kill someone to gain wealth

What is the Difference between RDM and S2K: RDM is when you dont RP and the enemy does not get a heads up and Shoot to kill is when both teams agree, Shoot 2 miss is alternative

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes i will

-Some music to go with the backstory- STALKER: Mad World
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖘 𝖇𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖔𝖌𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖋𝖋𝖘


Steam Friends Name:Zazutobi

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:12120439

Timezone: Eastern Pacific time

How long have you been roleplaying?:About 2 years

How long have you played on the server?:3 months

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:First two

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?:Yes im in Army ROTC

Can you follow orders?:Sir yes sir


In-Character Information

Name:Mikael Kristov


Skill set:Demolitions,Knife combat training,And riot control situations

Backstory:Mikael Kristov never knew what he wanted to be.He went through high school never quite there always lost in thought.One day as he was walking home he saw his friend being beaten he jumped in the fight getting beat himself.As he saw through the blood in his eyes as his friend was safe and secure he realized what we wanted to be.After high school he quickly joined the local Police station.A year after his introduction he was to take part in a sting operation.His squad betrayed him they wer dirty working for the cartel in the area.He quickly dispatched them and made a run for it running from his own friends and comrades.

His training allowed him to stay one step ahead of the police.He ducked into the Zone knowing that no one would dare follow him.He wandered the area ducking in and out of bars getting stone drunk.Then he saw bandits killing the bartender and taking his cash.Mikael's mind remembered that day his friend was beaten and stepped into the line of fire and killed the bandits.He took it upon himself to become a vigilante and help people as much as he can.

A few months after the incident with the bartender he was wandering the Zone killing mutants and bandits off as he could find em taking a few injuries nothing serious.One day as he was tracking a large bandit force they ambushed him taking his prisoner.They tattooed his face in retribution for their comrades and so they would always recognize him.He was injured and wandering the Zone in a daze barely able to stand up.He heard the singular march of a soldier unit.He blacked out as men in red and black suits came over the hill.

He awoke laying in a roll out bed in a camp.As he looked around at the men in the uniforms he wondered to himself "Were am I and am I gonna die?"
He looked at the woman attending to him and asked who they are.
She smiled at him saying in a clear voice"We are Duty."
At that moment he realized what he wanted to do.
He wanted to be Duty.
Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?:A para military force to keep the Zone from spreading and killing the monsters that infect it.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:I agree with their goals and want to help any way I can.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:
Lieutenant Colonel Alexia Daygan | CommisarNitro

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP:Realistic "Mikael clutches his side blood pouring beneath his hands"

What is Metagaming:Using OOC info ICly

What isMetaspeak:Using what someone said OOCly and bring it in ICly

Describe RDM:Killing someone with no RP and no reason

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K:Shoot to kill is to rp killing someone or to kill someone with admins blessing.And RDM is as I said before

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Sir yes Sir

PS:Sorry iv never been much of a writer but a good rper yes.

Fleash it out a bit and change the style make it more of a story not a serise of event statments.
"I am prepared to meet my maker.Whether my maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter"-Sir Winston Churchill


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Turk


Timezone:Central, USA

How long have you been roleplaying?: Don't know, It's hard to keep track of the time.

How long have you played on the server?: 3 months.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three!

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Not much, But some.

Can you follow orders?: Yes


In-Character Information

Name: Fyoder 'Murk' Zel

Age: 20

Skill set: Reconnaissance, Stealth, Special Weapons.


Fyoder was born in a place called Irkutsk, he is a only child and his father passed away three years after he was born. His mother couldn't afford childcare, And Fyoder was sent to live with his grandparents. His grandpa would tell story's about how they would play on the Ferris wheel in Pripyat when he was little.  After school was out, Him and three other of his friends would play out in the abandon house. They played hide and go seek, Tag, And ghost hunters. One summer day, they where heading out to their "Play house" and they saw construction crews. His club house was being replaced by the modern industrial!
The kids took off running, Heading home.

Eventually time went on, They forgot about the club house, And lived a average life in high school. Trading comic books for money, Hitting on women in the halls, Getting rejected.

At the age of 19, He returned with his "Old friends" to see what happened to their club house. A large factory stood tall, Furious at what they saw, They went on strike outside the building. A few under payed workers joined in, Chanting "GO AWAY! WE DON'T WANT YOUR SHIT!". Riot police arrived, Then all hell broke loose! A man in coat, Fired a round into a officer, It turned into a war-zone. Molotov's being thrown left and right, Rocks flying trough the air! Fyoder ran, he ran as far, and as fast as he could. He ran for the 'Deserted' Zone.
He ended up in Korosten where he met up with some dutyers, They brought him to their base.. Fyoder said "This is... Home".


Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: A EX-Military group, attempting to destroy the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Because, They are the best!!

Who is the DUTY Leader?:
Alexia Daygan/NITRO!

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: /me is struck in the chest by the 9mm round. /me falls down holding his chest in pain

What is Metagaming: Taking OOC info to IC

What is Metaspeak: Using "Lol, WTF newb"  IC

Describe RDM: Killing a player randomly

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: They're both the same, Just on s2k both players agree on killing each other.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Always.

P.S: I didn't like my nikolai character, So i PK'd him. I saw the opportunity to join monolith, To try it out, so i did. I didn't like it, So i am reapplying for duty. I get to make a new character!

Comit suicide again ill kill y!


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: GeneralGold

Steam ID: 0:0:26477693

Timezone: U.S Eastern

How long have you been roleplaying?: Maybe three or four years.

How long have you played on the server?: About three months.

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Shadow of Chernobyl

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: My dad was in the rangers and my brother was in ROTC and teaches me some.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, sir! (Ex-military so i'm use to following orders)

Recomendations: [THJ] Turkey

In-Character Information

Name: Adrian Vanof

Age: 26

Skill Set: Sub-Machine Specialty, Calm, Trained in stealth.


Adrian Vanof was born in a small town in Igarka and was in a low-classed family. He had no brother, just grown up with a mother and a busy Father who was always at work in a machinery factory. He loved to play paintball but was to poor to buy all the expensive equipment needed. He mostly stayed at home and only went outside to play baseball with his friends or to borrow his friends paintball gun. He was never good at school, but loved science and specialized in it for college. His parents could barely pay for his college, and with all the money they spent he flunked out of college, he had nothing else to do but sign up for the Military.

Joining the military, he was sent to ukraine to something called The Zone that was heard to be home of a nuclear disaster. He was sent by plane and dropped off at a small warehouse that the Military set up for. He was sent on scouting missions with many of his comrades, including Major Nikolai who was his best friend. He hated the cruel way they excacuted Freedomers or even just lone S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S that was wondering through sector three. He can't forget all the times Nikolai or even Lt. Sandman excacuted a man with a machete. At the middle of the night, he hopped the fence and escaped to Sector two warehouse. He ripped off all of his military clothes, and threw it inside a anomaly. Being a S.T.A.L.K.E.R for many weeks, he then found a small group of men in a black suit. Back in freedom, he heard them talking about a hostile group called DUTY, who kills all threats to the zone.

He always stayed at there underground bar, trying to find out who is the leader of the faction. He saw a person named Alexya who seemed to run the place, easy to tell of her rank and bodyguards behind her. He was to nervous to join, but found out that they are desperate for new recruits at the moment, and found this as a great time to sign up for the DUTY. He sent an application he had kept in his bag for many weeks desperately waiting for his reply, sitting at the bar staring at the suited men, knowing that he belongs here.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: DUTY is a large group of stalkers who live by a code, Lethal anomalies, Dangerous mutants, Anarchists and bandits, They will not stop Duty on it's triumphant march to save this planet and it's citizens! they were originaly Military troops. Duty fights the horrors of the zone including Freedom who believe that the zone is benificial and fights bandits and mercenaries, but mostly the dangerous mutants. They are worried that the mutants can escape and bring terror to all of ukraine, or even the world. All the artifacts are passed on to the ecologists, who believe that they will be in better hands then selling it to a trader.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: As you can see, DUTY is very in-active at the moment and i want to help them regain there power over sector two. Also alot of people i know was in the DUTY and use to be, with many people encouraging new recruits to join. Besides, i hate everything they hate mostly Mutants, i do wish to truly wipe them out before they can infect the world.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:Alexya Daygan. [Commisar Nitro]

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is if you get in shot, you can't just walk it off, you have to roleplay it out as in, /me cluntches his knee, mumbling curse words in russian with blood pouring out of his kneecap.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is using OOC information for IC

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is when you use emoticons and short sentences with poor grammar.

Describe RDM: Random death match, it means when you walk up to someone and shoot there head off with no reason, no idea who they even are and have no reason to.

What is the difference between RDM and S2K: S2K has to be approved by everyone in the firefight, why RDM is just plain shooting them with no reason and them not saying anything about it what so ever.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes i can, i've done it many times.

PENDING contact me via forum PM for details.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:[BSU]ComradeBritish

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:24008459


How long have you been roleplaying?:1 n' a half years

How long have you played on the server?:A week

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:Yes, Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear sky

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?:No

Can you follow orders?:Without question.


In-Character Information



Skill set:Sly,keen eyes,high pain threshold

Backstory:'Goblin' spent a large part of his life skulking around Russia, mainly in Moscow and Tula, his place of birth. Among his friends he gained the reputation of being a "loyal charismatic friend with a sharp temper" or being a "double Edged sword", getting on his badside earned you a kicking. 'Goblin' has had many names, while he was sixteen he went by the name "Gregori Rominov" and many others, so many that he vaguley remembers his birth name, although even if he did he'd never use it.

After years of schooling he never found a job too suit him and after looking for a noble direction in the army he agiuan was disappointed, the army would'nt take him for a medical reason, something hes always kept to himself, and has gotten worse after his first nights sleep in the zone. He joined a small Neo-communist group, demanding change for russia, he found repsect and discipline in the group, they would do marchs and parades in the local neighbourhood, they owned one AK which each perosn would strip and cleen everyday, after the groups leader was gunned down by police in a riot staged by the group what was left fled to Ukraine, in search of the zone, the only place they could be accepted in their minds anyway.

Somehow 'Goblin' ended up with the AK and managed to get over the "fence", his captured comrades cheering him on, after finding himself in the Zone he looked for a purpose and gorup similar to his old one,after searching the zone he found what he was looking for he found DUTY......

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?:A group of STALKERS who have devoted there time to keeping the zone at bay and stopping it from destroying the outside world. They are devoted to their cause and employ military tactics and ideals.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:In the both the STALKER games I've played I've found a deep respect for DUTYs cause and its basis, they're also more welcoming than freedoms chaos and considerably, in my opinion, more charismatic in an interesting way. I also believe that DUTY's power has slipped in the zone and they need more Stalkers to help the cause.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:Commisar Nitro

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP:When you are hit during an RP, and you must act out the Injury accordingly to RL and the RP going on.

What is Metagaming:Taking OOC information and applying it into IC experience.

What is Metaspeak:Saying someones name you don't know as if you already do.

Describe RDM:RDM is where person A goes to person B with no RP or reason and kills person B.

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K:S2K is agreed on by the whole group of STALKERS RP'ing it is RP fighting. RDM is the complete oppisite where one party kills the others with no RP or reason.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes of course.

Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Login: dcbarker -- Display: |HGN-STSA| CougarKid

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:9267027

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST, GMT -5:00)

How long have you been roleplaying?: Almost 4 years.

How long have you played on the server?: Over 1 year. (In HGN since March 2009.)

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've completed SoC twice, the beginning of Clear Sky, and to the middle of Call of Pripyat.

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: I would say yes.

Can you follow orders?: Yes.

Recomendations: None but my own. I have a lot of past experience with it. I also used to be the leader.

In-Character Information

Name: Leonard Maskinsky

Age: 26

Skill set: Open combat, support unit, (Medical, supplies etc.), accurate shot, obedient.


Leonard Maskinsky grew up in a tough world. Tough environment. Tough area. Often says that people were robbed in open daylight, center of the street. Doesn't like to talk about his childhood. More details open up as he gets older - fights with his parents, poor school performance, hanging out with the wrong crowd. Joins the Military at age 19. Would have joined sooner, but unknown injury prevented him from doing so. [[*Handwritten note*]]Incident with police?

     Leonard started the military with no friends to have his back. Intensive training schedules and chores caught him up. His mind was solely committed to the Russian Federation. Leonard does not get to do any field work, except for minor terrorist actions that were easily covered up. Leonard recieves rank of Junior Sergeant. (мла́дший сержа́нт.)

     Chernobyl incident. The Zone of Exclusion formed. After a few months, stories of this zone reach the Russian Army. Would they be sent to help their Ukrainian allies in closing it off? The answer came soon: Not yet. Leonard and his friends hear stories of strange mutants, and rare expensive artifacts. Many horrid stories are told, of people being mutilated and killed by anomalies... mutants... radiation... infection. It seemed to them that it needed to be closed down.

    Leonard's term in military is up. Leonard decides to leave for the zone. With the help of some Ukrainian military friends, he pulls some strings and makes it into the Zone. He realizes he has nothing now. He seeks a friendly group to help out, and met the Ecologists. He helped them for a while, knowing he was part of an amazing experiment... he was helping the world. He eventually left the Ecologists. He wanted to be part of the action in the zone. He gathered what money he had and met with a DUTY recruiter.

    Leonard joins DUTY unit. Not much is known about this unit, it was a very short lived group. Leonard eventually proves to be an excellent soldier, and gets the rank of Sergeant. Stays with group until commander, name unknown, decides to send him to another unit. The group had not seen much action, so they spared him to the 85th Cloaked Daggers. Their leader, Boris Kerechinov, was mutinized and then executed. They were low on manpower, and their new leader, Aleksey Demidov, welcomed him with open arms. There, he served as quartermaster.

    Leonard eventually disappeared after a soldier's death, Albert Lewensky. They were not close, but Leonard felt that he was like a best friend.

    Leonard says that he wants to get back in the action, revenge at the mutants and people responsible for Albert's death. (Very personal about close deaths.)

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: DUTY is a faction who's main goal is to bring about the end, closing off of the zone. They would MUCH rather completely destroy it though. They despise the faction Freedom, for their un professionalism and willingness to keep the zone open.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: DUTY has always been my favorite faction, even in Oblivion Lost, I allied myself to them. (That's how I first started liking DUTY.) I also like the military like structure that they keep, but the atmosphere is more open minded.

Who is the DUTY Leader?: Alexia Daygan.

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is when someone either A) Dies in a STK/STM fight, B) Gets hit in an STM/STK fight but does not die, or ANY action that gets a person to become hurt, forcing them to role-play their injuries.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is when someone says something Out Of Character, and you apply the information to an In Character situation. Example: [OOC] You: I am in the underground. [IC] Me: HEY GUYS HES IN THE UNDERGROUND

What is Metaspeak: Metaspeak is when a player uses inappropriate phrases often used in instant messaging or texting in character. (Things like: lol, rofl, lmao, lmfao, c u l8r, :), :(, ;(, ;) any emoticon or substitution for real words.)

Describe RDM: RDM or Random Deathmatch (Can also be Revenge Deathmatch) is when a player kills another player without warning, reason, or provocation. Revenge Deathmatch is when a player is killed IC'ly, but the player comes back and kills the person that killed him.

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: Revenge Deathmatch is unprovoked and non-RP'd killing. Shooting to Kill is counted as IC interaction where all players agree to killing each other. This is counted as RP or IC interaction, with reasons for killing the other player.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I can. If I do something wrong, there's no point in lying. You always get caught eventually.

PENDING IC meeting required between the chars an IC mesage has been forwarded


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: VenusFez

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:20401789

Timezone: Eastern

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 years

How long have you played on the server?: One week

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Shadows of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, and Call of Pripyat (All).

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Yes, I am in a Civil Air Patrol Unit (Ssgt). Aswell as a brother in the Airborne, who taught me shit.

Can you follow orders?: Yes


In-Character Information

Name: Stanislav Federov

Age: 30

Skill set:Bolt Action|Scoped Rifles|Semi-|Stealth|


Stanislav grew up in the city of Poltava, Ukraine. He lived with his Wife, and children On-Base, as he was enlisted in the Ukrainian Army.  Growing up, he was convinced from his father that the Military "does good things". Stanislav was just 8 when the Chernobyl NPP had its world-renown meltdown. Even though he would be scarred for his entire life, it would not be directly from the NPP..but something far worse.

Shortly after the second disaster occured, Stanislov's unit was sent to investigate the "Zone of Alienation". Traveling through a vast pile of garbage, with piles reaching 30 feet filled with radioactive material from the area around the NPP, his unit heard an echoing roar, a short distance away. Next came footsteps, several, in what seemed like every direction, however they saw nothing. Louder, louder, louder the footsteps became, until mutants with large, blood-soaked tentacles coming out of its mouth ambushed the Unit. Gunfire from the standard equipped AKM's could be heard across what seemed like the whole zone. Stanislov, ran, as fast as his legs could carry him, and locked himself inside of an abandoned house. He never saw anyone die, but what scarred him the most however, was the fact that noone believed him.

Suffering from PTSD, his wife, and children moved out of the country to give Stanislov time to recover. With no job, no family, and nowhere to live, Stanislov found a tunnel he spotted a year earlier, and followed it into the zone, and looked to find another family, one that would stick with him. As Stanislov was looting a dead bandit body, a DUTY patrol came across him, and asked what he was doing, and if he would offer to lend some help erradicating a wild dog den. Stanislov, with nothing to lose, helped the two DUTY members, and proved himself useful. They brought Stanislov back to the Duty base. They offered to take him under there wing, as most of them were from the Army as-well.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: Duty is a faction, created to destroy the zone, and aimed to prevent growth.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Common Goals/Perceptions.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:
Lt. Col. Alexia Daygan

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is simply acting out as if in pain/suffering. For example, if a Duty member (RP) shoots a round into a Freedom players upper leg, the Freedom character would normally "/me falls in utter agony, blood spurting into the Privates combat pants." However some scenarios may vary, depending on the RP experience.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is usually decribed as an IC character knowing more than he/she is meant to.

What isMetaspeak: Talking Icly in an OOC chat. Or LOOC, whichever.

Describe RDM: Killing another player with no reason and no RP whatsoever.

What is the Diffrence between RDM and S2K: As mentioned above, RDM (Random Death Match) is simply a "No RP kill", while S2K (Shoot to Kill) is classified as roleplay, when both teams/Individuals shoot deliberatly to kill the other.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:

Vladimyr Vlaskov Alive


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN-STTA| Dug

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:20750914

Timezone: GMT +1

How long have you been roleplaying?: Year or so.

How long have you played on the server?: Year or so. (my First serious rp server)

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three, completed (SoC, CS, CoP)

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Yes.

Can you follow orders?: Yes.

Hotstarr, PimpMasterJ

In-Character Information

Name: Nikolai Dragonov

Age: 18

Skill set: Medic , Basic knowledge of fighting and gun usage

Nikolai was born in Kiev 15 February 1994. His father was a soldier while his mother worked as a doctor in the hospital. Young Nikolai finished primary and high school, attempting to go to collage his father wanted him in the army. However Nikolai didn't want to go and his father was furious with him as it was his dream to see his son serve in the army and get the rank of sergeant. What actually happened is his mother was teaching him to be a doctor. Nikolai would often take books and study which his mother would leave him to. Before all this, Nikolai was taught how to fight by his father and was forced to do all sorts of training, during his childhood. His real goal was to go to the zone. He never told this to anyone. He was so excited about it. Nikolai had been saving money as a child and it all added up, he decided to buy a gun. Which he did, he has hid it and no one knew about it. It was an AK47. The calm boy who kept to him self, with his mind twisted with ambitions of his parents and his wishes to get away finally came true. He left a note and simply went off to the zone. The plan was to get there with an other group of guys who wanted to enter it. By the time it was dark, the searchlights were observing , trying to find any who want to pass into the zone. Nikolai was spotted along with the others. The machine gun opened fire and the person behind him died, crushing Nikolai into the mud. He used him as cover and didn't move. They stopped firing. The soldiers came closer, knifed every single body. Nikolai was lucky. he was in mud and no one wanted to approach them. The nearby soldier said: "I'm not getting dirty because of that prick".
He got his makarov and shot the body on top of Nikolai. He was scared. He spent some time there. The searchlights moved away, Nikolai found a way. Running like insane with his heart beating so hard that he could hear nothing but it. He soon realized he lost his AK47 back in the mud. He stopped there thinking if he should go back, catching his breath. He slowly started to move back but stopped in fear. He has seen the nearby house and went into it, without any weaponry , scared, he blocked off the entrances , took his flashlight looking around. He has seen nothing and put his sleeping bag there in hope he will wake up alive. In the note he didn't write much but he never imagined it would be like this. He never said where he is going. He just wrote how tired he was of everything and that he is sorry. Soon he awoke, being glad he did, due to him sweating because of his nightmares. Soon Nikolai learned of duty and their goal, figuring that he would fit right in due to his training and medical skills.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: Duty is a stalker clan/Major Faction who's objective is to destroy the zone and it's horrors and protect the world from the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Because I like Duty and want to make it active again. Other than that, I had a character who was in Duty for four months.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:
Alexia Daygan ( |HGN-STSV| Commisar Nitro)

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Injury roleplay is when we are roleplaying that we have been shot/stabbed/punched.

**The stalker holds his leg as he has been shot and scream in pain or anger.

What is Metagaming: Using OOC knowledge, in IC.

What is Metaspeak: Use of emoticons and shortcuts as in :D , :/ , D: or GTFO, STFU , NVM.

Describe RDM: Random death matching, you kill an other player for no reason without agreeing STK or STM or roleplaying anything, that's RDM.

What is the Difference between RDM and S2K: STK or S2K is when players agree on which way are they gonna battle, S2K or STK is shoot to kill. If they agree so , they are allowed to kill each other and no one else. Going past the agreement and killing those who haven't agreed, would be RDM.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:



STEAM ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/76561198014845212

Timezone:+3GMT Moskow

How long have you been roleplaying?: I play RP only one year.

How long have you played on the server?:14 days

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, of course! I am big fan of stalker!

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Yes.

Can you follow orders?:Yes.




Skill set:Sniper, squad commander.

Backstory: I Burn in Saint-Petersburg.... . I attended a special school, he entered the military academy and was sent to Chernobyl - 4. There I helped to deal with mutants that waves floated to the cordon. One was a huge wave and we broke through the cordon. I managed to escape and picked me up stalkers clan Duty.

Faction reletated information
What Are Duty?:Duty are cleaners of Zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Because its better than army, and I hate Freedom clan.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:Alexa Daygan

Roleplay Knowlage

What is Metagaming: Its ussually decribed Like IC sumbol to knowing more what he/she meant/want to

What isMetaspeak: Use of emotion icons.

Describe RDM:Random Death Matching - thats than you kill olayer without agreeting STK ant STM.

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: STK or S2K is when players agree on which way are they gonna battle, S2K or STK is shoot to kill. If they agree so , they are allowed to kill each other and no one else.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes, of course. :)



Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| G-Man [AMT] Gorillaz FTW

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:30919056

Timezone: GMT +2

How long have you been roleplaying?: 6-7 months

How long have you played on the server?: 3-4 months

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three of them. I have also completed all three of them, with and without cheats

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: Not really. My granddad used to be a Senior Sergeant during World War 2

Can you follow orders?: Yes


In-Character Information

Name: Yuri Levenski

Age: 20

Skill set: Strong, agile

Yuri was born into a rather poor family. They lived in Kiev, where his father worked as a bank security guard, while his mother stayed at home most of the time, rarely leaving their home. Together with his two brothers, he lived a relatively difficult life, since the other, more rich kids, would tease him for being poor. Never the less, he graduated from his school, and got a decent job. At the age of eightteen, he applied for the military, and completed his boot camp. He left the Military almost immediatly, due to poor pay and cruel instructors. Although he had left his army, he was called in again, to serve his six month tour of duty. He was eventually stationed in the place called "the zone", where he served at the cordon for several months.

He was one day sent on a small expedition, where the commander wanted them to find some documents, which had gone missing with another squad during a patrol. Not knowing what he was getting into, he headed out with his squad to recover the missing documents. Only problem was, the data they had been provided was more than one month old, which rendered useless, due to emissions moving around anomolies. Many of his squad members was killed by either anomolies or mutants. Himself being one of two survivors, decided to head back to the cordon. But various wounds and the short amount of supplies, meant that they soon had to give up. After his squadmate was killed by mutants, he continued toward the cordon, but eventually felt uncounsious. As he woke up, he found himself, not in the cordon outpost, but at a base, in the Agroprom Research Institute. He was being watched over by men in black suits with red elements on their armor. A woman came over and told him everything. The woman, named Alexia, told him, that they called themselves Duty...

As he thanked them for saving him, he returned to the cordon as the sole survivor. Having not completed his mission, he was discharged, and sent back to Kiev. He eventually returned to the zone, and decided to seek out Duty, as he had seen enough of the zone's horror's, and decided it was time to do something about it...

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: Duty is a paramilitary group, who fight's the zone, to contain the mutants within, and protecting the outside world.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I really like Duty, as I think they are fighting for something great. I also want to help get them active again

Who is the DUTY Leader?: Alexia Daygan (|HGN-STSV| Commisar Nitro)

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: Example: *Yuri get's shot in the leg* *He grabs his leg and screams in pain*

What is Metagaming: Using OOC knowledge, to ICly gain an advantage.

What is Metaspeak: Using emotion's like, :D D: ;D

Describe RDM: You kill someone randomly, without any ICly or OOCly reason's

What is the Difference between RDM and S2K: STK or S2K, is when both players have agreed to STK eachother and no one else. Doing otherwise would be RDM

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I can



Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Bradley10001

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:14840999

Timezone: GMT 0

How long have you been roleplaying?:I have been roleplaying for just over two years.

How long have you played on the server?: I used to be in the Duty Faction when welshy was in charge. I played that for 4 months then took a long break. I was then asked to re-apply by the Quater-master.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I have played all 3 - Stalker call of priyat, Shadow of chernobyl, Clear sky

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: I Know a few manovers - formations

Can you follow orders?: Yes.

Recomendations: Bto, Welshy, Commisar.

In-Character Information

Name: Yuri Vasiliev

Age: 35

Skill set: A fully trained doctor, able to perform some surgery if necessary.

A man who all his life wanted to help people. After the initial explosion when the stalkers began to gather in the zone, Yuri, found that like in the zone was a hell of alot more difficult then first thought. With mutations, bandits and abominations running around. Nowhere was safe. He then run across some members of the Duty faction one was injured, after being shot by a bandit. He helped stop the initial flow of blood and the duty faction went on their way. He was intrigued. He later learnt that the faction was devoted to helping to destroy the zone, and stop the zone from spreading. After spending many years in the zone Yuri then decided he wants the same thing. He then decided to join the Duty and help stop the spread of the zone.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: Duty is a faction which is devoted to stopping the spread of the zone. By stopping artifacts from leaving the zone

Why do you wish to join Duty?: To help stop the spread of the zone and for the time i was playing it i had fun.

Who is the DUTY Leader?: Nitro - Commisar

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: Injury rp is roleplaying of an injury. Say if you get a Permanent injury involving losing a limb then you must RP having lost that limb.

What is Metagaming: Metagame is using Out of character information In character.

What isMetaspeak: Metaspeak is talking about Out of character info In character

Describe RDM: RDM -Random death match, Just running up to a player and shooting them in the face for no reason.

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: RDM is being randomly killed S2k is having a reason to shoot another player, IE - Faction war

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: I take full responsibilty for my actions

Next time you fuck off for a few mouths TELL ME ACEPTTED


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:[OB] Slappy Mcqueen [6th AB]

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:15676478

Timezone: GMT

  • How long have you been roleplaying?: 3 Years

    How long have you played on the server?: 6 months then i stoped then i started about 2 weeks ago.

    Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, "S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl"

    Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: No

    Can you follow orders?: Yes

    Recomendations:Bto, Welshy, Commisar [/size][/color]

    In-Character Information

    Name: Yuki Survanie (Used to be Jamie Lock, but i changed it to a Russian Name.)

    Age: 27

    Skill set: Surgeon

    Backstory:He was Born just outside of the Chernobyl, he was born into a gypsie family so he was always wondering. He started to take an intrest in medicain from a young age and as he grew older he started to read books and learn all he could about being a Surgeon. After deciding to tell his family he wanted to be a surgeon, then he moved to Chernobyl to studie being a surgeon.
    After 4 and a half years of being a surgeon the incident in Chernobyl happened. And he took it upon him self to help as many people as he possible could.

    Faction Related Information

    What Are Duty?: Paramilitary faction who want to destory the zone to stop it from spreading

    Why do you wish to join Duty?: I want to reapply for duty because i have already been in duty and i  like the roleplay that it adds.

    Who is the DUTY Leader?:Nitro Commisar

    Roleplay Knowlage

    Describe Injury RP: Is where you roleplay and injury, weather it being long term or short term.

    What is Metagaming: Metagaming is where you use OOC information and act upon it IC.

    What isMetaspeak:You talk about OOC things IC

    Describe RDM: It is where you just random kill someone.

    What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: RDM is where you just kill someone, however S2K is where you agree upon killing each other.

    Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes i can.

    Next time you fuck off for a few mouths TELL ME ACEPTTED


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Snowmayne101

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:20694412

Timezone: Central time zone

How long have you been roleplaying?: 4 years,

How long have you played on the server?: A year combined

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I currently own all of them and play them frequently

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Know most of the ranks and rules. Other than that not much.

Can you follow orders?: Yes


In-Character Information

Name: Oleg Tarasov

Age: 25

Skill set: Long range shooting with rifles, learned from hunting. Small, family gene. Very anti-social, not very many close friends.

Oleg was very shy as a child, and even some what to this day. He never saw the interest of talking to people when you could find something out your self. He like to be the oddball in the group if you might. He was allways finding ways to do things different, not like anyone else. He went through school and became a man. The only real person he was close with was his father. Him and is father did everything together, even when he was about to leave home. When he was 12, his father took him hunting. He would watch the first year, looking at his environment, studding his surroundings and watching how his father shot. The next year his father let him shoot. He hit the game right in the heart, perfect shot. It was what he studied that let him advance more then regular people. He liked to do thing right the first time, not later on. With no social life he mainly just went hunting for an activity. He did it all the time, getting the feal for the rifle, his surroundings, and being able to hit almost anything. at 22 he moved to Ukraine for schooling. He earned his degree after three years, and then found out about Chernobyl and the zone. Still caring his rifle around with him, he had mixed thoughts on if he should venture into being a stalker. With no one close to him now, he really had not one thing to loose. Later that month, he gathered up his gun, and his supplies and left.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: Almost a full fetched military faction in the zone. They want to destroy it to stop the possible expansion into their homeland.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: Currently I am in no major faction, and I really want to get involved and active into one. Duty was always interesting in the stalker games, I hope its the same here!

Who is the DUTY Leader?:
Commissar Nitro

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: Injury rp is the way to rp without being a total newbie. Say you get into a fight with a bandit. Instead of just "shooting him" you both agree on Injury Rp. This means when you RP shoot at the bandit, It is the bandits choice to decide if he gets hit, where he gets hit, ect ect. Getting his in the leg will impair your movement, hand, ability to shoot. You do this till the RP is over.

What is Metagaming: Meta gaming is using Out of character information you may of learned on a different character, or in OOC chat, for the current character you are playing on.

What isMetaspeak: Slang used on AIM, or chatting to a friend. Lol, wtf, and omg for examples.

Describe RDM: RDM, Random Death Match, Is when you Kill, or RP kill a character for no reason. This could happen for many reasons. A accident possibly, or just for no reason at all.

What is the Difference between RDM and S2K: RDM as I said is no reason why you killed a player. Shoot to kill, S2K, is when an agreement is made between both players or factions that it is ok to use your gun to shoot at an enemy. Meaning when you shot, you shoot to kill!

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes, I always try my best to be honest and truthful. But I'm not guaranteeing that I will not make a mistake, or forget things. But I will differently try my hardest and best.

(PS. I have role played with duty a while ago as a stalker. Although I'm not sure if this counts not for my application._



Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Friends Name: Solarius (nick) Koczumrak (acc name)
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:27034560
Timezone: GMT +1
How long have you been roleplaying?: On Garrysmod For 3 months, but i roleplaying with friends in game called "larp" for 3 years
How long have you played on the server?: 2 months
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: 3 of them (I'm a stalker maniac  I know almost everything about this game)
Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: A little but i know what i am doing
Can you follow orders?:READY FOR ORDERS SIR!
Recomendations: Hotstarr, duty quatermaster, |HGN| Picto Wolf

In-Character Information
Name: Lukasz 'sledgehammer' Navrocki
Age: 25
Skill set: Long  Range shooter, Steathly, good aim, Friendly,artist,

He was born in 1985 in Poland and lived with his older Brother in small house near Cracow. He and his brother Artur (Artyom)  almost for childhood lived with their Mother (father died in cold war when they were young) in 2005 they move to Kiev 'with father.Lukasz found a job as a hunter (and there revealed his sniper skills) and Artyom disapeared somwhere in cause of his contacts with gangs. Some time later (in 2012) Artyom  made many enemies because of drug dealing, he came back to his family looking for help. His father told him that the best way to survive was run into deep zone of Chernobyl, and search for his old friend Nikolaj Trocki - Veteran stalker who was only person able to protect them. He told Lukasz to go with his brother and give him temporary protection.
Then Lukasz said: "but i don't have any weapon!" and then his father gave him bundle wrapped in old cloth with weapon inside. Lukasz opened a bundle and he saw an old gun but in perfect condition like it was never used. "It's my old friend "Breath" it's best an-94 iv'e ever hold in my hands. It have a little improved slightly improved trigger and kickback scheme, so it's very accurate. Take it. i was holding it for long time for you. Lukasz taked it and saw a small sign W.A (father initials). Next day Lukasz and his brother went into territory of zone. When they arrived first thing that they did was start looking for Nikolaj. It Took them two weeks to obtain information about their "friend" but when they was close to met him they heard from one of members of Nikolaj's group that they team was attacked by a Monolith forces in red forest, and that that he is only survivor. Now brothers were in deep shit, with no protection and only rely on themselves. Soon the old "friends" of Artyom found him in the zone, and send a group of mercenaries to him.
They catched him near Jantar and killed him on the place.  Lukasz was then in freedom base waiting for his brother. but never lived to see. He never never knew what happened to his brother exacly, only thing that he know that he is dead. He don't want to revenge his brother because he know that in some way... he deserved for it. Only thing that worries him is that he failed his mission to save brother. Now he want no longer be lonely stalker, and decided to join one of groups... and duty was the best way of choice for him.
so he decided that if he will be able he will help duty in their mission to defend the area from people from outside, and don't allow zone to spread. he has nothing against the people of freedom, but he don't agree with their point of view (allow zone for everybody) also he think that DUTY will be able to help him revenge brother[/color]

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?:Para-Militarist group of stalkers who want to make zone closed for rest of the world. They main mission is destroy the zone. They are in open war with Freedom.
Why do you wish to join Duty?: I want to join DUTY because you are best organised fraction in the zone, you have good target, working for "greater good" and I think I can help you with that

Who is the DUTY Leader?: CommisarNitro (aka Alexia Daygan)

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is were you act out your injury. Like "Someone shot <name> in leg" type "/me Falls to the floor in pain. Which is showing that you are acting out you injury.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is were you play Icly with Oocly Knowledge

What is Metaspeak:when you you use  emotes and short words like etc, lol.

Describe RDM: RDM stands for Random Death Match. It is when someone frequenlty runs around killing people without rping it.

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: In RDM you get punished for your actions but in S2K ( Shoot 2 Kill) you dont as you have agree a WAR with some other team and do not get punished.
Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes. I'm fully responsible for what i'm doing

ACEPTED on thecondition you pay atencion to what your officers say and if you are having a problem TELL ME


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Alexr519

STEAM ID: I'll get you it later.

Timezone: GMT-5:00

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 or 3 years

How long have you played on the server?: All together, a year or more.(I just came back from a long break)

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I've beaten all three.

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: Bits and pieces.

Can you follow orders?: Yes.


In-Character Information

Name: Alexander Kriestiv

Age: 48

Skill set: Veteran of the Zone, ex-military (Not Ukrainian), ex-Duty, proficient with most firearms, above-average ability in a couple fighting styles, honorable, intellectual, good sense of humor, slightly courageous, and has seen more than his fair share of battles.

(This is probably the first character I created in SRP, so bare with me on this one)

*The two men are sitting at a table with a small light hanging over it, buzzards attacking it fruitlessly. One man is dressed in rookie jacket with the hood pulled over as to hide his face. The other is dressed in a strange black suit trimmed with red. They seem to be talking, the man in the jacket has a slightly deep voice resounding with the experience of someone who has seen much, and little of it was good. The one in the strange suit listened intently and asked questions to the hooded one.*

Hooded Man: My name is Alexander, but if you want to get technical then it's Sergeant Kriestiv. Bah, never mind you wouldn't even know. How old are you? Eighteen? Nineteen?

Suited One: Twenty.

Kriestiv: *Laughs* Ha! I was making Freedom regret their allegiance before you were out of elementary school. What's your name, son?

Cpl. Chekov: Chekov, sir.

Kriestiv: Calm down boy, I'm not your superior. Hell, I'm not even your inferior. Forget the sirs.

Cpl. Chekov: Yes s-...yes.Ummm... *looks down at a paper and writes something down* How did you get here?

Kriestiv: What? The Zone? Oh hell...that was a long time ago. I think it was a plane crash or something...ah fuck it. The point is: I'm here and I have been for a long time.

Cpl. Chekov: *Writes more on the paper* Why do you want to join...er re-join Duty?

Kriestiv: I miss the old days and well the Freedomers need to be taught that this place...it is not one to be messed with.

Cpl. Chekov: Why did you leave Duty the first time.

*Kriestiv's face instantly turns serious under his hood and he mumbles something incoherently.*

Cpl. Chekov: Excuse me?

Kriestiv: Eh...nothing...that...that is a story for another time.

Cpl. Chekov: Ummm...alright. *Spends a bit longer than usual writing* Where are you from?

Kriestiv: I lived in Kiev for most of my young life. My family and I moved to American when I was sixteen.

Cpl. Chekov: What skills do you posses? Are you ex-military?

Kriestiv: I can fire most guns and break your neck with one hand, will that suffice?

Cpl. Chekov: *Scribbles away on the paper* That will cover the skills part, what about the military part?

Kriestiv: I was part of the American's Marines for a couple of years. I did a few tours in that really sandy country, ehhhh...Afghanistan?

Cpl. Chekov: *Nods and writes down more things on the paper* Alright, that will be all.

Kriestiv: *Chuckles* What has Duty come to with all this paperwork crap?

*They both get up and walk out of the dank and dark room.*

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: They are the protectors of those outside of the Zone's walls. They keep the Zone and it's danger from effecting the people outside of it's grip.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I've always loved Duty and have been in it from almost the very beginning.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:
Lieutenant Colonel Alexia Daygan

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: It's basically when you get hurt substantially enough for it to effect your character's ability. It can come in two forms, temporary and permanent. They are both self-explanatory.

What is Metagaming: Looking at something in OOC and applying it to IC. Example:
OOC: Military is about to attack Monolith, lol.
Then monolith ready themselves for an attack.
(Not pointing fingers this is purely an example)

What isMetaspeak: Using like text speak: lol, omg, wtf.

Describe RDM:Random deathmatching is basically when some person starts randomly killing one or more persons.

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K:RDM is random and S2K has a definitive reason behind it.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I can.

PENDING Need to talk to you about this app

Zee The Freeman

Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Zee The Freeman

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:20561572

Timezone: Central

How long have you been roleplaying?: About 3 years,

How long have you played on the server?: A few weeks to a month at most.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: I have and am playing SoC.

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Some, but I learn quickly.

Can you follow orders?: Certainly


In-Character Information

Name: John Braun

Age: 40

Skill set: Rookie of The Zone, Ex-Royal Marine (UK) skilled in hand to hand combat, adequate in firearms, polite, abnormally tall (6'4"), mechanically minded, very generous and generally concerned with the survival of mankind.

John was a shining beacon in the academy during his military training. He went on a few overseas tours and saw little fighting. He came to be a Commander shortly after saving many of his soldiers several times by defusing bombs and traps set by the opposing forces. He caught 2 high ranking targets in the Balkan Conflict which shot him up to Captain. But, about a year later, John got extremely drunk, said and did a few things he shouldn't have to a local Mafia Godfather, and ended up with no consequences. The Godfather did nothing, but swore to get him back for what he did. To this day, John still doesn't remember what he did to that Godfather to deserve what happened to him. About 5 years later, John was kidnapped while out with some of the other officers while he was out at a pay phone. He was knocked out and woke up in a crashed airplane. Amazingly, he had very few injuries, just some bruises and a nasty cut on his shoulder. Shortly after escaping from the burning plane, he saw a crumpled body with a note next to it. The note said, "Good luck John. The Zone is no place for good men, so you won't last long. This revenge will be sweeter then I could ever imagine, knowing you will be starving and bleeding out in the dirt." John stowed the piece of paper in his pocket and looted the plane. He found some money (around 1000 Rubles) and a knife, his knife that he had trained with in the academy. He headed to an abandoned building, a warehouse, and found a bed, a campfire, some food and water. Since he had exhausted himself traveling, he passed out on the bed and slept a deep sleep. He woke up the next morning tied to a post with an AK-74 barrel pointed to his face.
"This is gonna be fun, the guy's awake." One of the black jacketed marauders muttered. The man took the stock of his gun, and slammed it into John's face, cracking the old broken stock. John tried to scream, but he was gagged as well. He went through this hellish torture for 3 hours, constant cacklings and beatings until a patrol of Duty soldier pushed in and took down all of his evil-doers. One Dutyier stepped over to John, ungagged him and lifted his head. John was bleeding and had 2 black eyes, but no broken teeth.
"Holy shit, you're in horrible shape, here let me cut you off that post." John fell to the ground hard and started sobbing from the horrid torture he endured. He blacked out shortly afterward. John woke to see a friendly face of a Doctor, who was patching his wounds.
"You're awake. About time. Well, it looks like your all fixed." The Doctor helped John to his feet.
"Thank you so much. You guys are the best!" John proclaimed, hugging the doctor. He pulled away from John, wiping John's blood off of his coat.
"Well, good luck out there, Stalker. And let it be known that Duty is always here for people."

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: Duty are the guards of the wellbeing of the people, and the world. They keep everyone safe from the evils of the zone.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: In SoC, Duty always seemed to be the Faction with the better cause and I've always favorited Duty over other Factions.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is how a character reacts when physical damage has been put upon them (Getting shot, Falling, Etc.). Some is temporary that will go away in a few minutes, like bleeding, that is not usually fatal and will affect how the character operates for a short time. Some is permanent, that will stay with that character for the rest of that character's life and can affect how they operate forever.

What is Metagaming: Not really sure about what Metagaming is, but I'd like to know.

What isMetaspeak: Something to do with Metagaming?

Describe RDM: Someone going around the area killing people for no reason whatsoever.

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: S2K ties into RP, RDM doesn't.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
I can and I always will.

DENIDED sevral gaps in your RP knowlage reapply in two weeks.


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:2power

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:0:19945720


How long have you been roleplaying?:6 years now... from the specialist's Roleplay to Garrysmod roleplay

How long have you played on the server?: About a year and a half

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:I have played and beaten every stalker game, yes.

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Yes, i have some skills with guns IRL and i know Careful actions and stealthy moves wins wars.

Can you follow orders?:Yes, obeying orders is the most important thing you can do.


In-Character Information

Name:Yakov Verninski


Skill set:Long Range Rifles, Repair, and some Small pistol skills

                Yakov Verninski was born in Russia 1971. His family  died long ago, he was adopted at 2 years old by an old grumpy man and  a happy fat lady. His step parents were rich and powerful Yokov's stepfather was always dealing with crime, including the Russian mafia and selling strange things to shady figures and drug addicts. At 15 years old one night Yakov decided to look in one of his fathers warehouses he opened up one of the boxes and what he found was a powerful Artifact.

    Yakov stared at its tantalizing glow then he touched the Artifact. He stood there for a few seconds and right before his eyes the Artifact crumble into dust. He heard foot steps from behind before he could run his father picked him up by his jacket.  "What the hell are you Doing boy!" his father yelled but before he could respond his father found the Artifact his Step son broke and said "That was a priceless artifact, you little shit!". Later that night Yakov was kicked out of his stepparents home. Lost and lonely Yakov started to drink heavily, until he was kicked out of his apartment. Yakov's Friend told him of a place of wealth and a place for good times, Yakov's Friend told him of the zone although what he described was not true at all he asked yakov to come with him.

     Yakov Verninski then entered the zone looking for a home, he only found more painful memory's that needed to be forgotten with booze. His friend became a low life bandit, even robbed Yakov and left him with nothing. Yakov was sitting in an old jeep hung over when a man in a dark suit walked up to the drunk."Hello, what are you doing here?"asked the dutyier. Yakov Grunted and explained his tale from beginning to end. The Dutyier Held out a hand to the drunk, Yakov Accepted it hopping out of the old jeep.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?:Duty is a group of renegade military personnel who wish to cleanse the zone of the impurity's they call mutants and other creatures deemed unworthy

Why do you wish to join Duty?:I loved duty in the stalker Series and i think right now is a great time to join.[And i want to join to get the faction going]

Who is the DUTY Leader?:
Commisar Nitro-Lieutenant Colonel Alexia Daygan

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP:When you are shot and you act like you have been so. This is in place to prevent God like RP its not fun for anyone else

What is Metagaming:When you use OOC info to your IC advantage

What isMetaspeak:Using words that are shortened and deemed "Silly" LoL for an example using that in an IC situation is MINGY and just down right stupid

Describe RDM:When you kill some one for your own amusement or just for the fuck of it

What is the Difference between RDM and S2K:Shoot to kill is when instructed to well, shoot to kill and RDM on the other hand is going out of your way to kill some one for fun.

Giving this another shot... i hope i get accepted also toned down my application a bit-2power

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖘 𝖇𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖔𝖌𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖋𝖋𝖘


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name:Geiospartan/Riposa in pace stronzo!

STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:18235792


How long have you been roleplaying?: For about 3 years

How long have you played on the server?: Few weeks, maybe 3

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:SoC and Clear Sky.

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?:Well my uncle is in the Air Force and I learned a few things from him.  Other than that my knowledge is from games and movies.

Can you follow orders?:Yes I can.

Recomendations:None (Sad Face)

In-Character Information

Name:Nathen Unhavek


Skill set:Assault Rifles and Shotguns

Backstory:Nathen was born on the third of October in 1991.  His town of birth was called Mykolaivka, Ukraine.  Life for young Nathen was tough seeing as though his parents were poor and his neighborhood was not on the "good side" of town.  He had two brothers and a sister, all of whom come to die in later events.  Every day was a chance that Nathen could be killed in stray gunfire from local gang fights.  His father had worked in at a low pay factory and his mother had to stay home and care for the children.

In his teen years life for Nathen hadn't got much better.  With his dad becoming ill it was up to him to support the family.  He had to take up more than one job and most of his night was spent working.  On a good day he had gotten at the most around five hours of sleep.  A few months after his father had taken ill he had died.  It was a grave loss for the family but mourning was best saved for times other than the present.  Nathen had heard of the Exclusion Zone and the promise it held.  He had hoped to find treasure that could bring his family out of poverty and into the middle class.

Nathen along with his siblings ventured into the exclusion zone.  The path in was easy, but getting out would prove harder than they could imagine.  When they had first entered the zone the had no clue what was awaiting them.  There was no way for them to know of the random anomalies scattered across the zone.  His brother Jarnik had found out about the Vortex anomaly the hard way...  It was down to just the three of them after they saw their brother burst into pieces.  Nathen had now thought that coming into this place was a horrible idea.  After a long and thought out conversation they had decided to backtrack their way home.  Unfortunately they had met up with a few bandits on their way back. Natalia had told them that we had nothing to give them.  When they heard this they had taken her away.  Krinkov had foolishly tried to rescue her from them and ended up paying for that action.  Nathen had been left alone, not sure of whether to go back or stay in the zone.  He did not have much to loose so he decided to stay.  

On his journey through the harsh environment of the zone he had come across a few settlements that he was cautious of entering since what had happened back a ways.  He had to trade his jacket for a fairly bad pistol, but it was all he could afford at the time.  On his walk he had come across a group of bandits eager to get revenge on them, not knowing if they were the same as before or not.  He had foolishly attacked them out of rage and ended up killing one but inevitably being captured.  Whilst they were transporting Nathen a group of Duty had crossed their path.  The bandits had attacked the Duty men out of fear and ended up dieing as an effect.  One of the Duty men had asked Nathen how he had gotten caught by them.  Nathen had told him exactly how and the Duty solider had told him that he was lucky to have had their group around at the time.  When Nathen asked them what they do they had responded in a quick and to the point answer, "We are here to stop the zone."  Ever since that encounter with the group he had wanted to get revenge on the zone from what it had taken from him.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?:They are a para-military group who are devoted to containing and destroying all products of the zone, apart from artifacts which the give to the ecologists.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:I believe in their ideals, and I have always been a fan.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:Alexia Daygan

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP:It's when you get hurt, in-game, and you have to rp the effects that come with the specific type of damage.

What is Metagaming:Things that happen in OOC taken into IC by the player.

What is Metaspeak:Saying things ICly in OOC and vice versa

Describe RDM:Killing people for no RP reason.

What is the Difference between RDM and S2K:RDM is killing for no RP reason. S2K is an ordered kill and is not considered a Random Death Match kill.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:Yes

ACEPTED FOR TWO WEEK PROBATION PERIOD cliched story and one or two RP knowlage flaws but not bad.
NyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyan :3


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: Frosty701

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:24921714

Timezone: Central Time

How long have you been roleplaying?: 2 Years

How long have you played on the server?: 11 days

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: None, but soon

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Well most of my knowledge is from movies and games but I do know some words/phrases like Rules of engagement which determines when, where, and how force shall be used on a target like being Lethal or non-lethal.

Can you follow orders?: Yes

None sadly

In-Character Information

Name: Kahn Petrovik

Age: 23

Skill set: Assault Rifles, pistols, CQC

    Kahn was born in Foros, Ukraine on July 16th, 1989. His fathers name was Sergie and his mother was Natasha. As a child, Kahn suffered from poverty and got bullied a lot in school and his neighborhood. When things started getting out of hand, Kahn asked his father if he could teach him some things about fighting and using teaching him about using and shooting guns. Sergie said he was to young for guns but he did teach him a few things about fighting. After Kahn was done learning, children in his school and neighborhood no longer bothered him again because of his father.
    In Kahn's teen years, he asked his father if he could teach him about using his guns to hunt and for protection if needed. Sergie took Kahn to the woods to show him about using guns and hunting. His father showed Kahn his signature hunting rifle. Sergie showed him how to hold it correctly, how to aim, and shoot. When a deer came out from behind a tree, Sergie told Kahn to take his first shot at the deer. Kahn fired the rifle and the bullet hit the deer's leg. His father congratulated him with a pat on the back. When Serige went to finish off the deer, Kahn accidentally fired and the bullet hit his father in the back. Kahn rushed over to his injured father and tried to comfort him. Sergie was losing blood fast so there was no way to help him. Kahn stayed with him until he died.

   After his father died, Kahn helped his mother, Natasha, around the house. Since the Petrovik's were poor, at age 19 his mother told him about a place called "the zone". She said it was a place where all there troubles would be solved. "The zone" was about 2 months away from there home. So the next day they went off to "the zone" to solve there troubles. During the 2 months, they met some traders, and people going there as well.

   During there stay in the zone, Kahn realized "the zone" was just a real life hell. It was made up of murder, stealing, and scavenging. When Kahn went away from there camp, some bandits came and held up Natasha. The bandits stole everything at the camp and killed her when they were about to leave. After Kahn got back to the camp, he was sad and angry of what happened. Kahn wanted to kill the bandit, but that wouldn't solve anything. And now he is roaming "the zone" looking for bandits and some sort of treasure.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: They are a para-military group of Stalkers who wish to cleanse the zone from its mutants and other creatures and give found artifacts to Ecologists

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I believe they need more comrades to aid them in cleansing the zone from mutants and I think are awesome

Who is the DUTY Leader?:
Alexia Daygan

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: It's where if you get shot in your leg, you have to act like you actually were shot in the leg like not sprinting/running and you would have to limp

What is Metagaming: It's where you use your OOC knowledge for your IC advantage

What is Metaspeak: Using IC for OOC purposes

Describe RDM: It's where you randomly kill people for no reason without them knowing

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: RDM (random deathmatch) is killing people randomly and S2k (shoot to kill) is an ordered kill commanded by an officer in a faction or mission giver and is not considered a RDM

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:
Yes, Fully

ACEPTED for two week probational period


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: ClayMaker95

STEAM ID: 0:0:17227164

Timezone: EST (USA)

How long have you been role-playing?: 4 years (Two Years D20 with Roleplaying, Two years on Garry's Mod Roleplay)

How long have you played on the server?: 1 Year.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes, both Clear Sky and Shadow Of Chernobyl.

Do you have any IRL military knowledge?: Not at all, I only know how to say yes sir and no sir, yes ma'am and no ma'am, and I also know how to shut the fuck up.

Can you follow orders?: Yes.

Commisar Nitro

In-Character Information

Name: Johnathan Wainscott

Age: 21

Skill set: Leading, Rifle Trained, Pistol Trained, Basic Knowledge of Weapon Maintenance, and QCQ Trained.

Growing up with his older brother in the United States of America, Thomas Wainscott, Johnathan had always looked up to him as a figure he would like to shape himself into. Although they were twins, they were exact opposites. Tom grew into a life of crime which he never wanted and Johnny grew up to join the Military, enrolling in Camden Military Academy where he would later grow in the ranks as a Lieutenant of the U.S. Rangers. Later he retired, learning of his brothers disappearance, he left the Country, traveling to places far and wide, until he stumbled upon the Zone.
 Johnathan Wainscott found his brother at last, his brother now is a Freedom War-Dog, after speaking with him and his father, whom of which had also entered the Zone and became a Trader with a wide amount connections and resources. Now, Johnathan ventures about the Zone, not seeing much of his brother anymore. He turned to Duty, seeing that it wasn't much different from his life in the U.S. Military, he signed up, to this day, he waits for his answer and his call to Duty.

Faction Related Information

What Are Duty?: A Paramilitary Stalker Clan formed by Ukrainian Military and Special Forces Units that were left to die in the Zone by the hands of it's Anomalies and Mutants. It was also formed by Veteran Stalkers who had seen enough of the horrors that the Zone offered to them. Duty sees the Zone as an ulcer in the world that must be purged at all costs, as they believe that if left unchecked, mutants will soon break out of the Zone and attack the outside world. They achieve this by killing all of the Zone's manifestations, namely Mutants, in the process bringing them into conflict with factions such as Freedom, who believe the Zone is something rewarding and beneficial.

Why do you wish to join Duty?:
IC Reason- To protect the Stalkers of the Zone from the Zone.
OOC Reason- I love Commisar.

Who is the DUTY Leader?:
Lt. Col. Alexia Daygan

Role-Play Knowledge

Describe Injury RP: When you are hit upside the head with a blunt metal object, you are going to be knocked out. When you are shot in the chest and the bullet pierces through, demonstrate correct feelings as to how much that would hurt and how much blood is coming out of you. Do not say- "I'm uber l33t and I haz Dragon Skin Armor, your bullets can't touch me!" Because, they can, and they FUCKING HURT.

What is Meta-gaming: Using OOC knowledge to an IC advantage.

What is Meta-speak: Lol, such things as smilies and emotes, like texting on a cellular.

Describe RDM: When a player starts to shoot another player for no apparent reason at all, this mostly happens out of a rage or purely for the 'Lulz'.

What is the Difference between RDM and S2K: RDM, Obviously being random and not done with role-play or reason. S2K is the order to shoot and kill your enemy in the line of fire in a faction war or against mutants and other enemies, normally only done when the other player agrees to it.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: I always do.

ACEPTED stay the fook active
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Out-Of-Character Information

Steam Friends Name: R3w1nd / sherwood5cats

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:14015292

Timezone: BST

How long have you been roleplaying?: Nearly 3 years, on Gmod.

How long have you played on the server?: Not long but i was intending on starting my roleplay earlie as i am very eager.

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes all 3 of them Chernobyl, Clear sky and Pripyat.

Do you have any IRL military knowlage?: Yes i have alot of knowlage with the millitary IRL as when I turn 16 I enter the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers as a junior entry and I have read up alot and i know my shit lol.

Can you follow orders?: Yes, very well.

Recomendations: None unfortunately

In-Character Information

Name: Siran Yakavick

Age: 27

Skill set: Navigation, Survival tactics and Marksmanship.


Siran Yakavick was born and bred Russia, his father died a month before his birth and his mother died giving birth to Siran. Growing up as an orphan is hard but he was fosterd, by a Wife and husband eager for a child they were informed that Sirans parents died before he was born taking in this knowledge the couple talked to each other and decided that it would be best not to tell Siran about this untill he has reached a mature age to take this in properly.

Years went by and Siran grew older at the age of 16 Siran left school with not the best of qualifictions but still quite good well knowledged in mathematics and taking into his surroundings but still a bright child no doubt about it.

6 years later the boy was now a man and was still living with his foster parents with no job and no money, his foster parents had come to an agreement that it was time to inform Siran about his parents so they did. Siran did not take this as well as they thought he would and was realy confused like you would expect he was not the same after what he was informed on, the relationship with his foster parents was not the same any more and Siran was well out there reach at attemps to help him.

Months went by and he heard alot information of the Nuclear disaster in chernobyl and the rumors of a so called place the Zone where many man could become rich and wealthy, meanwhile his foster parents were focused on moving out of russia because of this. They planned and packed and were ready to leave but their endless attemps of trying to get Siran to come with them were failing and now that Siran was a man they could not control his actions and could not stop his from his goals. He focused on the fact that he could not stop thinking about this place were you could not loose.

His foster parents left Russia and Siran gatherd all the supplies he could - Water and food and other necessary equipment for his journy but no matter what no one can stop anyone from achieving their goals so he set his mind to the Zone and its amazing rumors and as of now he is there oh yes he is there and has still not given up on his dreams and hope within his soul.

Faction Relation Information

What Are Duty?: Duty are a well disciplined faction that are determined and will not stop untill the Zone has been destroyed and all its evil and mockery have been rid of.

Why do you wish to join Duty?: I wish to use my roleplaying skills in a better way than just a loner allthough it is still fun i wish to use my skills within a more planned out faction.

Who is the DUTY Leader?: Alexia Daygan

Roleplay Knowlage

Describe Injury RP: Injury RP is when you harm your self Ic'ly and you must roleplay being injured and you taking treatment, getting better and playing the main role that an injured person would IRL istead of just walking off after falling 30 Feet.

What is Metagaming: Using Out of Character information in the Roleplay In Character.

What isMetaspeak: Using chat room talks like Lol'z and emotions that you wouldnt see in IC vocabulary.

Describe RDM: When a player opens fire or starts causing damage to people for a none solid IC reason.

What is the Difrence between RDM and S2K: RDM means on the lines of Random Death Matching but S2K means shoot to kill in other words you have been orderd to meaning it is part of the roleplay instead of being an OOC violation.

Can you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes and i intend to.


PENDING RE WRITE Iv taken alot of time to read this its shows good effort but the back story is cliched and the OOC knowlage about duty is just slightly off so its denied rewrite the story and teawk the OOC info and ill re mark it.