
Started by Turkey, 21-11-2010

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(Tiny photo of the 'creator')

*The PDA log is known as dirty water, No other information given.* //Music with every log. TYPOS ARE IC, So are thing that dont make sense

[Log 01]
Start:20/11/2015 Wednesday 02:12

Where do I begin... I was in the hospital when  a group of stalkers and an ecologist where staying near a door. I couldn't speak to them with my gasmask on, and I wouldn't risk breathing in anything inside that place. I raised my weapon unaware of what they where saying. I couldn't see who it was until they fired upon me. I thought it may have been a bandit. I wasn't sure. They opened fire, I took cover behind a box waiting, Before they moved to high ground, I followed them, A shot smashed my kevlar, I won't be using that ever again.. I quickly moved back downstairs hiding behind cover near the broken down wall... When I peered back, one was standing there, he hadn't noticed me. I flashed him with my light and backed up. When he came to see what it was, I dropped him.. Three round burst to the head, I heard someone yelling and a flare flew down near my feet, I kicked it prepareing.. I leaned around the corner firing a burst. One bullet hit the ecologist, The others hit the walls. The ecologist ran back behind cover crying. when the other stalker appeared, Lightly armed, Makarov, Rookie stuff. I sprayed at him twice before taking him down. I rushed out of the room, Turning to my right was the ecologist hiding behind a box, His head visible, I blew it off...
After I collected their stuff, I moved back to the neutral zone.. Fuck.. I didn't mean to kill them, I fucked up big time.

End: 20/11/2015 Wednesday 02:19


[Log 02]

Found a place in the tunnels. going to build my stash and place these newly acquired items. Thats all i have to say.

End: Unknown


[Log 03]

Slaughtered a group of stalkers.
They had no chance, I was on top of a container with my viper-5 when a bunch of stalkers approached, I moved forward and gunned them all down.. They had interesting clothing and weapon choice

End: Unknown


Start 12/9/2015
12:09 Pm

Shit.. Shit. I was attacked in my sleep. My arm is sore.. God damned mutants. Seeking medical attention.. I need.. help.. Oh god..

End: 12:10


Start 12/12/2015
10:10 Pm

My final log... I care not to explain who I am.. But leave this.. If you find my body, And are reading this, Set me on fire.
As I am taking my life, I will not be able to give myself a proper burial. I can only hope that anyone I knew is dead already.. This seems selfish and stupid of me to say so, But I would hate to have ended myself for no reason. The only real success I've ever had in life is taking other lifes. Which leads me to the end. I would like to end myself much like the people I've ended died. Bullet wounds.. Then burned alive.
I leave any and everything left behind from my body, To who ever finds me.
*Sigh, A weapon cocks before three shots are fired*
*The long runs for two hours before the memory is filled*
End: 12:12