Diary - Andrei Egorov

Started by ThY, 08-07-2011

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The day-to-day log of Andrei Egorov; character since early 2009. The title "Legendary" is debatable and i'm not interested in anyones pleas to remove it, it is authed and well deserved and Andei is probably one of the oldest active characters left OOCly.
Work in progress


Entry 1
New objective, new diary! Sounds good to me. Besides, I don't trust these.. pda's; why have your thoughts on a virtual memory when they can fit into a little book in your pocket. Besides, find me something a PDA can do that my pencil and paper can't.

I have moved away from living an isolated life; deprived from civilisation and people. While working along side Military, Duty, Freedom; I've noticed where-ever you look, where-ever you turn, you'll be looking at wall of lies and deception, designed to keep you in your place.. Block you. I have bypassed this, and want others to as well; to see the truth behind life, and The Zone.

My occupation of a Zone Informant & Guide is now public, I'm not afraid to admit it. With modern technology; knowledge will soon win wars. Not weaponry. I see it as my duty to prepare everyone, bring an interest into life around you, rather than fighting wars and arguing -- Plus; Selling information brings money, people will do a lot for money.


Not to be a dick or anything, but your spelling could use some work. Other then that, pretty good first log.


Wrote it on my phone bro. Ill spell check it tomorow.


Entry 2

Well, I feel sad - for once in my career I was asked to collect information on someone, I just couldn't find. I feel like a failure, maybe i'm passed my prime. Because of this im on the hunt of a new Zome Guide I can take under my arms, I've dotted posters around the sector and i'll keep my many ears out for people interested.
On better news, the business has been running perfectly! I'm getting wealthy, I can afford what I want.. which is brillant. I feel as if im becoming a powerfull figure within this forever adapting zone, I mean i've had about five high valued jobs from very important factions and organisations.. but maybe not. It's worth hoping i'm getting somewhere!

A S.T.A.L.K.E.R tried to run off with my bag yesturday, nearly got away with my documents. Would of if my friend diddn't gun him down. I should probably hire some Mercanary organisation to protect me and my contacts.. I'll look into it. Hell would of broke loose if those documents were thrown around.

Anyhow i'll try note down my adventures here more, keeps me track of what i've got to do and have already done.


I think your spelling's just fine.