
Started by GeneralGold, 01-06-2011

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Making a home, step by step

The Delericts are a small band of bandits that previously made their home in the Garbage, the main area of their crime organization. They set checkpoints for passing STALKERS, charging a fee of passage why also taking the rookies to the concentration camps, where they make them search for artifacts and other useful materials.

They soon however began to corrupt the area, making the checkpoints as points they pick up new stalkers for slaves. Beginning now the slavery business was dropping, looting out hills and hills of irradiated junk for just few rubles. Essentionately the slavers began to get cocky, thinking as the STALKERS to not be threats, they wrongly mistaken.

The STALKERS became well organized, more organized then the actual bandits. They created small uprising which never succeded, but one last uprising finally broke the hold. The STALKERS found a way to contact the outside world, they were able to sneak in weaponry and hide it from the bandits. As they became ready, they broke out into fight, leaving bodies of unknowing bandits to drop dead in an instant.

The STALKERS quickly escaped, making off with most of the bandits loots for theirselves. The bandits, now with their home in ruins, torn apart by the very slaves they used for digging. Only a few amount of bandits survived the uprising, which some quickly fled to other bandit groups and some back to the Cordon.

But, however, a small gang of bandits had suspected this happening. They had a route to escape already planned, and they left as the action started. They were deserters, and now they searched for a new home. Their leader, Vanyan, quickly thought of the groups name. Derelicts, which means one without a home, job, or property. It also ment someone that was 'down and out' which they currently were, and they began to plan for a new beginning. They are still unorganized, just now the members seek for higher tier equipment for defense. Vanyan, famous for his tactical solutions from many uprisings, had led them to new land.

Faction Relations

Bandits: Friendly
Duty: Unfriendly
Ecologists: Neutral
Freedom: Unfriendly
Loners: Unfriendly
Mercenary: Unfriendly
Military: Feared
Monolith: Feared

Current Leader: Vanyan

Alright guys, this is my attempt to create an active Bandit group. They will not be a super powerful group, their numbers will be very low. The max people they will have will most likely be around 10. Please post anything you want below, either it be a supporting comment or a non-supporting comment, no argument will be created here. Place your thoughts down below. and REMEMBER, this is a WIP (work in progress) so this will not be automatically placed out there.

Please go here to find out how to join:

Members List

'Vanyan' | Leader | [HGN]Penguin
'Roamer' | Member | cgge
'Ohotnik' | Member | [HGN] ComradeBritish
'Sorokin' | Member | Jared
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


I like it. I'll join it +support


Even though I'm not too active I still think this is cool. +support


You don't need anybody's support to create a PBG.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 01-06-2011
You don't need anybody's support to create a PBG.

I know, but I still like to see if anyone likes the idea or not. It's not REQUIRED, but I like to see what people think and people to give ideas on what I can do to improve.

P.S this is a roaming faction, are we aloud to settle anywhere unoccupied? (mansion and etc)
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


I like it +support. Apparentley all the bandits either got clever or scared and stopped making gangs to help fight against the "lawful". I'll join.
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Need a new main so sure why not.+Support.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


Alright well seeing that people already want to join, I made the applications open. Go ahead and applicate there, for now I need to do some work on this thread.

Oh and one last thing, I was banned a couple days ago for 2 hours but the glitchy system made it like a week. I can either work to get that removed (it should be) or wait it out. If I can get it removed i'l go ahead and start setting up the group in-game
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Have fun getting raped internally, or PK'd.


Quote from: FrostyFrosty on 01-06-2011
Have fun getting raped internally, or PK'd.

We will see, grasshoppah.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Quote from: FrostyFrosty on 01-06-2011
Have fun getting raped internally, or PK'd.

I agree. Once you guys are known as bandits, get ready to be raped every day.

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


Quote from: andrewhatesyou on 01-06-2011
Quote from: FrostyFrosty on 01-06-2011
Have fun getting raped internally, or PK'd.

I agree. Once you guys are known as bandits, get ready to be raped every day.

:/ I get it alright, i'l try to find a way around getting lolraided every day by 30 people.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Also, make apps IC , so you can pick out people you want in by watching them.


Quote from: FrostyFrosty on 01-06-2011
Also, make apps IC , so you can pick out people you want in by watching them.

If you didn't read the hole application system, you will see that they will be put on the interest list. At a certain time they will be taken hostage and they have to roleplay correctly and etc.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Rav may also help you guys if you need anything, I am still in debate.


Quote from: Ravanger on 01-06-2011
Rav may also help you guys if you need anything, I am still in debate.

Good to hear that Rav, just please don't send Monolith after us <3

After this stupid glitched ban lifts i'm going to get this really started and find some trader contacts.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


"hostile" to loners means you will rape every on sight?I guess "unfriendly" would fit more.


Quote from: knife_cz on 01-06-2011
"hostile" to loners means you will rape every on sight?I guess "unfriendly" would fit more.

You have a point there.....
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


And as Jake said already,you do not need supports for PBG group,so get people,money and go ahead.
Just be sure you want to make a bandit group.


Quote from: knife_cz on 02-06-2011
And as Jake said already,you do not need supports for PBG group,so get people,money and go ahead.
Just be sure you want to make a bandit group.
Waiting for a few more members before I make the group ingame, and I have to wait off this stupid glitch ban.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Finally... another banditó group

+You will get "/me Shoots guy in backhead" 'd when your selling your SVD to trader.


Quote from: andrewhatesyou on 01-06-2011
Quote from: FrostyFrosty on 01-06-2011
Have fun getting raped internally, or PK'd.

I agree. Once you guys are known as bandits, get ready to be raped every day.

Sadly it will most likely be even if people don't know you're bandits. The Birds of Prey's last iteration couldn't even make it off the ground without us getting metagamed/powergamed every 5 seconds even before we started doing anything.

A good bandit group would be nice. Just please do not focus entirely on "Get rubles, buy sweps" because it's retarded when bandit groups robwhore new players (driving them off the server forever), buy Exos and FNs, and continue to rob a la Pawx back in the day.


Don't torture stalkers for lulz and you have my support.
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Quote from: lolKieck on 04-06-2011
Don't torture stalkers for lulz and you have my support.

Thanks, hoping to get on the server today to do some recruiting.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Why not go with Robbing > Killing? While in SRP there's this nice thing called 'respawning' that lets your victims come back to be victims another day... But in a 'real' scenario you can't make money off someone if they're dead.
Making "business" arrangements (tolls, work, etc) with Stalkers is far more interesting than shooting them and taking all their gear.
Plus if you start killing every single stalker you rob I assure you this group wont last long.