
Started by Plunger, 06-10-2010

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Took these before I was removed, and was removed due to these, and the ones in Blake's thread.

Commissar kicked Violet for calling Duty, "Bandit's in disguise", and threatened to ban me for telling him that's abuse.


Took your time to post these.


Quote from: Bielecki on 07-10-2010
Took your time to post these.
I forgot I only posted in the hidden admin room of the forum.


I Agree with zen. Violet's a be-otch to everyone in duty


Yea, well, the point was more of Nitro kicking someone for saying something so trivial.

He should be in the military instead, with the zero tolerance attitude. Shoot anyone that looks slightly your way kind of thing.


Forgot to mention, I got a 1000 minute ban after this from Commisar for, "Undermining".

Silver Knight

Do You really not have anything else to do with your time? than bitch about something several months ago... Locked.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period