Character Pose / Info thread

Started by KillSlim, 06-09-2010

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Character Pose and Information thread!

Viktorya Rakova

A long forgotten character, Viktorya Rakova was the woman who took over Freedom from the legendary Tenel Asire. Fierce and easily angered, she insisted on getting the best out of her men in combat through constant and demanding training. Viktorya managed to gain allies which seemed somewhat contradictory to her personality, she gained favour with the bandits such as the Beetles and Inverted Sun, and other wandering souls in the Garbage.
Freedom's territory was expanded from the Town to the Sector 2 entrance, thus giving Freedom more breathing space.

Come the day of the joint-attack. Duty and the Ukrainian Military had endured enough of Viktorya's harassment, and launched an all-out operation upon the town. 2 Duty snipers (Eliminated), Two Helicopters (One Eliminated, one damaged), and a squad of Military (Eliminated), all led by the Colonel in a fierce attack on the town. Viktorya's insistant training had payed off, withstanding and repelling an attack of this magnitude was certainly an achievement.

Viktorya was missing the next morning, and so was her equipment from the barracks. Some say she was plainly killed in battle, others say she was kidnapped while in a fragile state; there was no trace. And so ended her legacy; Vicky Rakova, lost and forgotten.


A friendly, honest and minimalist Stalker. Gibbons has climbed the ladder of respect in the Stalker world, he is what you call 'Your Modest Stalker' (Although Gibbons himself often likes to boast about his experiences and encounters in his past).
A keen acoustic guitar player, he can prove to be good campfire material with an array of stories to tell and an album of songs to play.
Gibbons can sometimes be wreckless in the search for entertainment or a quick paycheck, most recently stealing a controller corpse in an attempt to flog it to the Ecologists, almost getting mugged and shot along the way, and finding there is no reward for the corpse. Some people have called him 'The Clumsy Pioneer', getting himself into easily-avoidable trouble.

Stanislav Yakov

An old-timer Mercenary, Stanislav served multiple clients back in the golden days when everyone had at least 3 wallets brimmed with cash. His primary clients were the Military, serving them for atleast 1 year. He also Duty for a short period, hunting down exiled members for 50,000 per head, after several weeks of employment in these golden times he could afford his own helicopter.
Owning atleast 3 suits (Camo, French and German Mercenary suits) and some serious gear (Groza, VSS, SVD) he was a valued asset in the field.
The Golden days had to end unfortunately, remember having 3 wallets? Well, everyone had wafer-thin wallets just a few days after the golden days ended. Never the less, Stan kept on serving the Military and did so until recently after given an honourable discharge for being bored; after extensive service and unquestionable loyalty to the Military.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Very nice. I'll do some of these when I get the chance. (Reserved now.)

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.


Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Ill work on these later on, thus this post is [RESERVED]
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


I got some old pictures. Might of seen them already.

Pilgrim, the VERY early days.

Hunter (One of Jackals characters)

Generic Monolith (Don't have a character to fit it to, someone else can claim it)


What's this? Someone who has skill in character posing in gmod?


I really really suck but I toke this opportunity to make one just for the hell of it. So enjoy my failurez n lighting, and posing.

This is Dzovak Jeknovorign when on his last contract to capture a turkish speaker who is trying to push a war with Armenia. (Before entering the Zone) (Dzovak on the right, turk on the left) Also lol noticed that Dzovak's thumb is sticking through the gun XD



Quote from: meetdadoom on 07-09-2010
I really really suck but I toke this opportunity to make one just for the hell of it. So enjoy my failurez n lighting, and posing.

This is Dzovak Jeknovorign when on his last contract to capture a turkish speaker who is trying to push a war with Armenia. (Before entering the Zone) (Dzovak on the right, turk on the left) Also lol noticed that Dzovak's thumb is sticking through the gun XD

And we would have got away with it, If it wasn't for you meddling mercenary's and your damn guns!


Just made it, guess it could be for my new Monolith character I might make.


Damn Beiliki your really good



Doctor Kostya Pozvizd, Showing off his artifact he acquired.

Sldr. Fyoder Zel, Having a drink.

O deer, shitty ragdoll posing and graphics make my photos awesome. Lol.


The way you posed the Ecologist makes him look like a homosexual.


Quote from: Aresty on 10-09-2010
The way you posed the Ecologist makes him look like a homosexual.

Even though it's cruel, I agree and fucking lol'd.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Turkey, you should try getting some mre interesting camera angles. There is alot of wasted space in the pictures, try and zoom in some more.

Also turn your graphics right up before you take a picture.


<Bad Ragdoll poser
<Bad Photographer
<Doesn't exactly give a shit anyway.

emperor bobby

My Turn!

Boris 'The Comrade' Leninkov

"They Didn't even see it Coming."
Boris Is an old man, who loves Vodka, the red army choir, the color red, And Russia.
His Kgb Training, coupled with His time with the bandits, and Hunting in Siberia has led Boris to be an Excellent Marksman, Spy, and Loyal Soldier. Boris is Not a Cold man, But Is Not very trusting of Non Freedomers, and has an especial Dislike of the ecologists. Boris Is the Kind of Man who would do anything to protect those he cares for, And you can always count on him to have your back. (unless your a dutier  :P ) He Follows Orders, Respects the line of command, And Does what He can to help, He Also Has a Hatred of Mutants, and a Dislike of Plants, Animals, and nature in general, He finds The Sight of Heavy industry to be Far more relaxing then a Lake, or pond. Boris is an alcholholic, and a smoker, He Also Has a Tendancy to Use Profanity. Never ask Boris about his past, Because he will tell you, In Complete detail every. last. bit. He also has a Daughter Named Belinda Leninkov, who is a Military Mercenary, And wile it Breaks his heart that she Works for one of freedom's enemies, He Still loves her, and Tries to avoid contact with her.
(with the picture, dont laugh at the terrible faceposing, it was my first tiem using L4d faces in the faceposer, hell, it was my first time making any face in the face poser that wasnt one of the drop down menu ones. :( )