Change of Plans

Started by CC, 08-08-2011

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(This is already mentioned in the threads above but I would also like to make things clear)

Remember brothers
, you are to stay inside of the base unless given instructions otherwise from your fellow preachers. (I.E: Rov or I) I know it is tempting to poke your head out continually but it is not ideal and it gathers us some unwanted attention. I know I don't have much room to speak on the manner but please try and have some restraint. Another thing, if you are given orders to do something; You are expected to do it to its fullest. Most of you are great at following these simple guidelines, but I'm not going to point anyone out. I'm just going to say; Just put this into consideration because I'm going to start a no-bullsh*t policy. The orders which leaders give you in battle should be followed in its fullest, you are not one to decide what or what doesn't get ordered; Have faith in your leaders. You are a brainwashed servant of the Monolith and should act as such :> thank you for reading this if you have.

ALSO! Promotions are more likely for those who are active and show their loyalty to the faction; Being active more gives you more of a chance to prove yourself etc. You're going to have to work for your ranks, just kind of a heads up.

But just to cover what I said again, make sure to stay inside of base, we're not going to be raiding as much and we will warn most stalkers to leave before we attack them..Unless provoked etc, unless the preacher/leader deems the victim worthy enough to be graced with our bullets..Or whatever your favorite choice of..Weapon is..Or whatever. BUT! We are here to protect the Monolith; We are the outer-guardsmen. We shall not falter in our defense and we will show no mercy to those who try to desecrate what we stand for.

ON A GOOD NOTE THOUGH! We are getting much more stronger than before! We are standing on our own two feet again and we're winning battle after battle!..Even though we hide in our tunnels.


• We're playing more defensive, REMEMBER THIS.
• Listen to your preachers, no matter what.
• Promotions are for those active and whom can prove their worth.
• Don't minge, or I will end you in a moment's notice..Seriously.
• Keep up the great work! It's up to all of us to get onto our own two feet and show those stalkers we mean serious business again.

I'm done blabbing, I just thought I'd look important and throw this threat out there.

Monolith be with you, brothers.

-Father 'Spray'


Also remember you can be removed or PK by me or CC for any reason which you should understand by joining.