Brainstorm! Reviving Fear RP!

Started by Khorn, 10-10-2010

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We need to start brainstorming on how to breathe life back into Fear RP. It is probably one of the most needed aspect of Post Apocalyptic RP.

Structure of Fear RP:

-Add more?

-Lack of Protection
-Lack of Weaponry
-Small Groups (?)
-Mutants Watching
-Eerie Noises
-Small enclosed areas
-Add more?

What I see wrong with Sector 42 is:

-Open and Wide
-Bright and Sunny
-No Background sounds
-No darkness or fogs
-No place for Mutants to use for cover.
-No Anomalies
-Only thing worth leaving a base for, is scraps. Sometimes a stash.

What we need to do is change the map to make it cause Fear RP.
We need to make the bases less of a Doom Fort, and more accessible by smart loners or intelligent Mutants.

It will only cause the sprout of Fear to the players.
The rest will need to be built up by players.

Problem is, some people ignore Fear. Those people that ignore the Fear will have to die. And if they
continue to create a character that can rape the zone with their mind, they will need to be PKed.

What this Thread is about is bringing ideas together to bring Fear RP back. So if we can, keep the flaming and other crap we know we can all pull, to a bare minimal.

Post your thoughts about it....


No No No. . . This isn't the problem, the problem is Client side not server side, and adding darkness and sounds will only annoy people.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


There's already Military Patrols everywhere that chase you across the Map, I think that's enough Fear...

Steven :D

Also those queer punchwhore/kabarwhore stalkers.


I'm not saying add just random sounds. Does no one notice that Sector 42 is very open and bright out?


Its always day time, always bright and sunny, and you can see a mutant/partol comming a mile away, giving you plenty of time to avoid them. The best examples of areas that seem to enforce fear RP are the train tunnels, and the monolith undergounds. And no one goes intot hem becuase of the faer that they will be filled with bandits, or monolith, or maby mutants. THose are the only places they realy have to go where they can't be seen coming a mile away. This could be fixed easyly by adding back they day/night script, and possibly some ambience.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!

Steven :D

Change spawn, so you spawn within a dark place and have to get out.


I think people go out of their way to kill bandits and shit, when in reality, why would you risk your life and expensive ammo....?


There are no bandits to kill nor are there active mutants is part of the problem.

Day/night script was horrible, it didn't increase fear RP it was just obnoxious since no one could see anything (including the mutants who were supposed to be hunting and doing scary shit). Random sounds again don't do anything for Fear RP since players know they are random sounds and not indicative of anything.

Bright and sunny outdoor map? Well most of SoC took place in outdoor locations, granted the sky was a little darker but it was't midnight 24/7. The problem is there's nothing to be afraid of. The factions don't do anything, there are no scary bandits (there are some loners robwhoring with makarovs and that's it, there's no professional group that will fuck you up big time despite my efforts to make one simply because you people all go "ZOMG TRENCH COAT" and refuse to RP, there's no mutants out to kill you. So it's not that players aren't failing at Fear RP, it's that there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of at all. My main char doesn't even have a gun and I can walk around feeling completely safe because I know nothing is going to happen to me (other than Freedom possibly mingeraiding me for the umpteenth time but I can always talk my way out of that every time because it's always horribly metagamed).

And that all harkens back to the economy. Money and guns are so rare no one is going to risk their precious AK74 for any reason so everyone suddenly becomes very polite and cordial to prevent death.


Actually, there are bandits walking around.
Duty captured one yesterday, after he kept on robbing people in the same location.
Shouldn't have let the stalker go and tell us. He had an abakan.