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Other Forums => Server Dumps => Scrapyard => Stalker Dump => Topic started by: Dvs!lverwing on 23-08-2011

Title: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Dvs!lverwing on 23-08-2011
I had a conversation with PaintCheck earlier, and as you can imagine it was indeed about Birds of Prey. When I played, Birds of Prey was the champagne of Bandit groups, you might say. The group was a lot more sophisticated than your average run of the mill Bandit Group: they usually are made up of 3 to 4 people that go around and rob everything they see. Rather, Birds of Prey had a different money-making scheme, they made most of their money through Trading rather than robbing random STALKERs for all of their starting gear, or using a group of 3 men to rob a single man. Stereotypical "Bandits" really, but we all know there are always exceptions to stereotypes... I always viewed BoP as that exception: they weren't a group of barbaric Bandits that rob everything in sight: of course Bandits will be Bandits, and there will be robbing no matter what group of Bandits you follow, but there is a difference between making 80% of your money through trading and maybe 20% through mugging some STALKER, than getting 100% of your earnings by stealing things. BoP always had a sort of unwritten "Honor Among Thieves" sort of code, BoP never really stole from other Bandits or STALKERs who show passiveness towards them rather than aggression simply because they're under the largely misleading identification of being a "Bandit Group". I missed the times I had being a Bandit that wasn't some sort of savage, I missed playing with Paint and Mango as a BoP member, and so I decided that maybe BoP should get another shot. And through 3 deaths, BoP has arisen once more.

I received Paint's blessing to use the name and forums, and I'll be taking applications in this very thread, I will update it with the format to apply with in just a bit. If ever time comes that Paint might want to come back, I will turn the leadership over to him: he rightfully deserves it as he's gotten BoP on its feet and stood through its death 3 times... THAT'S dedication.

Out of Character information

Steam Friends Name:

Steam ID:

Your Age:

What Groups/Factions are your other characters in? Will this lead to a bias on your BoP Character?

Why do you want to join Birds of Prey?:

How would you describe a "Lolbandit"?:

Describe how your character differs from a standard "Lolbandit":

Do you have Bandit Flags?:

In-Character Information

Character Name:

Character Age:

Character Description:

Character Background:

What your character wishes to accomplish in BoP, and why he decided to join it rather than another Group?:

Also, please let me know if you were a previous member of BoP and we'll try to work something out together.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Yorty on 23-08-2011
I'm glad to hear this.
I haven't had much experience with the Birds of Prey, but a revival of one of the groups that made Stalker roleplay more than your average experience were the unique groups like this.
I wish you and whoever takes part in this the best o' luck.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Dvs!lverwing on 23-08-2011
Thank you, writing this thread almost came difficultly to me because it's hard to describe the way BoP operates. There is a very fine line that decides whether a person is a Bandit or not, and I like to think of it like this: BoP sits on that line, and decides which side to step onto depending on the situation.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: lolKieck on 24-08-2011
Due to the recent influx of new people, this group will be metagamed hard. Really. Besides, OOC apps are worse than IC apps in my opinion. The leader should know his group mates.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Dvs!lverwing on 24-08-2011
Yeah, I understand that: I was given a warning before reviving the group about how the last time it started it was pretty much metagamed out of existence. I'm going to be relatively specific about who I bring into the group, and they're not going to be accepted immediately, I'm probably going to look out for them in the server and see how their RP is, and once I accept someone I think I'm probably going to go with the whole "trial" thing most factions do for a week or so. ICly applications are going to be relatively hard to do right now because the group is literally at square 1 as of now: No base, no members, and nobody ICly knows about them right now. Besides, if I specifically only allow IC applications every metagaming Lolbandit in existence is going to come directly up to me and ask to join which is the last thing I or anybody else wants.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: lolKieck on 24-08-2011
You need to make the roster yourself or ask somebody to make it and post it yourself so you will be able to edit it. And some people still remember BoP, that's the problem. They'll think OLOL BANDITS KEEL EM and well, here goes the whole faction.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Dvs!lverwing on 24-08-2011
Mhm, yeah. The reason there is currently no roster is because if I made a roster it would be literally a blank thread, there is currently no members as of now: unless anybody who used to be a member of BoP steps up and says they'd still like to be in BoP, or until somebody's application is accepted. I'm not going to start doing anything with the group until there are at least 3 or 4 members.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Chrono on 24-08-2011
I really liked BoP, and they controlled the lolbandits mess (or it was because of the lolmerc influx)..I wish you luck...by the way you guys did slavery too right ?

Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Dvs!lverwing on 24-08-2011
Most of the time it wasn't us actually capturing the Slaves, most of the time we contracted Mercs to do that kind of stuff (Yep, some actual work might be coming around for the Mercs if this takes off), but we definitely did buy/sell slaves, yeah.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: lolKieck on 25-08-2011
What's the point of slaves in SRP? If for selling to the highest bidder outside, they could find a better one in some continuously ravaged by civil wars African country. Not to mention they'd have females too (or more to choose from).
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Dvs!lverwing on 25-08-2011
You say that as if there are currently a million people enslaved on the SRP server, or it is a horribly ridiculous idea that would never actually happen. The person is captured by whoever, and the more experience or skill they have with a certain thing, the more money they sell for. Once they're sold to whoever, that person can use them for the skill they possess, they can use them as forced labor, they can use them for whatever they want. We don't sell to people outside of The Zone, shipping the Slaves out would be too much of a hassle. Also, how do you expect to smuggle slaves in from Africa when you're in the middle of a SECURED area in Eastern Europe? Traders already have a hard enough time getting weapons and gear in, STALKER's have a hard time sneaking in themselves, but somehow they're going to bring in a truckload of Africans, in which you paid for them AND their trip from AFRICA  to EASTERN EUROPE which is OBVIOUSLY cheaper than paying a few thousand Rubles for a slave who is immediately available to do your work and actually speaks your language.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Paintcheck on 25-08-2011
Quote from: lolKieck on 25-08-2011
What's the point of slaves in SRP? If for selling to the highest bidder outside, they could find a better one in some continuously ravaged by civil wars African country. Not to mention they'd have females too (or more to choose from).

I wish I had a screenshot of Hawk's inventory during the first iteration of the BoP. Made something like 300 THOUSAND rubles slaving people.

Granted we'd only take people who agreed before hand OOCly that they would consent to RPing as a slave for the long term to prevent lolesecapes and shit. And it was really more for RP than anything. Yes I made a stupid amount of money off of it but that was never the goal. Plus it was kind of a jab at all the stupid doomforts going up all over the place. Those workers had to come from somewhere, right?

Also we used slaves for other stuff like artifact expeditions (send them into anomoly fields ICly, I'd /event shit happening to them, fun RP all around) and the like. I don't know anyone who was a slave who didn't enjoy it.

And we even had a few female slaves too Kieck.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Dvs!lverwing on 25-08-2011
Indeed, most of the people I remember being slaves didn't really have any complaints about how things were going down. Although finding female slaves at this point is going to be rather hard now that people need to be accepted to roleplay as one.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Midgetonic on 29-10-2011
So is this dead again?
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: jaik on 29-10-2011
Quote from: Midgetonic on 29-10-2011
So is this dead again?

no point in reviving it the fourth time so don't get any ideas
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Duranblackraven on 29-10-2011
Just let it continue in the two real members that are still around and work together.
Title: Re: Birds of Prey: REVIVAL
Post by: Paintcheck on 30-10-2011
Yeah it's pretty much me, Duran, and Tom. No one has expressed interest on joining and the current server atmosphere makes robbing not any fun.