
Started by Killabreu, 18-07-2011

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Right now, I'm putting this post up via my iphone. I'm on a quick break, and realized this needed to be said. I haven't been very active since I've been made the leader of duty, and that is what I'm apolgizing for. I'm currently doing some contract work, which is ending soon, and I promise you all that I will be more active. I guarantee it. In fact, I'm going to be talking to mr. Yorty in a bit to see if he'd like to do a little skirmish this week (depending on when this job is done.) I appreciate the patience and understanding.

Note: I know some of you have seen me online, but playing other games. That's because the Internet is so slow here that it can take up to half an hour for the connection to happen. This is mainly because it's a network shared by myself, my brother, and a neighbor.

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.


I've looked, and I realized that I'm not done until this Wednesday at the earliest. Then I've got a 10 hour drive home. Just keeping everyone updated.

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.