Alucard Complaint

Started by Rook, 12-07-2010

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Okay, the short story is that I was banned by Plunger for "Flaming/Avoiding RP" when I refused to enable his metagaming, I will tell you what had happened from the start

Me being the nice little Military STALKER I am, decided to go for a walk, I had left the checkpoint, halfway through S2, I saw Plunger come out the Tunnel, we met up at the BUS STOP, this is crucial.

THis bus stop. which is 3 quarters down the road. I had asked him if the S1 tunnel was clear, he said yes, as my Character has a fear of Monolith he always asks. I ran through, and Plunger was Right, there was no Monolith.

I had walked through S1 to the Freedom base, I had walked up the the crowd and said  "'Claymore': Anyone else shit themselves when they pass Tunnel, or is that just me..?>" as form my console, Then Plungers character, Orion puts a gun to my back and starts accusing me of being a Soldier, and saying He saw me come from the checkpoint, although I did, he didn't see it, earlier I had even told him in OOC that I was when he asked me why I was in Military base, but Like I said, we met up 3 quarters down the road, we would have to meet at atleast half for him to have saw me.

At this point I started to notice, after all the questions he asked he kepts saying I was a Soldier. After all the people telling him to lower the gun, the odds were stacked against him, and he asked for my PDA, I said no because Claymore keeps all his Diary Entries and photos in his PDA and he called BS on it.

I said he was metagaming, and said what I have said here, he then proceeded to ban me saying "Flaming/Avoidng RP" Which was actually disabling Adminge and Metagame.

I Have noticed that Plunger always picks on me, and constantly kicks me when I am doing next to none compared to other players. I request that something is done about him.

May I also note, he had not denied one thing.


Well his character could have just been accusing you have being a soldier, were you wearing military armor?

Also, he could have seen you leave the checkpoint, ran to the S1 tunnel then decided to leave as you came?


Quote from: Khorn on 12-07-2010
Well his character could have just been accusing you have being a soldier, were you wearing military armor?

Also, he could have seen you leave the checkpoint, ran to the S1 tunnel then decided to leave as you came?

I swear, when I went out, i looked around, if he did see it, that would be due to view distance, as there are trucks and a bus in the way aswell.


Were you wearing military armor? Does Orion know your character at all?


Quote from: Khorn on 12-07-2010
Were you wearing military armor? Does Orion know your character at all?

His Character had never seen mine before, ever. I was wearing a SKAT, which plenty of Mercs and Traders have


TBH he no info to back up his claim you were a soldier


He usually picks on the little guys in SRP, accusing them of shit they didn't do. But in real life, someone could accuse you of being a spy, when your not, and shoot you dead, now you have no word in it, your dead. What I'm saying is, people in Real Life are crazy, they would kill someone for no reason if they wanted to, It's the Zone, a bunch of crazies and lunes here, they would kill someone over a Vodka.

It's the same thing as accusing someone of being a Bandit that has a Trenchcoat, it's called accusing, and you can't stop it without proof.


As Pawx said, but how long did he ban you for? For what happened there isn't much you can do. If he perma banned you, then that be an issue.


Ever thought he observed you before? It's pretty easy to keep track of the military checkpoint and see who goes in and who goes out. Also Rook, you are wearing a SKAT. And if you enter and go out with one, it's obvious you work for the military.


Okay Rook, let me point out a few things, since even though I've already explained it to you a shit on you still don't get it.

1.) You were already kicked thrice that day for flaming, and such. Which is why you got such a long ban time.

2.) You weren't complaining about metagame until all the people helping you left. I.E. once you lost the IC fight you brought it into OOC, either to help buy you time, or just so you wouldn't need to lose the IC fight.

3.) I was sitting at the entrance of S1 watching come into S2, and I even sent a message to Rave's Trader telling him a soldier was coming his way, which he can verify.

4.) You came out of Military base in a Skat suit, and told everyone you were Ex-Military, then why would the military have let you in, and not kill you?

TL;DR: You were banned so long for all the previous offenses that day. You didn't call foul play until after you lost the IC fight, meaning you wouldn't have brought it up if you won, so it was just bullshit to avoid RP. You are blind if you didn't see me when you came out of S2. You told everyone a fucked up story story.

Then after all that, you had the nerve to try and convince everyone in Team speak that it was part of some briliant plan you made to get my admin taken away, which means if that's true then you were trolling during the RP, and are trolling/lying to everyone right now.


I just read the bottom part now.

1.) There is no fucking conspiracy against you, you just need to stop breaking so many rules.

2.) I did deny all the stuff, but you wouldn't notice because you were spewing so much bullshit that you overflowed all my text.

3.) I warned you about ten times to continue the RP, or you would be banned for your previous offenses that day, but you did not take heed of my warning, and continued to avoid the RP because you lost.


I suggest we lock this, as Alucard has explained the situation.


Quote from: Dug on 13-07-2010
I suggest we lock this, as Alucard has explained the situation.

Locking a complaint thread against myself would be incredibly bias.


Then I'm pretty sure someone else can do this, as this is a very pointless thread. No offense Rook.


Quote from: Dave The Zombie on 12-07-2010

I Have noticed that Plunger always picks on me, and constantly kicks me when I am doing next to none compared to other players. I request that something is done about him.

Rook, you have turnt this into a personal thing, i suggest if you have an issue like this, you talk to Alucard.
This isnt the place for you to rant about something you obviously havent thought about.
You have zero proof that was Metagaming, except your word because your butthurt that you got found out.

He is not picking on you, you are just more of a thorn in alot of peoples sides half the time because you do not like loosing a thing, and you dont like it if things dont go your way.
Id suggest sucking it up.


I also wanted to point out the thread name.

"Banned for proving an Admin was metagaming."

Which is incorrect, you were banned for flaming thrice earlier, and then you you got the ban in the end for avoiding RP by claiming I metagamed.

The thread wasn't even attempting to accuse me of metagaming, but rather debunk me.


Quote from: Alucard on 13-07-2010
Okay Rook, let me point out a few things, since even though I've already explained it to you a shit on you still don't get it.

1.) You were already kicked thrice that day for flaming, and such. Which is why you got such a long ban time.

2.) You weren't complaining about metagame until all the people helping you left. I.E. once you lost the IC fight you brought it into OOC, either to help buy you time, or just so you wouldn't need to lose the IC fight.

3.) I was sitting at the entrance of S1 watching come into S2, and I even sent a message to Rave's Trader telling him a soldier was coming his way, which he can verify.

4.) You came out of Military base in a Skat suit, and told everyone you were Ex-Military, then why would the military have let you in, and not kill you?

TL;DR: You were banned so long for all the previous offenses that day. You didn't call foul play until after you lost the IC fight, meaning you wouldn't have brought it up if you won, so it was just bullshit to avoid RP. You are blind if you didn't see me when you came out of S2. You told everyone a fucked up story story.

Then after all that, you had the nerve to try and convince everyone in Team speak that it was part of some briliant plan you made to get my admin taken away, which means if that's true then you were trolling during the RP, and are trolling/lying to everyone right now.


I just read the bottom part now.

1.) There is no fucking conspiracy against you, you just need to stop breaking so many rules.

2.) I did deny all the stuff, but you wouldn't notice because you were spewing so much bullshit that you overflowed all my text.

3.) I warned you about ten times to continue the RP, or you would be banned for your previous offenses that day, but you did not take heed of my warning, and continued to avoid the RP because you lost.

Okay fine, I did come out, but you didn't see that, I saw you come out the tunnel when I was half way through S2.

2. you didn't deny it

3. And I wasn't avoiding RP, I was disabling Metagame, as there was 0 information to back up your claim that I was a soldier, which I wasn't anyway.

And I was kicked 2 times may I add, not 3.

Whether all you believe me or not I don't really care. atleast I know I'm right


Quote from: Dave The Zombie on 13-07-2010
Quote from: Alucard on 13-07-2010
Okay Rook, let me point out a few things, since even though I've already explained it to you a shit on you still don't get it.

1.) You were already kicked thrice that day for flaming, and such. Which is why you got such a long ban time.

2.) You weren't complaining about metagame until all the people helping you left. I.E. once you lost the IC fight you brought it into OOC, either to help buy you time, or just so you wouldn't need to lose the IC fight.

3.) I was sitting at the entrance of S1 watching come into S2, and I even sent a message to Rave's Trader telling him a soldier was coming his way, which he can verify.

4.) You came out of Military base in a Skat suit, and told everyone you were Ex-Military, then why would the military have let you in, and not kill you?

TL;DR: You were banned so long for all the previous offenses that day. You didn't call foul play until after you lost the IC fight, meaning you wouldn't have brought it up if you won, so it was just bullshit to avoid RP. You are blind if you didn't see me when you came out of S2. You told everyone a fucked up story story.

Then after all that, you had the nerve to try and convince everyone in Team speak that it was part of some briliant plan you made to get my admin taken away, which means if that's true then you were trolling during the RP, and are trolling/lying to everyone right now.


I just read the bottom part now.

1.) There is no fucking conspiracy against you, you just need to stop breaking so many rules.

2.) I did deny all the stuff, but you wouldn't notice because you were spewing so much bullshit that you overflowed all my text.

3.) I warned you about ten times to continue the RP, or you would be banned for your previous offenses that day, but you did not take heed of my warning, and continued to avoid the RP because you lost.

Okay fine, I did come out, but you didn't see that, I saw you come out the tunnel when I was half way through S2.

2. you didn't deny it

3. And I wasn't avoiding RP, I was disabling Metagame, as there was 0 information to back up your claim that I was a soldier, which I wasn't anyway.

And I was kicked 2 times may I add, not 3.

Whether all you believe me or not I don't really care. atleast I know I'm right
So you admit you lied before about the tunnel, which means there are other things your lying about, like how you told everyone it was some big plan, which just means you were trolling.


Locked for lack of proof and turning into a flamewar, if you have any complaints please contact me in SF.

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