Activity Check

Started by Doomburger, 29-06-2010

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Alright kiddies, listen up!

This is an activity check. As most of you may(or may not) know, the new map is coming out soon. This means you are to lose whatever real life friends you have, dump any girlfriend (or boyfriend. Sorry, Radek) you may have, and get active.

This activity check will end in a week. Meaning if you do not post that you are active, or are planning on becoming active, I shall bring upon you  DOOM SMASH/inactive star/demotion.

Humor and homosexual jokes aside, please do post in here or be reprimanded.

The countdown begins now,soldiers.

And thanks to Rebel for the help.


I are very active. See, Not even 2 minutes.


Senior Lieutenant David Rouiee is ready and able.

And no problem.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


I am active. (hurr)


Mostly Actieef, some big homework, but I've almost done.


I'll be back in 2 weeks, enjoying the black sea at the moment.


Guess what I'm active.


Im active i just hate forums of all kinds... i hate posting

My second post... Wooo....