|105| Military Applications -- OLD

Started by Radek, 24-11-2009

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Yuri Sergig

Full Name: Yuri sergig

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Caucasian



Weight:70 kilo

Medical Conditions: Healthy

Backstory: I was born in Kiev my name is Yuri sergig this is my story of my past life or whats left of it.

My life began in Kiev. I was born in a middle class society. Were my mother was a lawyer my dad was a soldier. Working almost all the time. I nearly saw my mother she was busy making sex behind my fathers back. I nearly saw them being happy. They only spent they with them toggether when they was with me.  I was 8 years when my mother divorce from my father. My father didnt have time to be with me much. But just enough so i can be with hem. When he fianly had time for me when i was 14 years old. It was because he got fired because hes mental health was damaged. He had seen to much violence to much blood to much to be happy. Since that time he came home he was depressed. And took medical drugs and happy pills to be in a normal mood. I became intressed in the army when some of my friends joined a public military training for citizens. To test if they got what it takes to join the army. I worked 4 years with the training and i became a excellent student. The sgt of the training said that i would become a fine marksman. If i maybe improved my aiming skill. So i did i used 4 years of improving it at Shooting clubs and at some tournaments. And i became one of Ukraians best shooters. And i decided to help my country at the battlefield and. Test my skills with a sniper rifle. I travled to the military Recruitment center. And i thinked if this is my life. If i wanted to do til i died. But i used so much of my life doing training. And i loved my country so i deciced to join the army

How did you get in to the military: I joined the army at a recruitment center. I spendt lots of weeks training and training. And getting disciplin and got a role in the millitary. They said i needed to become a scout for my good aim and my steady grib with a gun. I passed the Mental the health and the fitness test. So i was ready for go to the zone in a truck of fresh troops.

Describe your character, both good and bad sides: My good parts is: Obeying all orders , Got a iron grib and i got a good stamina my bad sides is: i sometimes wonder if the person i am aiming at got a family and i feel bad for the dead people.

Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story): I was a shooter living on money of Tournaments

What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Scout

Out of Character Information


Country:Denmark got born in russia

Timezone:Central Europa

How long have you been roleplaying:5 years

How long have you been with HGN:1 morth

Is this your main character:Will Be

Do you have any alts: No

Are you in any other Factions: Will be in this faction

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: No

Do you have any previous Military experience: I am joining my countrys army soon

Why should we accept you?: I have been roleplaying since the garrysmod got made i have a excellent roleplaying skills and i will do whatever it takes for joining military

Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?:Yes

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No

Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes

Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

ACCEPTED- Try to fix your grammar a little, it seems you really have an interest in joining so i'll give you a shot
Our lives begin to end the day


In-Character Information

Full Name: Aleksander Borislav




Height: 1,80

Weight: 69

Medical Conditions: Healthy

Backstory: Aleksander Borilav was born in Moscow he had a hard live there. his mother was dead but his father was a medic for the Russian army. when Aleksander grew up he wanted to be like his dad. One day his father needed to go with the army becouse they had to fight of the infection. His dad told Aleksander that it would be okey.
But his father never came back. He needed to survive on his own. but it where hard times so he needed to survive on stealing food and money. He became Wanted. Aleksander Smuggled him self to the place called "The Zone" he knew no one would find him there.
That place was Bad many People where there. He didint know how he could survive there.
Then he wound out that there was a military in "The Zone" Aleksander decided to join them.

How did you get in to the military: He Singed up for a better life.

Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Good: i will serve my Officer to what
any situation Bad is that i don't like to be around people i don't trust .

Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story): Aleksanders father was a medic for the army he thought him many things about Health,Pain,Medications and how bandage works.

What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Medic

Out of Character Information

Age: 14

Country: Iceland

Timezone: (UTC) Monrovia, Reykjavik

How long have you been roleplaying: 2 years

How long have you been with HGN: 2 - 3 weeks

Is this your main character: Yes

Do you have any alts: no

Are you in any other Factions: no

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games Yes i own SoC
Do you have any previous Military experience: i have played many games like codmw2 and bf2 and Company of heroes and Bf bad company 2 and i have looked in GoArmy.com i have learn many things from there

Why should we accept you?: Im a great roleplayer and i love the army and i wount fail you i promise

Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:no

Have you ever been banned? If so why: no

Do you have Ventrillo: No but i could get it.

Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

DENIED- First off, another "Both my parents died" story, second. Your back story was not 2 paragraphs. Reapply in one week.



 His dad told Aleksander that it would be okey.
But his father never came back.

DENIED- First off, another "Both my parents died" story, second. Your back story was not 2 paragraphs. Reapply in one week.

HE ISINT DEAD HE JUST DIDINT COME BACK!!!!! he could have been in any town or anywhere !!!!!!!!! comon -_-


travis rutherford

In-Character Information

Full Name: Travis Harley Rutherford
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Height: 6 foot 1 inch
Weight:245 pounds
Medical Conditions: very physically fit, muscular.good eye sight, fast thinking

Backstory: (MUST BE AT LEAST 2 PARAGRAPHS!) Well, I was born in the United States, in Alabama. I went to Basic Training for the Marines, HECU group. i met many friends. i relied on them on many occasions, recently we had to go to Iraq and  rescue some diplomats. We busted into a hole in the side of a mountain, where we saw the most horrible things imaginable... so we thought. We did many missions where we had to rescue hostages. when the normal Marines couldn't do the job, they called in Hecu. im an OK shot with a gun, ive been hunting since age six. I'm trained to use many guns, from the Ak-47 to a M-4.  I prefer the M249 Saw though. my Dad always gave me money to but new guns. the first gun i bought myself was a P08 Luger, that pistol the Waffen SS used.
I know how to fly airplanes, i own a ski boat and i know how to kick some ones ass. if you ever need my help. I'm always there.
I'm the person you will be glad to have on your side, and the one you fear to oppose. I know how to lead troops, i know military stratagies, and im a survival expert. thats kind of obvious if i am the only one to survive out of a whole company.

How did you get in to the military:I got into the military just to prove that i could get past basic. my friends have always thought i was joking. I joined the Marines and was able to apply for Hecu

Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Well i managed to get from the United States to Urkrain Chernobyl when a group of arrogant tourists went on a bus ride and didn't come back. The United States decided to find them and sent my company to get them.  All we found were zombies, speaking English... I sometimes am pushy. i wont hesitate to rifle smack a stalker. i also will shoot on sight, if I'm having a bad day.   On the other hand, i also help people when i can i give them food, water and ammo when they need it. i will save them from mutants. My squad mates will be avenged if killed.

Profession(How you got in to it and an example of Some Rp of the chosen profession, Can be integrated with the Military story): After my Company was ambushed by blind dogs, and some blood suckers, i became a loner. i was scared and generally stuck to myself, unless i need some gear. so Ive only been a stalker. i would love to join the zones best  faction. THE MILITARY

What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): I would like to be part of the Special Ops. it will make me feel at home, as if i were back in HECU

Age: 16

Country: United States

Time zone: west coast(California time)

How long have you been role playing: about a year

How long have you been with HGN: In the total time Ive ever played this server, i would say i have played for a week and a half

Is this your main character: Yes

Do you have any alts: Don't know what alts are

Are you in any other Factions: no

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games Yes i own SoC and Stalker clear sky
Do you have any previous Military experience: i am a major history fan, in warfare. i also did a program at age 14, where i got to do some marine training, (Yes they do that). you have a question about the US military you ask me, (unless you know a real soldier :D)

Why should we accept you?: I'm a great soldier, i will fight to my last breath for my comrades. i wont ever turn down a mission and i will fight for any cause the military wishes to support

Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes SIR!

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:no I'm just a good person

Have you ever been banned? If so why: no i don't do stupid stuff to get banned, like some people

Do you have Ventrilo: No

Do you have a working Microphone: Sadly no. but i can take orders without needing to respond. i also can type fast


Brotherhood is more important than Money

DENIED- I can smell the powergaming from here, your not a master at everything. And the Ukrainian military does not use American Soldiers, nor do "Tourists" enter the zone though a bus :/

travis rutherford

I would like to differ, I can be a "hired gun"
And in clear sky, if you talk to people enough,
It says there was a bus full of westerners that went into the zone
they had police escorts.
They didn't come out.
the first stalkers that went in found zombies that mumbles some distorted  English

I actually can do the survival, and shooting skills in real life.
Military (real life) train with other countries, and train with their guns.
My dad actually does give me money to buy guns. I think a marine unit that is searching for American Citizens would be a good reason to get a US Marine into the game. If all my friends died, i would want to seclude my self from society. so my character goes into a state of depression where he only talks to others if he absolutely needs to. 

So in real life i have:

Hunted since age 6
I know many survival skills
my dad fies airplanes
We own a ski boat
in real life i know alot about the military, the strategies, the weapons and vehicles

I AM joining the marines, to prove to my friends that i will and am able to do it

I basically based my character off me. and added some things to make it better. if its to much then i guess i will take some off.
i am a excellent shot with a gun

I will admit, i did go over the edge a little.. hehehe


This is a Military application. Not a "hired gun". Edit your applications, don't double post.


In-Character Information

Full Name: Dimitri Yurdensky
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: 21
Height: 6'3
Weight: 130
Medical Conditions: None
When I was a child I heard of stories of the Meltdown at Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant in Ukraine. I always told my friends that I wanted to travel to Ukraine and see the Power Plant and experience the Thrill of search for treasures... But till that faithful day...

My dad was drafted in to the army bound on exploring The Zone around the Nuclear Power Plant but he promised that he would always keep in touch with me and my mother.

But 2 years he was drafted he never replied to my mother's letters, her calls... I was 18 by then. I wanted to know what happened to my father what horrors await me in the harsh Zone my story is to find and know what happened to my father but I cant do it alone knowing that those Mutants and those dangerous anomalies would threaten my very life.

So I need help in finding my long lost father and to find the truth about those ghost stories they used to tell me when I was a child about bloodsuckers, bandits  and a weird cult that surrounds the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant or the so called 8 Mile Stretch also known as "The Zone"...

How did you get in to the military: My Father
Describe your character, both good and bad sides: My Character Always Strives To Do The Job no matter What He Does To Achieve That Goal. He Will Do Anything to get what he wants.
Profession(How you got in to it and an example of Some Rp of the chosen profession, Can be integrated with the Military story): Electronics Expert and Gunsmith
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Infantry

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: Philippines
Timezone: 8+GMT
How long have you been roleplaying: 4 Years
How long have you been with HGN: A Year
Is this your main character: Yeah
Do you have any alts: 2
Are you in any other Factions: Nope
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: All STALKER Games and Finished Them
Do you have any previous Military experience: Airsoft and Paintball
Why should we accept you?:  In hoping I can be part of you regime and to Enjoy Role-Playing with The Military.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes I Understand

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Nope

Do you have Ventrillo: Nope
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

PENDING- You joined the military to explore to see where your father was? Ask for an In-game interview with Assassinator or Radek


In-Character Information

Full Name: Wolfgang Dmitri Petrinov (Middle name ftw)
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 25
Height: 6'1
Weight: 160 lbs
Medical Conditions: Wolfgang had a minor case of malaria a while back, and is required to take pills every once and a while. Otherwise, he has no medical conditions.

Backstory: Wolfgang was born in Moscow, Russia. At the age of 5, he was moved to Ukraine with his mother and father. His father was a soldier in the Ukraine military, and Wolfgang always looked up to him as a brave man. Though his father was not the friendlist man, and often treated Wolfgang badly, Wolfgang thought it was only because he loved him, and it was. His father left every few months to go on duty, and Wolfgang always awaited his return.
                        All of Wolfgang's family had participated in the Military. His uncle was also in the Ukraine military, and his grandpa had as well been in it until he died. At age 23, he decided to enlist in the Ukraine military, and follow in his family's footsteps. When he finally completed training, and was taken into the Military, he was moved to a town he had heard of called 'Chernobyl'. He heard stories of mutants and anomolies, which scared him. But, he did not back out.
(Wasn't really in the mood to right a hellah long one like I usually do.)

How did you get in to the military: Enlisted.

Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Wolfgang is a loyal man. He treats anyone close to him as a family member, and will protect them at all costs. He will never leave a man behind, no matter the circumstances. Though, sometimes this can interfere with how he works, and he can get easily distracted. He can be very stealhy, and enjoys a good hunt.

Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story): Possibly scout, otherwise just infantry.

Out of Character Information

Age: 14
Country: United States
How long have you been roleplaying: About 5 years
How long have you been with HGN: Probably about 6 months or so
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: Yes
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: All except for COP
Do you have any previous Military experience: I was a military merc when I first joined Stalker RP
Why should we accept you?: Because you will not be let down.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Of course.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Does it count if you were kicked for crashing? :P
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Nope

Do you have Ventrillo: No, but I will get it if needed
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

PENDING- I'm kinda hesitant of accepting you because youve been in and out of almost every major faction. Ask for an in-game interview


Quote from: travis rutherford on 16-03-2010

What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): I would like to be part of the Special Ops. it will make me feel at home, as if i were back in HECU

Epic fail. HECU does not exsist, it's something Necropolis RP made up. Good job stealing an idea from another RP, and also not even getting it right. No one could apply for HECU, they would come to you. HECU = Hazardous Environment Combat Unit, just incase anyone is wondering.


(Re Application)

In-Character Information

Full Name: Dimitri Yurdensky

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White, Caucasian

Age: 21

Height: 6'3

Weight: 130

Medical Conditions: None

When I was a child I heard of stories of the Meltdown at Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant in Ukraine. I always told my friends that I wanted to travel to Ukraine and see the Power Plant and experience the Thrill of search for treasures... But till that faithful day...

My dad was drafted in to the army bound on exploring The Zone around the Nuclear Power Plant but he promised that he would always keep in touch with me and my mother.

But 2 years he was drafted he never replied to my mother's letters, her calls... I was 18 by then. I wanted to know what happened to my father what horrors await me in the harsh Zone my story is to find and know what happened to my father but I cant do it alone knowing that those Mutants and those dangerous anomalies would threaten my very life.

So I need help in finding my long lost father and to find the truth about those ghost stories they used to tell me when I was a child about bloodsuckers, bandits  and a weird cult that surrounds the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant or the so called 8 Mile Stretch also known as "The Zone"...

How did you get in to the military: He Chose To Be Part Of The Military

Describe your character, both good and bad sides: My Character Always Strives To Do The Job no matter What He Does To Achieve That Goal. He Will Do Anything to get what he wants.

Profession(How you got in to it and an example of Some Rp of the chosen profession, Can be integrated with the Military story): Electronics Expert and Gunsmith

What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Infantry

Out of Character Information

Age: 16

Country: Philippines

Timezone: 8+GMT

How long have you been roleplaying: 4 Years

How long have you been with HGN: A Year

Is this your main character: Yeah

Do you have any alts: 2

Are you in any other Factions: Nope

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: All STALKER Games and Finished Them

Do you have any previous Military experience: Airsoft and Paintball
Why should we accept you?:  In hoping I can be part of you regime and to Enjoy Role-Playing with The Military.

Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes I Understand

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Nope

Do you have Ventrillo: Nope
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

DENIED-Wait one week to reapply, you still didnt change your backstory either. And for future reference if you want to change something on your application like a day after you origonally post it, edit it dont make a whole new one.


In-Character Information

Full Name: Sherboqw Lussnte
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: 29
Weight: 167lb
Medical Conditions: Healthy
Backstory: Sherbow was like everyone else, but there was one very special thing about him. Ever since he was a child, he had one ture dream, to join the Military. Every chance he had he would roleplay by himself shooting imaginary badguys. He kept this dream through till the age of 16. He was finally able to sign up. At that point he felt proud of himself for finishing his dream. Sherbow's father passed away months after. Feeling that it was his fault, he worked has hard has he could to become the best on his team. Four years past and hes 20 years old now. He was one of the best men the Military had seen.
How did you get in to the military: Right when he had the chance he signed up.
Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Hard worker. Not as strong as others.
Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story): For being very positve and working hard.
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Any would be fine.

Out of Character Information

Age: 14
Country: U.S.A.
Timezone: Central
How long have you been roleplaying: 2 years
How long have you been with HGN: 4-5 months I would say.
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: Blood Sucker and Loner
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Yes
Do you have any previous Military experience: My step father is in the Military.
Why should we accept you?: Becuase I am a great RPer. Fun to have around. And Im online alot. Active.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes, I do.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No, If I have I cant remeber.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: NO

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

PENDING-Ask for an interview, your backstory was really short and pretty generic to  be honest. Talk to Radek or another officer for an interview.
"May the Strong become Stronger, and the Weak to become Weaker..."



In-Character Information

Full Name: Andriy Cherbunko
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Ukranian
Age: 25
Height: 5'57
Weight: 121
Medical Conditions: Healthy
Backstory: Andriy was a normal kid, but with a extraordinary family. His father had been a Staff Sergeant in the army, now he was a alcoholic. Andriy's mother always dressed herself like a slut, so that other men would notice her. But even though he had some "bad" parents, he still got very good ratings in school. He also had alot of friends, often going home to them. But they never visited him, because it would a shame if his friends saw his parents.
Then when Andriy graduated as a 16 year old boy, he immediatly began physical training, so that he could one day join the army. That has been one of his biggest dreams since he was a little boy.
Then at the age of 18, he made his application to join the army. He was accepted to join and was going to undergo a 6 month training program. When he graduated, he had scored some of the highest ratings, in the whole class. He then as a 19 year old, voluntered to being sent into Chernobyl. And now, for six years, he has been fighting mutants, enemy factions and seen his friends die. But he made himself a promise which was: "I will not become like my father". And he is still keeping that promise.
How did you get in to the military: At the age 18, he joined the military
Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Good: Friendly, quiet, loyal, sociable. Bad: Gets easily angry, easily annoyed
Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the chosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story): He did a good work, both in training aswell in active duty.
What squad will you enroll in and why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Infantry. I like just being the frontman, instead of doing a specific job like, scouting, doing operations, getting my fellow soldiers back up (though I would of course help them in any way possible)

Out of Character Information

Age: 15
Country: Denmark
Timezone: GMT +2
How long have you been roleplaying: A couple of weeks (Overall, with the rp I did before this, 6 months)
How long have you been with HGN: A couple of days
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: No
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow Of Chernobyl, but only a bit, since my disc broke.
Do you have any previous Military experience: My grandfather was a senior Sergeant during WW2.
Why should we accept you?: I like the army, and will carry out any orders given to me at the best of my abilitys.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo:No
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes, but it's not very high quality.

PENDING- I'm a little hesitant to accept you, it seems that your timeline is messed up (6 years in the zone?) and your " Ï wont stop till all mutants are dead" line reflects DUTY values. Ask an officer for an in-game interview


In-Character Information

Full Name: Dimitri Yurdensky
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White, Ukrainian
Age: 23
Height: 6'3
Weight: 130
Medical Conditions: None
Dimitri is a hardworking type of person. Always striving for the best in all of his works. At an early age Dimitri would always play with his Toy Soldiers and end up getting way to over his head. He would always combat evil and side with good. He always looked up to his father since he was a soldier. His mom died of a miscarriage when he was born so his father took care of him.

Dimitri received a proper education he was trained to be patient and vigilante since his Father was a soldier. He would wake up at 4AM do a routine exercise around the village he stayed in and return home. He always strives to be fit and healthy.

When Dimitri Reached the Age of 18 his Father enrolled him in the Academy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There he learned the basics of Combat and Tactics. He Graduated at 22 years old and obtained the rank of a Lance Corporal in the Ukrainian Reserve Force.

Since Dimirti wanted and craved for action. He saw this piece of paper tacked on the Academy's Cork Board. "MEN REQUIRED IN "THE ZONE...'. Dimitri wondered what "The Zone" was. So he asked a couple of Privates in the Academy and said that "The Zone" Is a the place around the old Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Dimitri became more curious and asked "Is There a Way to get to the Zone?" A Private pointed him to a Recruitment Office. So he paid the Recruiter a Visit. He asked the Recruiter how he could get to the Zone. The Recruiter told him he has to join the Military Force there to get to the Zone and Wait a Week for the acceptance in to the Force. So Dimitri Submitted an application and he was sent to the Zone. But he wasn't in the Military force yet he had to wait to be accepted.

How did you get in to the military: Sent to the Zone to assist the current forces there. By Choice.
Describe your character, both good and bad sides: My Character Always Strives To Do The Job no matter What He Does To Achieve That Goal. He Will Do Anything to get what he wants.
Profession(How you got in to it and an example of Some Rp of the chosen profession, Can be integrated with the Military story): Electronics Expert, Repairman and Grunt
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Infantry

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: Philippines
Timezone: 8+GMT
How long have you been roleplaying: 4 Years
How long have you been with HGN: A Year
Is this your main character: Yeah
Do you have any alts: 2
Are you in any other Factions: Nope
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: All STALKER Games and Finished Them
Do you have any previous Military experience: Airsoft and Paintball
Why should we accept you?:  In hoping I can be part of you regime and to Enjoy Role-Playing with The Military.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes I Understand

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Nope

Do you have Ventrillo: Nope
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

ACCEPTED- Sure, this seems like a good applications  although just for your information: 1. There is no L-Cpl in any kind of Ukrainian military, that's for Marines.  2. Your mother can die at birth, but not from a miscarriage, that's when YOU would die into the 9 months. (And yes, little stuff like that bugs the hell outta me) But anyway, congratulations ask for flags in-game



In-Character Information

Full Name:David Slowsky
Medical Conditions:None
David Slowsky was born into a normal life, he had a normal childhood, during his adolescent years he discovered the drive to compete, and so he trained to become a surgeon.

David spent five years as a surgeon at his local hospital, this seemed to fill his need to compete, but soon this was not enough though. He soon found himself needing more competition his life. Soon after David applies to join the army. His application was flawless, which meant he was soon on his way to the battlefield.

When in the battlefield David soon realised the need for ranks, he didn't dare upset a higher rank soldier. He always followed orders to the dot. And never got any disciplinary actions against him.

Every day during David's rotation he dealt with many different injuries, from shrapnel embedded in someone's chest, to gunshot wounds, and even scorpion stings. This time in the army helped improve David's medical skills, allowing him to become one of the best surgeon's in the service. During David's time in the army, he was suggested a transfer to 'The Zone', anyone he talked to said they had never heard of it, so it was a mystery what the zone would be like.

How did you get in to the military: Suggested transfer in army service.
Describe your character, both good and bad sides: My character is not scared of getting his hands dirty, is calm in hectic situations and follows orders precisely..
Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story): Surgeon
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Medic, David trained to become a surgeon, he has been a surgeon for 5 years and the time in the army.

Out of Character Information

Age: 17
Timezone:GMT + 0
How long have you been roleplaying: about 4-5 months
How long have you been with HGN: in total 1 month, but recently 1 week.
Is this your main character:Yes
Do you have any alts:4
Are you in any other Factions:No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:Yes
Do you have any previous Military experience:Army cadets for 5 years.
Why should we accept you?:I am hoping to bring injury RP into the military as there will now be a medic to deal with the injuries.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?:Yes.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:No
Have you ever been banned? If so why:No

Do you have Ventrillo:Yes
Do you have a working Microphone:Yes

ACCEPTED-Ask for flags in-game

Bl★ck Star

Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name: Hensfield

First name: Sarah

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: White

Age: 23

Height: 1,68m

Weight: 68 kg

Medical Conditions: Everything Perfect

Backstory/Military event/How did you get in to the military and the zone?:
When Sarah was Still a Nurse in a Hospital she always helped Poor Peoples and Other People who needed Medical help even when the work time was already over.

One Day her Bestfriend came to her and asked if she want to go with him to the Army cause his Father told him he should go to the Army to Fight for his Motherland.

Sarah told him, she will think over it a few days.

In the Night Sarah had a Scary Nightmare that her best friend would die when he goes to the Military cause in her dream she dreamed that he Will go away with a Squad of other Military Peoples to the Ukrain and they die from an attacking "Thing".

The next day Sarah went to her friend and told him about her dream. Her friend just laughed and told her "Hahaha i will be Alright Sarah, and the Thing how did it looked so i know what should i shoot if i ever go to the Ukrain, hahaha"

Sarah told him that it looked like a Human but just with ... "tentacles" instead of a mouth.

He laughed Hardly "a Human with tentacles ? hahahaha, so what do you say do you come with me ?"

Sarah said yes cause she wants to protect him and help him when hes in Danger.

The Next day the Car arrived to get Sarah and her Friend to the Military and she forgott about the dream she was scared of.

2 Months later after she had a Military Field Medic Course she heard that her friend died in the Ukrain in something called "The Zone".

Sarah decided to go there to, to help people when they need help and when they?re in Danger.

Describe your character: She is Agile, very nice to Other Squad members and Good in First Aid and Guiding Other Peoples Trough the Town and scared of Bloodsuckers cause her best friend died of one

What squad and what possition do you want and why?: Valkyrie (Medic) cause Sarah is a good Medic  and she had a 4 Year Study in Medicine and Nursing

Out of Character Information

Age: 14 (soon 15)

Country: Germany

Timezone: GMT +1

How long have you been roleplaying: around 1-2 years now (Desertia,TnB,Hl2Lands,HGN )

How long have you been with HGN: Since Christmas

Is this your main character: Yes

Do you have any alts: yes 2, 1 Eco (Klaus B?cker) and 1 Loner (Kane Wolfhead)

Are you in any other Factions: Ecologists

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: yes SoC

Do you have any previous Military experience: My Father works for the Military

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No

Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: yes

Do you have a working Microphone: who has Ventrilo without a microphone xDD so yes i got one

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I Like Turtels


Re-applying after some time, sry that i used the old layout ^^

Accepted- As a recruit, ask for flags in-game


In-Character Information

Full Name: Sergei Kozak
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 1,92 M
Weight: 98 Kilo's
Medical Conditions: Healthy and fit.
Sergei Kozak was born in in the Kiev, Ukraine. He was a common kid raised as a real city-boy, never went to the country side.
When he turned 17 his dad wanted him to join the military, Sergei didn't wanted this and tried to convince his father. His father however kept to the point that he had to join the Ukrainian Military. A few days later Sergei escaped from his home and left with all the money he had to Moskow.
He went to Moskow to follow a college for becoming a architect. After he arrived he managed to pay off the college with the very little money he had left.

Years passed and he was a excellent student, still he worried about his family everyday.
The day he turned 23 he was almost done with his college, 2 months later he finished college coming out as a very good architect. With no money and no home, he tried to get a job, which was a easy job for a skilled architect. He found a builder business where he got accepted as Architect.
He did well, but the thing he didn't liked was that he had to help to in the building part. After some months he bought himself a appartment in Moskow, he tried to contact his parents by writting them a letter. Weeks passed and he never had a response. After a hard day of work he returned from work when he entered the appartment building he found a letter sticking a bit out of his mailbox. He grabbed it and quickly opened it.
It was his mother, who responded! Sergei quickly took the stairs and ran up to his appartment. He quickly readed true the letter and discovered that his brother joined the Ukrianian army just as Father wanted. Father never talked about Sergei and forbid anyone else to speak about him. Mother explained that she saw the letter and quickly hidden it away so she could respond in secret. Sergei was dissapointed about that his father made him literally dissapear out of the family that he felt it was time to fulfill his father's wish.
Joining the military. Sergei left right the day after his received the letter back to Ukrianian. He went to the builder's business and told he would never come back. He took the train and the bus to Kiev arriving there just a few days later. He went straight to his parent's house who was near the trainstation.
He knocked on the door and saw some movement true the window and as seconds passed he quickly thought something out he could say. The door went open.. He saw his father staring to him and saw him becoming angry he quickly putted his feet between the door before his father could close it.
His father was about to yell but Sergei quickly said; "I came back father, to fulfill your wish to join the military just as my brother did." His father stared to him for a few minutes and then opened the door and hugging him. Sergei was suprised by the sudden change of mood. Sergei and his father stood there for a few minutes. Suddenly they heard a women yelling; "Sergei! You're back!" They both turned around and saw mother running to the door as she hugs Sergei.
Mother saw his father looking happy, and knew right away. "He's going to join the military isn't he?" she looked scared. His father answered happilly; "Yes! He will join the military like our entire family did!" Sergei saw her mother starting to cry. Sergei didn't understanded why, but later found out that he had a older brother who died in combat as he also joind the military.
He applied to the military right the day after he came home.
Sergei stayed at his parents for a few days as he was waiting for his approval to join the military. He got accepted, and was taken true basic military training and passed this to. Once in the barracks he was playing poker with some friends suddenly a officer walked into their barracks and yelled a couple of names that had to report to the commander to be transfered some called place "The Zone." Sergei's name was included in this list and he reported to the commander.

How did you get in to the military: Applied/Transferred.
Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Sergei blindly believes in his Superior(s). He doesn't talk alot and usually remains quiet in all kinds of talking.
Sergei can get angry easily but just a minor thing.
Profession(How you got in to it and an example of Some Rp of the chosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story):
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Engineer, since Sergei studied for architect.

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: The Netherlands
Timezone: GMT +1
How long have you been roleplaying: 1,6 years.
How long have you been with HGN: Around 3 months. (Little less then 4)
Is this your main character: Yes.
Do you have any alts: One,
Are you in any other Factions: Freedom, but I'm leaving.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky
Do you have any previous Military experience: Not really in real life.
Why should we accept you?: Because I'm a active player, and I'm quite a good roleplayer.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: I understand.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes.
Do you have a working Microphone: Nope. Headset broke.

Note; I'm Dutch, English isn't my first language. I know not to use this as excuse but I'd like you to know I can have some grammar errors.




In-Character Information

Full Name: Zach Fredinson
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: 22
Weight:84 Kilo's
Medical Conditions: Healthy
Zach Fredinson was born in Ukraine, while his dad was deployed. His dad died in battle when zach was only 10 and his mother couldn't take the heartbreak and gave him to a family in Ukraine she knew. Zach grew up from there on in a muslim family and always loved to spy on things and examine every little detail people said and did.
He went on to become a intelligence officer in the Ukraine Military at the early age of 18 and learned a few months later that his mother had died in a car bombing. He was deeply saddened, but he felt he needed to do something for her. He found out on his 20th Birthday of the zone. He thought about it and it deeply interested him, being a intelligence officer, he wanted to explore. Before he got the chance to decide whether he wanted to apply, he was transferred there. One year later, he is there collecting information and reporting to his superiors.
How did you get in to the military:Applied for it then tranferred
Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Zach is respectful of his superiors, but is silent and loves to collect information. He is mildy-tempered and can only tolerate so much anger before exploding. This isn't a common thing though.
Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story):Intelligence. Likes to work with communication devices and spy systems.
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Scout because loves to spy and collect information.

Out of Character Information

Age: 14 (almost 15)
Country: The United States of America
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
How long have you been roleplaying: About 3 years now
How long have you been with HGN: Been looking and checking out the server for a week now, started roleplaying the past few days
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts:One, but not used
Are you in any other Factions:No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Shadow of Chernobyl
Do you have any previous Military experience: My dad was a marine
Why should we accept you?: I play as often as I can and I consider myself a good role-player.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes
Do you have a working Microphone: Headset is broken. So no



In-Character Information

Full Name:Alexander Malishanko
Medical Conditions:Healthy
                Alexander was born in a small village in the ukrainian country side.   Aside from doing schoolwork Alexander loved to go on hunting for various birds with his father and began to learn the skills of marksmanship. As Alexander grew older, he was expected to help provide food for his family so he began going on hunting trips more often.  One day while relaxing in his living room watching T.V. Alexander saw an add for the Ukrainian Army, this was the beginning of Alexander's descion to join the Ukrainian Military.

   One day at his high school, a Ukrainian recruiting officer came to visit.  Alexander had a long conversation with him about joining the Ukrainian Military.  The recruiting officer highly suggested him joining the army so he handed him some papers to fill out.  Alexander decided to talk with his father before filling out the papers.  After talking with his father, Alexander decided to fill out the recruitment papers and turn them in to the recruiting officer the next day.  Alexander knew that there was a good chance that he would be sent to "The Zone"  but this didn't discourage him because the only rumors he heard of the zone were rumors of countless riches that could be found.  Alexander made sure there were no mistakes on his appilication and turned it in, hopeing that he would get accepted.
How did you get in to the military:  Filled out an application at a recruiting post
Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Athletic, is a good marksman, has a tendancy to be sarcastic
Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story):A radio operator: A radioman
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Infantry

Out of Character Information

Country:United States
Timezone:East Coast
How long have you been roleplaying:3 years
How long have you been with HGN: Since July of 2009
Is this your main character:Yes
Do you have any alts: No
Are you in any other Factions: Just donator factions like Mercs or bandits
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:All 3
Do you have any previous Military experience: I used to be in the ROTC
Why should we accept you?: Because  I am expierenced in this field of work
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:No
Have you ever been banned? If so why:No

Do you have Ventrillo:Yes
Do you have a working Microphone:Nope



In-Character Information

Full Name:Phillp Jones
Medical Conditions:Healthy and Strong
Backstory:Phillp was raised in CA. At the age of 15 he ran away and he had the skills to stay alive. At age 18 he killed any thing that got in his way to stay alive. At age 19 his family was killed. In one month he killed the people who killed his family.                                                                                                      At the age of 20 he had the skills to shoot a gun and to fight with hand to hand combat. Most of his friends were dead. one by one he killed the people who killed his friends.He killed 55 people all of them were the people who killed his friend.By age 21 he had killed most of his enemys.
How did you get in to the military:At the time they we recruiting.
Describe your character, both good and bad sides:able to blend in and make him verey mad he will hurt you badly
Profession: I would be happy with anything to work my way up.
What squad will you enroll in any why:Spec Ops because I think  Spec Ops could use my skills.

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying:About 2 years
How long have you been with HGN:2 days
Is this your main character:yes
Do you have any alts:no
Are you in any other Factions:no
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:no
Do you have any previous Military experience:no
Why should we accept you?:yes because i am good at rp,I will do any orders,and I will do my best.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?:yes

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:no
Have you ever been banned? If so why:no

Do you have Ventrillo:yes
Do you have a working Microphone:no

DENIED- Your application was really general, and short. Your not a fucking killing machine.



In-Character Information

Full Name:Alexey






Medical Conditions:Vital

Backstory: You want know how i got in Zone ? It's very not long , story ......
Alexey had very easy and good life .While away me it was not taken in army . I thought that this easily, one year in army and all, ride home ..... but happened not so. Me and sent the great number of soldiers in Zone, off the hand, only gave all necessary for the survival.
I .... i did not know how to describe all ..... this horror., fear. Zone - this terrible place . From all command survived only i . 5 months i there was "one".But all turned to better. I was however found by Army and after this i began a new life.

How did you get in to the military:(all in BackStory)

Describe your character, both good and bad sides:Not very quiet, put together, see that that do not see others.

Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story):Sniper

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying:1 month
How long have you been with HGN:about 0.3 month
Is this your main character:Yes
Do you have any alts:no
Are you in any other Factions:no
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:IN ALL VERS!
Do you have any previous Military experience:I think no
Why should we accept you?:Because i good soldier and want to protect Humans from Zone !
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?:Yes

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:no
Have you ever been banned? If so why:no

Do you have Ventrillo:no
Do you have a working Microphone:yes

It's all .

DENIED- Your grammar needs to be worked on. Also, make your backstory longer.


In-Character Information

Full Name:Yurik Serchenko
Weight:183 lbs.
Medical Conditions:Healthy
Yurik was born in a small rural village in Kopini , Urkaine. He was born into a poor family without any money. He worked a hard life joining the work force at the age of 14. He started out tending lawns for the state. Making only 1 Rubles which is only 12 cents in united states currency. You can tell from this he worked hard and earned less. He did this to support his family his father worked in a tank factory producing arms. Soon enough he joined the same job as his father.

He went into a convience store and bought a lottery ticket. He bought the ticket he serectly didn't know that the ticket would be his death sentence. If he won he would recieve 100,000 Rubles. That is alot of money on the other side if he loses he gets entered into a raffle to get drafted into the army. He lost of course with his bad luck. He got entered into the raffle. Soon he got drafted joining the service.

How did you get in to the military:I joined the miltary after getting drafted into the service.
Describe your character, both good and bad sides:He is brave and seathly. Yet he dosn't get deep into the fight.
Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story):Factory Worker , Generic job he joined so he could pay the bills.
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic):Spec Ops.

Out of Character Information

Country:United States
Timezone:Eastern Standred Time
How long have you been roleplaying:One year
How long have you been with HGN:Three weeks
Is this your main character:No
Do you have any alts:Yes
Are you in any other Factions:Shadow Corps (Player-made faction on another character)
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:Clear Sky , Call of Pripyat
Do you have any previous Military experience:No
Why should we accept you?:Well , Most likly I guess because I have some roleplay skills (of course any skill can be refined) that isn't a good reason i know another reason is because of me well i'm friendly.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?:Yes, I understand

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:Yes , Plunger text alret.
Have you ever been banned? If so why:No , I haven't been banned.

Do you have Ventrillo:Yes
Do you have a working Microphone:Yes

PENDING-I dunno, joining a raffle to become the military? Also the currency used in the Zone and Ukraine is a Ruble (Or however its spelled) Ask for an in-game interview

Respond from flash: The raffle idea comes from the mass draft they had in history. THat was a effictive way of recruiting since no one wanted to get sent to the zone to die. Urkaines current money is Grivinas but to stick to canon I edited the story to include rubles instead sorry sniper about that. Also kept the raffle ticket ideal.


In-Character Information

Full Name: Razogoth Vokrun
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Age: 22
Height: 5'8
Weight: 177 lbs
Medical Conditions: None
Backstory: Razogoth or Raz was born into a typical family his father worked in an office as part of the I.C.T department and his mother worked in a super market. He has no brothers or sisters but still had friends he went to a normal public school in the city of Kiev getting a basic education, during one of his school day's an assembly was called the military were invited to the school to show the pupils a taste of military life, like many of the kids there he was amazed and intrested.

At the age of twenty he enlisted into the military at the local military base going through the basic training. In the barracks he heard other recruits talking about rumors they heard from the more veteran soldiers Raz listened to them intrested he wanted to one day go there himself to see. After finnishing the training he filled out the transfer form, now he awaits for the reply.
How did you get in to the military: Enlisted at the local military base.
Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Shows the up most respect to higher ranks and he's dedicated but he's green as grass he hasn't seen any real combat action and likes to wear his armor and gasmask most of the time just incase.
Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story): Basic rifleman. (Trained in assult rifles.)
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Infantry.

Out of Character Information

Age: 15
Country: UK
Timezone: GMT
How long have you been roleplaying: Four Years
How long have you been with HGN: I can't really remember.
Is this your main character: He will be.
Do you have any alts: The greedy eco Regnov.
Are you in any other Factions: Ecologists
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: All three
Do you have any previous Military experience: I've played pretty much all the military games to date.
Why should we accept you?: I'm a dedicated RPer.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes I do.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes
-Accepted Radek



In-Character Information

Full Name: Adrian Vanof
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 29
Height: 5'8
Weight: 162
Medical Conditions: Healthy, Vital.
Adrian Vanof was born in Igarka, Russia. When he was young he went to school like a regular kid, his parents both worked at a local factory. He was excellent in school, and was greatly recognized for his science knowledge. By middle school Adrian started to let his grades slip, thinking that he is to smart to work. He barely passed any of his classes in school, never doing homework, just sitting at home playing baseball with his friends. His grades caught up with him during the first year of high school, he was threatened to be kicked out and soon became depressed. He knew he could do the work, but he was just not use to working on it. He made it to the twelth grade until he finally graduated. He sent many applications to Colleges all over russia.

He was never accepted, and he knew he screwed up his life by not working hard during high school. The bills caught up with him, his job working at a local grocery store was not good enough. He signed up for the Ukranian Military so he can pay for his expenses. When he first joined, he thought that he is doing this just for the bills. After harsh training of Emotion Controlling, Concentrating, Knife training, Weapon training, Rock climbing, and car driving. He got his badge, and was ready to be sent out.

All he did was patrol there outpost for a year, and he got sick of it. He knew he could do better then walking around a wall for a couple of hours. He was trained to fight, not protect. He sent a complaint to his Officer and he did not take it well. After 'Teaching him a lesson', his Officer thought about it. "If your so good, how about we send you to the hell of Chernobyl" the Officer said. Adrian never heard of Chernobyl, but knew there was a bomb that hit a nuclear power plant in that area. He did not refuse his Officer and was sent to Chernobyl.

He arrived at Chernobyl in a helicopter, leaning over the edge, he saw the disaster of what happened. There was dead bodies, thiefs looting broken houses, and even wild shooting from bandits. When he arrived to the forward outpost, he was sick to his stomache. After jumping out of the Helicopter, he took a deap breathe and was ready for a real mission.
How did you get into the military?: As said in the backstory, i signed up to pay bills.
Describe your character, both good and bad sides:Good: He is a trusted person, he is intelligant, he is well trained. Bad: He is greedy, he doesn't like working to hard.
Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story):He was specialy trained in stealth and hand to hand combat, which makes him a great Special Operation soldier
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Spec. Ops.
Out of Character Information

Age: 15
Country: United States
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How long have you been roleplaying: 4 years on many games.
How long have you been with HGN: About a month, hope thats not a big deal.
Is this your main character: If im accepted into the military, it will.
Do you have any alts: Anof Anatoli, a well known The Shaken member.
Are you in any other factions: A player based, The Shaken, but thats it.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games:Shadow of Chernobyl.
Do you have any Military Experience: I've read alot of articles and books about it.
Why should we accept you: As we all know the Military is un-active at the moment, and i can help that since i am a very active, great roleplaying member of HGN.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes, sir!

Have you ever been kicked?: No
Have you ever been banned?: Banned for 60minutes, forgot why.

Do you have ventrilo: Yes
Do you have a working microphone: Broken, but i'l get a new one soon.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


In-Character Information

Full Name:       Anton Servoro
Gender:        Male
Ethnicity:    Caucasian
Age:              23
Height:        5.8
Weight:       172
Medical Conditions:       Very Healthy, Vital

Backstory:  Anton was born in Igarka, Russia. He never had a "Good" Life, His Parents where always fighting, his dad beat him when he was mad, Anton Ran away when he was 10, Running to his Cousin Anof, Anof took care of him untill he was out of high school, he then moved out to college, he droped out of college because of fighting, he then fell in love with Vanessa, They bought a house in Igarka, they lived greatly for about 4 months then they could not pay for the bills, Anton Signed up for the Military, trying and hopeing that he could get a good pay, then the war started, he lost his house, his wife was Killed, and never sent the Military Application in, so he lived in the Shadow's for many days, untill he found his Cousin Anof, Anof helped him, Gave him Supply's, weapons, and many more. He and his cousin came very close to each other, then his Cousin Signed up for the military, he had rememberd his past, and all the fighting, and deaths, he wanted Revenge, thats all he wanted he didnt want anything  bad that happend to him, ever happen again, so he Signed the Military Charter, Hopeing he would get the job.
How did you get in to the military: as i said in the back story, He signed up for duty and becase he has nothing else.

Describe your character, both good and bad sides:Good: He is a trusted person, he is intelligant, he is well trained. Bad: He is greedy, he doesn't like working to hard.
Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story): He is trained in Hand to hand Combat, Perfect aim, and a Great tracker and Stealter.
What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Spec. Ops. And if not Infantry
Out of Character Information

Age: 17
Country: United States
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How long have you been roleplaying: 4 1/2 years on many games.
How long have you been with HGN: About a month.
Is this your main character: No.
Do you have any alts: no
Are you in any other factions: No.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R games:Cant say i have..
Do you have any Military Experience: I am a Major in JROTC and Alot f Family are in..
Why should we accept you: As a Trusted Soilder i will Do what ever it takes to make it a safe Area for all, and i am on Stalker everyday for a long time, i can hep alot. .
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yes, sir!

Have you ever been kicked?: No
Have you ever been banned?: Never.

Do you have ventrilo: Yes
Do you have a working microphone: Yes i do.
Pending - Could have been better. I will see how you do In Character, your on trial.


In-Character Information

Full Name: Wei 'K' Yung
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Asian (Kyrgyzstan)
Age: 24
Height: 5'10
Weight: 155 lb.
Medical Conditions: None

Backstory: Wei was the second-generation of a family that came from Northern China.  He was born in Kyrgyzstan, and at the age of 18 joined the armed forces for his compulsory military service.  The army was not very well managed in the country though, and rising tensions between the population and the current president of the country caused him to flee the country with many others before the riots and revolutions began.  Wei and a friend  he had known since childhood took a truck and began driving to the Ukraine.  The friend had heard rumours of the riches and adventures of the Zone, and since they both technically had not finished their military service, they would be searched for.  The two bought false Ukrainian ID's and passports to prevent this. For twelve days, the group drove along until they reached the Ukraine border.  Posing as a Ukrainian army supply truck, they got through and headed straight for the zone.

No one had told them of the anomalies though.  One day,  his friend told Wei to stop as he had to take a piss.  As Wei sat there in the truck, he heard a scream and turned to see blood and shredded pieces of clothing going spinning in a circle in mid-air.  Horrified, Wei turned to see a pack of wild creatures, mutated from the Chernobyl incident.  They had been attracted by the smell of blood and his friends cry of terror.  Wei hit the gas, but, as luck had it, there was none left in the tank.  He pulled out his only weapon, a makarov PM and shot at the pack of animals.  They seemed to absorb the bullets in their skin.  There was blood, but they were still charging at him.  Wei dropped the gun and ran.  Eventually, he came came to a tunnel.  A burning barrel stood in the middle of it, several men huddled around.  He approached them and introduced himself, but was shunned away as he was still wearing his old Kyrgyzstani army uniform.  He continued to walk along the road until a military UAZ jeep pulled up, mistaking Wei for one of their own.  Seeing how the tales of the Zone were all but true, Wei realized the military was the only thing he had. He made up a false story of how he got into the country, then asked how to join.

How did you get in to the military: As described above, the faked identification would grant him access to the military, from there it would most likely be an application process and training.

Describe your character, both good and bad sides: Wei has not seen actual combat, and thus can break down fairly easily in a hot situation.  He is also very afraid or anomalies, as he saw his best friend perish in one. As for good sides, he is usually quick to offer advice, and has some tactical knowledge.
Profession(How you got in to it and an exemple of Some Rp of the cosen proffesion, Can be integrated with the Military story):  After passing training, Wei was assigned to an outpost not far from the Cordon at the train tracks.  He took potshots at the birds and animals that passed by, but other than that does not specialize in much.

What squad will you enroll in any why(Engineer, Spec Ops./Scout, Infantry, Medic): Infantry, as though OOC I do know a lot about specialized positions my character doesn't.

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: United States
Timezone: EST
How long have you been roleplaying: About five years.
How long have you been with HGN: Not too long, I'm a very new face here other than the people that know me from other roleplay places. I would say a week.
Is this your main character: Yes.
Do you have any alts: Not at the moment.
Are you in any other Factions: No.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Yes, just the original one though I use mods which put in various creatures from the beta and also the addons.
Do you have any previous Military experience: In real life I paintball, but I've gained a lot of knowledge of the army from working in other groups like this within other roleplay groups.
Why should we accept you?:  Because I would really like to join this faction, and I can honestly offer a lot to it. From my point of view, I am a good roleplayer, albeit a little unserious at times.
Do you understand that you must follow your Superiors orders?: Yeah, its become practically an instinct working with groups such as the combine in Taco n Banana and police in TSRP.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes.
Do you have a working Microphone: No.

Edit: Well I was hoping this would be checked earlier, however it hasn't and unfortunately this now conflicts with a short summer vacation. I will not be on until May 30.
Accepted - Radek