[Monolith]: Applications OPEN

Started by Judas, 04-03-2010

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Bl★ck Star

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:5273884

OOC Name: |HGN| Prof. Bl☆ck Star

IC Name: Kane Wolfhead

Backstory for induction into Monolith: Born in California Kane had a happy childhood. Like any other child he had good friends and foe's. At the Age of 21 His best friend Jack wanted to have an adventure and God knows why it was the same year as the Chernobyl accident happend and the Zone was created. So Jack though, why not go there and lets have some fun and make money. But Jack didnt knew what dangers were waiting in the Zone, it's Mutants, Military, Bandits and the most afraid thing, The Monolith. Brainwashed people to serve they're self claimed God, a stupid stone called the Wish Granter. Kane joined him and they flew to Russia. Later near the border to the Zone, Jack told him that he would try to get a nice present for his Mother from the Zone when they come back. They sneaked past the always lazy Military personal right into the Zone. Some weeks later they made quite a nice camp with everything you need. One day later Bandits attacked Kane and Jack and one of them shot Jack. They stole everything usefull and retreated. Kane went to Jack and Jack told him his last wish, it was that Kane would bring his Mother a nice glowing stone like thing called an Artifact. Jack passed away this Night and Kane was all alone in the not so friendly Zone. Another few weeks later Kane came trough a Military outpost that was raided, he looked around, noone alive. He went into the small house and searched for usefull stuff. He couldn't believe what he found. It was a Artifact. Suddenly there was a cracking sound behind him, he turned around. The last thing what he could see was a Monolith smacking his Gun into his face.

IC personality Traits: -Sometimes a bit mad

Skills: -Engineering
         -Set up Defences

OOC traits and skills: -Serious Roleplayer
                                 -Know how to Medical Rp
                                 -Know how to Fear Rp
                                 -Know how to Gun Fight
                                 - Old Monolith Veteran

Pending- I don't see you much on the server so be active.


Steam ID: Something
OOC Name: Steel
IC Name: Yuri Kharkov
Backstory for induction into Monolith:

Yuri Kharkov, or Commissar Ivan Reznor.
A decorated soldier... Ex Colonel of the Cordon base, demoted down to Major after a brief moment of deserting the military for duty.
He came to his senses, he was a long time veteran to the zone, some people feared Yuri, but his calm nature was his greatest trait.

Yuri had a habbit of traveling alone, he had contacts within the zone that the military would not agree with, and on frequent occaisions he made visits to the ecos. Except this one, last time was a bit different...
Yuri stumbled through a dense forrest location, he whispered to himself "Perhaps that drink of whiskey wasnt a good idea"
He walked into an opening, the moon was shining brightly down on him, he looked up and had to cover his eyes.
A snap was heard behind him.. he twisted, to then recieve the but of an AK74 into his jaw...
It knocked Yuri clean out.

The following moments felt like a dream... someone was whispering something to him... he was feeling dizzy...
When Yuri wakes back up everything is different, he looked down at his hands to note a combat vest with grey camoflauge...
He felt different... He felt ALIVE.

IC personality Traits: Calm, Leader by nature
Skills: Ex Military commander, Tactician, Ex Spetsnaz.
OOC traits and skills:Organisation, Maturity, knowledge on Canon.

What the hell is this crap!? Who the hell are you!? Deeeee.... Accepted :P


Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:13778615

OOC Name: |HGN| Pawx

IC Name: Alfons Conrad

Backstory for induction into Monolith:

Without a clue or memory of who he was and what he did, is unknown, all he had, was a AK-M, A Spetsnaz Badge, and a PDA, corrupted by a unknown source. He started his life in the Zone by doing odd jobs for Traders, getting by as much as he can, trying to figure out his Past. Day by day he started to regain his memory, from Flash Backs, some of the Flash Backs held a Memory of a truck he was transported on with other Soldiers, it suddenly went off course, rolling into a ditch. Another held a Battle between Duty and the Military, he was to infiltrate the base and take as much Information as possible. Sadly, the Flash Back ended as he was caught by a On-passing Duty Solider. He craved more for answers, trying to dig farther into his past, but sadly, fate had other plans. One day as he was sent off on a Odd job for a Trader, he fell into a deep hole, collapsing and being knocked out, as the hole got darker, the hole was covered, it was a Trap. When he woke up, he was surrounded by the Monolith, speaking in gibberish, he couldn't understand. He was finally taken into a room filled with Screens, screens that would make him forget everything he knew, for the past he tried to uncover, he failed as the Screen flickered on...

IC personality Traits:
- Forgetful
- Organized
- Quiet
- Shady

- Ex-Spetsnaz.
- Trained in Scouting Terrain and Special Ops.
- Heavily Trained in Handling Weapons and Gear.
- Has Knowledge of Freerunning/Freestyle

OOC traits and skills:
- Well Experienced RPer.
- Used to be in Monolith for awhile.
- Can follow rules.
- Loves Passive RP.



 Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:539039

OOC Name: |HGN|Silence

IC Name:Veacher Asknov

Backstory for induction into Monolith: It started out at the age of eighteen when Veacher went with his dad out into the woods to hunt.He learned the basics killed his first animal.After which it became a hobby for him to hunt.He decided to sell the meat and bring in some extra money for his family.His family  refused the extra money and said that it is for him and him only.Veacher decided to gather enough money to learn skills in tracking.

  At age twenty-three Veacher had become an expert tracker and hunter.He didn't make much money as he used to however and needed a place or a job to make extra cash.He decided to go to a place known  as the zone.He gathered up his hunting rifle and some ammo and set out to the zone.

 Six months later Veacher was walking towards freedom base to join their ranks.As he entered the tunnel heading to the freedom base he saw a crystal type artifact lying on the ground.He kneeled down and picked it up.He wondered what type of artifact it was.He didn't notice the shady men behind him.He heard a crack and when he turned around to see it all he saw was the butt of a rifle.

 He woke up strapped to a chair looking around the darkened room.His head hurt and he heard  voices but could not understand them.He saw a light get bigger and bigger until he thought it was going to consume him.His head started to hurt even more.The light was the last thing he saw before it went black for him.

IC personality Traits:Loyal,Always follows an order,Calm

Skills:Tracking/hunting,Studious Always takes note the land.

OOC traits and skills:Active on the server,Likes passive,Friendly to others                                

Accepted. It's good, nothing special. Could be longer but the grammar is proper. I will place you as a initiate for now, see you on the server. -Predu


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:20694412

OOC Name: =[AI]= Amont

IC Name: Victor Fiend

Backstory for induction into Monolith:
Victor lost his mother at birth, and never had any women is his life. All his life was focused around a male prospective.  A violent one. He has 4 brothers, all older than him. From just being a child, and the youngest in the family he had to learn to defend himself. At age 15 Victor began to go to the shooting range as a hobby. Sometimes his whole family would go, and for hours just shoot and shoot. His highest proficiency with guns was pistols. The very first gun he ever shot was the Soviet legend, the Makarov. When he first shot it, he never liked the gun being so in-accurate for longer shots. He would go home and use every day things i his house to make this small pistol better. The next week when they went to shoot, he has his pistol. He made his gun shoot just as good as any other pistol their. He loved to make things better. When he was older, shooting became at heart with him. He could pick up almost any gun and shoot it like a pro.

At age 23, he left his home town for a place in Ukraine, where he finally got a life. He started to have friends because of his newly found skills of firearms. Sometimes when out with friends they would bring a gun for a left hand person. He still was able to shoot it perfect and accurately. Since victor had a good job, a hose in Ukraine, and was well known, his friends liked to store their weapons at his house. He did not have a problem with it, until he was 25. One day he was arrested for housing stolen fire arms, about seven. He lost his gun license, lost his job, and was fined, bad. From this point on, he learned not to trust people, at least not very many.

At age 27 he left for a place called "The Zone" Many people he used to know where leaving to get rich quick. He decided after loosing much of his life to follow them. He had nothing going for him at home. After spending a year their, he finally slipped up, or did he. He was walking from the Duty bar to the Freedom bar to do some trading, but when he passed the sewer system, he was attacked, and captured. He awoke in some sort of make shift jail cell, with people in white and brown suits watch over him. Their leader walked in with a different suit than all the others. He looked at him, then left. Then another person came in, said a few words, and he was on his way deeper under ground. they left him in a open room, with a three monitors in the center they began to get brighter and brighter, then he black out. When he woke up, he never said a word, just nodded.

IC personality Traits: Quiet, Tinker, Modifying.

Skills: Tinkering/Modifying, Fast, Ambidextrous.

OOC traits and skills:
Like Role Playing with the Monolith as long as people are online. Can type fast, and have been RPing for about four years.

Re-Accepted. You already are a neophyte, however, with this nice and decent story, I will place you as a Initiate.


Steam ID:


OOC Name:


IC Name:

Mikhail Zhukov

Backstory for induction into Monolith:

Mikhail grew up in a small town named Zoryn in the Ukraine countryside on a small farm with his parents and close relatives. When he was 1 the disaster struck and the Zone was created just a few kilometers from his home in Zoryn. His family went on with their life and continued farming. Mikhail was especially good with tinkering. By the time he was 15 everyone was coming to him to fix their tractors and other equipment. He eventually made a small business out of it, going on regular house calls to the neighbors and fixing whatever happend to be wrong for a nominal fee. He was known as the handyman, fixing people's plumbing, their cars, tractors, everything. In 2006 there was another large explosion and the Zone mysteriously expanded 5 km. He was quickly evacuated from his home with his family and moved to a large tent city just outside the Zone.

After spending a year in the tent city the military relocated them again to the nearby town of Rykhta. His family attempted to rebuild and actually had their new farm running well for the next 4 years, Mikhail once again established himself as the local handyman, well loved by the community. By this time word had reached the town that the Zone was safe to enter (albeit illegally), a small group of men decided they wanted to embark into the Zone and make some money, they asked Mikhail to join them since they needed someone so adept at fixing things.

Mikhail agreed and the 7 men total embarked on the long journey by foot through the countryside until they were greeted by the makeshift wall that had been built by the military to keep undesirables out. The men made short work of the fence and busted a small hole in the wall, taking their first steps into the zone. Mikhail suggested they should visit his old home, as they were low on food and other supplies and thought they may find something. They reached the town, seeing it in virtually the same condition it was left in for so many years, albeit more overgrown and "wild." They found plenty of preserved food in the houses and also found a couple old guns. There were only 4 guns so three of the men were left without. Mikhail opted out of taking one, as he remembered how bad his aim was. The other three made makeshift spears and such out of various farm tools.

This is when things started going downhill. Apparently they weren't the only ones who found Zoryn a nice place to stay, as they were attacked by weird dogs with no eyes in the middle of the night. The sound of the night guard's gunshots and subsequent screams woke up everyone else. They immediately grabbed the closest weapon and started clumsily attacking the strange dogs. No one was harmed except for the night guard who had his throat ripped out. This sent the entire group a strong message: the Zone wasn't a playground and shouldn't be toyed with. Three of the remaining six men decided it wasn't worth it and left the others, on their way home. The remaining three: Mikhail, Egor, and Eduard. Between them they had only one gun, an old pump action shotgun that had seen better days.

After trekking through the countryside for a few days they were greeted with a small makeshift camp of fellow stalkers. They shared stories and merrily drank their hearts out, finally deciding to form a new group, raising the member count to 7 again. The 4 men told stories of Sector 42, a newly discovered zone on the Northwest that had great riches and a possible new way to what the men referred to as the "WishGranter." This intrigued Mikhail and his 2 colleagues and they embarked on the long and tedious trek to the new zone.

After what seemed like ages they finally reached what is called "Sector 42." They were running dangerously low on food and water and needed to seek out a trader. They saw a building in the large industrial sector that looked like a factory of sorts, the group figured it was as good a place to find a trader as any. Sadly when they  reached the factory there was no trader, simply an empty factory. As they were walking out they were ambushed by a squad of Monolithians who instantly gunned down the 5 men in the group that actually had guns, leaving only Mikhail and Egor.

They were both held down and sedated and brought to this dark facility. When Mikhail woke up he was strapped to a chair in a dimly lit room, not a soul in sight. A strange man in armor walked through the only door to the room... Mikhail slowly slipped into unconsciousness, waking up a monolithian.

IC personality Traits:

Gruff and brutal, not hesitating to beat someone into submission (after the brainwashing of course)


Very adept at repairing anything from a toilet to lights to automobiles.

OOC traits and skills:

OOCly I'm a very kind and compassionate person (so my friends say) and I am actually very good at fixing things. I also am spending 90% of my day on the server as is, as I find the RP really intriguing,

Accepted. Certainly a very good piece of literature, with minor grammar issues. (Such as numbers under 10 not written with letters.) I was wondering if you have spent much time on the server, but that was explained in the OOC traits and skills. I will add you as an initiate, welcome aboard.


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25114675

OOC Name:Colley

IC Name:Matthew Colley

Backstory for induction into Monolith:It was Matts Second week in The Zone and he learned it was incredibly hard to survive without anybody to watch your back.On this particular night it was heavy rain and lightning,nothing new.He carried on as usual,hunting for whatever possible food he can get while looking for shelter.

While wandering through the dark trail in some dense woods, he came upon a dark tunnel. Matt hadn't had any warmth in three days and was desperate for shielding from the relentless rain pounding on his cheap leather jacket. He wandered curiously inside. Matt couldn't see the hand in front of his face. He could hear nothing.Silence. Something he hadn't experienced since before he entered the zone. It was almost a foreign feeling to him.

It didnt last long,he soon hear footsteps,coming ever closer and closer towards him.It sounded like it was coming from all directions.In a last resort of defense he draws his combat knife. Seconds later he his grabbed from behind and dragged deeper into the cave.He wasn't even given the chance for a small shout. Then the brain washing began and his past life became fiction to him.

IC personality Traits:Short tempered,Obedient,Cautious

Skills:Camouflage,Marksmanship,Weapons Specialist

OOC traits and skills:RPed for maybe four years,Friendly,Easy Going,No Rages

Denied. When a faction reaches more members it means that getting in it will be harder. The application was not very long, had small grammar problems, but was nicely written. I haven't seen you on much so you must be new with most of the things, I can be wrong about that though. If you feel like trying again, try to make a little longer story and check closely for any kind of grammatic mispell before publishing it.


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24799584

OOC Name= [FL:RP]-=|TheAndyShandy|=-
IC Name= Raven

Monolith induction backstory: It was 2012. Six years after the second Chernobyl disaster. Two Russian men illegally smuggled themselves into one of the many "Death Trucks" The C-Consciousness was bringing into the zone. The driver was inexperienced in "safely" driving through the zone. The rickety auto mobile tore through an Electro anomaly, killing the driver and causing the truck to smash through a fence  and plummet to the ground. The resulting explosion caused the death of one of the criminals, yet the other survived. Scarred and severely burnt, Raven sprinted into the darkness, unaware of what would happen next.

"Come to me. You will gain what you deserve. Your wish will soon come true. Come to me. Your path is ending. Come to me. Only one will be rewarded," the ethereal voice boomed across the twisted countryside.
A squad of five people, all dressed in winter camouflage came across Raven. Their master spoke to them. The wish granter saw potential in him. It deemed him suitable for conversion. Dragged into the Chernobyl NPP by the five men, he was forced into the same ghostly armor they were wearing, and the STALKER named Raven was no more. His mind destroyed by the Wish granter. He was now a tool of the Monolith. A very valuable tool. Practically sentenced to death by his new "Master" he patrolled the streets of Pripyat, unaware of the man he once was.

IC Personality Traits: Obedient, willing to do any job necessary and Cautious

Skills: Demolition, Marksmanship, close quarters combat

OOC experience: I've been RPing for about a year now. I started on an RP server run by a friend of mine called Fallen. I know how the system works and I do not rage.

Denied. The story is nicely written, but however very short and you should use bigger font sizes. I'm afraid I will need to see you on the server for a longer time and I need to get to know you before I can accept these kinds of applications.
Warning, this news report contains flashing images.


Monolith applications are open, two good applicants will be taken and after that, the apps will go back to closed.

EDIT: Correction, three applicants. Due to removing a member, I might add one more.


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10475251

OOC Name: Mr. Khorn

IC Name: Khorn Kvik

Back story for induction into Monolith: Born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1980. Had an average family like any other except his father had a job at the Chernobyl Power Plant as an Engineer while his mother worked as a at a nearby shop. His brother stayed at home dealing with any home issues and had to take care of Khorn as they grew up. His family could only afford one car so his mother was forced to drive his father to work every day.  Khorn and Stovik attended classes as much as they could but mostly learned from each other. If they could they left school to have fun. They cared only for adventuring and it was worth the punishment they got from their parents for ditching. They generally camped out for a few nights and always wanted to live in the outdoors. But they knew it be good to get some education in, because class was a good place to get sleep they didn't get when camping outdoors.
The Kvik family lived normally until 1986 when the disaster struck, taking Khorn's father and mother away. Because of the lost of his parents, Khorn and Stovik were forced to live on their own until 2007 when Stovik went of the Zone to learn what happen at the Plant and why they lost their parents. Stovik wanted to learn who he could blame for their loss. Stovik and Khorn tried to keep in touch but as time went by, Stovik stopped responding and Khorn feared the worst had befallen him. Khorn had to make a choice, try to find his brother and bring him back, or give up on his last family member and live on his own.
On his 28th birthday Khorn chose to venture in and look. Being new to the zone, Khorn thought it best to join an established group that could help him learn of his brother's fate. To this day, Khorn only knows that his brother has made it to Pripyat and nothing more. Khorn hopes he will get there soon to find him. Problem is he may have become a Monolith...

He eventually got into Freedom, and ascended to Veteran Rank. During his time spent he took a week off to venture off and find Stovik, or what remains of him. He traveled out to Pripyat where he believed he found the true ending to Stovik. During these events he lost his arm to a Monolith lucky shot. Barely made it back to Freedom and was restored with a prosthetic arm. After his ordeal he became a rather angry person, due to the fact he blames what happen entirely upon his self.

After spending countless more hours helping Freedom, he took a look around at what they were and decided its time to leave. He had been recently receiving messages every now and then, belonging to another possible Stovik. He became obsessed to find out who was taunting him and put an end to it. Though in his mind, he believes Stovik may not be actually dead. So he left Freedom and became a Loner in order to track down Stovik for a second time.
He slowly became more and more obsessed about the location of Stovik and during his travels he ventured off into dangerous territory, where he lost all touch to anyone he knew.

(As for induction, if I get accepted, I would like to roleplay that in character.)

IC personality Traits: Normally calm and willing to listen to orders. Will execute orders of higher ups with no questions. If need be, he will discipline subordinates if they cause trouble.

Skills: Had survival experience before entering the Zone. Learned much of the Zone through Freedom and others. Had his share of missions and events, has many scars from random encounters.

OOC traits and skills: I've been here at HGN for a couple of months. Only been in Freedom so far. I try to always start with passive roleplay, but can fight back in STK fights. I always try to give a fair chance for enemies when fighting.

Accepted. It's decent, long and has a nice story in it. I can brainwash you aswell, but I am making an exception in placing you straight as an Initiate. Not as a Neophyte.


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24272527

OOC Name: Recreas

IC Name: Kirill 'Killer' Dragonov

Backstory for induction into Monolith: Kirill Dragonov grew up just like any other basic kid in Russia, his parents just having enough to feed the family and to keep it together. Kirill went to school learned how to read,write,biology and so on. At the age of 15 they moved to Ukraine because Kirill's father could find a job there. It was hard for Kirill to switch shools and leave all his friends behind.

When Kirill got 18 he decided that he should do something else then study all the time, he wanted to explore the world and discover what secrets the world had for him. He was browsing the internet for special places that would be interesting to explore. The internet was full of random stories. Kirill called a friend of his that knew a lot about Ukraine, his friend was a journalist and he was an old friend. The friend might had something for Kirill, there was a place called The Zone. Kirill's old friend told him he got the information from an old friend with the governement, it looked like the Ukrainian governement tried to cover it all up. Kirill thought it was a good place to go first as it was closer then looking for Big Foot or other areas that had their adventures.

A year later when he was 19 he finished his school and made himself ready for his first adventure. Telling his parents goodbye he left to a place called The Zone. Soon it became clear that the Ukrainian governement rather not have people enter The Zone. But that only made Kirill more excited about what could be in that place. He was lucky that he met a friend that also tried to enter the Zone it was the journalist. They both wanted to get in there and used all of their money to bribe the gaurds that were gaurding a fence.

Day 1 in the zone was exciting for both of the friends, they met other people which called themselfs S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs, they went off to go deeper into the zone. They discovered that the place was dangerous and full of mutated creatures that would love to eat their heards. In there first encouter with a bloodsucker they got lucky, the bloodsucker was alone and the two friends got help from another group of S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs to help them scare the bloodsucker away.

Day 2 in the zone wasn't so exciting as the friends wanted it to be, they had to flee for a military patrol and almost got eaten by a lonely zombie. But they did manage to keep getting further to the heart of the so called Zone.

Day 3 in the zone was the worst day for the friends, Kirills old friend broke his leg when he fell down from a small building whilst they were fleeing for a pack of bloodsuckers. Kirills friend told Kirill to move on without him so he could discover the true secret behind this all. Kirill never saw his friend again.

In day 4 Kirill was getting closer, but this moment soon got disrupted when he got jumped by a group of people. They tied him up and knocked him down. He passed out.

When Kirill woke up, he was confused and lost. He was tied up to a chair, not knowing what to do. Then he heard a voice, it was monotone , before Kirill realised what happened it was too late.

IC personality Traits: Brave, Young , Wise.

Skills: Doesn't flee soon from battles| Learned self-defence to be prepared on his adventures and some basic medical skill.

OOC traits and skills: I'm following an English school education, I've played SoC, I've been on the server for around half a year know so I know how it all works. I'm already roleplaying on different kind of games for 5 years I think now.

Accepted. It's nothing special, has a few grammatic issues. However I'll add you as an Initiate.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22017075

OOC Name:Reorp

IC Name: Zoya Svetlana

Back story for induction into Monolith: Zoya had moved from Russia to America looking for freedom and a job. She had a great job until her older husband Gabe died in Iraq. She abandoned her friends, Got fired from her job, remembering the skills her husband taught her about guns and firearms and survival. She then later heard about the zone... She thought she was going to be able to use study, anomalies, or artifacts to earn money. She had arrived there and realized it wasn't all about the money... She saw that there was a type of lifestyles in The Zone. She figured out everything slowly one by one. Marked down places one where to go and were not to go...Memorizing the Zone. She was scouting and exploring one day and got shot at. Most the bullets missed her and she fled. Zoya Was way to curious and decided to see what had shot the bullets at her. She jumped a fence later that week in the zone. She was walking along the central building and she saw a body. She gasped when she saw it and ran to who it was and what happened. She didn't notice the people in the shadows behind her at that time of night. She went to see if the person was OK. He was awake! He got up and looked at Zoya then all of a sudden she felt the butt of a shotgun hit the back of her head she fell to the ground out cold. She woke up her head throbbing as she heard a nice calming monotone type voice. Confused and half awake she listened to everything it said. Completely brain washed of everything. Nothing came to mind except the basic things of eating,drinking, and survival.Only forgeting memories and things that happened in the past. She didn't remember who she was or were she was.

IC personality Traits: Zoya Is nice, shy, weird, and crazy. She believes almost anything someone says. She can have a good attitude at times, but pissed off or sad... Bad things can happen. Otherwise she is a really nice person besides the bad things.

Skills: She has been captured a few times but escaped more than captured. She is agile and fast. Good at jumping walls. She can convince people to do stuff, and be convinced herself, it is a downside of her personality. She can be brave at times if she wants. She can destroy her enemies if she wants to. She is good with long range weapons. Her favorite, the Dragonov SVD.

OOC traits and skills: I myself am pretty good at following rules and learning new thing. Although being female I'm not stupid at all. I'm rather smart and happy to do anything fun. I'm pretty good at modding stuff. I started modding and skinning when i was about 11 but now 15 i still got it going. Kreebz climbing mod showed me how to do my best at climbing and jumping in source games and mods. That helped me with a lot of things.

Accepted. Nothing special, but I am looking for members so welcome aboard. Placing you as an Initiate.


Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:290339659
OOC Name:Demontwins97
IC Name:Petrov Dumblav
Backstory:When Petrov Dumblav finished collage at age 29 he decided to be a police officer.When he turn to age 30 he got accepted.The first few days he wasnt any good.Then a month past and he was useless.Then later on during the day Petrov had a meeting with the chief of police.
When he got there the chief said "sit down".

"Whats the problem"said Petrov.

Then the chief said"Im sorry to inform you but you are fired".Said the chief.

Petrov was stunned and walked out of the room.He was stunned and went back to his house and grab nothing but his coat and handgun and made one way trip to the zone.When he got there things where out of shape.He ran away from 2 bloodsuckers,His gun got broken,And he had nothing but a knife now.When he walked to the bar to buy some food he found something.It was an gravi artifact.
Then he made his way to the barkeep and sold the artifact for about 1000 rubles.He bought food and went to the fire where all the other stalkers were ate his food and passed out.
2 years have passed and he turned age 32 and went to scavenge again.He found a ak74su laying on the side of the road.He found 2 RDG-5 gernades in a box in a fireplace.
When he was walking through the freedom base they gaved him pacific warnings not to go through the center of the zone.He ignored them and continue on.But later on while on when walking through he ranned into a bloodsucker again.
The bloodsucker picked him up and through him against a boulder.He was coughing and hacking up blood in so much pain.The blood sucker started getting closer and when he had time to get up and started shooting it continued walking.He ranned into a farm when the sucker was following him.
Then he remember hed had 2 RDG-5 gernades.Then he started running and took one out.He pulled the pen and dropped it.He continued running.Then he turned around.It made a really loud noise when it exploded but it kept walking then he threw another one this time it got him but the shockwave of the gernade was intense that he got through back and hit a wall.
He layed there for 18 hours and woked up to find out something terrifying.

He couldnt remember anything.


Denied. And I think you know why, it isn't even filled completely, the story is short and nothing near nothing special.
There is never a good war or a bad peace -Benjamin Franklin

Sergei Husmako  Vital Signs:Alive

Petrenko Zeif Vital signs:Alive


And it's back to closed. Congratulations to whoever got accepted.


Opening apps for now, do them while you can.

Edit: Also updated the application form a little.


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:6639404

OOC Name: Zen

IC Name: Aleksandra Petrova

Name after brainwash: 'Zen'

Backstory for induction into Monolith:
Aleksandra had been roaming the Zone for a month now.
No strange encounters... It was quiet but a desolate place.
She heard a short growl gripping her AK, she turned and saw a dog voyering her; Why was it not attacking?
Aiming she shot a single bullet, missing but enough to scare it off.
Sighing Alek slung her AK and contiuned to head off further into the Zone.
Although she did not meet many people on her journeys she always felt like people were with her; Maybe that was because of her friends deaths not long ago.
It did not matter as the sadness had passed.
"There is no such thing as peace."
"Perfection is a lie."
Alek said to herself, even better she gave herself a nickname... Zen.

The further she went the darker it became, soon setting into a damp foggy area.
A light came out from the fog pointing at her, then a barrage of gun fire.
Quickly breaking down for cover the gunfire contiuned.
She got down low to the ground and sunk into it a little trudging slowly away from the cover and away from the gunfire.
The fog covered her retreat as she got behind a far back tree looking around a bit.
"That was a close one."
Murmering to herself.
Then out of the distance the same dog came back voyering her...
It then began to bark alerting the people behind her.
Alek got up and began to run only to be shot in the leg tripping over.
A group of men covered her in shadow and began to drag her off.

Then she could remember nothing.

IC personality Traits:
Not very talkitive


OOC traits and skills:
Well somtimes stupid and easy to anger.
Good at Passive roleplay.
Well typed even though Russian.

Thanks for reading.

Accepted. Eh.. The story is fine, however I saw plenty of grammatic errors there. But you tried hard and even contacted me about it, that I think is very important. Also if your russian, you should feel slight proudness being able to write english this good. I'll add you as an initiate.



STEAM ID: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24799584

OOC Name- [FL:RP]-=|TheAndyShandy|=-

IC Name- Raven

Backstory for Induction into the Monolith ranks:

"Right, let me get this straight," Alex said in disbelief," We're just going to march to the edge of the Zone, stick our thumbs out at a passing "Death-Truck" and say, "Hey could you give us a lift?" to which he replies "Sure buddies, hop on in, don't mind the unconscious bodies in the back, there's enough room for everyone!"?!"
Andrei bowed his head and let out a sigh of impatience.
"For the last fucking time, we're going to HIJACK the driver, not ask for a lift and pray for the best, plus the trucks themselves operate WITHIN the Zone, not on the outskirts."
"Oh yeah," said Alex sarcastically," Sure, we're just going to sneak past the military patrols with our commando training."
"I thought you said you wanted to come with me," said Andrei in a hurt tone of voice,"I need you on this "Mission"."
"It's not that, it's just," Alex sighed," so many things could go wrong with your plan, and the Zone has become multiple times more dangerous than it was before the second incident, Bandits, Mutants and these "Anomalies" I've been reading on, we could be dead before we even SEE a truck, let alone find one."
"Lets go through it again, and if needs be: think of an alternate one..."

The next day....

"Right," Andrei whispered into Alex's ear,"we've got to run over to that boundary fence over there."
He pointed to the barbed wire fence that separated modern life from the man made hell within.
"After the military squad has sweeped this area," he continued,"after doing so, we'll climb over and hit the dirt, in case the squad returns."
"Andrei," Alex whispered, pointing at the group of military personnel marching down the road.
"Keep your cool, if this goes smoothly they won't see us," he said, yet Alex could tell that Andrei was having second thoughts. 
The Military squad came down the road, their AN-94s slung over their shoulders.
"Why the hell do we even need to guard the entrance anyway? These STALKERs have apparently set up their own society within the Zone, let em have their fun," he said with a considerable amount of awe in his voice.
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking, plus no-one in their right mind would bother thinking up a complex plan just to get inside a heavily guarded wasteland."
"You two back there, be quiet and get on with your jobs."
"Yes, sir," they both muttered in unison.

"Right, the military squad has passed, you know what to do."
They both stood up in unison and sprinted at full speed towards the fence.

The squad turned to see the silhouettes of two men making a rush towards the fence, comprehension dawning on their faces as the two men began to climb up the battered and barbed barrier. The squad stood dumbstruck for a moment, then began the reload their weapons.
"Orders sir?"
"Annihilate the scum, do not let them enter the Zone. Our boys are having enough trouble as it is in that shithole. I don't care how, just kill them."
There was an eruption of gunshots that echoed for miles around, Andrei spun round in alarm and Alex whimpered as a brilliant white flash illuminated the surrounding area.

"Down, now!" Andrei yelled, Alex stood paralysed with fear, then finally went limp and fell to the floor.
He had only fainted, thank god, Andrei thought.
"Wake up! Come on! We gotta get the fuck out of here!"he shouted at Alex's unconscious form.
Finally he stirred, Andrei helped him up and they ran off into the night.

"Right, we're in the Zone," Alex breathed,"I never thought that would work. Where do we go now?"
He peered nervously at his surroundings. The sad skeletons of industrial structures littered the unearthly wasteland, camp fires could be seen in the distance and mysterious craters, varying in shape and size, made it seem even more alien.
"According to our research, these death-trucks are stationed throughout the zone, transporting their cargo to the centre of the zone. Of course, we don't know what will be in the trucks but there have been one or two inspections of the contents, all of which say the contents of the trucks range from equipment to bodies, however these are none too reliable so we're going to have to investigate ourselves. If we want to discover the zone's secrets, we need to board or take control of one of these vehicles."

"I've got the co-ordinates of one of the main STALKER communities. Its in the Cordon area. It's been nick-named the "Rookie Village". It's only a half an hour walk."
"What do we do if we get attacked by mutants, or ambushed by bandits?! All sorts of shit could happen!"
"Relax, Cordons a moderately friendly community. The only bandit camp ever founded here was annihilated by mutants."
"Oh, what the hell lets go."

For what seemed like Aeons they trekked through the barren and twisted countryside, Alex constantly turning his head around to see if they were being followed or not, Andrei carried on walking restlessly, humming a quiet tune to himself. Occasionally there was a rustle of leaves, the sound of gunshots or a scream but apart from that the eerie landscape was silent.
"Alex get over here," Andrei shouted," I think I can see the village!"
Sure enough, when Alex reached Andrei's side, a small hamlet could be seen in the distance, campfires blazing in the front-gardens of former residents of the Zone. Then, Alex saw it.
"Andrei, look over there," he said, pointing a shaking finger to the object.
Andrei looked as though Christmas had just come early. There it was, standing out in the gloom. A death-truck.

"Not so fast Andrei. Look. Over there," He pointed to a spot where the driver was standing, an absent look on his face.
He wore red and black body armor and wielded an AKM-74. He wore a brain-dead look on his face but he seemed alert and wary.
"What do we do with the guard?" Alex asked nervously.
"Right, I'm going to make a distraction, you'll know it when you hear it, take this," he said, handing him a small combat knife," and whilst he's not looking in your general direction... well, you know what to do."

Alex carefully sneaked round to the back of the van, but no sooner than he had done so, there was a small bang, and brilliant white light illuminated the edge of the small wood he and Andrei had emerged from and the guard approached it, his AKM unslung.
Alex crept up behind the driver and drove the knife into the back of the man's skull, he fell forward silently then hit the floor with a dull thud.

Before he had time to dwell upon what he had done, Andrei burst out of some bushes.
"Come on, lets get into the truck! You did well now get moving!"

Andrei clambered into the driver's seat and started up the truck's engine, Alex sprinted round to the back and climbed into the cargo section, encountering the military, getting into the zone, walking to Cordon and then killing a man had proven too much for him. He was soon fast asleep.

An hour later, Red Forest

"Where the hell are we?! Oh cra-"
His sentence was cut short as a sniper round shattered the window of the truck and went through Andrei's forehead.
"Inspect the vehicle, there may be things of use to the great crystal," the Monolithian leader boomed into the intercom.
"Very well, great leader."

Alex woke suddenly as the truck came to an abrupt halt and crashed into a small cliff.
Where the hell am I, he thought.
Then, quite suddenly, he momentarily lost consciousness as a sickening pain filled his head.
He let out a scream of agony as he regained consciousness.
"Leader, someone survived the crash."
"Very well, if he is a suitable candidate, you know what to do."
"Yes O great and powerful leader."

Two men in winter-camouflage body armor climbed into the back of the truck and carried out Alex.
He tried to say "Who are you? What do you wan't?" but the words didn't come. He was paralysed and helpless.
He was now out of the truck, being dragged by these two unknown figures dragging him behind them, he took one last look at the front of the truck and saw Andrei's corpse. He couldn't believe it. There was so much he wanted to ask him. But his questions could no longer be answered. Andrei was dead.
The two monolith soldiers carried him away into the night, the pain in Alex's head intensified and he lost consciousness again.

He regained consciousness again, and then wished he hadn't. He was lying spread-eagled on a surgical table, still paralysed. The pain in his head was still there, but it was not as painful.
A mechanical arm was injecting drugs into his body until finally, the pain had gone and he was no longer stuck in the ridiculous pose he had been in before. He was about to shout out when suddenly he was no longer in the medical area. He wasn't anywhere. Images flooded his mind and yet again, he lost consciousness.

From that day onwards, Alex was no longer Alex. Instead he was given the name "Raven", and sentenced to a life of service to the Monolith, no longer aware of the man he once was. He had became an inhuman Pawn of the C-Consciousness, never to ponder his existence, never to live the rich, full and adventurous life that Andrei had promised him.

IC Personality- Calm, reckless, enters a state of rage when wounded.

Skills: First aid, demolition, stealth

OOC Personality: Calm, friendly.

Hope its good enough. Put some effort into it this time.

Accepted- Not bad at all. The story was pretty interesting and well-written, however there were just a few small issues on some of the cannon but we can correct you on that of course. Going to put you foward as an Initiate, so keep active and stay mature.
Warning, this news report contains flashing images.

Steven :D

Steam ID:

OOC Name:
|HGN| Steven :D

IC Name:
Mikhail Tsiolkovsky

Recommendations(Members brother and above.):

Name after brainwash:

Backstory for induction into Monolith:
During his childhood, Mikhail always wanted to become a "Figurehead" well, at least someone who was known around the town. His mother was a dentist, his father; a sad drunk. He attended the local school, daily from ages 5 until 18. When Mikhail was seven, he asked his father to go camping with him. His father responded by saying, "Ohhh, Camping eeeh?" He was drunk, and slurring his words at the time, "Weeell, I could... possibly..." he paused for a moment then continued "I'll eerrr arrange uh something... if youu err bring me another vooodka." Mikhail could barely understand what his father was saying, but he decided to just walk away since the camping trip was a lost cause already. He hated his father, for having to put him through his childhood alone. His mother worked for long hours daily, then his father would come home and take it all, just so he could go out and buy more vodka.

By the time he was seventeen, he was doing little jobs, for anyone around town. He stockpiled his money away until he could afford something he always wanted. A TOZ Hunting rifle. Weapons weren't illegal in this small town, and he decided to go camping, except this camping trip would take him far from town. Mikhail went down to the merchants center of his town. He bought ammo for his TOZ, but people looked stupefied at the young man, seeing him with such a fine weapon; him being so young. With most of his money spent on supplies, Mikhail started his trip, into the descent of a place where you can be poor as dirt one day. Then richer then a king the next.

Mikhail was headed for the "Zone" a place where many people have went to seek a fortune. Many never returned. When he finally reached the outskirts of it, he saw a small brigade of people like himself, loading into a truck. He decided to join the group of people, seeing they had a similar cause. Though Mikhail didn't know that the Zone had already claimed  these people. When most of the people were asleep, the driver rode down a path, headed towards the center of the Zone. Out of nowhere, the driver seemed to have stopped. He started to have a seizure, foam spraying out of his mouth. No one would be able to help him in time. The people within the transport suddenly woke up when a high pitch noise started ring in their ears. Mikhail bolted upright, and decided that he should get the fuck out of there. In a wild rush, many people tried to exit the vehicle, pushing eachother out of the way in fear. One unlucky person fell and was trampled over as the people exited. There was a lone, hunched figure on a hilltop not far away, staring down the people.

Mikhail ran another direction, thinking that being away from the group would increase his chance of survival. No one wants a "Kid" around. When he finally stopped to rest, he heard a crunch right behind him. Possibly from a twig. Before Mikhail could turn around, he felt something heavy, metallic hit him in the back of the head, Thats all he would remember for a long, very long time. But he could have sworn, hearing the words "For the M-" come out from somewhere, right before he was hit.

IC personality Traits:
Insomniac, Speaks softly, calmly most of the time.

Talented Electrician, Loyal.

OOC traits and skills:
-Able to be on for long periods of time
-Able to follow orders, without messing up all the time
-Able to actually have fun, roleplaying as a monolithian, such.
-Able to be active, for events, training (if there is any)

Accepted. It's a proper, somewhat short story.