[Monolith]: Applications OPEN

Started by Judas, 04-03-2010

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Heres the apps for a Monolith Soldier, You can apply an already existing character.

[size=15pt]Steam ID:

OOC Name:

IC Name:

Recommendations(Members brother and above.):

Name after brainwash:

Backstory for induction into Monolith:

IC personality Traits:


OOC traits and skills:[/size]

Post your applications below. An moderator will see to it as soon as possible.




/off: judas can you take me up on the roster? Brother Hawk-Footman/Guadrian

Yea, A few of the others talked to me about you. Adding you as a Soldier (Brother)
Hawke (The main character of Dragon Age 2) named after me :D


/off: can you add me to the roster to... Brother Mikhailo- Preacher.

Due to several issues of your betraying Monolith and other such, You'll need to re-apply.


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10475251

OOC Name: Mr. Khorn

IC Name: Stovik Kvik

Backstory for induction into Monolith:
Boris Kvik - Father (Deceased)
Eilee Kvik - Mother (Deceased)
Khorn Kvik - Younger Brother (In the Zone)

Back-story: Born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1972. Had an average family like any other except his father had a job at the Chernobyl Power Plant as an Engineer while his mother worked as a at a nearby shop. His brother stayed at home and was taken care of by Stovik as they grew up. His family could only afford one car so his mother was forced to drive his father to work every day.  Khorn and Stovik attended classes as much as they could but mostly learned from each other. If they could they left school to have fun. They cared only for adventuring and it was worth the punishment they got from their parents for ditching. They generally camped out for a few nights and always wanted to live in the outdoors. But they knew it be good to get some education in, because class was a good place to get sleep they didn’t get when camping outdoors.
The Kvik family lived normally until 1986 when the disaster struck, taking Stovik's father and mother away. Because of the lost of his parents, Khorn and Stovik were forced to live on their own until 2007 when Stovik went of the Zone to learn what happen at the Plant and why they lost their parents. Stovik wanted to learn who he could blame for their loss. Stovik and Khorn tried to keep in touch but as time went by, Stovik stopped responding due to events in the Zone. What happen in the Zone to Stovik is a mystery to all that ask about his past. Only his brother knows what happen before and just up to the event when Stovik lost his mind. Of course Khorn ventured into the zone to find Stovik, but may never find him, especially if Stovik becomes part of the Monolith. So what happens to their brotherhood is up to the Zone.

IC personality Traits: Lost with no memory of why he entered the zone. NO traces of past life or how he lost his memory. Feels nothing and will be willing to follow anyone offering guidance. Also is monotome due to his mind wipe.

Skills: Follows those that lead. Will not question orders from those that showed power in controlling other.

OOC traits and skills: I have been part of a couple good RP games. Such as GMC RP(Gmod Central Roleplay), Los Santos GTA RP(Serious Roleplaying group in GTA San Andreas), North Quadrant Freelancer Server(Was promoted to Lt. Khorn and commanded my own Battlestar.), Played mostly RP servers on GMod, started with GMod 9. Prefer RPing over just Deathmatching

Not a bad backstory, But I'm afraid I'll have to see a bit more of you in the server before I can accept you.


Note: If you dont know who i am im Kirchenko in game

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:19921990

OOC Name: Water

IC Name: Salen Basko ( New character )

Back story for induction into Monolith
: Salen was born in Russia 1980, April 13th. Salen was a normal child in the beginning of his life, Salen worked hard in school and eventually got mixed up doing some dirty work for money. He was living the good rich and wealthy life until his best friend Oscar was killed and robbed by a hit man, Salen knew that he couldn't remain in Russia, As he would most likely be the next one hunted down So he took all the money he could and went to the nearest place which was The Zone.

The first thing Salen did was figure out how much cash he had and found a place to stay at
He had 2,500 RU with him, and with 2000 RU Salen bought some Guards to protect him in  the Zone, just in case the hit man finds out that hes hiding out at the zone.
Reaching the Zone was hard, and it turns out the Guards were not too good. After several days of hiding, The Loners Salen had hired, Held him at gun point and robbed the rest of his 500 RU leaving him there with nothing.
He also learned that there were 4 Major factions fighting in the Zone. He was really interested in the Monolith, because when Salen was making a trade a couple of Monolith's threatened everyone for a sacrifice and Salen did not want anyone to get hurt and felt guilty as he was thinking it was the hitman looking for him and he offered to be the one to sacrifice, Meanwhile the Monolith ended up brainwashing him and he found out they believe in the Power of the Wish Granter and he himself is deeply starting to believe in it.

IC personality Traits: Calm, Interested in the Great Crystal

IC Skills: Can Sprint for along time, Takes orders from higher ranks in faction

OOC traits and skills: I've been role playing basically sense my internet gaming started, back in 2000 So I would say 10 years, I've been role playing.
I am a highly trained role player because I spent 4 years roleplaying on San Andreas Multiplayer ( SA:MP ), Which is where I believe serious role playing was born, One problem I have is sometimes i take flaming kinda far if someone rdms, But on this server I don't seem to have a problem so far :)

Alright, The edits ive done
- made a more better IC story ending that explains why my character should be in the monolith ( I made up a lie about the brainwash part as i dont know any other way how to get my character wanting to join without asking to join - If that makes sense )
- Added a new IC Skill
- Changes are found in Red underlined writing

Btw u can ask me some questions I know more about monolith now, I read wiki at http://stalker.wikia.com/wiki/Monolith

I can't accept you due to your lack of knowledge about CANON. I'd like you to go read some STALKER Wiki's on the Monolith, then Reapply. For Instance: THe Monolith is not a "Joinable" Faction in regard to just walkign up ICly and asking to join. They also don't "Hate" loners, they hate all non-believers.
I scratched this out because i just re-applyed by editing. ~ Water
Brush up on your CANON a bit and re-apply


Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:17755481

OOC Name:[MR]hollywood

IC Name:Boris Mikhali

Backstory for induction into Monolith: Born in 1980 Boris was raised on a early farm. He had a very poor family and there only way of makeing money was by raising animals for food and selling. As a child he had no friends and no way of being in contact with others. He was a white male in arkansas at the time. And everyday he would go outside and strangly talk to his pets like they were his only friends. That soon became a mystery as one day on December 4,2005 they moved to the zone and discovered there were people like him. Alone,afraid and had no goal in life really. After a few weeks of living in the zone he was known with the stalkers and made friends that taught him basic skills to live in the zone and make a living. He did business with traders,stalkers and helped them deliver things. after about 3 months in the zone he discovered what a monolith is. How you may ask? He was at the underpass alone playing in the dirt when a monolith leader came and took him away. People believed that the monolith brainwashed him and took him for a sacrafice. No one really found out. some believe they just brainwashed him. (end)

IC personality Traits: Strong,Fast,smart,calm,willing,brave.

Skills: Can be aggressive when needed take orders and kill when needs. He can run quickly and get to his targets.

OOC traits and skills:Been role playing for 2-3 years now very smart love computer games and enjoy being serious and taking things seriously I listen well I am strong and healthy dont enjoy school that much and hate being yelled at [unless being gave an order]

note: Yes I do know my backstory is short sorry.



Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:6238395

OOC Name: |HGN-DEV| Bielecki

IC Name: Victor Vasnetsov Monolith name: Brother Kafka

Backstory for induction into Monolith:

The court room was cold, the breath of the Judge lingered as he slandered the Doctors innocents. The evidence was against Dr. Vasnetsov, the evidence made it clear.

A wrong prescription, the tool to ruin the life of not only the patient, but the Doctor. “Stupid! An idiotic mistake, what do I do now?!” He would tell himself, his words failing to project the sympathy for his lifeless sufferer, only sympathy for his self.

“You are revoked of your medical license…” The booming voice of the Judge called out, every last word piercing at Vasnetsovs’ heart. Vasnetsov could now match the state of his mistreated patient… dead, breathless, bereft of life.

The wreck would saunter and stagger the late night streets with a bottle empty of the devils drink. Begging and pleading for a new existence, a new existence soon to come. A wrinkled paper danced and lead with the wind, it placed it self by the pathetic heap that was Vasnetsov.
He raised his head to view a news column on the paper, an intriguing story lead ahead.

A large font lay at the top of the page, catching the eye of Vasnetsov. ‘The Zone’ it called out. A place of death, betrayal and greed. “Maybe it can drown out the slander, the lack of dignity in my name?” he asked himself, desperate to be purged of his memories.

He gathered the last of his funds left in his bank, most had been spent away with the need for drink. He paid a guide to lead him into the beast, into his death-bed only to run away from the passed.

After a short time in the zone he sobered up. Not only because of his lack of money, but because of the realisation of what he had gotten himself into.
He kept to himself, stayed away from all others and called himself ‘Kafka’.

It was on a cold and dark day as Vasnetsov was wondering the fog. He came across a derelict house, beaten by the brutal history of the Zone. He entered carefully, observing his surroundings as he did. A bright light leaked out of the doorway of an enclosed room, his curiosity lead him in. Inside a magnificent mix of light and electricity thundered and echoed through out the room. The sight stopped Vasnetsov in his tracks; he stood silent as he glared at the anomaly. He placed his foot a little closer, kicking something as he did. He looked down to see a small orb, looking much like the larger anomaly. He knelled and places his hands on the Artifact.
It tingled and wrapped it self around his hands, he starred into its core, doing nothing more. “Such beauty…” he thought. A tear escaped his eye, it ran down his dusty cheek.

He slowly lifted his head, a dark figure stood in front of him. His mesmerising state didn’t notice him enter.
Vasnetsov said nothing; he just starred back into the eyes of the figure. The silence dragged on, they both refused to exchange greetings.

The silence broke as the figure spoke in a monotone voice, almost a whisper “You are its child, let it be you caring Mother, let it be your protective Father…”
The sentence seeped into Vasnetsovs ears like poetry.
Without any explanation, Vasnetsov cried, a sudden out burst of passion.

Then… there was darkness…

He had wished for a new existence, he had got it as Brother Kafka.

IC personality Traits: Philosophical, Self righteous, Quiet, Pondering

Skills: An extensive knowledge of medicine and surgery.  

OOC traits and skills: I like to think I am reasonably mature, a good writer and role-player. I feel I can help the Monolith develop its characteristics a bit more.

It's good, accepted.-Killabreu. Just a few grammatical/spelling issues. No biggies, though. I'll get on soon-ish to get you your stuff.


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16901706

OOC Name: Predu

IC Name: Petrei 'Hound' Doganov

Backstory for induction into Monolith:

Raised in the countryside of Ukraine in a typical poor family. Petrei never thought of himself of coming anything bigger than a worker in Ukraine. Little did he know of the survival adventure he had coming.

After graduating from school, Petrei had plans of becoming a police officer of Ukraine.
As a kid, Petrei was nicknamed 'Hound' because he always found everyone in hide and seek.
After all, Petrei did manage to get the job, and now he would work as a police officer in a small town Korosten.

After a couple of years working for the Korosten police department, the head of the department gave Petrei a task of investigating a warehouse that could have possibly been used by a small mob for selling and storaging drugs.

Date: --/--/2013         Time: Unknown.

A storm was coming.. Cold rain was silencing all other noice around.
Petrei continued the inspection of the warehouse as he was ordered.

*Petrei opens the door of the big warehouse, pointing his gun inside.

The room was mildly empty, just some containers.
Mold could have been smelled from inside the room.

*Petrei takes small steps towards the back of the room.

A shape appears from back and swiftly knocks Petrei with a blunt object.
Petrei fell down unconscious.

Mobster #1: Well look what we have here!

Mobster #2: We should hide him..
Not long until the other cops come searching for him.

*The other mobster injects Petrei with a liquid, making sure that he won't wake up in a while.

Mobster #1: Well.. Where should we take this sniffer..?

Mobster #2: I heard a place where cops don't go.. But neither does anyone else..
You heard of the "Zone"..?

Mobster #1: I've heard something about it.. I think I can get us in.. I have contacts.


Petrei was now in deep trouble..
The mobsters decided to kind of "smuggle" the cop inside.
Bribing a couple of Militarist and like that.

Date: --/--/2013           Time: Unknown

The "Zone" was truly a place where noone wanted to be.
Both mobsters only spent a small while in the "Zone" and now arrived at some sort of a swamp.

Mobster #2: Drop him here.. This place is getting on my nerves.

*The other mobster drops Petrei on the wet and muddy ground.. Leaving him there in the rain.

Mobster #1: Lets see if he sniffs himself out of this one..

*The mobster chuckle and then leave the scene.


Date: --/--/2013           Time: 19:53

A group of armed personnel appear.

*One of the monolithians looks at the body.

Unknown: Grab that corpse, we shall bring it when we get back..

Unknown: Yes, Brother.


Date --/--/2013            Time: Unknown

*The monolithian drops the body of Petrei on the floor, then wrapping him in a bag, making sure bloodsuckers don't smell him.

As the monolithian leaves the room, a cough is heard from the bag.
The monolithian raises his gun, aiming at the bag.

Unknown: Put down that gun.. He might come in to more use.

May the Wish Granter grant us with a new brother..


IC personality Traits: Mildly agile and fit, due to police training.
Executes orders without questions, unless needed.
Troublemaker, always ready for a fight.

Skills: A fine tracker. Taught how to use a gun properly.

OOC traits and skills: A fine knowledge in english, atleast that's what I think of me.
Always ready to help the monolith activity. I know the basics of roleplaying and enjoy roleplaying.. Sometimes a bit too much.

Accepted. - Killabreu


OOC Name: Tyolos

IC Name: Mikhail Volga

Backstory for induction into Monolith (Family Members)
Sasha Volga - Mother (Deceased)
Alexandrov Volga - Father (Deceased)
Nikolai Volga - Younger Brother (Deceased)

Born in 1978 at a very young age just after Mikhai and Nikolai's birth Mikhail's Mother died as the struggle for money uptook the Volga family Alexandrov had to work overtime for the amount of money just to buy food let alone anything else. After a couple of years when they were but children, Alexandrov died and the couple were raised in an orphanage also taught to beleive in himself and be religious Mikhail did whatever he could to survive bullying those younger or older to get his way, When Nikolai realized he was doing so called "Evil" deeds he swore an oath to make his brother stop, Thinking he was a demon of sorts since Mikhail didnt believe in what his family beleived in.

When sent off to school a few years later, Mikhail had found the errors of his ways and knew he had to change, Taking commands from the teachers and executing them sucessfully. Mikhail had become quite religious at this time knewing he had to beleive in something in the far reaches of Ukraine, He didnt know what to do feeling lost and misguided.

Years flew by Mikhail's head soon he was in University beleiving it was the right way to go, Feeling religious amoung else he would fight anyone that proved him wrong. Nikolai still didnt know what to do with Mikhail, However, Nikolai had a plan to execute when university ended of course.

After University and of that, Nikolai tried to murder his brother in cold blood for not following the family's rule. Mikhail knew Nikolai was in the way so he retaliated to Nikolai's attack and so on locked Nikolai in the family cellar, Until he would believe Ukraine hid great secrets not in the trash he believed in.

IC personality Traits: Misguided from his faith and is looking for a faction which suits his faith: Believing in the great crystal for he always knew that Chernobyl hid great secrets from the residents who were wiped out by its blinding light.

Skills: Unshakable Faith, Able to intimidate others with a high chance of success, A good shot after training for a few years at a local community shooting range and not scared easily.

OOC traits and skills: Been part of a roleplaying community for a year and a half now the server was called: iGmod. It was a serious roleplaying community which I enjoyed but after such along time I turned to STALKER for my salvation.

Story is a little "what the fuck"-ish. Doesn't make very much sense, however, I'll add you as an initiate for now.
Failed. No longer part of Monolith.



Steam ID:| The One Combine

IC Name:| Lewis Seendom


Born in 1992. At the age of 7 his mum was gun down by Mafia and his father ran away. Left with his brother Jerry Seendom they had no money and Jerry Seendom had to leave his brother lewis Seendom from 8:00 to 20:00. At the age of 16, Lewis join a small time gang and they where armed with a pistol and the gang started becoming big. Jerry Seendom join the gang, as they got olded Lewis Seendom was in a bank robbery and he lost 2 frineds. He started to not feel any thing, lose himseft started to become a Loner. When he was 18 he came to the Zone with is gang and his brother Jerry. When they seek in they walk and walk till they got somewhere to rest.

Next Day 13:52 they got attack by 4-5 bloodsuckers and all was killed but Jerry and Lewis. They both went different ways and have never seen each other since. Lewis has been looking for his brother for  1 week since they got in the zone.

3 days later unknow time

Lewis was walking in unknow area and trip up. He was tied up and did not know what was going on.  He look up and was beaten 2 times round the head and was knock out. When he woke up he was with a unknowed Stalker. He was taken and was never seen again by Lewis. Waiting for hours what will happen to him. He was told to sit in this machine and he was brainwashed befor he could say any thing.

IC personality Traits:  Young|Rookie|Male|Quiet

Skills: Listens Well| Not a bad shooter

OOC Traits: I am ok at English and I Love the stalker games and have 1,2,3. I am a active and have play many other rp (Not dark rp)

Work on your grammar, please. Pending.



Was wondering if I could rejoin monolith here is my explenation:
I was doing something wrong, Forgot to read the rules... Now I have played ALL the STALKER games I understand how the Monolith tick. So please accept me back in for my mistakes, I promise not to make them again.


Make another application.




size=15pt]Steam ID: I will put it late.r

OOC Name: Ares

IC Name: Vlad Rizinikov.

Backstory for induction into Monolith: Vlad, a normal STALKER that came into the zone for fame and wealth. He passed 1 year in the Zone, wandering around dangerous zone to search artifcats, or other items that he could sell to the traders for some money. Things for Vlad weren't going good, he wasn't even armed or suited, and he only had enoug money to buy the daily food.
As he kept wandering around in the Zone, one day he arrived at the Red Forest.
Things looked very calm, and there were alot of anomalies that could had artifacts in it. So he took he time, looked around, till he suddenly felt a tremendous headache, and then voices in his head, continusly.
That was the effect of the Controller, that was playing with his mind.
In the mean time, a group of STALKERS passed by, shooting down the Controller quickly, but they came too late, as Vlad wasn't himself anymore... he kept repeating words like " Serve the Zone " and things like that. From then he started to camp around near the Monolith, hopping that one day he will be bringed in to serve the Zone.

IC personality Traits: Honest, Ambitious, Skilled.

Skills: Vlad has no special skills, the only weapon he used while in the Zone was the Pistol, so he haves a certain experience with them.

OOC traits and skills:[/size] I don't know, what the heck this haves to do with the RP ?


Steam ID: MathiasGrote

OOC Name: |HGN| The Dane [AMT]

IC Name: Alexander 'Revenant' Kosohokov

Backstory for induction into Monolith:
'Alex' was rather new to the zone. He had, like many other Stalkers, traveled with more powerful stalkers. Eventually, they left him behind during the night, because he "slowed them down".

He then proceded further into the zone, hoping to find somebody who could help him. Luckily the other stalkers left him some food and drink, so he were able to survive a few days. As he progressed into the zone, he met different stalkers, but no one wanted to help him. He then found an abandoned house, which had a ceiling where mutants couldn't reach him.

But at the morning, he felt strange. He's head hurted and he was very dissy. He eventually drop on the ground. But when he woke up, he felt like a completely different person. He didn't know who he was. He didn't know why there were other people there. He only had one thought: Serve the zone, purge all intruders

He then turned around, and began to walk towards the Red Forest, where he would later meet Monolith's...

IC personality Traits: Strong, helpful

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat skills, loyal

OOC traits and skills: Active, mature, serious (most of the time), proper grammar

Not great, but i've been Rping alot with you so Accepted


Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:20606905

OOC Name: |HGN| Midnight

IC Name: Brother Dovgan

Backstory for induction into Monolith:
   Snoring echoed through a dimly lit bar, the source of it: a filthy looking man face down on the bar with a wide variety of empty bottles displayed out in front of him. The inhabitance of the establishment looked at this man with  expressions  of anger and annoyance, until it came to the attention of the man behind the bar. He gestured for the two men clothed in black and red near the exit of the building to come forwards to him, he whispered to them briefly,  the two picked up the vagrant , taking him outside. They carried him until they were a ways out of their small town. The two black and red suited men let him down in the middle of a clearing and walked away into the night.
    A man dressed in a black trench coat made his way thought the night with nothing but a small light to illuminate his way. He stopped in his tracks when he heard a faint sound that he thought to be growling. He reached for his pistol holding it up in front of him as he inspected the landscape for the source of the sound. He made his way to the sound it growing louder with each step. His eyes widened as they met the source of the sound. He kneeled down next to the sleeping bum looking him up and down. The bum's backpack became noticed by the cloaked man. He slipped it off him digging though its contents , only finding empty bottles of vodka. He emptied the contents onto the ground taking one of the bottles in his hands reading slowly over the label, faintly grinning as he does so.
   The cloaked man walked several miles with the sleeping bum carried on his back. He made his way into a pitch black tunnel traversing its corridors until he came to a group of men all pointing their weapons at him. The cloaked man brought his hood down causing the men to lower their weapons. He passed the bum to the man dressed in brown and white camouflage in the front of the group , he took the bum looking at the cloaked man with a questioning look , to which the cloaked man answered " Another to be cleansed in the radiant glory of the Monolith".    

IC personality Traits: Paranoid, Irritable, Hushed, Drowsy

Skills: Has little experience in armed combat , but can handle himself in CQC.

OOC traits and skills:
I have  a good understanding of stalker canon having  played all three stalker games, I'm reasonably active , and I have previous experience with major factions.

Nice backstory, well done. Accepted


OOC Name: Tyolos

IC Name: Kostya Volga

Backstory for induction into Monolith (Family Members)
Sasha Volga - Mother (Deceased)
Alexandrov Volga - Father (Deceased)
Nikolai Volga - Younger Brother (Deceased)
Mikhail Volga - Younger Brother (Deceased)
Vasilev Volga - Older Brother (In The Zone)

Born in Ukraine, 1973 Kostya was raised in a small farmstead being apart of a poor family during his infant age along with his older brother: Vasilev and a couple of younger brothers. Kostya's family was religious through and through. Kostya made a living rounding up the animals in the farmstead he was nicknamed 'мисливець' which is trapper in Ukrianian. When he was but a boy most of his younger brothers died for reasons unknown. As Kostya mourned their passing yet another victim, Kostya's Mother, Left life. Kostya was outragous and had to work overtime for the sake of keeping the family's income suitible.

As Kostya grew up he managed to get over the fact that his family was dying however, When children said things about his mother he always had murderous flashbacks, Later on, Kostya's Father left the family down to but two family member's left (Kostya and Vasilev) They worked together never missing their faith generating a well organised income of wealth, The Volga brothers soon were florishing. After years and years of small time work, Training at the firing range after work, Drinking vodka with his friends and helping his older brother pray as Kostya's parents did they became as one might say "best friends", Many of the residents of the nearby town always went to pay a visit to the Volga Brothers from time and again.

As the Volga Brothers threw parties and flourished with wealth soon a sad time overcame the family and the whole of Ukraine, The Chernobyl Incident, The Volga Brothers realized at first nothing had happend but there was a strange scent in the air, The residents of the town looked alot more grim and would barely pay a visit to the Volga Brothers.

Furthermore after the first sad event an even more horrible event occured: The secound Chernobyl evet, The news reached the Volga Brothers and soon after the event they decided to research the Zone, However Kostya knew the Zone was there for a reason, It had secrets that had to be guarded it was in his intentions to be a guard to the zone with his abilities he hoped to find a group which understood him.

IC personality Traits: Very religious, Quiet and intimidating.

Skills: Able to track down targets, Kill without mercy, Mature to his supiriors. And able to fire without hesitation and with percision.

OOC traits and skills: Mature to other players, Been across loads of roleplaying communities such as: |VM| Vent Mob semi-serious and iGmod a Dark Roleplay which is also semi-serious.



Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21039608


IC Name: Jeremo Bilindo ( New character to the game with some knowledge )

Back story for induction into Monolith: I was born in 1992 in Russia with my parents. They Were English and my sister was German. Are family was very poor and couldnt afford much. We had a little bussiness selling leather but that didnt make alot of cash for the family. We made just enough money to feed the family but my parents are having another child again so we wouldnt be able to survive with a new family member. My family sent me off to a new place so they could afford for the new family member.

The next day my family had sent me off to a new place near by, i managed to get 300 RU before i left to keep me going for a while. I knew this money wouldnt last forever.  I went to the nearest place around from my town. The Zone.

The First thing i did when i reached The Zone was greet the guards. I realised this was a bad idea as the guards did not like memebers walking around. I hid from the guards for Weeks and days. I worked out that there were for majour factions. I was intrested in the Monolith the most. I adventured into there base one day to look around and talk to them but they tied me up and brainwashed me. They  believe in the Power of Wish Granter and i am starting to believe in them two.

IC personality Traits: Calm, Brave

IC Skills: Can Listen Good, Takes orders from higher ranks in faction

OOC traits and skills: I have been roleplaying for many years now. I have roleplayed for a litle bit on garrysmod in a gamemode called DarkRP. I have realised that Stalker RP is alot different to DarkRP though and am liking stalker rp more and more by the day.


Jeremo Bilindo



Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:15088003

OOC Name: Flash

IC Name:Zedekiah Romanov (Mono Name:Brother Stovik)

Backstory for induction into Monolith:
Born in 1989 in the small village of Kipini , Urkaine his Mother Russian his Father Ukrainian.
His family was rich and a powerful figure in the village. Soon enough the drought accrued and destroyed his Fathers farm his family couldn't pay the property taxes and got evicted from there farm. They moved into the streets of the village poor living in a box.

He liked taking apart objects and seeing how they were made and he modified them. Sometimes making traps to kill animals for food. He heard of the area of The Zone from village side discussion. He soon arrived with noting moving through the area trapping animals for food and coinage. Becoming a trapper he wanted the biggest prize of all a controller. Controllers weren't well known in the area of The Cordon so he headed further into The Zone to Pripyat and the Chernobyl NPP. He found one and trapped the Controller.

After taking it he tried to go back to The Cordon. He traveled through the streets of Pripyat looking for an exit he got trapped and captured by the miltary he got shot in the chest and left to die in the middle of the shopping district. Near the Bookstore soon enough some S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s came and got him so he thought were S.T.A.L.K.E.R's hes brain wanted to believe that they were S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s but they weren't. He heard some folktales about the Monolith forces. Most were tooken and fed to the bloodsuckers , But Monolith had another idea for him.

He was presented to the higher Patriarch and brainwashed and inducted into the ranks of Monolith. He wandered with his squad of Brothers into the areas of Pripyat in search of technology , food and areas for an encampment for Monolith. He spends his time in search searching and searching . . . .

IC personality Traits: Quiet , Friendly

Skills:Technician can deal with technological issues repair equipment.

OOC traits and skills:Mature and usually quiet. Doesn't talk back to others and doesn't speak in till spoken to.

Pending- Still got a few days. Your doing well so far


Steam ID: 0:0:9062273
OOC Name: Buck

IC Name: Arron Vladkeis

Backstory for induction into Monolith: *Crack* Twigs and leaves crunch and break as Arron walks on the soggy soil near the canyon in Sector 2. Arron has his LR300 out but not loaded and is trekking to the Freedom base to man his post and fill his shift out. He whistles a small tune as he walks coming near to the tunnel leading to Sector 1. As he walks through the sets of doors he flicks his Night Vision on to get a better look of the area, he stops to light a cigarette then pauses to hear something being mumbled coming from a tunnel behind him. Arron attempts to load his LR but is stopped after someone hits his head. A voice is heard "Scum, what to do with him Patriarch ?", another voice is heard "We are in need of new brothers...take this one inside.". The man with the first voice ties his wrists then takes his weapon and strips him of his Freedom gear.
Arron is dragged by two men followed by the one called "Patriarch.", After a while the men set him down in a room and wake him up, he is faced by monitors with strange writing and pictures on them. The Patriarch motions for them to go into a room behind a thick glass window. A small buzz it heard then the monitor images begin to change and flicker. Arron feels his past self slip away only to be greeted by a new presence, a presence to serve. They unbind Arron then return his weapon, the Patriarch approaches him and introduces himself as Kafka. He says a few words "Welcome to Monolith...Brother."    

IC personality Traits: Marksman,Strong,Obedient,Wise   

Skills: Mechanic, Good With guns, small medical education.

OOC traits and skills: I love to rp, I follow orders (usually), and can keep RP serious whatever type of event is happening, I also have a good sense of humor.

Thank you for taking the time to read this application



Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:19286320

OOC Name: Headcrabs

IC Name: Jack Shepherd.

Backstory for induction into Monolith: Jack trod through the dark tunnel, one that would lead him towards the another part of the zone, a distinct smell of rat piss soiled the air around him, and the wreckage of a once proud, distinctive war machine stood on its side, an APC salvaged by bandits, anything of value probably ripped from the insides of the now irradiated, twisted metal.
The lada to the right was no different really, except most of it was still intact.
Odd, it would normally be looted of anything of use, seats, doors...
The door to the small corridor was opened, at least 4 or 3 assault rifles pointed at him.
He felt a sick feeling climbing up, but instead of making a break for it, he probably saved himself..
He put both his hands into the air in a respectable manner, as not to aggravate the mysterious people...
Jack looked about, an exosuited mercenary from the looks of it, and a rookie bandit...
"Get on your knees!" a muffled voice boomed from one of the assault rifle wielding mysteries...
With haste, Jack got on his knees, hands still in the air, that was until the person tied him with a rope.
Jack got himself up after a bit of talking amongst the people, before we were taken INTO the tunnel.
The rumours that circled around the tunnel made Jack hesitant to walk on, but yet it was either be eaten by whatever is inside, or get a groza round planted neatly into his forehead.
He was taken over a pit, stood on a metal catwalk, before being thrown over the side.
Jack was lying down there, unconscious.
He awoke to more voices, the exosuiter was gone, the bandit and him were the only 2 that remain of the trio.
As he was picked up, Jacks skin turned to a practical white, pale with fear.
These were not ordinary people...
"What person makes somebody else kill themselves in an ACID anomaly..." Jack thought
The rotting skeleton in the fruitpunch practically made Jacks last loaf of bread go out the way it came in, luckily he was hauled away by one of the people before it had the chance to.
Shepherd kept his eyes closed and took a breath, hoping it will be all over soon.
But, upon his decision to open them, it was already too late, stuff happened whilst he was waiting.
What seemed like 1000 voices circled through his head, whispering dark, chilling words..
"We are monolith.."
And at that, what was his conciousness before had left his body, a new one to take its place.

IC personality Traits:
Respectful- Self explanatory.
Slightly weak- Can't have Pros without Cons, can we?
Silent- Keeps to himself until asked.

Mechanic- Basically good with modifying and repairing weapons.
Technician- Good with modifying and repairing technology/suits.
Fast- Being lightweight has it's uses, useful for scouting or running.

OOC traits and skills: I take playing a role serious, but at the same time have fun doing so. I am a decent roleplayer in my opinion, and I acknowledge that emotion comes into play during roleplay, and I usually use this fact to enhance the roleplay.
I am familiar with stalker canon, I have played all 3 games and I am fairly active.

Accepted. Good app
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18349157
OOC Name:|HGN| Alex4576
IC Name: Alex Deadeye
Backstory for induction into Monolith: After leaving Duty, Alex Deadeye carried with him the tags of his friend Nikolai, who he considered a brother, who had just committed suicide. With a deagle in his holster and an Ak74u on his back Alex treaded along the edge on the canyon in sector two. After making a hard choice to leave what was almost family to him, he found himself heading to the Freedom bar to drink his problems away. Passing the entrance to the canyon he stood there and recalled the time he went on patrol with his Lt. Col and Nikolai. The canyon was full of electric anomalies and a tear rolled down his cheek as he thought about him. Walking on to the bar, Alex came across the tunnel and saw an old friend who was a doctor. After stopping and chatting for a bit Alex received some medical attention for his eye and was given a head wrap. After parting ways Alex got a gut feeling not to go into the tunnel but he ignored it and continued.
Clutching his Ak74u in his hands, Alex went on into the darkness and noticed a figure dart across the tunnel. While raising his Ak74u and putting a magazine in he heard footsteps coming from all around him. Panicking Alex sprayed all around him and ran to the doors. It was too late, the stock of a rifle smashed into the back of his head rendering him unconscious. The Monolith grabbed Alex by the shirt collar and dragged him to their base. Alex woke up to find himself strapped into a seat facing a television monitor. Fearing the worst the television monitor turned on and the images on the screen twisted Alex's mind and after being unstrapped Alex felt nothing emotionally, he was just stuck with the memories of his fallen brother from another mother but could not fell anything.

IC personality Traits: Ex-Duty: Recived some of the best marksmen training and paramilitary training plus has knowledge about Duty.
Quiet: Not much of a vocal person.
Muscular: The Duty training put Alex in good physical condition.
Tall: Alex is a big guy and his size can intiminate many people.
Young: Being young has its ups and down like being flexable and in good health but not as mature as others.
Missing left eye: After losing his eye in a fight with a blood sucker his right eye has become very sensitive to the dark and can see farther than most others.
Skills: Skilled marksman: Being Ex-Duty has many ups and downs but Alex marksman skillswere better than any other of his comrad's in Duty.
Basic medical skills: Crude knowedge of stitching and removing bullets.
OOC traits and skills: I know gun saftey, good shot, quiet, and I get mad eaisly. I do take srp seriously and I play whenever i get the chance to becasue I can escape all the problems in my life and just rp and have a good time with friends.




Steam ID:

OOC Name:

IC Name:
(Before Brainwashed)
Arthur 'Shadow' Hutchinson

Backstory for induction into Monolith:

(More About Him)
Arthur 'Rogue' Hutchinson, used to be with the Military, as a Private. He learned a few medical skills when he was in the Military. He quit the military, since they weren't properly promoting him or anything. He was a STALKER, in the Zone. A regular STALKER, or a rookie. He got experiences from a friend, named Felix 'Doc' Deonte, a Medic in the military, now as a Ex-Military. Anyway, Arthur, has some rough times, either getting robbed by bandits, or always in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

(How he join the Monoliths)
Arthur, or known as "Shadow", was heading to the Freedom's base, trying to see if he can trade, or buy some ammo and supplies, so he travel around the Zone. As soon as he gets to the tunnel to Freedom's base, he sees a group of Monoliths coming out of the door way. His luck couldn't get any better. They surrounded him, aiming their weapons at Arthur. Then a Loner named Alex came, probably trying to help Arthur, but they surrounded him too. The Monoliths told Arthur, and Alex to put their guns on the ground. Arthur knew whether to fight them or not. If he fight, he would get shot or killed, if he doesn't, probably killed, but he decided not to fight. He probably can figure a way out of this. He got knocked out, and so did Alex.

They both woke up in the Monolith's base, tied up. The Monoliths took their equipment, and all of their belongings. The Monoliths were choosing, who will live, and who will join them. They have chosen Arthur, saying that he is worthy to join. Arthur, was taken away from Alex, not knowing what happen to him. Arthur was thinking how fucked he is now, and doesn't know what to do. Either do what they say, or get shot. Arthur usually thinks everything over on every situation he goes into. The Monoliths took him in an area, with T.V. screens. They set him down, and went into the control room. Then the T.V.s turned on. Flashing, unimaginable images appeared on the screen, Arthur grew tired, and his limps felt weak. Soon he was in total darkness.

IC personality Traits:
-Mostly Quiet
-Likes to learn new things
-Usually calm
-Mostly thinks the options of the situation.
-Can be Respectful (Depend what kind Faction/Person they are)

-Excellent with pistols
-Okay with Rifles (Excellent with scopes though)
-A bit with Medical Skills

OOC traits and skills:
-Can be passive
-Mostly a Serious Role-player
-Sometimes, sometimes not, be a mature player

Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson - ALIVE
Anne 'Savior' Gerris - ALIVE
Coroner - ALIVE
'Crazed' - ALIVE