Sordanya Factional Discussion Thread

Started by KingArthur, 17-02-2012

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Post why below! ( valid reasons, n ::)ot FOR THE HORDE )

Personally I think allience is better for roleplay, their cannon and races are more interesting as well, in my oppinion. Races are a lot clearer on how they should act, and storm wind is great

Also excuse the typos, doing this from a stupid phone



( User was punched in the balls for this Post. )
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


The Alliance, I feel, is a lot more formal, and not as interesting as the Horde's lore. Personally, I prefer the some of the Alliance's races, but I prefer the Horde's roleplay over all, as they are more warrior based, and some of their race's tribal aspects are interesting.

Voted Horde.



Humans are easier to RP for newbies as they're more relatable and a lot of the Horde races have painful stereotypes.


Quote from: Ragolution on 17-02-2012
Humans are easier to RP for newbies as they're more relatable and a lot of the Horde races have painful stereotypes.
I agree, you got  block heads, driud cows, jamacians, angry zombies, pretty boys, and goblins on the horde


Quote from: KingArthur on 17-02-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 17-02-2012
Humans are easier to RP for newbies as they're more relatable and a lot of the Horde races have painful stereotypes.
I agree, you got  block heads, driud cows, jamacians, angry zombies, pretty boys, and goblins on the horde

Not ever Orc is a block head (Thrall) Not every Tauren is peaceful (Grimtotem Clan) Not every Troll is an unintelligent baboon (Vol'jin)  Not every Forsaken is angry all the time (Sylvanas) and well.. yeah Blood Elves are pretty much pretty boys.


What do ya mean what kinda accent is dis?  Dis is a troll accent!  I swear man, jamaican me crazy.....
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 17-02-2012
What do ya mean what kinda accent is dis?  Dis is a troll accent!  I swear man, jamaican me crazy.....

Shut up Cool Runnings. Haiti is that way.


Well, do we even have enough people to split the playerbase in 2?


Every allegiance has its good points and this is no different between Horde and Alliance. Though I'm not going to name all they're good and bad points. The hardest part of this is that they might both have good points, but personally in overall culture and variety I find the Horde much more comforting.
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Quote from: KingArthur on 17-02-2012
Well, do we even have enough people to split the playerbase in 2?

I dont even know

Steven :D

Accidentally voted for Horde, count one for Alliance.


Alliance. The races are easy to relate to/RP (read: humans and dwarves) and I enjoy the environments that they inhabit more than the horde.

Silver Knight

Quote from: PistolKid on 17-02-2012
Alliance. The races are easy to relate to/RP (read: humans and dwarves) and I enjoy the environments that they inhabit more than the horde.

This comment pretty much sums it all up.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 17-02-2012
Quote from: PistolKid on 17-02-2012
Alliance. The races are easy to relate to/RP (read: humans and dwarves) and I enjoy the environments that they inhabit more than the horde.

This comment pretty much sums it all up.


I think the Horde has more of a "badass effect" on their characters.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Quote from: Lent23 on 17-02-2012
I think the Horde has more of a "badass effect" on their characters.
I feel as if the only reason people choose horse is because they want to be the 'bad guys'. But neither side is 'bad'. Each is looking out for its own interests, and survival. Humans and Orcs have been fighting since, forever, and they just continue the fight. Unfortunately, they live in a world that every 3 seconds another thing is trying to destroy the world so, working together wouldnt be so bad.


Quote from: KingArthur on 19-02-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 17-02-2012
I think the Horde has more of a "badass effect" on their characters.
I feel as if the only reason people choose horse is because they want to be the 'bad guys'. But neither side is 'bad'. Each is looking out for its own interests, and survival. Humans and Orcs have been fighting since, forever, and they just continue the fight. Unfortunately, they live in a world that every 3 seconds another thing is trying to destroy the world so, working together wouldnt be so bad.

This is false. I explained why I chose Horde, it appeals to me more than the easy way out.

I feel that people only chose Alliance because of the Humans, which personality's are so paper thin that anyone could RP them.


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 19-02-2012
Quote from: KingArthur on 19-02-2012
Quote from: Lent23 on 17-02-2012
I think the Horde has more of a "badass effect" on their characters.
I feel as if the only reason people choose horse is because they want to be the 'bad guys'. But neither side is 'bad'. Each is looking out for its own interests, and survival. Humans and Orcs have been fighting since, forever, and they just continue the fight. Unfortunately, they live in a world that every 3 seconds another thing is trying to destroy the world so, working together wouldnt be so bad.

This is false. I explained why I chose Horde, it appeals to me more than the easy way out.

I feel that people only chose Alliance because of the Humans, which personality's are so paper thin that anyone could RP them.
You probably read up to "I feel as if the only reason people choose horse is because they want to be the 'bad guys'...." and then posted that comment. Also i would hardly call the humans in WoW paper thin. There is much the humans have went through that could be RPed, and if it was a race of somthing-other-then-humans I think you would turn that comment away. The humans have been in WoW with lore thats preettyy deep. I think you just over look them because they are 'humans'. I personally am a naga lore/ high elf lore fan, so I am not being bias.


I liked Orcs up until Grom became the warchief. They make up the original horde and fight for their own survival against ruthless humans.
I like Thrall because he's a hero that wants to unite the Alliance and the Horde to work together for a peaceful tomorrow.

I like the Trolls, because they're loyal to the horde and make up a true part of the horde, being the "ranged" part of the Orc race in WC3.
I also like Vol'jin because he's loyal to Thrall and shares his ideals to an extent.

Tauren fight alongside the Orcs from way back in WC3, lending their powerful units because the Orcs helped them out.
I was sad when Cairne died, and haven't had a chance to see much of Baine.

The Undead are probably one of my favorite factions, because they're just plagued humans who now fight for Sylvannas, the only thing they really know how to do.
Sylvannas - My favorite leader in WoW completely.

Blood Elves can be paladins.
I don't know much else about them except for that in WC3, the humans were so abusive to them that they left and joined up with the Naga, then worked with the Horde afterwards.

The Goblins are mercenaries. They shouldn't be on the horde at all.
No idea who their leader is.

Pandaren shouldn't be on the horde either (In Mist of Pandaria)
They're a peaceful race. They make alcohol and bring it to Azeroth from their island sometimes.

I think the Horde races are much better than Alliance, but that's just my reasoning.
Also, I think the Forsaken are only working with the Horde up until Grom does something to make them mad, then they can easily spread an unstoppable plague that can wipe out all life on Azeroth, and Sylvannas would become the next Lich King (Queen?) and attempt to rule the world.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Goblins are split up into ports, and those ports are ruled by trade guilds. The ports are ruled by 'Trade Princes.' The playable race in WoW is ruled by Trade Prince Gallywix, of the Bilgewater Cartel.

EDIT: Though, Goblins don't have a sense of authority, so their authority is just ignored by most of the population, or they just don't like him for having it.


Why is this suddenly an argument?


Quote from: Ragolution on 19-02-2012
Why is this suddenly an argument?
Because, when there are two sides in something, it -has- to be an argumentative. No one can be neutral, no one should be neutral. Human nature dictates we take a side, and defend it. At any rate, I would be willing to RP either side, because i believe both to be enjoyable. I do think, however, Alliance has better cities for RP.


Neutral is a side that has always existed. I find someone being on a side because of race is completely not true! A being chooses horde or alliance because of how they're brought up not because they are the race of that side. A character who is raised in the middle of no where and has no reason to interact with either side is equal bate for both side, but may have a tendency to choose the side that seems most forth coming. They could also simply not want to be caught up in conflict and just stay out of it.
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