Bikers - A dying breed in the Uk?

Started by KillSlim, 07-08-2010

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So I was on ebay today, scrolling around the large 900 odd CC bikes, and I was astounded at how cheap they were compared to 125's.
Kawasaki Ninja, Triumph RS Sprint, Honda CBR 900, Moto Guzzi California, these are just a few of the bikes in excellent condition which are less than 2000 pounds.

It has become clear that the current system of acquiring the license to ride is far too complex, and apparently it is going to be fucked up some more in the near future.
"Why was this system introduced?" I may hear you ask.
The current system was introduced a while back when the motorcycle-related accident rate was incredibly high. The test for acquiring a license included riding around a few corners, and a casual stop when the instructor raised his hand. Once passed (I say once instead of 'if' because it is impossible to fail) you were free to ride any power bike you like.

The old system is obviously a little too lenient, as riding around the corner and performing a casual stop enabled you to ride any CC bike, but there is such a thing as 'Too protective' as the current system has shown us.

Here is the upcoming layout of tests, and how much they cost in pounds:

Provisional - 50
Required to ride your bike with L-plates when you take your CBT.

CBT - 100
Required for you to ride a bike with a maximum power of 125 cc, no pillion allowed, must be retaken after 2 years.

Theory - 30
A two-part test including questions from the DVLA, road hazards, and general knowledge.

Direct Access - 750 Average
Can be taken when you're 21. If passed, the sky is the limit. Insurers will most probably refuse to insure you.

The system which is soon to be introduced in October this year will add even more complexities, for example:
'Super-Centers' will be created which are supposed to hold facilities available for all of the new pointless tests which are being introduced by the EU.
There are currently 225 centers around the country, with the new 'Super-Center' there will be only 46 nationwide, which means people may need to travel over 100 miles just to reach a single center.

New pointless tests as mentioned above, such as the now-irrelevant 'brake-and-swerve manoeuvre'.

So, the UK continues to be fucked over by the EU pointlessly, Mr. Cameron seems to fine with this and once again, bikers will be fucked over and will one day- die out.

Some people say this is a good thing, that it will stop young riders from dying, however they have forgotten one thing: Riders on more powerful bikes are quite old and have passed their test decades ago. Older riders crashing are outnumbering younger riders crashing.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Bad thing about bikes I think is when you get in a crash, your most likley not gonna wake away from it.


Quote from: Ravanger on 07-08-2010
Bad thing about bikes I think is when you get in a crash, your most likley not gonna wake away from it.

Even though a majority of Bikers accept this could happen one day when they saddle up, however it isn't a legit reason to fuck over the entire system because idiots on bigger bikes decide to ignore saftey.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Silver Knight

As a bike owner i personally think it's many things which contribute to this;

Everyone wants racing bikes (eww).
Not enough long roads like the us to ride.
Insurance is getting higher each year.
The steps needed to aquire a bike with abit of power can take awhile to accomplish.
A fucked up subculture of chavs\delinquents influenced by the black culture and American beverly hills lifestyle.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Lol my Dad's uncle is a Hells angel biker. Then he went crazy and is know liveing in the desert in Utah.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Ravanger on 08-08-2010
Lol my Dad's uncle is a Hells angel biker. Then he went crazy and is know liveing in the desert in Utah.

wow, just wow .... Oo


Thats an odd story rav... But i do agree with what silver about everyone wanting a crotchrocket and what not. I like to just beable to enjoy the surroundings when on one
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Kay, bend over under that guillotine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: ...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Wait.
Sharrock: Homo
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Fuck.

Tom: Look at the roster
Doomburger: "110th Regiment Blood Company Reaper Squad Roster
Started by Doomburger"
Doomburger: get my name off
Doomburger: I beg you
Doomburger: I may have done some ridiculous things, but come on


Yes, Everyone wants a streetbike these days. They are just not my style, I like Harley's. I did notice when I went on a trip to the UK, alot of people drove Mopeds. Pretty much EVERYONE in Italy and the UK has a scooter. (Atleast that I have seen)