|HGN| HyperGaming Network Member Application Thread

Started by Silver Knight, 14-09-2008

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Silver Knight

|HGN| or HyperGamer.net
| HyperGaming Network Member Applications

Want to get in on the community's activities?, support HGN? Fight for HGN?
Then HyperGaming Network may be the right group for you !

Before you join we need some info about yourself, create a post in this Forum As following:

QuoteReal Name:
Gaming Name
Games You Play:
Servers You Play:
Previous Clan/group History:
Why you'd like to join:

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Real Name: Joe Carter
Gaming Name: Joecwild
Age: 13
Location: Walnut Creek, California
Games You Play: Garry's Mod, Battlefield 2142, Left 4 Dead, Far Cry 2, Team Fortress 2.
Servers You Play: Any server that has good latency, a good amount of players, and a map I would like to play at the moment.
Previous Clan History: Kill and Build (Really Small Group)
Why you'd like to join: Because I don't mind going to another clan besides Kill and Build.

[Accepted] Welcome to HGN !


Real Name:john lindsey
Gaming Name magicsfire
Games You Play:Gmod/bf2/others
Servers You Play:[RRP] Rolleplay sever
Previous Clan History:bulid suff/makeing a house
Why you'd like to join: Because im good at makeing suff xD

[Accepted] Welcome to HGN !


Real Name: Matthew Kelch
Gaming Name: MattyK, Mattyrogue, or otherwise MattyX
Age: 16
Location: Gloucester, England.
Games You Play: Any(If not all FPSes) primarily Garry's Mod, TF2, and most other Sourcegames
Servers You Play: Anything with an interesting map, script or good amount of players
Previous Clan History: {TARD} UT2003-2004 Custom Invasion Clan, WarServers.com(Hosting service), TnB, and "Red Ribbon". (Small Gmod10 build/stranded group)
Why you'd like to join: I really enjoy the Stalker RP, and actually feel welcomed by the community.
Plus the fact alot of previous players are honoured by my mature RPing on the server.

[Accepted] Welcome to HGN ! - Glad to see you played Unreal Tournament, let alone Invasion, i loved that mod, it was epic !
Follow my Twitter HERE!


Real Name: Mathias Pedersen
Gaming Name Sjant
Age: 14
Location: Denmark
Games You Play: Garry's mod, Counter-strike:Source and Hlaf-life 2
Servers You Play: I play on your StalkerRP Server in Garry's mod
Previous Clan History: I never really been in a clan.
Why you'd like to join: Well I think i could gain bigger benefits, of being a proud [HGN] member

Accepted - Glad to have you as part of the Network's Clan


Real Name: Something
Gaming Name: Dragoon
Age:14 1/2
Location: U.S.A MN
Games You Play: G-Mod CSS
Servers You Play: WCArpdm and flood and Zone rp
Previous Clan History: Alot the most recient [HBD] the wall hacking clan on CSS me and my friend made lol.
Why you'd like to join: Because i like HGN and i like gotham RP also silver is awesome thats why

Accepted Tis been awhile Dragoon :punk:


Real Name: David Andrade
Gaming Name: Nails
Age: 16
Location: Australia
Games You Play: Left4Dead,Garrysmod,GTA:SA Samp,GTA4,AgeOfChiv,WC3
Servers You Play:GameArena,Internode,HGN StalkerRP.
Previous Clan History: Used to play CounterStrike Source And joined a Surf Clan Surf-Junkies,Was the 2nd Best Surf Clan in Australia
Why you'd like to join:Since i Love the Roleplay Server i Want to Get Aquainted with the People and to Prove im loyal to the Server.

Accepted - Welcome To HGN :P
I chill quite often.


Real Name: Jake Savage
Gaming Name: Molested Rubber Ducky
Age: 13
Location: R-CAN-SAW
Games You Play: Garrysmod, Counter-Strike: Source, Team Fortress 2, Bioshock, SMOD, The Hidden, and Zombie Master
Servers You Play: WCA RPDM, Fight to Survive, Fallout Mod, and Radiation Script
Previous Clan History: eGO, LiG, DTH, Q, S.T.A.R.S, and Rockstar
Why you'd like to join: I play often.

Accepted - Welcome aboard Ducky !


Real Name: Antonio Gaton
Gaming Name: tonywolf
Age: 15
Location: New Jersey
Games You Play: The Specialists, Garrys Mod, Counter-Strike, GTA IV. Hoping to get an RP Server for GTA IV soon.
Servers You Play: I play on a mix of servers, whatever I can find. If I like it I stay, I usually play on your server though.
Previous Clan History: Been many, many, many clans over the 4 years of roleplaying. One clan was -Snort- which was a roleplaying clan for a half life modification "The Specialists"
Why you'd like to join: I'd like to join because I really admire the clan and the server. Its well put together and its entertaining. I'm extremley active on the server and I thought, what the hell...I'll throw in an application.

Accepted, i don't know you very well personally, but i somewhat trust you from our little chat.
I need quotes...


Real Name:Antonio Ruiz
Gaming Name: Deathcon
Location:Tampa, Florida
Games You Play:L4D,Gmod,CSS,CS 1.6,DoD,RO, The Ship, and a ton of others.
Servers You Play:Your SRP, 187 Jailbreak, Zombie Excape 1&2 and alot more I will give full list if requested
Previous Clan History: NzA and UM some old ZM clans and that's about it. I was one of the head admins at UM though
Why you'd like to join: Well you have some great members and fun servers to play on

Accepted, welcome to HGN Deathcon, add the HGN tag to your name, glad to see you chose to join our network.


Real Name: Calum Bradley
Gaming Name: Raz0r
Age: 19
Location: London
Games You Play: Garrys mod, Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead, Counter strike:Source, Day of Defeat:Source, Team Fortress 2, Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare+World at War.
Servers You Play: [HGN] S.T.A.L.K.E.R :Worm-communication:, Taco N Banana, Shhh... RP, MMOSuite Serious Roleplay.
Previous Clan History:|CA|, [SGC], [TnB].
Why you'd like to join:I would like to join your clan, for ONE reason, its teh bomb :rockon:.

Accepted, welcome to the network's clan !


Real Name: Jake Garrard
Gaming Name: PirateX
Age: 16
Location: London
Games You Play: Garrys mod.
Servers You Play: [HGN] S.T.A.L.K.E.R , Catastrophe
Previous Clan History: None.
Why you'd like to join: I would be a great member of this community, I will donate, help with maps and the gamemode etc.

Yarrrrrr Accepted ! :Tails-worn-out:


Real Name:Joshua Chegwin
Gaming Name: Subzero
Age:15...16 in april
Location:Liverpool/United Kingdom
Games You Play:Garry's Mod...CSS+ More after christmas
Servers You Play:S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP....WC3 Mod (CSS)
Previous Clan History:MGS(My Own)
Why you'd like to join:I would be able to donate...I will help new members on your servers. And alot of other stuff.

Accepted, lets fly lets fly away !


Real Name: JT
Gaming Name: Psycrowtik03385
Age: 19
Location: Western United States
Games You Play: Gmod, L4D, TF2, SA:MP, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Series, CS:S
Servers You Play: [HGN] Stalker RP, Nox, DiG, LotusClan
Previous Clan History: An old CS:S clan I was 2nd in command of many moons ago
Why you'd like to join: I enjoy roleplaying a lot and HGN is a great community

CROWAAAAARRRRR - yeah, the crow noise, anyway Accepted !


Real Name:Nikolaj
Gaming Name Nikolaz Wilson
Age: 14
Location: Denmark
Games You Play: Gmod Warhammer Age of Reckoning Left 4 Dead Etc Need a bigger list for this :)
Servers You Play: Ehh Friend's Private game : Jyri's server And Stalker Rp
Previous Clan History: My Clan's are PUMA (Friends) No Evil (Age of Chivalry)
Why you'd like to join: Becaouse i Enjoy playing on HGN Server's

Text Cyric the Archmage.


Real Name: Austin Eagon
Gaming Name: Zaki or Assassin
Age: 14
Location: Washington.
Games You Play: Gmod, CSS, DOD: Source, STALKER.
Servers You Play: Vagrant; art of drowning (CSS), Parking Lot Crew (CSS) S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP server (Gmod)
Previous Clan History: None.
Why you'd like to join: I want to be a part of something, and I like the HGN community and servers.



Real Name:Plague
Gaming Name: Plague
Age: 15, Plague.
Location: USA
Games You Play: What don't I play?
Servers You Play: A lot of servers.
Previous Clan History: TZ, lolol.
Why you'd like to join: Because I can. And I want a cool tag. Oh look, funny blood graphics. I like it. :Disintegrating-Soldier:

Accepted - Welcome back Plague =)


Real Name: Tyler Glew
Gaming Name: Carnage
Age: 14
Location: USA
Games You Play: All games :3
Servers You Play: HGN
Previous Clan History: TZ Rofl
Why you'd like to join: Because Rocock Sucks Patta's cock

Accepted, now time for the RAGE

And Vityaz from Fyren. And Fyren from Silver. And really, it goes on. It's like a giant homo sex train

-Rohok Teyar

Mr. Bigglesworth

Real Name: Eric
in-Game name:=Mr. Bigglesworth=
Age: 15
Location: Utah
Games: HL2, HL2DM, L4D, CSS, DODS, TF2, BF2, COD4, GMOD
Servers: Various, HL2DM Team Bio Clan server.
Clan History: Active Member of {TEAM BIO} HL2DM
Joining Reasons: To help the gaming community of [HGN] Gain its place.

Accepted - XD


Real Name: Alexander S?ther
Gaming Name: Afromana
Age: 14
Location: Norway
Games You Play: Garry's Mod, TF2, L4D, And alot of games i dont feel like posting right now.
Servers You Play: DRX, Infection, HGN S.T.A.L.K.E.R, HGN Fallout
Previous Clan History: DRX, Infection, CnDRP, LappyRP, NP,
Why you'd like to join: Well, technicaly ive joined already but if i were applying, i would say that this looks like a good Clan and ive heard alot of good from friends about HGN, also that it looks like a pretty fun and good roleplay experience at the RP servers.

Accepted !


Real Name: Luke
Gaming Name: Nines
Age: 15
Location: Houston, TX, USA
Games You Play: Gmod, TF2, Mount & Blade
Servers You Play: HGN STALKER, HGN Fallout, RARP RP, Optic RP.
Previous Clan History:RARP, ORP
Why you'd like to join: I like HGN, alot. And to help out.

Accepted - welcome nines


Real Name: Connor Grace.

Gaming Name: Creeding.

Age: 15

Location: Bristol,UK.

Games You Play:HL2dm,Gmod,ZPS,WC3,CS,CSS,Quake 2,Diablo 2,Modular combat (
Servers You Play: Stalker RP and soon to be your Fallout RP.

Previous Clan History: Xo,Mush,CoW (all unfortunatly died Q_Q).

Why you'd like to join: I love your community you have going also i think i would be a nice asset to the community with my fine british charm and atuned humour.

This message may or may not be endorsed by Creeding and he is by no means held to any comments, posts or any of the like made... Oh, and no. I dont like fancy pancy signatures.


Real Name: Matt Brownell
Gaming Name: Plunger
Age: 15
Location: Texas, America
Games You Play: Garry's Mod, Warcraft 3, Left 4 Dead, Byond.
Servers You Play: S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Previous Clan History: Ran the server for FN.
Why you'd like to join: It seems to be one of the only competent role-playing servers on Garry's Mod.



Real Name: Tom Waller
Gaming Name: Major Fluffy: 5th Fleet
Age: 15
Location: California, America
Games You Play: Gmod 11, Half-life 2, Half-life 2 Episode 1,2, possibly 3, Left 4 Dead, Counter-strike: Source, Half-life.
Servers You Play: S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP and Fallout RP.
Previous Clan History: I haven't been in a clan but in a group. This would be my first clan
Why you'd like to join: I want to help out the community, i've come across this one which seems to me to be fun instead of a bunch of minges on all the time.



Real Name:Alex
Gaming Name: Alex
Age: 14
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia, US
Games You Play: Gmod, OB, Fallout 3, SoC, and many others I can't remember at the moment.
Servers You Play: Any server with an interesting or fun mode with a good community.
Previous Clan History:None this would be my first one.
Why you'd like to join: I think HGN has a really good community. So I want to join and help out.
