|HGN| HyperGaming Network Member Application Thread

Started by Silver Knight, 14-09-2008

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Real Name: Matthias Ernst

Gaming Name : Akira

Age: 16

Location: Germany

Games You Play: Garry's Mod, CS:S , S.T.A.L.K.E.R. , TF2 , SA:MP, ...

Servers You Play:
The last time I was only playing on the [HGN] Stalker RP Server... Can't remember the servers before, but they were either roleplay or build servers..

Previous Clan History: Approximately 2 years ago I was in a CS:S clan. Nothing more.
Why you'd like to join: I think HGN is a very good community and I would like to know the members of the HGN a bit more ^^ (Oh and by the way : HGN ROCKS :punk: :tt2:)



Quote from: Creeding Real Name: Connor Grace.

Gaming Name: Creeding.

Age: 15

Location: Bristol,UK.

Games You Play:HL2dm,Gmod,ZPS,WC3,CS,CSS,Quake 2,Diablo 2,Modular combat (
Servers You Play: Stalker RP and soon to be your Fallout RP.

Previous Clan History: Xo,Mush,CoW (all unfortunatly died Q_Q).

Why you'd like to join: I love your community you have going also i think i would be a nice asset to the community with my fine british charm and atuned humour.



Real Name: Aaron

Gaming Name: JnU Jtull

Age: 14

Location: New York

Games You Play: Counter Strike source, Garrysmod 10, Warhammer 40,000,Day of Defeat Source,Half life 2 deathmatch,Left 4 Dead.

Servers You Play:[HGN] Stalker RP,The Virtual Anomoly

Previous Clan History: JnJ,Surf for life, JnU, Soul Storm, Plane Builders.

Why you'd like to join: I would like to join because I want to get involved with HGN and it is one of the best clans ever!


Moordact (Dervin Einsklare-stalker rp merc)
Css, Gmod , cs 1.6
HGn stalker rp , Darkland , sassilizations
Faw admin i think it's closed or anyway i am leaving
Don't mind my englisch im Dutch!


Real Name: Doug Ward
Gaming Name: Royz
Age: 15
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Games You Play: HL2, HL2DM, Dark Messiah, Garrysmod, Halo 3, COD4, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Etc.
Servers You Play: Hgn, Noxious, Actually alot
Previous Clan History: Many now dead clans (rolplaying clans)
Why you'd like to join: To fit in better in the community that I have been active with for the last 2 months. :yes:



SK can you look back to page 2 at the bottom ?

Me and another guy made a app.

Don't mind my englisch im Dutch!

Bl★ck Star

Real Name: Jan-Michel
Gaming Name:Cloud
Games You Play:SoC,Gmod,CS:s,Spellforce2,Mount&Blade,hl2,hl2:episode1,hl2:episode2,DoD:s,
Servers You Play:all hgn servers and not more :D
Previous Clan History: i have for every game another clan
Why you'd like to join: The HGN community is a big network with great servers and really great players :DD


Impure Reality

Real Name: Justin
Gaming Name:Impure Reality
Location:United States of America State Flordia
Games You Play:Wolrd of Warcraft for four years and I play Garry mod and Team fortress two and many other games *I have gametap*
Servers You Play:Hgn stalker sereous roleplay and zombie survival.
Previous Clan History: I was in the clan For Perfection in world of warcraft before I quit the game I ninjaed Epic healing gear.
Why you'd like to join: The HGN community is the only real community I really played with I really enjoyed playing on your servers and I never have been disapointed about the roleplay.



Real Name:Kevin
Gaming Name: rokema
Games You Play: Gmod, Counterstrike, TF2, HL2 Ep1 and 2 , Alot of mods. +More games I can't remember
Servers You Play: HGN, Sassilization, TNB, And random RP and other servers
Previous Clan History: BOB, S4LT and alot of more Clans I can't remember.
Why you'd like to join: Is a nice Rp'ing Clan, good community... And can't wait til Crussaria!



Real Name: Jack
Gaming Name: Rohok
Age: 16
Location: Denver, Colorado
Games You Play: You can find me on GMOD, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Left 4 Dead, or SOMETIMES CSS. For a full list, see: http://www.hypergamer.net/board/index.php/topic,955.0.html
Servers You Play: Mainly HGN. I played a little bit on TnB but I obviously don't fit in there (Can't stop flaming those people and trolling them), and I sometimes play on Projekt 7E9.
Previous Clan History: My first clan ever was ERC (Expert Rifle Corps) on Operation Flashpoint, and then I created my own a few years later on Rainbow Six Vegas called CTU (And then it turned into DMC). Finally, I joined a guild on SWG, before finally making my own, before EVENTUALLY coming here.
Why you'd like to join: I figured it was about time I joined the community 100%, instead of just being a loner. I like the people here, and I think it's only fair that I continue to support them, the community, and Silver's slim fast budget.

Yum, slim fast =) Accepted !


Real Name: Withheld
Gaming Name: Locke
Age: Withheld
Location: Manitoba, Canada
Games You Play: HL2, HL2DM, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Garrysmod, Halo 2, COD4, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Left 4 Dead ( More )
Servers You Play: Hgn, Tnb, Noxious and lots of random sandboxes
Previous Clan History: None :P
Why you'd like to join: I've never OFFICIALLY joined, but I'm an admin and play all the time, so I just want to make it official.

yeeeeeeeeeeeey Accepted :clap:


Real Name: William Reynolds
Gaming Name: Sniperhunter
Age: 16
Location: North Carolina- GOOD OL' USA!
Games You Play: All the source games, Stalker, gmod ( Dur ), and too many others to name them all.
Servers You Play: All the HGN servers, and I hop around to other random servers.
Previous Clan History: [R|L], =XCS= , and -EdO-
Why you'd like to join: I've been on vent and on the server for awhile, So I mind as well join.

Wooooot ! Way to go sniper ! Accepted


Real Name: Chris Sanders
Gaming Name: The Chosen One
Age: 16
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Games You Play: Css, Gmod, The Specialist, Age of Chivalry, Stalker SoC, L4D, COD5
Servers You Play: STALKER serious RP server
Previous Clan History: None
Why you'd like to join: I decided since I've been in the community for 3 months I should join. I also want to join the Clan because I play there every day.

Thanks for applying, accepted
STALKER RP Characters
Alive- Mental Stability= 92%- Michael Zutherson-DUTY Applicant

Alive- Mental Stability= 99%- Nikolai Zakhar-Mercenary

Alek Kenenday

Real Name:Alex Kennedy
Gaming Name: Redneck
Location: San Antonio, Texas , United states of America
Games You Play: garrysmod, battlegrounds 2 , Team Fortress 2 , Sven coop
Servers You Play:[HGN] [PE]
Previous Clan History: Roadside Picnic, Team Alliance (Disbanded 2004 Sven coop roleplay group*
Why you'd like to join: I want to be a part of HGN because I love the HGN servers and am applying for development team
and silver you told me to sign up



Real Name:Josh Miller
Gaming Name: Caboose
Location: New York , United states of America
Games You Play: garrysmod, battlegrounds 2 , Team Fortress 2 , Sven coop, Left4Dead, Hl2, smod, cs:s, insurgency, age of chivalry, empires,zombie panic, and hidden
Servers You Play:[HGN] and lots others
Previous Clan History: League of assassins,Left for Dead public,building pigsof fire, mafia chronicles rp, and gamerz elite zero
Why you'd like to join: I want to be a part of HGN because i started playing your stalker rp and loved it and all the members of it (locke and pyscro) and although i dont play stalker rp much any more i'd love to play future games and servers with you guys and your community since this is kinda the first clan i've ever really been in interactive with. (you guys rock)



Real Name: Don Frema
Gaming Name: Don Frema
Age: 21
Location: United States
Games You Play: Counter Strike, Garrys Mod, Team Fortress Classic and 2
Servers You Play: Pheonix's Real Life Server and many more.
Previous Clan History: Only a Sandbox clan, Never found the real need to be in a clan other than to keep in contact with friends and needed clan members.
Why you'd like to join:I am applying to keep in contact with those in the clan and to apply for admin on the RP server. I want to be a part of this community and feel i will be a great addition. Thanks!



Real Name: Luke
Gaming Name: Ganendor
Age: 16
Location: South Wales, UK
Games You Play: Gmod, CoD5, L4D, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Fallout 3, Farcry 2 and a couple of others.
Servers You Play: Any decent RP with a good latency. Pref HGN Stalker Server
Previous Clan History: Umbrella Chronicles, TFS
Why you'd like to join: I find that all of the people in your community are nice and i would like to join because it is mostly active at all times and very friendly.


I am Soldier - Play Free Online Games


Real Name: Michael.
Gaming Name: Welek.
Age: 14.
Location: Canadaland.
Games You Play: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SoC, Gmod, CSS, Half-Life 2 (All EP), uhm thats all I can think of.
Servers You Play: Taco N Banana, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP, random build, random other gamemodes.
Previous Clan History: EGO (Everyone knows of them) [PB] Pitbulls, a xbox live CoD4 clan.
Why you'd like to join: Well, i've made a few friends in your server. And i've been told to attempt to join, so here I am applying. Thanks.



Real Name: John Whiteside
Gaming Name: Kira
Age: 14
Location: UK
Games You Play: Left 4 Dead, Gmod, Counterstrike, Fallout.
Servers You Play: MWRP
Previous Clan History: MWRP, BBroleplay, SGL.
Why you'd like to join: More friends to make I suppose, noone likes playing alone.



Real Name: Aaron Wagner
Gaming Name: Shellshock
Age: 15
Location: Kansas, US
Games You Play: Gmod, CS:S, STALKER, Fallout, AVP2
Servers You Play: Webkillers cs_office,
Previous Clan History: BIOHZD, ELKC
Why you'd like to join: SilverKnight said I should, and I like the quality of the servers


Saint Studios

Real Name: Austin Reilly
Gaming Name: Green Saint,Saint,Saint studios
Age: Old enough to speak the language of english with correct grammar.
Location:United States
Games You Play: Most steam games, tibia(nice to pass some time) rainbow six games,bf2, Lets just go with a lot.
Servers You Play: Random for bf2 and most steam games execpt Gmod, I play the Stalker rp server and a few others.
Previous Clan History: NONE
Why you'd like to join: Because I feel I can contribute to the clan in some form or another and because I like the community.

I am the forum kool-aid man because I thought of it and called it first. :)



Real Name: Lenin Zahann
Gaming Name Dr.Zahan,Leni,Lazzie,Razzle-Dazzle (don't ask >_>)
Age:I am Something going on something one higher ~
Location: USA ,RI
Games You Play: Many many many RTS games,Gmod,and a few source mods.
Servers You Play: the S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP one time to time and I tend to use set matches for RTS games .
Previous Clan History: None.
Why you'd like to join: I can advertise like all get up,I'd love to meet new people ,and I feel like it's time since I've been on the site for a long time that I should join the clan.



Real Name: Oscar Flos,

Gaming Name: Laferio

Age: 23

Location: U.S

Games You Play: Company of Heros, Mount and blade, Gmod, Hl2, Tf2, Supreme commander.

Servers You Play: S.T.A.L.K.E.R Gmod HGN Server, Wooo And the Pheonix roleplay server (Lol I learn2grammar)

Previous Clan History: I used to be in TnB, For two and a half years, after a while I was kicked out for the most stupid/Invalid reason.

Why you'd like to join: I love this community, so far its great. Mostly everybody likes me and I get along well with others.



Real Name: Ian M.
Gaming Name: Dark Assassin
Age: [Kept private due to stereotypes]
Location: Jax, FL. USA
Games You Play: Gmod, Air Rivals (every once in a while), [following are PS3 games] endwar. I haven't really been playing that many games lately other than garrysmod.
Servers You Play: Fallout Roleplay www.falloutrp.com |IRiS Studios| ; IP:, NoX Teamplay, S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay, Gmod Racer.
Previous Clan History: MNWRP, YG, BLU, Desertia, CO52, Legitcobra Servers, Supreme Dominance, WTD, TEC, Olden, Shoot-Em.com.
Why you'd like to join: I find this Clan very interesting, for it spans over a wide range of games not only Gmod and think this would be fun.


"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Real Name: Anders Munk
Gaming Name Auro
Age: 17
Location: Denmark
Games You Play: L4D COD4 GMOD EE3 EE2 - and more
Servers You Play: lots and lots of server.
Previous Clan History: too meny to write up
Why you'd like to join: for fun. to have fun. for the sake of fun.

Accepted - Welcome Auro