|HGN| HyperGaming Network Member Application Thread

Started by Silver Knight, 14-09-2008

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Real Name:
Gaming Name: waffles
Age: 20
Location: UK
Games You Play: hl, hl2, tf2, fallout2, stalker, Ultima Online,
Servers You Play: none, used to work on FalloutRP before it got shut down.
Previous Clan History: FalloutRP Admin Team, Empires Mod - BSID Clan
Why you'd like to join: Just somewhere to RP, and hopefully help out. I can map afterall, quite well. :)

Accepted, welcome to HGN. Look in the development section to post your work, were always looking for fresh faces to help develop.


Applications updated, new people accepted.


Real Name: Joseph Toole
Gaming Name: UnnamedTheRevenge(Ireland)
Age: 19
Location: Dublin
Games You Play: GMod, DOD:S, CSS, all Valve games, BF2,1942 etc.
Servers You Play: TnB, Flex Gaming, GModTotal, been RPing since GM9.
Previous Clan History: -
Why you'd like to join: I feel I am a very experienced Roleplayer and have a lot to add to the HGN :)

Accepted, welcome to HGN man


Real Name:Romel
Gaming Name: Romka
Age: 17
Location: Estonia
Games You Play: All source games, Fallout3, Oblivion, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl,Clear Sky.. etc.
Servers You Play:Currently only playing on HGN servers.
Previous Clan History: 187ci,Kudo,S7,TnB.. etc.
Why you'd like to join:I love this community and the people in it, this community suits me perfectly and there's no other community quite like this out there.

Welcome to HGN, about time.


Real Name: Carter Hentzen
Gaming Name: Zero
Age: 16
Location: Texas, because we all love Texas for some reason.
Games You Play: Halo 3, Garrys mod, Fallen earth (SOON!) and I have too long of a list to name them all
Servers You Play: HGN servers... and nothing much else too specific just a few random servers I go to occassionally on other games.
Previous Clan History: Fallout RP (DEAD) Star wars Unlimited (ALSO DEAD) Pheonix RP (Supposedly dead)
Why you'd like to join: I enjoy roleplaying, you guys enjoy roleplaying, Perfect fit no? I could always use a few more friends to hang with.

Accepted, welcome to the where the cool kids play.


Real Name: Dennis K
Gaming Name OxTox
Age: Sixteen.
Location: The Netherlands
Games You Play: Garry's Mod, Team Fortress Two and Stalker Shadows of Chernobyl.
Servers You Play: STALKER Roleplay, HGN ofcourse.
Previous Clan History: None actually.
Why you'd like to join: Becuase I want to show my dedication by wearing the HGN tag with pride and enjoy your servers to the ultimatum! I enjoy roleplaying with members of the HGN community alot so well here we are.

Acceeepted, welcome to HGN Dennis.


Real Name:Arman
Gaming Name:Raydark
Location:South Africa
Games You Play:Gmod, Half-Life 1&2, L4D, TF2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R SOC, CS:S.
Servers You Play:Stalker RP; HL2RP. [Among other random servers]
Previous Clan History: [BPF] {AOH} And the CS:S branch of [BPF]
Why you'd like to join: I Love HGN and roleplay, Along with Gmod and would love to be a part of your community!

Accepted, and from South Africa, cool.


Real Name: Michael S
Gaming Name: Toxic
Age: 16
Location: Ohio
Games You Play: Garry's Mod, Counter Strike Source, Half Life 2 & Episode 1 and 2.
Servers You Play: Stalker Roleplay. And HGN
Previous Clan History: CCZ
Why you'd like to join: I'd like to settle down with a server and be dedicated to it. Im sick of jumping one after the other. I'd like to stay here become known and help out the server anyway possible.

Accepted, welcome to HGN.


Real Name: Devon Sparks
Gaming Name: Bacon
Age: 16
Location: United Kingdom
Games You Play: Garrys mod , CSS , Bassicaly anything i have got on my steam account
Servers You Play: Hypergamer.net StalkerRP
Previous Clan History: Nope
Why you'd like to join: I have been looking for a good community and looks like i just found one so i can settle down and get to know the community a bit more aswell.

Accepted, Welcome to HGN, Devon.


Real Name: Kenny Morris
Gaming Name Chaos
Age: 15
Location: USA, Ohio
Games You Play: GMod, CS:S, HL2 and episodes, Insurgency
Servers You Play: eGO servers for CS:S and Ins. HGN for roleplay and anything else it makes because they always are good.
Previous Clan History: http://www.edgegamers.org/forums/cmps_index.php
Why you'd like to join: Everyone else is in it.. And I'm still not.

Accepted, Welcome to HGN, Mr.Chaos, wheres your fluffy cat?


Real Name: Cameron Burleson

Gaming Name: Keyfoot

Age: 17

Location: USA, South Dakota, Sioux Falls

Games You Play: Garry's Mod, CSS, BG2, Mount & Blade, WC3, SC, and much, much more

Servers You Play: HGN STALKER RP server, nad the HGN BG2 server.

Previous Clan History: Black Sheep Mercinaries(1 year 2002 MW4 is the game) Peacemaker Core(2 years 2004-2006 Game BF2 and packs) HL2Land (1.5 years 2006-2007 Garrys mod is the game) SSTRP(8 months 2007-2008 Gmod the game)
Ive been jumping from game to game since then. Now im prob gonna settle on good ol gmod again

Why you'd like to join:Id like to be with a group i share common interests with, and that are very productive

Accepted, Welcome to HGN, KeyFoot, Im glad you want to hang with us HGNERS, you have a long history there


Real Name: Arthur Hutchinson
Gaming Name: []Doom[]
Age: 13
Location: United States
Games You Play: GMod,ZP:S,TF2,CoD4,GTA4,DeadSpace,Fallout3,STALKER SoC, DoD:S, Alot more...
Servers You Play: HGN STALKER RP Server
Previous Clan History: Well when I was playing Unreal Gold I join the clan [][] and now that clan is gone forever and I think thats the only clan I've been to.
Why you'd like to join:The reason why I want to join is because the S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP Is amazing just like the game. I also love the community, lots of friendly players I played with on your server so far.

Accepted, Welcome to HGN, Well, we try to make it like the game, as much as source allows us XD
Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson - ALIVE
Anne 'Savior' Gerris - ALIVE
Coroner - ALIVE
'Crazed' - ALIVE


Real Name: Channing Davis (shut up)
Gaming Name: Lucidius, Lucid, Luci, Luci Gewsi, Cassius, Cass
Age: 19
Location: Land of the Caribou eh? (Can-nuh-duh!)
Games You Play: CSS, CS1.6, CSCZ, TF2, DoD, Gmod, STALKER, Second Life, HL2JKS, Fortress Forever, Left 4 Dead, Smod, Synergy, Crossfire, Anarchy Online, Blitz1941, City of Heroes, NeverWinter Nights 2, Diablo
(These are games i've played recently, not just ones I own)[Bolded are ones i'm playing or played the past few hours]
Servers You Play: HGN obviously,HighTimes 24/7 Crack House DM (css), Titties-N-Beer 24/7 Crackhouse DM other then that, what ever server has a good map, and decent number of people. I normally just pub.
Previous Clan History: ~{ESB}~ back in America's Army 2.0.1 or some shit back in 2002
Why you'd like to join: I havn't been in a 'clan' for a long time and I miss bantering on Vent about nonsense while playing eather a game or games with slightly like minded people (too insane to get along with most of yah D:<), get to know some more people outside of the very large circle jerk of cyber idiots who get off to drama. (COUGH SLMILITARY COUGH) This act could also be called; making new friends.

Also help out with the STALKER server once i'm a bit more familiar with LUA functions.

Welcome to HGN mate! - Locke
Please check out my other suggestions for PS2. Click 'Like' if you agree!

!IMPORTANT! Empire Specific Fighters and the Empire Specific Weapons. Overview, tweeks and nerfs! BIG POST

My Profile[/b][/size]


Real Name: Josh
Gaming Name: Josh o Driscoll
Age: 13
Location: Ireland
Games You Play: Garrysmod
Servers You Play: HGN Stalker
Previous Clan History:None
Why you'd like to join: Well i play on the HGN server quite a bit and i like it, its good to roleplay on etc, and i would like to apart of this community

Welcome to HGN, have fun!


Real Name: Tucker Small
Gaming Name: Farenhiet
Age: 15
Location: Colorado, USA
Games You Play: G-Mod, L4D, TF2, Killing Floor, some 360 and PS3 here and then MODS: Zombie Master, SmashBall, Insurgency, Kreedz Climbing Mod, Pirates Vikings and Knights II
Servers You Play: HGN, TDR, TnB sometimes. The only games that I actually care for servers are ZM, G-Mod, and TF2.
Previous Clan History: TWM, that's it
Why you'd like to join: I've played on HGN quite a bit and have been part in some epic moments already and I'd like to become more well know around here, and add that tag on my steam name ^_^

Welcome to HGN Farenhiet, I hope you have fun!


Real Name: Matt Stone
Gaming Name: The Jackal
Age: 18
Location: Watford UK
Games You Play: Gmod, Darkest hour, Red orchestra, STALKER :P, BF2142 and INS
Servers You Play: HGN Stalker SRP
Previous Clan History: EX Community owner of a small time community, The racklejaxx community.
Why you'd like to join: Well i declared Gmod boring, until i found this server, so i think im gonna stick with it.
And when i can donate, i will.

Accepted - You seem like a friendly fellow :)


Real Name: Zsolt Szentivanyi
Gaming Name: Szentii
Age: 12
Location: Hungary,Monor
Games You Play: CSS, CS, GMOD, HL2:DM, TF2, WoW, STALKER SoC, STALKER CS, Resident Evil 5 (Coop:D), Combat Arms, Warcraft 3, Red Faction Guerilla, Day of Defeat Source (Have it on another account), UT3, And lotsa of HL2 Mods
Servers You Play: STALKER Role-Play, and STALKER Call Of Pripyat
Previous Clan History: I was in the RackleJaxx community too, I was admin on the Build server... And i was in a lot of CSS Clans, But after a week, I did knowd they all suck, Couldn't find a normal CSS clan lul.
Why you'd like to join: I want to help this community growing, And I like it. Ohh and |HGN| Szentii looks cool :D



Real Name: David Hajnal
Gaming Name: Devrick Diesel
Location: Hungary, Tatabanya
Games You Play: Gmod, HL2:DM, TF2, Stalker SoC, Stalker CS, Resident evil 5, Red Faction Guerilla, GTA SA:MP, Batman Arkham Asylum, Company Of Heroes, Left 4 Dead HL2, HL2ep1, HL2ep2, Portal, Lot of HL2 mods.
Servers You Play: HGN SRP
Previous Clan History:I was in the RackleJax Community, and I was and admin in the CPP
Why you'd like to join: The SRP is the best gmod server. I like the srp, and I plays in this server every times.



Real Name: James Arrows
Gaming Name: Locke the Gay
Age: 45
Location: Canadia
Games You Play: Tag with children, hide and go seek as well.
Servers You Play: Whats that? Locke is a homosexual?
Previous Clan History: Was with the Koo Klux for a while, then I quit.
Why you'd like to join: I hear this is a good place to meet children.



Real Name: Kyle
Gaming Name: Nevrox
Age: 17
Location: California, United States
Games You Play: GMod, CSS, NS, CS 1.6, R&L, all Battlefield games, empires mod, DoD, Hidden: Source, Eve Online, Darkfall Online, Wurm Online, War Rock, S.T.A.L.K.E.R SoC, and a few others...
Servers You Play: I used to play on TnB servers which I don't care for anymore, I play on HGN's SRP which I love, and I play on numerous servers on other games...
Previous Clan History: I used to have my own clan called NoobKill, I was with a clan/community called Happy Hour Gaming, and another one called Pew Pew Zombies (PPZ or something like that), and I also was making my own gaming community with a few others but it didn't work out so well.
Why you'd like to join: I really like the community and all of its members. I have fun playing on the servers with you guys and want to continue doing so. Maybe hopefully do some scrims in CSS or some clan fights in NS or something, would be fun.


Kostya 'Spade' Lutsky - Exp. Loner - ALIVE
Nikolai 'Sparrow' Skavaski - Exp. Bandit - ALIVE
Falcon - Exp. Merc - ALIVE
Savage - Bloodsucker - ALIVE
Konrad 'Owl' Prutsky - Trader - ALIVE
William Evans - Scientist (R&D) - ALIVE


Real Name: Arvid

Gaming Name: Gan

Age: 15

Location: Norway / Tønsberg

Games You Play: CS:S, CS 1.6, Bg2, Gmod, TMFNFSS, Track Mania, etc

Servers You Play: Random

Previous Clan History: 22nd

Why you'd like to join: Because HGN looks like a decent group. (Also, Afromana's seal of approval)



Real Name:Brian
Gaming Name: Midnight
Games You Play:TF2,Garry's Mod,L4D,Fallout 3, Half Life series
Servers You Play:HNG(of course),Pulsar Effect,Rolenation, and random servers for none Garry's Mod play.
Previous Clan History:None Really.
Why you'd like to join: The  amount of time I have had on these servers has been great and I want to further this by joining the community officially.

Accepted, welcome.


Real Name:Brandon Ortiz
Gaming NameBto2295

Age:14, but Mature

Location:New Yourk

Games You Play:Garrysmod,Counterstrike,Killingfloor, Call of duty 2, Stalker Clear sky. I Play Garrysmod the most.

Servers You Play:I play on Stalker rp, and i Also Play On Ovrp(OverwatchRp)

Previous Clan History:I was in the Clan 187CiClan.com. I always Played on there Servers 24/7 Intil I found Hgn,

THen after 3 mounths Of here, I quit 187 and here i am.

Why you'd like to join:Because all the Members are Cool/Nice. I always chill With them in vent, ITs a Great
Community, thats Still Developing Its Servers.Since I Play Ssrp So much, WHy Not Join (Hgn)

ALso SIlverNight Ows me a Cookie!   Jk :P

Accepted, welcome, heres your cookie
Freedom all day BITCHES!


Real Name: Adam

Gaming Name: Raxx (Sometimes Crayfishy123)

Age: 17

Location: Kent - UK

Games You Play: PC - Gmod, Black and white 2, Fallout 3, HL2 and more. Xbox - GTA4, COD4, Halo ODST, GOW2 and more.

Servers You Play: HGNs S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay.

Previous Clan History: Well then... 2 years of random clans on the xbox that were made by friends and occasionaly co-owned by me. 2 Years at HL2land, 3-4 months of a serious roleplaying clan/guild on Star Wars Galaxies. Co-owned the Racklejaxx community on Gmod with The Jackal for a good few months. That's all I remember really.

Why you'd like to join: Got a few friends here and I like the S.T.A.L.K.E.R server a lot (Even though I have only been on it a few times so far) and would very much like to be a part of the community.

Accepted - Good to see that its not just me that used to play SWG :)
Szenti is my Cabin boy.


Real Name: Benjamin Matthew Barlow
Gaming Name Lammardude
Age: 14 (Does not Affect my Quality of Roleplay)
Location: United Kingdom - England
Games You Play: S.T.A.L.K.E.R Series , Garry's Mod 10 , Left 4 Dead
Many more I cant be Really Bothered to List
Servers You Play:
None At the Moment but I am Starting S.t.a.l.k.e.r RP
and Maybe more if I have the time
Previous Clan History:
Not Really participated in a Clan but I do already understand what
it takes to stay in one
Why you'd like to join:
It sounds like an Amazing Community with an Amazing Skill of Roleplay
I would like to take part in this as I am sick of playing 24 hours of roleplay that turns into deathmatching
in about 5 minuits.

Accepted - Ive seen you in-server alot, I'd say you're ready for a nice little tag :V