Trader Weapons/Suit Tiers.

Started by Aresty, 26-09-2010

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Weapons and Suit Tier Request Form

If you think time has come to get an upgrade in your tiers, ask for it here.
Also note, you must had at least 1 week of experience as a trader before applying here. More is preferred.
You may apply for only ONE at a time. A minimum of two months is required to apply for the second. IE: You get Tier 1 weapons now, you must wait 2 months to app for Tier 1 suits or the next higher grade Tier.

[b][color=saddlebrown]SF Name:[/color][/b]  [u]   [/u]
[b][color=saddlebrown]IG Name:[/color][/b]  [u]   [/u]
[b][color=saddlebrown]Which tier you are applying for:[/color][/b]  [u]   [/u]
[b][color=saddlebrown]Why should you get it ?:[/color][/b]  [u]   [/u]


SF Name:      CC
IG Name:      Faustus
Which tier you are applying for:      T2 Weapons
Why should you get it ?:      Faustus has been working a long time in the Zone, with Ecologists and Duty alike; He is working his trust back up with these factions in order to access the weapons he had available to him before. He does this in hopes that stalkers will survive better with higher quality weapons while making a pretty penny in the process.


SF Name:Darkzerxx     
IG Name:'Lion'     
Which tier you are applying for:Teir 2 Guns     
Why should you get it ?:Lion has been a long time trader in the zone and has had connections with duty and eco contacts over the years and once had some of the most exclusive smugglers helping him get his gear in. FOr the past week he has been spending time trading and reestablishing his old connections in time. He hopes that he is able to slowly reconnect.     

Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


SF Name:      [SG] Paralyzed
IG Name:      Vladislav 'Shadow' Ivanov
Which tier you are applying for:      T1 Weapons.
Why should you get it ?:      Vladislav 'Shadow' Ivanov has worked in the Zone for quite a while now. He's the main trader for STALKERS, and has been looking into extending his stock that he currently is selling to them. He worked hard getting the connections he needs, to gain himself access to weaponry that he could provide to the STALKERS for better protection. Vladislav has been working hard on his connections with Duty to gain himself access to the Tier 1 Weapons.
SRP Characters:
Artyom Fedoseev 'Ex S-Sgt, Duty' - Alive
Dimitri Petrenkov 'Co-Leader, The Rangers' - Alive
Vladislav Ivanov 'Trader' - KIA


SF Name: |HGN-FOTO| GamerHead     
IG Name: Anton Valisk     
Which tier you are applying for:Tier 1 suits     
Why should you get it ?:Because Anton is a small traveling trader that aquired different suits through his travels and there isn't anyone besides Steven that can sell suits.  I also think that it would better the server by having a trader that sells at least some suits.     


SF Name:  |HGN| Rarr
IG Name:      'Niko'
Which tier you are applying for:       Tier 1 Guns.
Why should you get it ?:  Niko has been working in the Zone for a while making friends and rivals. After dealing with a few bandits, he gained access to part of what they collected from Rookie Stalkers such as low tier guns which can be passed on and sold for a higher price to Stalkers.


SF Name:  vashboy31   
IG Name:  Strell Loconos   
Which tier you are applying for:  Weapon Tier 1   
Why should you get it ?:  I've been very active since my acceptance into the ranks of the Traders. I've been supply jobs and cash to many stalkers (Mostly New Players or Rookies) and it would be more convenient to get more supplies for more weapons. Strell has also produced and moved much equipment for his business parters and private benefactors. They believe that he could make more money with more implemented traders and better equipment to sell. Strell has paid attention to what stalkers want and what they need. He has made a requisition for certain product.




SF Name: Vortigoat

IG Name:Nykyfor Sladvoski
Which tier you are applying for: Suit Tier 1
Why should you get it?:I think i should get it because i've been very
active on my trader since i got accepted. With the profit that Nykyfor made from selling basic goods he decided to invest into getting better equipment such as low tier suits that could sell for a good price on the market (Since there aren't that many traders that sell suits)




SF Name:|HGN| Rarr     
IG Name:'Niko'     
Which tier you are applying for: Tier 2 guns     
Why should you get it ?: Niko has been working in The Zone for a while, making friends and rivals. He has many bandit contacts who have been supplying him with weapons from unlucky stalkers. Niko has also mades friends with veteran stalkers who has also been supplying him with weapons and basic supplies to sell as well.
(I know i havent been active for a week or two but I would app anyway since it has been a few months)


SF Name:      [SG] Paralyzed
IG Name:      Vladislav 'Shadow' Ivanov
Which tier you are applying for:      T1 Suits
Why should you get it ?:       Vladislav Ivanov has been spending quite a long time in the Zone. He worked hard getting the connections he needs, as he has been looking to expand his storage with suits to hopefully provide Stalkers some better protection than just their rookie jackets.
SRP Characters:
Artyom Fedoseev 'Ex S-Sgt, Duty' - Alive
Dimitri Petrenkov 'Co-Leader, The Rangers' - Alive
Vladislav Ivanov 'Trader' - KIA