73rd Special Operations Unclassified Logs

Started by irondeity, 22-08-2010

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((Alright, this is for the members of the 73rd to write about things. Unclassified mission information and things you want to make up for your character are welcomed. Keep the OOC clutter to a minimum and enjoy.))
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Had to deal with a loudmouth idiot outside of Colonel Yurdanski's office. If this guy thinks he has an intimidation factor then he's sadly mistaken.  Seems the men and I will have to make it perfectly clear that we are here because people were fucking up, causing this regiment to fuck up, and in turn, made the whole of Ukraine look like a fuck up. And the brass at Kiev didnt like that at all, so here we are. I'll lay down the law in the morning, as well as speak to the Colonel. We dont know much on this area, so I'll have him command us for the duration of our stay, should he factor in the structure below himself then I suppose command will be having a chat with him. Mirkov, report 1.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Lieutenant Valin Skagorov
Log Report - 1

We've finally made it to the forward base in Sector 42. The commanding officer of this base would be the rather paranoid Colonel Yurdansky. The troops here aren't exactly what I would call combat material, but I suppose that's why we've been dispatched. I have a feeling that were going to be thrown into combat a lot here, seeing as most of the grunts are incapable. I'm actually anxious to see some action. I've been in and out, but never this far into the containment zone. Lets hope that we see something soon.

End Log Report

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Spoke to Yurdansky today on the behalf of my men and I. Why he's coped up in his office rather than fixing the problems with his regiment are beyond me. He gave out the first mission details which I will share with the men when I get back to the barracks. The main highlight of the conversation was to express our authority in the area, and to inform him of how his men and mercs may disappear should they disrespect us at any time.

-Report 2, Mirkov
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


I broke a man with little effort, who for some reason, got into, and nearly killed half the men currently on duty. This is pathetic, my respect for the garrison just dropped back to zero. Just when I think they're making an improvement, this happens.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data